Oct 23, 2019 10:46:20 AM (5 years ago)

Updates for the aerosol module salsa

  • Reformat the emission data for the pre-processed mode (lod=2) to limit the size of the input file. Now, the emission is given as total number emission per emission category (ncat) and the number size distribution is given in variable emission_number_fracs(ncat,nbins).
  • Implement offline nesting for salsa. Additionally, offline nesting can be turn off specifically for salsa using the switch nesting_offline_salsa.
  • Remove init_aerosol_type and init_gases_type from salsa_parin and define them based on the initializing_actions
  • parameter definition removed from "season" and "season_z01" is added to parin
  • bugfix in application of index_hh after implementing the new palm_date_time_mod
5 edited


  • palm/trunk/TESTS/cases/urban_environment_salsa/INPUT/urban_environment_salsa_p3d

    r4256 r4270  
    193193!-- Time stepping
    194     dt_salsa           =   2.0, ! time step for calculating aerosol processes (s)
    195     skip_time_do_salsa =  10.0, ! starting time of SALSA (s)
    197 !
    198 !-- Concentration initial types: 0 = based on the parameter file, 1 = read from a NetCDF file
    199     init_aerosol_type  = 0, ! size distribution
    200     init_gases_type    = 0, ! gases
    202 !
    203 !-- If isdtyp = 0, define the initial aerosol size distribution by dpg, sigmag and n_lognorm
    204     dpg       = 13.5E-9, 54.0E-9, 864.1E-9, ! mean diameter per mode (in metres)
    205     sigmag    =     1.8,    2.16,     2.21, ! standard deviation per mode
    206     n_lognorm =  1.43E9,  4.45E8,    7.0E4, ! number concentration per mode (#/m3)
    208 !
    209 !-- If igctyp = 0, apply these initial gas concentrations                       
    210     H2SO4_init = 5.0E12, ! sulphuric acid (#/m3)
    211     HNO3_init  = 3.0E12, ! nitric acid (#/m3)
    212     NH3_init   = 6.0E12, ! ammonia (#/m3)       
    213     OCNV_init  = 1.0E12, ! non-volatile organic gases (#/m3)
    214     OCSV_init  = 1.0E12, ! non-volatile organic gases (#/m3)
     194    dt_salsa             =   2.0, ! time step for calculating aerosol processes (s)
     195    skip_time_do_salsa   =  10.0, ! starting time of SALSA (s)
     198!-- If initializing_actions includes 'set_constant_profiles' ,
     199!-- define the initial aerosol size distribution by dpg, sigmag and n_lognorm
     200    dpg                  = 13.5E-9, 54.0E-9, 864.1E-9, ! mean diameter per mode (in metres)
     201    sigmag               =     1.8,    2.16,     2.21, ! standard deviation per mode
     202    n_lognorm            =  1.43E9,  4.45E8,    7.0E4, ! number concentration per mode (#/m3)
     205!-- If initializing_actions includes 'set_constant_profiles', apply these initial gas concentrations                   
     206    H2SO4_init           = 5.0E12, ! sulphuric acid (#/m3)
     207    HNO3_init            = 3.0E12, ! nitric acid (#/m3)
     208    NH3_init             = 6.0E12, ! ammonia (#/m3)       
     209    OCNV_init            = 1.0E12, ! non-volatile organic gases (#/m3)
     210    OCSV_init            = 1.0E12, ! non-volatile organic gases (#/m3)
    217213!-- List of activated chemical components:
    218214!-- NOTE! Chemical species have to be activated here even if they are not initially present!
    219     listspec = 'OC','NO','NH','','','','',  ! List of actived aerosols        
    220     ! listspec = 'SO4','OC','BC','DU','SS','NO','NH',
     215    listspec             = 'OC','NO','NH','','','','',       
     216    ! listspec             = 'SO4','OC','BC','DU','SS','NO','NH',
    223219!-- Sectional presentation of the particle size distribution
    224     reglim = 3.0E-9, 1.0E-8, 2.5E-6, ! limits of the subranges (m)
    225     nbin   = 1, 7,                   ! number of bins per subrange
     220    reglim               = 3.0E-9, 1.0E-8, 2.5E-6, ! limits of the subranges (m)
     221    nbin                 = 1, 7,                   ! number of bins per subrange
    226222!-- NOTE! Subrange 1 consists only of H2SO4 and/or OC
    227     nf2a   = 1.0,                    ! Number fraction allocated to subrange 2a (b-bins will get 1-nf2a)
     223    nf2a                 = 1.0,                    ! Number fraction allocated to subrange 2a
    230226!-- Aerosol emissions:
    231     salsa_emission_mode = 'read_from_file', ! 'no_emission','uniform' or 'read_from_file'
     227    salsa_emission_mode  = 'read_from_file', ! 'no_emission','uniform' or 'read_from_file'
    232228!-- NOTE! chemical components of the source have to be activated in 'listspec'
    233229!--       and have to be in the same order
    236232!-- If isdtyp = 0, set the chemical composition of the initial particle size distribution
    237     mass_fracs_a = 0.8, 0.1, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ! mass fractions of chemical components: soluble
    238     mass_fracs_b = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ! mass fractions of chemical components: insoluble
     233    mass_fracs_a         = 0.8, 0.1, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ! mass fractions of soluble components
     234    mass_fracs_b         = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ! mass fractions of insoluble components
    239235!-- NOTE! Set everyhing to zero in mass_fracs_b if you do not want include insoluble species (default)
    249245    decycle_salsa_ns     = .F.,
    250246    decycle_method_salsa = 'dirichlet','dirichlet','dirichlet','dirichlet', 
    251     bc_salsa_b     = 'neumann', !'dirichlet',  ! surface flux requires 'neumann'
    252     bc_salsa_t     = 'dirichlet',  ! top
     247    bc_salsa_b           = 'neumann',    ! surface flux requires 'neumann'
     248    bc_salsa_t           = 'dirichlet',  ! top
    255251!-- Switches for aerosol processes:
    256     nldistupdate = .T., ! update aerosol size distribution
    257     nldepo       = .T., ! Deposition master switch
    258     nldepo_pcm   = .T., ! Deposition on vegetation
    259     nldepo_surf  = .T., ! Deposition on walls
    260     nlcnd        = .T., ! Condensation master switch
    261     nlcndgas     = .T., ! Condensation of precursor gases
    262     nlcndh2oae   = .F., ! Condensation of H2O on aerosols                         
    263     nlcoag       = .T., ! Coagulation master switch
    264     nsnucl       =  0,  ! Nucleation scheme (0 = off)
    265     nj3          =  1,  ! J3 parametrization for nucleation
    266 !
    267 !-- Deposition on vegetation (pcm = plant canopy model)
    268     depo_pcm_par = 'zhang2001',  ! or 'petroff2010'
    269 !
    270 !-- Deposition on on ground, walls and roofs
    271     depo_surf_par = 'zhang2001', ! or 'petroff2010'
     252    nldistupdate         = .T., ! Update size distribution (default .T.)
     253    nldepo               = .T., ! Deposition master switch
     254    nldepo_pcm           = .T., ! Deposition on vegetation
     255    nldepo_surf          = .T., ! Deposition on walls
     256    nlcnd                = .F., ! Condensation master switch
     257    nlcndgas             = .F., ! Condensation of precursor gases
     258    nlcndh2oae           = .F., ! Condensation of H2O on aerosols
     259    nlcoag               = .F., ! Coagulation master switch
     260    nsnucl               =  0,  ! Nucleation scheme (0 = off)
     261    nj3                  =  1,  ! J3 parametrization for nucleation
     264!-- Deposition parametrisations:
     265    depo_pcm_par         = 'zhang2001',  ! plant canopy
     266    depo_surf_par        = 'zhang2001',  ! ground, roofs and walls
     267    season_z01           = 5             ! Season for zhang2001,
     268                                         ! 1 = summer, 2 = autumn, 3 = late autumn
     269                                         ! 4 = winter, 5 = transitional spring
    274271!-- Other switches:
    275272    advect_particle_water   = .T.,   ! particle water: advect or calculate at each dt_salsa
    276273    feedback_to_palm        = .F.,   ! feedback to flow due to condensation of water
    277     nest_salsa              = .F.,   ! apply nesting for salsa
     274    nest_salsa              = .F.,   ! apply self-nesting for salsa variables
    278275    read_restart_data_salsa = .F.,   ! skip reading restart data even if it's done for the flow
    279276    write_binary_salsa      = .F.,   ! skip writing restart data even if it's done for the flow
     277    nesting_offline_salsa   = .F.,   ! apply offline nesting for salsa
    281279 / ! end of salsa_par namelist
  • palm/trunk/TESTS/cases/urban_environment_salsa/MONITORING/urban_environment_salsa_rc

    r4256 r4270  
    22 ******************************    --------------------------------------------
    3  * PALM 6.0  Rev: 4250M       *    atmosphere - run without 1D - prerun
     3 * PALM 6.0  Rev: 4269M       *    atmosphere - run without 1D - prerun
    44 ******************************    --------------------------------------------
    6  Date:               2019-10-07    Run:       urban_environment_salsa           
    7  Time:                 12:41:32    Run-No.:   00
    8  Run on host:             salsa
     6 Date:               2019-10-23    Run:       urban_environment_salsa           
     7 Time:                 13:00:08    Run-No.:   00
     8 Run on host:           default
    99 Number of PEs:               4    Processor grid (x,y): (   2,   2) calculated
    1010 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    268268    Aerosol dynamic processes included:
    270        coagulation
    272        condensation (of precursor gases = T and water vapour = F)
    274270       dry deposition (on vegetation = T and on topography = T)
    277273    Number of size bins for each aerosol subrange:   1  7
    278274    Aerosol bin limits (in metres):  0.00E+000 0.00E+000 0.00E+000 0.00E+000 0.00E+000 0.00E+000 0.00E+000 0.00E+000
    279     Initial number concentration in bins at the lowest level (#/m**3): 1.19E+008 9.63E+008 5.30E+008 1.96E+008 6.13E+007 6.01E+006 1.95E+005 1.25E+004
    281276    Number of chemical components used: 3
    295290   Initialising concentrations:
    296       Aerosol size distribution: init_aerosol_type = 0
    297       Gas concentrations: init_gases_type = 0
    298       Mode diametres: dpg(nmod) =   0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000 (m)
    299       Standard deviation: sigmag(nmod) =    1.80   2.16   2.21   2.00   2.00   2.00   2.00
    300       Number concentration: n_lognorm(nmod) =  1.4300E+009 4.4500E+008 7.0000E+004 0.0000E+000 0.0000E+000 0.0000E+000 0.0000E+000 (#/m3)
     291      Aerosol size distribution: init_aerosol_type = 1
     292      Gas concentrations: init_gases_type = 1
     294      Size distribution read from a file.
    302296   Emissions: salsa_emission_mode = read_from_file     
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