Changeset 3956
- Timestamp:
- May 7, 2019 12:32:52 PM (6 years ago)
- Location:
- palm/trunk/SOURCE
- Files:
- 3 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
TabularUnified palm/trunk/SOURCE/module_interface.f90 ¶
r3931 r3956 25 25 ! ----------------- 26 26 ! $Id$ 27 ! - Added calls for salsa_non_advective_processes and 28 ! salsa_exchange_horiz_bounds 29 ! - Moved the call for salsa_data_output_2d/3d before that of 30 ! radiation_data_output_2d/3d. radiation_data_output_2d/3d tries to read a 31 ! salsa output variable and encounters a segmentation fault for "Ntot" due 32 ! to the shortoutput name 33 ! 34 ! 3931 2019-04-24 16:34:28Z schwenkel 27 35 ! Changed non_transport_physics to non_advective_processes 28 36 ! … … 158 166 bcm_actions, & 159 167 bcm_non_advective_processes, & 160 bcm_exchange_horiz, & 168 bcm_exchange_horiz, & 161 169 bcm_prognostic_equations, & 162 170 bcm_swap_timelevel, & … … 303 311 salsa_header, & 304 312 salsa_actions, & 313 salsa_non_advective_processes, & 314 salsa_exchange_horiz_bounds, & 305 315 salsa_prognostic_equations, & 306 316 salsa_swap_timelevel, & … … 963 973 IF ( bulk_cloud_model ) CALL bcm_non_advective_processes() 964 974 IF ( air_chemistry ) CALL chem_non_advective_processes() 975 IF ( salsa ) CALL salsa_non_advective_processes() 965 976 966 977 … … 980 991 981 992 982 IF ( bulk_cloud_model ) CALL bcm_non_advective_processes( i, j ) 993 IF ( bulk_cloud_model ) CALL bcm_non_advective_processes( i, j ) 983 994 IF ( air_chemistry ) CALL chem_non_advective_processes( i, j ) 995 IF ( salsa ) CALL salsa_non_advective_processes( i, j ) 984 996 985 997 … … 996 1008 IF ( bulk_cloud_model ) CALL bcm_exchange_horiz() 997 1009 IF ( air_chemistry ) CALL chem_exchange_horiz_bounds() 1010 IF ( salsa ) CALL salsa_exchange_horiz_bounds() 998 1011 999 1012 END SUBROUTINE module_interface_exchange_horiz … … 1149 1162 ENDIF 1150 1163 1164 IF ( .NOT. found .AND. salsa ) THEN 1165 CALL salsa_data_output_2d( & 1166 av, variable, found, grid, mode, local_pf, two_d, nzb_do, nzt_do& 1167 ) 1168 ENDIF 1169 1151 1170 IF ( .NOT. found .AND. radiation ) THEN 1152 1171 CALL radiation_data_output_2d( & 1153 av, variable, found, grid, mode, local_pf, two_d, nzb_do, nzt_do&1154 )1155 ENDIF1156 1157 IF ( .NOT. found .AND. salsa ) THEN1158 CALL salsa_data_output_2d( &1159 1172 av, variable, found, grid, mode, local_pf, two_d, nzb_do, nzt_do& 1160 1173 ) … … 1226 1239 ENDIF 1227 1240 1241 IF ( .NOT. found .AND. salsa ) THEN 1242 CALL salsa_data_output_3d( av, variable, found, local_pf, nzb_do, nzt_do ) 1243 resorted = .TRUE. 1244 ENDIF 1245 1228 1246 IF ( .NOT. found .AND. radiation ) THEN 1229 1247 CALL radiation_data_output_3d( av, variable, found, local_pf, nzb_do, nzt_do ) 1230 resorted = .TRUE.1231 ENDIF1232 1233 IF ( .NOT. found .AND. salsa ) THEN1234 CALL salsa_data_output_3d( av, variable, found, local_pf, nzb_do, nzt_do )1235 1248 resorted = .TRUE. 1236 1249 ENDIF -
TabularUnified palm/trunk/SOURCE/prognostic_equations.f90 ¶
r3931 r3956 25 25 ! ----------------- 26 26 ! $Id$ 27 ! Removed salsa calls. 28 ! 29 ! 3931 2019-04-24 16:34:28Z schwenkel 27 30 ! Correct/complete module_interface introduction for chemistry model 28 31 ! … … 464 467 #endif 465 468 466 USE salsa_mod, &467 ONLY: aerosol_mass, aerosol_number, dt_salsa, last_salsa_time, &468 nbins_aerosol, ncomponents_mass, ngases_salsa, &469 salsa_boundary_conds, salsa_diagnostics, salsa_driver, &470 salsa_gas, salsa_gases_from_chem, skip_time_do_salsa471 472 469 USE statistics, & 473 470 ONLY: hom … … 518 515 INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< 519 516 INTEGER(iwp) :: i_omp_start !< 520 INTEGER(iwp) :: ib !< index for aerosol size bins (salsa)521 INTEGER(iwp) :: ic !< index for chemical compounds (salsa)522 INTEGER(iwp) :: icc !< additional index for chemical compounds (salsa)523 INTEGER(iwp) :: ig !< index for gaseous compounds (salsa)524 517 INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< 525 518 INTEGER(iwp) :: k !< … … 550 543 ! 551 544 !-- Module Inferface for exchange horiz after non_advective_processes but before 552 !-- advection. Therefore, non_advective_processes must not run for ghost points. 545 !-- advection. Therefore, non_advective_processes must not run for ghost points. 546 !$OMP END PARALLEL 553 547 CALL module_interface_exchange_horiz() 554 !$OMP END PARALLEL555 556 !557 !-- Run SALSA and aerosol dynamic processes. SALSA is run with a longer time558 !-- step. The exchange of ghost points is required after this update of the559 !-- concentrations of aerosol number and mass560 IF ( salsa ) THEN561 562 IF ( time_since_reference_point >= skip_time_do_salsa ) THEN563 IF ( ( time_since_reference_point - last_salsa_time ) >= dt_salsa ) &564 THEN565 CALL cpu_log( log_point_s(90), 'salsa processes ', 'start' )566 !$OMP PARALLEL PRIVATE (i,j)567 !568 !-- Call salsa processes569 !$OMP DO570 DO i = nxl, nxr571 DO j = nys, nyn572 CALL salsa_diagnostics( i, j )573 CALL salsa_driver( i, j, 3 )574 CALL salsa_diagnostics( i, j )575 ENDDO576 ENDDO577 !$OMP END PARALLEL578 579 CALL cpu_log( log_point_s(90), 'salsa processes ', 'stop' )580 581 CALL cpu_log( log_point_s(91), 'salsa exch-horiz ', 'start' )582 !583 !-- Exchange ghost points and decycle if needed.584 DO ib = 1, nbins_aerosol585 CALL exchange_horiz( aerosol_number(ib)%conc, nbgp )586 CALL salsa_boundary_conds( aerosol_number(ib)%conc, &587 aerosol_number(ib)%init )588 DO ic = 1, ncomponents_mass589 icc = ( ic - 1 ) * nbins_aerosol + ib590 CALL exchange_horiz( aerosol_mass(icc)%conc, nbgp )591 CALL salsa_boundary_conds( aerosol_mass(icc)%conc, &592 aerosol_mass(icc)%init )593 ENDDO594 ENDDO595 596 IF ( .NOT. salsa_gases_from_chem ) THEN597 DO ig = 1, ngases_salsa598 CALL exchange_horiz( salsa_gas(ig)%conc, nbgp )599 CALL salsa_boundary_conds( salsa_gas(ig)%conc, &600 salsa_gas(ig)%init )601 ENDDO602 ENDIF603 CALL cpu_log( log_point_s(91), 'salsa exch-horiz ', 'stop' )604 last_salsa_time = time_since_reference_point605 606 ENDIF607 608 ENDIF609 610 ENDIF611 612 548 ! 613 549 !-- Loop over all prognostic equations … … 1153 1089 1154 1090 INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< 1155 INTEGER(iwp) :: ib !< index for aerosol size bins (salsa)1156 INTEGER(iwp) :: ic !< index for chemical compounds (salsa)1157 INTEGER(iwp) :: icc !< additional index for chemical compounds (salsa)1158 INTEGER(iwp) :: ig !< index for gaseous compounds (salsa)1159 1091 INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< 1160 1092 INTEGER(iwp) :: k !< … … 1168 1100 ENDIF 1169 1101 ! 1170 !-- Run SALSA and aerosol dynamic processes. SALSA is run with a longer time1171 !-- step. The exchange of ghost points is required after this update of the1172 !-- concentrations of aerosol number and mass1173 IF ( salsa ) THEN1174 IF ( time_since_reference_point >= skip_time_do_salsa ) THEN1175 IF ( ( time_since_reference_point - last_salsa_time ) >= dt_salsa ) &1176 THEN1177 CALL cpu_log( log_point_s(90), 'salsa processes ', 'start' )1178 !$OMP PARALLEL PRIVATE (i,j)1179 !$OMP DO1180 !1181 !-- Call salsa processes1182 DO i = nxl, nxr1183 DO j = nys, nyn1184 CALL salsa_diagnostics( i, j )1185 CALL salsa_driver( i, j, 3 )1186 CALL salsa_diagnostics( i, j )1187 ENDDO1188 ENDDO1189 !$OMP END PARALLEL1190 1191 CALL cpu_log( log_point_s(90), 'salsa processes ', 'stop' )1192 CALL cpu_log( log_point_s(91), 'salsa exch-horiz ', 'start' )1193 !1194 !-- Exchange ghost points and decycle if needed.1195 DO ib = 1, nbins_aerosol1196 CALL exchange_horiz( aerosol_number(ib)%conc, nbgp )1197 CALL salsa_boundary_conds( aerosol_number(ib)%conc, &1198 aerosol_number(ib)%init )1199 DO ic = 1, ncomponents_mass1200 icc = ( ic - 1 ) * nbins_aerosol + ib1201 CALL exchange_horiz( aerosol_mass(icc)%conc, nbgp )1202 CALL salsa_boundary_conds( aerosol_mass(icc)%conc, &1203 aerosol_mass(icc)%init )1204 ENDDO1205 ENDDO1206 IF ( .NOT. salsa_gases_from_chem ) THEN1207 DO ig = 1, ngases_salsa1208 CALL exchange_horiz( salsa_gas(ig)%conc, nbgp )1209 CALL salsa_boundary_conds( salsa_gas(ig)%conc, &1210 salsa_gas(ig)%init )1211 ENDDO1212 ENDIF1213 CALL cpu_log( log_point_s(91), 'salsa exch-horiz ', 'stop' )1214 last_salsa_time = time_since_reference_point1215 ENDIF1216 ENDIF1217 ENDIF1218 1219 !1220 1102 !-- Calculate non advective processes for all other modules 1221 1103 CALL module_interface_non_advective_processes 1222 1104 ! 1223 1105 !-- Module Inferface for exchange horiz after non_advective_processes but before 1224 !-- advection. Therefore, non_advective_processes must not run for ghost points. 1106 !-- advection. Therefore, non_advective_processes must not run for ghost points. 1225 1107 CALL module_interface_exchange_horiz() 1226 1227 1108 ! 1228 1109 !-- u-velocity component -
TabularUnified palm/trunk/SOURCE/salsa_mod.f90 ¶
r3924 r3956 26 26 ! ----------------- 27 27 ! $Id$ 28 ! - Conceptual bug in depo_surf correct for urban and land surface model 29 ! - Subroutine salsa_tendency_ij optimized. 30 ! - Interfaces salsa_non_advective_processes and salsa_exchange_horiz_bounds 31 ! created. These are now called in module_interface. 32 ! salsa_exchange_horiz_bounds after calling salsa_driver only when needed 33 ! (i.e. every dt_salsa). 34 ! 35 ! 3924 2019-04-23 09:33:06Z monakurppa 28 36 ! Correct a bug introduced by the previous update. 29 37 ! … … 173 181 !-- Local constants: 174 182 INTEGER(iwp), PARAMETER :: luc_urban = 15 !< default landuse type for urban 175 INTEGER(iwp), PARAMETER :: ngases_salsa = 5!< total number of gaseous tracers:183 INTEGER(iwp), PARAMETER :: ngases_salsa = 5 !< total number of gaseous tracers: 176 184 !< 1 = H2SO4, 2 = HNO3, 3 = NH3, 4 = OCNV 177 185 !< (non-volatile OC), 5 = OCSV (semi-volatile) 178 INTEGER(iwp), PARAMETER :: nmod = 7!< number of modes for initialising the aerosol size186 INTEGER(iwp), PARAMETER :: nmod = 7 !< number of modes for initialising the aerosol size 179 187 !< distribution 180 INTEGER(iwp), PARAMETER :: nreg = 2!< Number of main size subranges188 INTEGER(iwp), PARAMETER :: nreg = 2 !< Number of main size subranges 181 189 INTEGER(iwp), PARAMETER :: maxspec = 7 !< Max. number of aerosol species 182 190 INTEGER(iwp), PARAMETER :: season = 1 !< For dry depostion by Zhang et al.: 1 = summer, … … 208 216 ! 209 217 !-- Molar masses in kg/mol 210 REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: ambc = 12.0E-3_wp !< black carbon (BC)211 REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: amdair = 28.970E-3_wp !< dry air212 REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: amdu = 100.E-3_wp !< mineral dust213 REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: amh2o = 18.0154E-3_wp !< H2O214 REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: amh2so4 = 98.06E-3_wp !< H2SO4215 REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: amhno3 = 63.01E-3_wp !< HNO3216 REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: amn2o = 44.013E-3_wp !< N2O217 REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: amnh3 = 17.031E-3_wp !< NH3218 REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: amo2 = 31.9988E-3_wp !< O2219 REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: amo3 = 47.998E-3_wp !< O3220 REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: amoc = 150.E-3_wp !< organic carbon (OC)221 REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: amss = 58.44E-3_wp !< sea salt (NaCl)218 REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: ambc = 12.0E-3_wp !< black carbon (BC) 219 REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: amdair = 28.970E-3_wp !< dry air 220 REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: amdu = 100.E-3_wp !< mineral dust 221 REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: amh2o = 18.0154E-3_wp !< H2O 222 REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: amh2so4 = 98.06E-3_wp !< H2SO4 223 REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: amhno3 = 63.01E-3_wp !< HNO3 224 REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: amn2o = 44.013E-3_wp !< N2O 225 REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: amnh3 = 17.031E-3_wp !< NH3 226 REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: amo2 = 31.9988E-3_wp !< O2 227 REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: amo3 = 47.998E-3_wp !< O3 228 REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: amoc = 150.E-3_wp !< organic carbon (OC) 229 REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: amss = 58.44E-3_wp !< sea salt (NaCl) 222 230 ! 223 231 !-- Densities in kg/m3 … … 243 251 !-- C_B, C_IN, C_IM, beta_IM and C_IT for each land use category (15, as in Zhang et al. (2001)) 244 252 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(1:15), PARAMETER :: l_p10 = & 245 (/0.15, 4.0, 0.15, 3.0, 3.0, 0.5, 3.0, -99., 0.5, 2.0, 1.0,-99., -99., -99., 3.0/)253 (/0.15, 4.0, 0.15, 3.0, 3.0, 0.5, 3.0, -99., 0.5, 2.0, 1.0, -99., -99., -99., 3.0/) 246 254 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(1:15), PARAMETER :: c_b_p10 = & 247 (/0.887, 1.262, 0.887, 1.262, 1.262, 0.996, 0.996, -99., 0.7, 0.93, 0.996, -99., -99., -99., 1.262/)255 (/0.887, 1.262, 0.887, 1.262, 1.262, 0.996, 0.996, -99., 0.7, 0.93, 0.996, -99., -99., -99., 1.262/) 248 256 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(1:15), PARAMETER :: c_in_p10 = & 249 (/0.81, 0.216, 0.81, 0.216, 0.216, 0.191, 0.162, -99., 0.7,0.14, 0.162, -99., -99., -99., 0.216/)257 (/0.81, 0.216, 0.81, 0.216, 0.216, 0.191, 0.162, -99., 0.7, 0.14, 0.162, -99., -99., -99., 0.216/) 250 258 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(1:15), PARAMETER :: c_im_p10 = & 251 (/0.162, 0.13, 0.162, 0.13, 0.13, 0.191, 0.081, -99., 0.191, 0.086,0.081, -99., -99., -99., 0.13/)259 (/0.162, 0.13, 0.162, 0.13, 0.13, 0.191, 0.081, -99., 0.191,0.086,0.081, -99., -99., -99., 0.13/) 252 260 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(1:15), PARAMETER :: beta_im_p10 = & 253 (/0.6, 0.47, 0.6, 0.47, 0.47, 0.47, 0.47, -99., 0.6, 0.47, 0.47,-99., -99., -99., 0.47/)261 (/0.6, 0.47, 0.6, 0.47, 0.47, 0.47, 0.47, -99., 0.6, 0.47, 0.47, -99., -99., -99., 0.47/) 254 262 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(1:15), PARAMETER :: c_it_p10 = & 255 (/0.0, 0.056, 0.0, 0.056, 0.056, 0.042, 0.056, -99., 0.042, 0.014,0.056, -99., -99., -99., 0.056/)263 (/0.0, 0.056, 0.0, 0.056, 0.056, 0.042, 0.056, -99., 0.042,0.014,0.056, -99., -99., -99., 0.056/) 256 264 ! 257 265 !-- Constants for the dry deposition model by Zhang et al. (2001): … … 307 315 (/'SO4',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '/) 308 316 317 INTEGER(iwp) :: depo_pcm_par_num = 1 !< parametrisation type: 1=zhang2001, 2=petroff2010 309 318 INTEGER(iwp) :: depo_pcm_type_num = 0 !< index for the dry deposition type on the plant canopy 319 INTEGER(iwp) :: depo_surf_par_num = 1 !< parametrisation type: 1=zhang2001, 2=petroff2010 310 320 INTEGER(iwp) :: dots_salsa = 0 !< starting index for salsa-timeseries 311 321 INTEGER(iwp) :: end_subrange_1a = 1 !< last index for bin subrange 1a … … 364 374 ! 365 375 !-- SALSA switches: 366 LOGICAL :: advect_particle_water = .TRUE. !< advect water concentration of particles367 LOGICAL :: decycle_lr = .FALSE. !< Undo cyclic boundary conditions: left and right368 LOGICAL :: decycle_ns = .FALSE. !< north and south boundaries369 LOGICAL :: include_emission = .FALSE. !< include or not emissions370 LOGICAL :: feedback_to_palm = .FALSE. !< allow feedback due to condensation of H2O371 LOGICAL :: nest_salsa = .FALSE. !< apply nesting for salsa372 LOGICAL :: no_insoluble = .FALSE. !< Switch to exclude insoluble chemical components373 LOGICAL :: read_restart_data_salsa = .FALSE. !< read restart data for salsa374 LOGICAL :: salsa_gases_from_chem = .FALSE.!< Transfer the gaseous components to SALSA from375 !< fromchemistry model376 LOGICAL :: van_der_waals_coagc = .FALSE.!< Enhancement of coagulation kernel by van der376 LOGICAL :: advect_particle_water = .TRUE. !< Advect water concentration of particles 377 LOGICAL :: decycle_lr = .FALSE. !< Undo cyclic boundaries: left and right 378 LOGICAL :: decycle_ns = .FALSE. !< Undo cyclic boundaries: north and south 379 LOGICAL :: include_emission = .FALSE. !< Include or not emissions 380 LOGICAL :: feedback_to_palm = .FALSE. !< Allow feedback due to condensation of H2O 381 LOGICAL :: nest_salsa = .FALSE. !< Apply nesting for salsa 382 LOGICAL :: no_insoluble = .FALSE. !< Exclude insoluble chemical components 383 LOGICAL :: read_restart_data_salsa = .FALSE. !< Read restart data for salsa 384 LOGICAL :: salsa_gases_from_chem = .FALSE. !< Transfer the gaseous components to SALSA from 385 !< the chemistry model 386 LOGICAL :: van_der_waals_coagc = .FALSE. !< Enhancement of coagulation kernel by van der 377 387 !< Waals and viscous forces 378 LOGICAL :: write_binary_salsa = .FALSE.!< read binary for salsa388 LOGICAL :: write_binary_salsa = .FALSE. !< read binary for salsa 379 389 ! 380 390 !-- Process switches: nl* is read from the NAMELIST and is NOT changed. … … 455 465 !-- SALSA derived datatypes: 456 466 ! 457 !-- For matching LSM and the deposition module surface types 458 TYPE match_lsm_depo 459 INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: match 460 END TYPE match_lsm_depo 467 !-- For matching LSM and USM surface types and the deposition module surface types 468 TYPE match_surface 469 INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: match_lupg !< index for pavement / green roofs 470 INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: match_luvw !< index for vegetation / walls 471 INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: match_luww !< index for water / windows 472 END TYPE match_surface 461 473 ! 462 474 !-- Aerosol emission data attributes … … 598 610 TYPE(t_section), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: aero !< local aerosol properties 599 611 600 TYPE(match_lsm_depo) :: lsm_to_depo_h 601 602 TYPE(match_lsm_depo), DIMENSION(0:3) :: lsm_to_depo_v 612 TYPE(match_surface) :: lsm_to_depo_h !< to match the deposition module and horizontal LSM surfaces 613 TYPE(match_surface) :: usm_to_depo_h !< to match the deposition module and horizontal USM surfaces 614 615 TYPE(match_surface), DIMENSION(0:3) :: lsm_to_depo_v !< to match the deposition mod. and vertical LSM surfaces 616 TYPE(match_surface), DIMENSION(0:3) :: usm_to_depo_v !< to match the deposition mod. and vertical USM surfaces 603 617 ! 604 618 !-- SALSA variables: as x = x(k,j,i,bin). … … 752 766 END INTERFACE salsa_actions 753 767 ! 768 !-- Non-advective processes (i.e. aerosol dynamic reactions) for salsa variables 769 INTERFACE salsa_non_advective_processes 770 MODULE PROCEDURE salsa_non_advective_processes 771 MODULE PROCEDURE salsa_non_advective_processes_ij 772 END INTERFACE salsa_non_advective_processes 773 ! 774 !-- Exchange horiz for salsa variables 775 INTERFACE salsa_exchange_horiz_bounds 776 MODULE PROCEDURE salsa_exchange_horiz_bounds 777 END INTERFACE salsa_exchange_horiz_bounds 778 ! 754 779 !-- Prognostics equations for salsa variables 755 780 INTERFACE salsa_prognostic_equations … … 775 800 salsa_emission_update, salsa_header, salsa_init, salsa_init_arrays, salsa_parin, & 776 801 salsa_rrd_local, salsa_swap_timelevel, salsa_prognostic_equations, salsa_wrd_local, & 777 salsa_actions 802 salsa_actions, salsa_non_advective_processes, salsa_exchange_horiz_bounds 778 803 ! 779 804 !-- Public parameters, constants and initial values … … 2162 2187 2163 2188 USE surface_mod, & 2164 ONLY: surf_lsm_h, surf_lsm_v 2189 ONLY: surf_lsm_h, surf_lsm_v, surf_usm_h, surf_usm_v 2165 2190 2166 2191 IMPLICIT NONE … … 2168 2193 INTEGER(iwp) :: l !< loop index for vertical surfaces 2169 2194 2195 LOGICAL :: match_lsm !< flag to initilise LSM surfaces (if false, initialise USM surfaces) 2196 2197 IF ( depo_pcm_par == 'zhang2001' ) THEN 2198 depo_pcm_par_num = 1 2199 ELSEIF ( depo_pcm_par == 'petroff2010' ) THEN 2200 depo_pcm_par_num = 2 2201 ENDIF 2202 2203 IF ( depo_surf_par == 'zhang2001' ) THEN 2204 depo_surf_par_num = 1 2205 ELSEIF ( depo_surf_par == 'petroff2010' ) THEN 2206 depo_surf_par_num = 2 2207 ENDIF 2208 ! 2209 !-- LSM: Pavement, vegetation and water 2170 2210 IF ( nldepo_surf .AND. land_surface ) THEN 2171 2172 ALLOCATE( lsm_to_depo_h%match(1:surf_lsm_h%ns) ) 2173 lsm_to_depo_h%match = 0 2174 CALL match_lsm_zhang( surf_lsm_h, lsm_to_depo_h%match ) 2175 2211 match_lsm = .TRUE. 2212 ALLOCATE( lsm_to_depo_h%match_lupg(1:surf_lsm_h%ns), & 2213 lsm_to_depo_h%match_luvw(1:surf_lsm_h%ns), & 2214 lsm_to_depo_h%match_luww(1:surf_lsm_h%ns) ) 2215 lsm_to_depo_h%match_lupg = 0 2216 lsm_to_depo_h%match_luvw = 0 2217 lsm_to_depo_h%match_luww = 0 2218 CALL match_sm_zhang( surf_lsm_h, lsm_to_depo_h%match_lupg, lsm_to_depo_h%match_luvw, & 2219 lsm_to_depo_h%match_luww, match_lsm ) 2176 2220 DO l = 0, 3 2177 ALLOCATE( lsm_to_depo_v(l)%match(1:surf_lsm_v(l)%ns) ) 2178 lsm_to_depo_v(l)%match = 0 2179 CALL match_lsm_zhang( surf_lsm_v(l), lsm_to_depo_v(l)%match ) 2221 ALLOCATE( lsm_to_depo_v(l)%match_lupg(1:surf_lsm_v(l)%ns), & 2222 lsm_to_depo_v(l)%match_luvw(1:surf_lsm_v(l)%ns), & 2223 lsm_to_depo_v(l)%match_luww(1:surf_lsm_v(l)%ns) ) 2224 lsm_to_depo_v(l)%match_lupg = 0 2225 lsm_to_depo_v(l)%match_luvw = 0 2226 lsm_to_depo_v(l)%match_luww = 0 2227 CALL match_sm_zhang( surf_lsm_v(l), lsm_to_depo_v(l)%match_lupg, & 2228 lsm_to_depo_v(l)%match_luvw, lsm_to_depo_v(l)%match_luww, match_lsm ) 2229 ENDDO 2230 ENDIF 2231 ! 2232 !-- USM: Green roofs/walls, wall surfaces and windows 2233 IF ( nldepo_surf .AND. urban_surface ) THEN 2234 match_lsm = .FALSE. 2235 ALLOCATE( usm_to_depo_h%match_lupg(1:surf_usm_h%ns), & 2236 usm_to_depo_h%match_luvw(1:surf_usm_h%ns), & 2237 usm_to_depo_h%match_luww(1:surf_usm_h%ns) ) 2238 usm_to_depo_h%match_lupg = 0 2239 usm_to_depo_h%match_luvw = 0 2240 usm_to_depo_h%match_luww = 0 2241 CALL match_sm_zhang( surf_usm_h, usm_to_depo_h%match_lupg, usm_to_depo_h%match_luvw, & 2242 usm_to_depo_h%match_luww, match_lsm ) 2243 DO l = 0, 3 2244 ALLOCATE( usm_to_depo_v(l)%match_lupg(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns), & 2245 usm_to_depo_v(l)%match_luvw(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns), & 2246 usm_to_depo_v(l)%match_luww(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) ) 2247 usm_to_depo_v(l)%match_lupg = 0 2248 usm_to_depo_v(l)%match_luvw = 0 2249 usm_to_depo_v(l)%match_luww = 0 2250 CALL match_sm_zhang( surf_usm_v(l), usm_to_depo_v(l)%match_lupg, & 2251 usm_to_depo_v(l)%match_luvw, usm_to_depo_v(l)%match_luww, match_lsm ) 2180 2252 ENDDO 2181 2253 ENDIF … … 2204 2276 !> Match the surface types in PALM and Zhang et al. 2001 deposition module 2205 2277 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 2206 SUBROUTINE match_ lsm_zhang( surf, match_array)2278 SUBROUTINE match_sm_zhang( surf, match_pav_green, match_veg_wall, match_wat_win, match_lsm ) 2207 2279 2208 2280 USE surface_mod, & … … 2211 2283 IMPLICIT NONE 2212 2284 2213 INTEGER(iwp) :: m !< index for surface elements 2214 INTEGER(iwp) :: pav_type_palm !< pavement type in PALM 2215 INTEGER(iwp) :: vege_type_palm !< vegetation type in PALM 2216 INTEGER(iwp) :: water_type_palm !< water type in PALM 2217 2218 INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(inout) :: match_array !< array matching 2219 !< the surface types 2285 INTEGER(iwp) :: m !< index for surface elements 2286 INTEGER(iwp) :: pav_type_palm !< pavement / green wall type in PALM 2287 INTEGER(iwp) :: veg_type_palm !< vegetation / wall type in PALM 2288 INTEGER(iwp) :: wat_type_palm !< water / window type in PALM 2289 2290 INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(inout) :: match_pav_green !< matching pavement/green walls 2291 INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(inout) :: match_veg_wall !< matching vegetation/walls 2292 INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(inout) :: match_wat_win !< matching water/windows 2293 2294 LOGICAL, INTENT(in) :: match_lsm !< flag to initilise LSM surfaces (if false, initialise USM) 2295 2220 2296 TYPE(surf_type), INTENT(in) :: surf !< respective surface type 2221 2297 2222 2298 DO m = 1, surf%ns 2223 2224 IF ( surf%frac(ind_veg_wall,m) > 0 ) THEN 2225 vege_type_palm = surf%vegetation_type(m) 2226 SELECT CASE ( vege_type_palm ) 2227 CASE ( 0 ) 2228 message_string = 'No vegetation type defined.' 2229 CALL message( 'salsa_mod: init_depo_surfaces', 'PA0614', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) 2230 CASE ( 1 ) ! bare soil 2231 match_array(m) = 6 ! grass in Z01 2232 CASE ( 2 ) ! crops, mixed farming 2233 match_array(m) = 7 ! crops, mixed farming Z01 2234 CASE ( 3 ) ! short grass 2235 match_array(m) = 6 ! grass in Z01 2236 CASE ( 4 ) ! evergreen needleleaf trees 2237 match_array(m) = 1 ! evergreen needleleaf trees in Z01 2238 CASE ( 5 ) ! deciduous needleleaf trees 2239 match_array(m) = 3 ! deciduous needleleaf trees in Z01 2240 CASE ( 6 ) ! evergreen broadleaf trees 2241 match_array(m) = 2 ! evergreen broadleaf trees in Z01 2242 CASE ( 7 ) ! deciduous broadleaf trees 2243 match_array(m) = 4 ! deciduous broadleaf trees in Z01 2244 CASE ( 8 ) ! tall grass 2245 match_array(m) = 6 ! grass in Z01 2246 CASE ( 9 ) ! desert 2247 match_array(m) = 8 ! desert in Z01 2248 CASE ( 10 ) ! tundra 2249 match_array(m) = 9 ! tundra in Z01 2250 CASE ( 11 ) ! irrigated crops 2251 match_array(m) = 7 ! crops, mixed farming Z01 2252 CASE ( 12 ) ! semidesert 2253 match_array(m) = 8 ! desert in Z01 2254 CASE ( 13 ) ! ice caps and glaciers 2255 match_array(m) = 12 ! ice cap and glacier in Z01 2256 CASE ( 14 ) ! bogs and marshes 2257 match_array(m) = 11 ! wetland with plants in Z01 2258 CASE ( 15 ) ! evergreen shrubs 2259 match_array(m) = 10 ! shrubs and interrupted woodlands in Z01 2260 CASE ( 16 ) ! deciduous shrubs 2261 match_array(m) = 10 ! shrubs and interrupted woodlands in Z01 2262 CASE ( 17 ) ! mixed forest/woodland 2263 match_array(m) = 5 ! mixed broadleaf and needleleaf trees in Z01 2264 CASE ( 18 ) ! interrupted forest 2265 match_array(m) = 10 ! shrubs and interrupted woodlands in Z01 2266 END SELECT 2267 ENDIF 2268 2269 IF ( surf%frac(ind_pav_green,m) > 0 ) THEN 2270 pav_type_palm = surf%pavement_type(m) 2271 IF ( pav_type_palm == 0 ) THEN ! error 2272 message_string = 'No pavement type defined.' 2273 CALL message( 'salsa_mod: match_lsm_zhang', 'PA0615', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) 2274 ELSEIF ( pav_type_palm > 0 .AND. pav_type_palm <= 15 ) THEN 2275 match_array(m) = 15 ! urban in Z01 2299 IF ( match_lsm ) THEN 2300 ! 2301 !-- Vegetation (LSM): 2302 IF ( surf%frac(ind_veg_wall,m) > 0 ) THEN 2303 veg_type_palm = surf%vegetation_type(m) 2304 SELECT CASE ( veg_type_palm ) 2305 CASE ( 0 ) 2306 message_string = 'No vegetation type defined.' 2307 CALL message( 'salsa_mod: init_depo_surfaces', 'PA0614', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) 2308 CASE ( 1 ) ! bare soil 2309 match_veg_wall(m) = 6 ! grass in Z01 2310 CASE ( 2 ) ! crops, mixed farming 2311 match_veg_wall(m) = 7 ! crops, mixed farming Z01 2312 CASE ( 3 ) ! short grass 2313 match_veg_wall(m) = 6 ! grass in Z01 2314 CASE ( 4 ) ! evergreen needleleaf trees 2315 match_veg_wall(m) = 1 ! evergreen needleleaf trees in Z01 2316 CASE ( 5 ) ! deciduous needleleaf trees 2317 match_veg_wall(m) = 3 ! deciduous needleleaf trees in Z01 2318 CASE ( 6 ) ! evergreen broadleaf trees 2319 match_veg_wall(m) = 2 ! evergreen broadleaf trees in Z01 2320 CASE ( 7 ) ! deciduous broadleaf trees 2321 match_veg_wall(m) = 4 ! deciduous broadleaf trees in Z01 2322 CASE ( 8 ) ! tall grass 2323 match_veg_wall(m) = 6 ! grass in Z01 2324 CASE ( 9 ) ! desert 2325 match_veg_wall(m) = 8 ! desert in Z01 2326 CASE ( 10 ) ! tundra 2327 match_veg_wall(m) = 9 ! tundra in Z01 2328 CASE ( 11 ) ! irrigated crops 2329 match_veg_wall(m) = 7 ! crops, mixed farming Z01 2330 CASE ( 12 ) ! semidesert 2331 match_veg_wall(m) = 8 ! desert in Z01 2332 CASE ( 13 ) ! ice caps and glaciers 2333 match_veg_wall(m) = 12 ! ice cap and glacier in Z01 2334 CASE ( 14 ) ! bogs and marshes 2335 match_veg_wall(m) = 11 ! wetland with plants in Z01 2336 CASE ( 15 ) ! evergreen shrubs 2337 match_veg_wall(m) = 10 ! shrubs and interrupted woodlands in Z01 2338 CASE ( 16 ) ! deciduous shrubs 2339 match_veg_wall(m) = 10 ! shrubs and interrupted woodlands in Z01 2340 CASE ( 17 ) ! mixed forest/woodland 2341 match_veg_wall(m) = 5 ! mixed broadleaf and needleleaf trees in Z01 2342 CASE ( 18 ) ! interrupted forest 2343 match_veg_wall(m) = 10 ! shrubs and interrupted woodlands in Z01 2344 END SELECT 2276 2345 ENDIF 2277 ENDIF 2278 2279 IF ( surf%frac(ind_wat_win,m) > 0 ) THEN 2280 water_type_palm = surf%water_type(m) 2281 IF ( water_type_palm == 0 ) THEN ! error 2282 message_string = 'No water type defined.' 2283 CALL message( 'salsa_mod: match_lsm_zhang', 'PA0616', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) 2284 ELSEIF ( water_type_palm == 3 ) THEN 2285 match_array(m) = 14 ! ocean in Z01 2286 ELSEIF ( water_type_palm == 1 .OR. water_type_palm == 2 .OR. water_type_palm == 4 & 2287 .OR. water_type_palm == 5 ) THEN 2288 match_array(m) = 13 ! inland water in Z01 2346 ! 2347 !-- Pavement (LSM): 2348 IF ( surf%frac(ind_pav_green,m) > 0 ) THEN 2349 pav_type_palm = surf%pavement_type(m) 2350 IF ( pav_type_palm == 0 ) THEN ! error 2351 message_string = 'No pavement type defined.' 2352 CALL message( 'salsa_mod: match_sm_zhang', 'PA0615', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) 2353 ELSE 2354 match_pav_green(m) = 15 ! urban in Z01 2355 ENDIF 2289 2356 ENDIF 2357 ! 2358 !-- Water (LSM): 2359 IF ( surf%frac(ind_wat_win,m) > 0 ) THEN 2360 wat_type_palm = surf%water_type(m) 2361 IF ( wat_type_palm == 0 ) THEN ! error 2362 message_string = 'No water type defined.' 2363 CALL message( 'salsa_mod: match_sm_zhang', 'PA0616', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) 2364 ELSEIF ( wat_type_palm == 3 ) THEN 2365 match_wat_win(m) = 14 ! ocean in Z01 2366 ELSEIF ( wat_type_palm == 1 .OR. wat_type_palm == 2 .OR. wat_type_palm == 4 & 2367 .OR. wat_type_palm == 5 ) THEN 2368 match_wat_win(m) = 13 ! inland water in Z01 2369 ENDIF 2370 ENDIF 2371 ELSE 2372 ! 2373 !-- Wall surfaces (USM): 2374 IF ( surf%frac(ind_veg_wall,m) > 0 ) THEN 2375 match_veg_wall(m) = 15 ! urban in Z01 2376 ENDIF 2377 ! 2378 !-- Green walls and roofs (USM): 2379 IF ( surf%frac(ind_pav_green,m) > 0 ) THEN 2380 match_pav_green(m) = 6 ! (short) grass in Z01 2381 ENDIF 2382 ! 2383 !-- Windows (USM): 2384 IF ( surf%frac(ind_wat_win,m) > 0 ) THEN 2385 match_wat_win(m) = 15 ! urban in Z01 2386 ENDIF 2290 2387 ENDIF 2291 2388 2292 2389 ENDDO 2293 2390 2294 END SUBROUTINE match_ lsm_zhang2391 END SUBROUTINE match_sm_zhang 2295 2392 2296 2393 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! … … 2931 3028 ENDIF 2932 3029 ! 2933 !-- Tendency of water vapour mixing ratio is obtained from the 2934 !-- change in RH during SALSA run. This releases heat and changes pt. 2935 !-- Assumes no temperature change during SALSA run. 3030 !-- Tendency of water vapour mixing ratio is obtained from the change in RH during SALSA run. 3031 !-- This releases heat and changes pt. Assumes no temperature change during SALSA run. 2936 3032 !-- q = r / (1+r), Euler method for integration 2937 3033 ! … … 2951 3047 CALL depo_surf( i, j, surf_def_h(0), vd, schmidt_num, kvis, in_u, .TRUE. ) 2952 3048 DO l = 0, 3 2953 CALL depo_surf( i, j, surf_def_v(l), vd, schmidt_num, kvis, in_u, .FALSE. , l)3049 CALL depo_surf( i, j, surf_def_v(l), vd, schmidt_num, kvis, in_u, .FALSE. ) 2954 3050 ENDDO 2955 3051 ELSE 2956 CALL depo_surf( i, j, surf_usm_h, vd, schmidt_num, kvis, in_u, .TRUE. )3052 CALL depo_surf( i, j, surf_usm_h, vd, schmidt_num, kvis, in_u, .TRUE., usm_to_depo_h ) 2957 3053 DO l = 0, 3 2958 CALL depo_surf( i, j, surf_usm_v(l), vd, schmidt_num, kvis, in_u, .FALSE., l ) 3054 CALL depo_surf( i, j, surf_usm_v(l), vd, schmidt_num, kvis, in_u, .FALSE., & 3055 usm_to_depo_v(l) ) 2959 3056 ENDDO 2960 CALL depo_surf( i, j, surf_lsm_h, vd, schmidt_num, kvis, in_u, .TRUE. )3057 CALL depo_surf( i, j, surf_lsm_h, vd, schmidt_num, kvis, in_u, .TRUE., lsm_to_depo_h ) 2961 3058 DO l = 0, 3 2962 CALL depo_surf( i, j, surf_lsm_v(l), vd, schmidt_num, kvis, in_u, .FALSE., l ) 3059 CALL depo_surf( i, j, surf_lsm_v(l), vd, schmidt_num, kvis, in_u, .FALSE., & 3060 lsm_to_depo_v(l) ) 2963 3061 ENDDO 2964 3062 ENDIF … … 3342 3440 IMPLICIT NONE 3343 3441 3344 INTEGER(iwp) :: ib !< loop index 3345 3346 REAL(wp) :: avis !< molecular viscocity of air (kg/(m*s)) 3347 REAL(wp) :: Cc !< Cunningham slip-flow correction factor 3348 REAL(wp) :: Kn !< Knudsen number 3349 REAL(wp) :: lambda !< molecular mean free path (m) 3350 REAL(wp) :: mdiff !< particle diffusivity coefficient 3351 REAL(wp) :: pdn !< particle density (kg/m3) 3352 REAL(wp) :: ustar !< friction velocity (m/s) 3353 REAL(wp) :: va !< thermal speed of an air molecule (m/s) 3354 REAL(wp) :: zdwet !< wet diameter (m) 3442 INTEGER(iwp) :: ib !< loop index 3443 INTEGER(iwp) :: ic !< loop index 3444 3445 REAL(wp) :: alpha !< parameter, Table 3 in Z01 3446 REAL(wp) :: avis !< molecular viscocity of air (kg/(m*s)) 3447 REAL(wp) :: beta_im !< parameter for turbulent impaction 3448 REAL(wp) :: beta !< Cunningham slip-flow correction factor 3449 REAL(wp) :: c_brownian_diff !< coefficient for Brownian diffusion 3450 REAL(wp) :: c_impaction !< coefficient for inertial impaction 3451 REAL(wp) :: c_interception !< coefficient for interception 3452 REAL(wp) :: c_turb_impaction !< coefficient for turbulent impaction 3453 REAL(wp) :: depo !< deposition velocity (m/s) 3454 REAL(wp) :: gamma !< parameter, Table 3 in Z01 3455 REAL(wp) :: Kn !< Knudsen number 3456 REAL(wp) :: lambda !< molecular mean free path (m) 3457 REAL(wp) :: mdiff !< particle diffusivity coefficient 3458 REAL(wp) :: par_a !< parameter A for the characteristic radius of collectors, 3459 !< Table 3 in Z01 3460 REAL(wp) :: par_l !< obstacle characteristic dimension in P10 3461 REAL(wp) :: pdn !< particle density (kg/m3) 3462 REAL(wp) :: ustar !< friction velocity (m/s) 3463 REAL(wp) :: va !< thermal speed of an air molecule (m/s) 3464 REAL(wp) :: zdwet !< wet diameter (m) 3355 3465 3356 3466 REAL(wp), INTENT(in) :: adn !< air density (kg/m3) … … 3368 3478 ! 3369 3479 !-- Initialise 3370 pdn = 1500.0_wp ! default value 3371 ustar = 0.0_wp 3480 depo = 0.0_wp 3481 pdn = 1500.0_wp ! default value 3482 ustar = 0.0_wp 3372 3483 ! 3373 3484 !-- Molecular viscosity of air (Eq. 4.54) … … 3382 3493 !-- Mean free path (m) (Eq. 15.24) 3383 3494 lambda = 2.0_wp * avis / ( adn * va ) 3495 ! 3496 !-- Parameters for the land use category 'deciduous broadleaf trees'(Table 3) 3497 alpha = alpha_z01(depo_pcm_type_num) 3498 gamma = gamma_z01(depo_pcm_type_num) 3499 par_a = A_z01(depo_pcm_type_num, season) * 1.0E-3_wp 3500 ! 3501 !-- Deposition efficiencies from Table 1. Constants from Table 2. 3502 par_l = l_p10(depo_pcm_type_num) * 0.01_wp 3503 c_brownian_diff = c_b_p10(depo_pcm_type_num) 3504 c_interception = c_in_p10(depo_pcm_type_num) 3505 c_impaction = c_im_p10(depo_pcm_type_num) 3506 beta_im = beta_im_p10(depo_pcm_type_num) 3507 c_turb_impaction = c_it_p10(depo_pcm_type_num) 3384 3508 3385 3509 DO ib = 1, nbins_aerosol … … 3392 3516 ! 3393 3517 !-- Cunningham slip-flow correction (Eq. 15.30) 3394 Cc= 1.0_wp + Kn * ( 1.249_wp + 0.42_wp * EXP( -0.87_wp / Kn ) )3518 beta = 1.0_wp + Kn * ( 1.249_wp + 0.42_wp * EXP( -0.87_wp / Kn ) ) 3395 3519 3396 3520 !-- Particle diffusivity coefficient (Eq. 15.29) 3397 mdiff = ( abo * tk * Cc) / ( 3.0_wp * pi * avis * zdwet )3521 mdiff = ( abo * tk * beta ) / ( 3.0_wp * pi * avis * zdwet ) 3398 3522 ! 3399 3523 !-- Particle Schmidt number (Eq. 15.36) … … 3401 3525 ! 3402 3526 !-- Critical fall speed i.e. settling velocity (Eq. 20.4) 3403 vc(ib) = MIN( 1.0_wp, terminal_vel( 0.5_wp * zdwet, pdn, adn, avis, Cc) )3527 vc(ib) = MIN( 1.0_wp, terminal_vel( 0.5_wp * zdwet, pdn, adn, avis, beta) ) 3404 3528 ! 3405 3529 !-- Friction velocity for deposition on vegetation. Calculated following Prandtl (1925): 3406 3530 IF ( lsdepo_pcm .AND. plant_canopy .AND. lad > 0.0_wp ) THEN 3407 3531 ustar = SQRT( cdc ) * mag_u 3408 CALL depo_pcm( paero, ib, vc(ib), mag_u, ustar, kvis, schmidt_num(ib), lad ) 3532 SELECT CASE ( depo_pcm_par_num ) 3533 3534 CASE ( 1 ) ! Zhang et al. (2001) 3535 CALL depo_vel_Z01( vc(ib), ustar, schmidt_num(ib), paero(ib)%dwet, alpha, gamma, & 3536 par_a, depo ) 3537 CASE ( 2 ) ! Petroff & Zhang (2010) 3538 CALL depo_vel_P10( vc(ib), mag_u, ustar, kvis, schmidt_num(ib), paero(ib)%dwet, & 3539 par_l, c_brownian_diff, c_interception, c_impaction, beta_im, & 3540 c_turb_impaction, depo ) 3541 END SELECT 3542 ! 3543 !-- Calculate the change in concentrations 3544 paero(ib)%numc = paero(ib)%numc - depo * lad * paero(ib)%numc * dt_salsa 3545 DO ic = 1, maxspec+1 3546 paero(ib)%volc(ic) = paero(ib)%volc(ic) - depo * lad * paero(ib)%volc(ic) * dt_salsa 3547 ENDDO 3409 3548 ENDIF 3410 3549 ENDDO … … 3415 3554 ! Description: 3416 3555 ! ------------ 3417 !> Calculate change in number and volume concentrations due to deposition on3418 ! > plant canopy.3419 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 3420 SUBROUTINE depo_ pcm( paero, ib, vc, mag_u, ustar, kvis_a, schmidt_num, lad)3556 !> Calculate deposition velocity (m/s) based on Zhan et al. (2001, case 1). 3557 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 3558 3559 SUBROUTINE depo_vel_Z01( vc, ustar, schmidt_num, diameter, alpha, gamma, par_a, depo ) 3421 3560 3422 3561 IMPLICIT NONE 3423 3562 3424 INTEGER(iwp) :: ic !< loop index3425 3426 INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(in) :: ib !< loop index3427 3428 REAL(wp) :: alpha !< parameter, Table 3 in Z013429 REAL(wp) :: beta_im !< parameter for turbulent impaction3430 REAL(wp) :: depo !< deposition efficiency3431 REAL(wp) :: c_brownian_diff !< coefficient for Brownian diffusion3432 REAL(wp) :: c_impaction !< coefficient for inertial impaction3433 REAL(wp) :: c_interception !< coefficient for interception3434 REAL(wp) :: c_turb_impaction !< coefficient for turbulent impaction3435 REAL(wp) :: gamma !< parameter, Table 3 in Z013436 REAL(wp) :: par_a !< parameter A for the characteristic radius of collectors,3437 !< Table 3 in Z013438 REAL(wp) :: par_l !< obstacle characteristic dimension in P103439 3563 REAL(wp) :: rs !< overall quasi-laminar resistance for particles 3564 REAL(wp) :: stokes_num !< Stokes number for smooth or bluff surfaces 3565 3566 REAL(wp), INTENT(in) :: alpha !< parameter, Table 3 in Z01 3567 REAL(wp), INTENT(in) :: gamma !< parameter, Table 3 in Z01 3568 REAL(wp), INTENT(in) :: par_a !< parameter A for the characteristic diameter of 3569 !< collectors, Table 3 in Z01 3570 REAL(wp), INTENT(in) :: diameter !< particle diameter 3571 REAL(wp), INTENT(in) :: schmidt_num !< particle Schmidt number 3572 REAL(wp), INTENT(in) :: ustar !< friction velocity (m/s) 3573 REAL(wp), INTENT(in) :: vc !< terminal velocity (m/s) 3574 3575 REAL(wp), INTENT(inout) :: depo !< deposition efficiency (m/s) 3576 3577 IF ( par_a > 0.0_wp ) THEN 3578 ! 3579 !-- Initialise 3580 rs = 0.0_wp 3581 ! 3582 !-- Stokes number for vegetated surfaces (Seinfeld & Pandis (2006): Eq.19.24) 3583 stokes_num = vc * ustar / ( g * par_a ) 3584 ! 3585 !-- The overall quasi-laminar resistance for particles (Zhang et al., Eq. 5) 3586 rs = MAX( EPSILON( 1.0_wp ), ( 3.0_wp * ustar * EXP( -stokes_num**0.5_wp ) * & 3587 ( schmidt_num**( -gamma ) + ( stokes_num / ( alpha + stokes_num ) )**2 + & 3588 0.5_wp * ( diameter / par_a )**2 ) ) ) 3589 3590 depo = rs + vc 3591 3592 ELSE 3593 depo = 0.0_wp 3594 ENDIF 3595 3596 END SUBROUTINE depo_vel_Z01 3597 3598 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 3599 ! Description: 3600 ! ------------ 3601 !> Calculate deposition velocity (m/s) based on Petroff & Zhang (2010, case 2). 3602 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 3603 3604 SUBROUTINE depo_vel_P10( vc, mag_u, ustar, kvis_a, schmidt_num, diameter, par_l, c_brownian_diff, & 3605 c_interception, c_impaction, beta_im, c_turb_impaction, depo ) 3606 3607 IMPLICIT NONE 3608 3440 3609 REAL(wp) :: stokes_num !< Stokes number for smooth or bluff surfaces 3441 3610 REAL(wp) :: tau_plus !< dimensionless particle relaxation time … … 3445 3614 REAL(wp) :: v_it !< deposition velocity due to turbulent impaction 3446 3615 3616 REAL(wp), INTENT(in) :: beta_im !< parameter for turbulent impaction 3617 REAL(wp), INTENT(in) :: c_brownian_diff !< coefficient for Brownian diffusion 3618 REAL(wp), INTENT(in) :: c_impaction !< coefficient for inertial impaction 3619 REAL(wp), INTENT(in) :: c_interception !< coefficient for interception 3620 REAL(wp), INTENT(in) :: c_turb_impaction !< coefficient for turbulent impaction 3447 3621 REAL(wp), INTENT(in) :: kvis_a !< kinematic viscosity of air (m2/s) 3448 REAL(wp), INTENT(in) :: lad !< leaf area density (m2/m3)3449 3622 REAL(wp), INTENT(in) :: mag_u !< wind velocity (m/s) 3450 REAL(wp), INTENT(in) :: schmidt_num !< particle Schmidt number 3623 REAL(wp), INTENT(in) :: par_l !< obstacle characteristic dimension in P10 3624 REAL(wp), INTENT(in) :: diameter !< particle diameter 3625 REAL(wp), INTENT(in) :: schmidt_num !< particle Schmidt number 3451 3626 REAL(wp), INTENT(in) :: ustar !< friction velocity (m/s) 3452 3627 REAL(wp), INTENT(in) :: vc !< terminal velocity (m/s) 3453 3628 3454 TYPE(t_section), DIMENSION(nbins_aerosol), INTENT(inout) :: paero !< aerosol properties 3455 ! 3456 !-- Initialise 3457 rs = 0.0_wp 3458 tau_plus = 0.0_wp 3459 v_bd = 0.0_wp 3460 v_im = 0.0_wp 3461 v_in = 0.0_wp 3462 v_it = 0.0_wp 3463 3464 IF ( depo_pcm_par == 'zhang2001' ) THEN 3465 ! 3466 !-- Parameters for the land use category 'deciduous broadleaf trees'(Table 3) 3467 alpha = alpha_z01(depo_pcm_type_num) 3468 gamma = gamma_z01(depo_pcm_type_num) 3469 par_a = A_z01(depo_pcm_type_num, season) * 1.0E-3_wp 3470 ! 3471 !-- Stokes number for vegetated surfaces (Seinfeld & Pandis (2006): Eq.19.24) 3472 stokes_num = vc * ustar / ( g * par_a ) 3473 ! 3474 !-- The overall quasi-laminar resistance for particles (Zhang et al., Eq. 5) 3475 rs = MAX( EPSILON( 1.0_wp ), ( 3.0_wp * ustar * EXP( -stokes_num**0.5_wp ) * & 3476 ( schmidt_num**( -gamma ) + ( stokes_num / ( alpha + stokes_num ) )**2 + & 3477 0.5_wp * ( paero(ib)%dwet / par_a )**2 ) ) ) 3478 3479 depo = ( rs + vc ) * lad 3480 3481 ELSEIF ( depo_pcm_par == 'petroff2010' ) THEN 3482 ! 3483 !-- vd = v_BD + v_IN + v_IM + v_IT + vc 3484 !-- Deposition efficiencies from Table 1. Constants from Table 2. 3485 par_l = l_p10(depo_pcm_type_num) * 0.01_wp 3486 c_brownian_diff = c_b_p10(depo_pcm_type_num) 3487 c_interception = c_in_p10(depo_pcm_type_num) 3488 c_impaction = c_im_p10(depo_pcm_type_num) 3489 beta_im = beta_im_p10(depo_pcm_type_num) 3490 c_turb_impaction = c_it_p10(depo_pcm_type_num) 3629 REAL(wp), INTENT(inout) :: depo !< deposition efficiency (m/s) 3630 3631 IF ( par_l > 0.0_wp ) THEN 3632 ! 3633 !-- Initialise 3634 tau_plus = 0.0_wp 3635 v_bd = 0.0_wp 3636 v_im = 0.0_wp 3637 v_in = 0.0_wp 3638 v_it = 0.0_wp 3491 3639 ! 3492 3640 !-- Stokes number for vegetated surfaces (Seinfeld & Pandis (2006): Eq.19.24) … … 3497 3645 ! 3498 3646 !-- Brownian diffusion 3499 v_bd = mag_u * c_brownian_diff * schmidt_num**( -0.66666666_wp ) * &3647 v_bd = mag_u * c_brownian_diff * schmidt_num**( -0.66666666_wp ) * & 3500 3648 ( mag_u * par_l / kvis_a )**( -0.5_wp ) 3501 3649 ! 3502 3650 !-- Interception 3503 v_in = mag_u * c_interception * paero(ib)%dwet / par_l * ( 2.0_wp + LOG( 2.0_wp * par_l / & 3504 paero(ib)%dwet ) ) 3651 v_in = mag_u * c_interception * diameter / par_l * ( 2.0_wp + LOG( 2.0_wp * par_l / diameter ) ) 3505 3652 ! 3506 3653 !-- Impaction: Petroff (2009) Eq. 18 … … 3514 3661 ENDIF 3515 3662 3516 depo = ( v_bd + v_in + v_im + v_it + vc ) * lad 3517 3663 depo = ( v_bd + v_in + v_im + v_it + vc ) 3664 3665 ELSE 3666 depo = 0.0_wp 3518 3667 ENDIF 3519 ! 3520 !-- Calculate the change in concentrations 3521 paero(ib)%numc = paero(ib)%numc - depo * paero(ib)%numc * dt_salsa 3522 DO ic = 1, maxspec+1 3523 paero(ib)%volc(ic) = paero(ib)%volc(ic) - depo * paero(ib)%volc(ic) * dt_salsa 3524 ENDDO 3525 3526 END SUBROUTINE depo_pcm 3668 3669 END SUBROUTINE depo_vel_P10 3527 3670 3528 3671 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! … … 3534 3677 ! high-resolution simulations) 3535 3678 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 3536 SUBROUTINE depo_surf( i, j, surf, vc, schmidt_num, kvis, mag_u, norm, l)3537 3538 USE arrays_3d, &3679 SUBROUTINE depo_surf( i, j, surf, vc, schmidt_num, kvis, mag_u, norm, match_array ) 3680 3681 USE arrays_3d, & 3539 3682 ONLY: rho_air_zw 3540 3683 3541 USE surface_mod, &3542 ONLY: surf_type3684 USE surface_mod, & 3685 ONLY: ind_pav_green, ind_veg_wall, ind_wat_win, surf_type 3543 3686 3544 3687 IMPLICIT NONE … … 3552 3695 INTEGER(iwp) :: surf_s !< Start index of surface elements at (j,i)-gridpoint 3553 3696 3554 INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(in) :: i !< loop index 3555 INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(in) :: j !< loop index 3556 3557 INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: l !< index variable for surface facing 3558 3559 LOGICAL, INTENT(in) :: norm !< to normalise or not 3697 INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(in) :: i !< loop index 3698 INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(in) :: j !< loop index 3699 3700 LOGICAL, INTENT(in) :: norm !< to normalise or not 3560 3701 3561 3702 REAL(wp) :: alpha !< parameter, Table 3 in Z01 … … 3565 3706 REAL(wp) :: c_interception !< coefficient for interception 3566 3707 REAL(wp) :: c_turb_impaction !< coefficient for turbulent impaction 3567 REAL(wp) :: depo !< deposition efficiency3568 3708 REAL(wp) :: gamma !< parameter, Table 3 in Z01 3569 3709 REAL(wp) :: norm_fac !< normalisation factor (usually air density) … … 3572 3712 REAL(wp) :: par_l !< obstacle characteristic dimension in P10 3573 3713 REAL(wp) :: rs !< the overall quasi-laminar resistance for particles 3574 REAL(wp) :: stokes_num !< Stokes number for bluff surface elements3575 3714 REAL(wp) :: tau_plus !< dimensionless particle relaxation time 3576 3715 REAL(wp) :: v_bd !< deposition velocity due to Brownian diffusion … … 3579 3718 REAL(wp) :: v_it !< deposition velocity due to turbulent impaction 3580 3719 3720 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(nbins_aerosol) :: depo !< deposition efficiency 3721 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(nbins_aerosol) :: depo_sum !< sum of deposition efficiencies 3722 3581 3723 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in) :: kvis !< kinematic viscosity of air (m2/s) 3582 3724 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in) :: mag_u !< wind velocity (m/s) … … 3585 3727 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in) :: vc !< terminal velocity (m/s) 3586 3728 3587 TYPE(surf_type), INTENT(inout) :: surf !< respective surface type 3729 TYPE(match_surface), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: match_array !< match the deposition module and 3730 !< LSM/USM surfaces 3731 TYPE(surf_type), INTENT(inout) :: surf !< respective surface type 3588 3732 ! 3589 3733 !-- Initialise 3734 depo = 0.0_wp 3735 depo_sum = 0.0_wp 3590 3736 rs = 0.0_wp 3591 3737 surf_s = surf%start_index(j,i) … … 3597 3743 v_it = 0.0_wp 3598 3744 ! 3599 !-- Model parameters for the land use category. If LSM is applied, import3745 !-- Model parameters for the land use category. If LSM or USM is applied, import 3600 3746 !-- characteristics. Otherwise, apply surface type "urban". 3601 3747 alpha = alpha_z01(luc_urban) … … 3610 3756 c_turb_impaction = c_it_p10(luc_urban) 3611 3757 3612 DO m = surf_s, surf_e 3613 k = surf%k(m) 3614 3615 IF ( norm ) THEN 3616 norm_fac = rho_air_zw(k) 3617 IF ( land_surface ) THEN 3618 alpha = alpha_z01( lsm_to_depo_h%match(m) ) 3619 beta_im = beta_im_p10( lsm_to_depo_h%match(m) ) 3620 c_brownian_diff = c_b_p10( lsm_to_depo_h%match(m) ) 3621 c_impaction = c_im_p10( lsm_to_depo_h%match(m) ) 3622 c_interception = c_in_p10( lsm_to_depo_h%match(m) ) 3623 c_turb_impaction = c_it_p10( lsm_to_depo_h%match(m) ) 3624 gamma = gamma_z01( lsm_to_depo_h%match(m) ) 3625 par_a = A_z01( lsm_to_depo_h%match(m), season ) * 1.0E-3_wp 3626 par_l = l_p10( lsm_to_depo_h%match(m) ) * 0.01_wp 3758 3759 IF ( PRESENT( match_array ) ) THEN ! land or urban surface model 3760 3761 DO m = surf_s, surf_e 3762 3763 k = surf%k(m) 3764 norm_fac = 1.0_wp 3765 3766 IF ( norm ) norm_fac = rho_air_zw(k) ! normalise vertical fluxes by air density 3767 3768 IF ( match_array%match_lupg(m) > 0 ) THEN 3769 alpha = alpha_z01( match_array%match_lupg(m) ) 3770 gamma = gamma_z01( match_array%match_lupg(m) ) 3771 par_a = A_z01( match_array%match_lupg(m), season ) * 1.0E-3_wp 3772 3773 beta_im = beta_im_p10( match_array%match_lupg(m) ) 3774 c_brownian_diff = c_b_p10( match_array%match_lupg(m) ) 3775 c_impaction = c_im_p10( match_array%match_lupg(m) ) 3776 c_interception = c_in_p10( match_array%match_lupg(m) ) 3777 c_turb_impaction = c_it_p10( match_array%match_lupg(m) ) 3778 par_l = l_p10( match_array%match_lupg(m) ) * 0.01_wp 3779 3780 DO ib = 1, nbins_aerosol 3781 IF ( aerosol_number(ib)%conc(k,j,i) <= nclim .OR. schmidt_num(k+1,ib) < 1.0_wp ) & 3782 CYCLE 3783 3784 SELECT CASE ( depo_surf_par_num ) 3785 3786 CASE ( 1 ) 3787 CALL depo_vel_Z01( vc(k+1,ib), surf%us(m), schmidt_num(k+1,ib), & 3788 ra_dry(k,j,i,ib), alpha, gamma, par_a, depo(ib) ) 3789 CASE ( 2 ) 3790 CALL depo_vel_P10( vc(k+1,ib), mag_u(k+1), surf%us(m), kvis(k+1), & 3791 schmidt_num(k+1,ib), ra_dry(k,j,i,ib), par_l, & 3792 c_brownian_diff, c_interception, c_impaction, beta_im, & 3793 c_turb_impaction, depo(ib) ) 3794 END SELECT 3795 ENDDO 3796 depo_sum = depo_sum + surf%frac(ind_pav_green,m) * depo 3627 3797 ENDIF 3628 ELSE 3629 norm_fac = 0.0_wp 3630 IF ( land_surface ) THEN 3631 alpha = alpha_z01( lsm_to_depo_v(l)%match(m) ) 3632 beta_im = beta_im_p10( lsm_to_depo_v(l)%match(m) ) 3633 c_brownian_diff = c_b_p10( lsm_to_depo_v(l)%match(m) ) 3634 c_impaction = c_im_p10( lsm_to_depo_v(l)%match(m) ) 3635 c_interception = c_in_p10( lsm_to_depo_v(l)%match(m) ) 3636 c_turb_impaction = c_it_p10( lsm_to_depo_v(l)%match(m) ) 3637 gamma = gamma_z01( lsm_to_depo_v(l)%match(m) ) 3638 par_a = A_z01( lsm_to_depo_v(l)%match(m), season ) * 1.0E-3_wp 3639 par_l = l_p10( lsm_to_depo_v(l)%match(m) ) * 0.01_wp 3798 3799 IF ( match_array%match_luvw(m) > 0 ) THEN 3800 alpha = alpha_z01( match_array%match_luvw(m) ) 3801 gamma = gamma_z01( match_array%match_luvw(m) ) 3802 par_a = A_z01( match_array%match_luvw(m), season ) * 1.0E-3_wp 3803 3804 beta_im = beta_im_p10( match_array%match_luvw(m) ) 3805 c_brownian_diff = c_b_p10( match_array%match_luvw(m) ) 3806 c_impaction = c_im_p10( match_array%match_luvw(m) ) 3807 c_interception = c_in_p10( match_array%match_luvw(m) ) 3808 c_turb_impaction = c_it_p10( match_array%match_luvw(m) ) 3809 par_l = l_p10( match_array%match_luvw(m) ) * 0.01_wp 3810 3811 DO ib = 1, nbins_aerosol 3812 IF ( aerosol_number(ib)%conc(k,j,i) <= nclim .OR. schmidt_num(k+1,ib) < 1.0_wp ) & 3813 CYCLE 3814 3815 SELECT CASE ( depo_surf_par_num ) 3816 3817 CASE ( 1 ) 3818 CALL depo_vel_Z01( vc(k+1,ib), surf%us(m), schmidt_num(k+1,ib), & 3819 ra_dry(k,j,i,ib), alpha, gamma, par_a, depo(ib) ) 3820 CASE ( 2 ) 3821 CALL depo_vel_P10( vc(k+1,ib), mag_u(k+1), surf%us(m), kvis(k+1), & 3822 schmidt_num(k+1,ib), ra_dry(k,j,i,ib), par_l, & 3823 c_brownian_diff, c_interception, c_impaction, beta_im, & 3824 c_turb_impaction, depo(ib) ) 3825 END SELECT 3826 ENDDO 3827 depo_sum = depo_sum + surf%frac(ind_veg_wall,m) * depo 3640 3828 ENDIF 3641 ENDIF 3642 3643 DO ib = 1, nbins_aerosol 3644 IF ( aerosol_number(ib)%conc(k,j,i) <= nclim .OR. schmidt_num(k+1,ib) < 1.0_wp ) CYCLE 3645 3646 IF ( depo_surf_par == 'zhang2001' ) THEN 3647 ! 3648 !-- Stokes number for smooth surfaces or surfaces with bluff roughness 3649 !-- elements (Seinfeld and Pandis, 2nd edition (2006): Eq. 19.23) 3650 stokes_num = MAX( 0.01_wp, vc(k+1,ib) * surf%us(m)**2 / ( g * kvis(k+1) ) ) 3651 ! 3652 !-- The overall quasi-laminar resistance for particles (Eq. 5) 3653 rs = MAX( EPSILON( 1.0_wp ), ( 3.0_wp * surf%us(m) * ( schmidt_num(k+1,ib)**( -gamma )& 3654 + ( stokes_num / ( alpha + stokes_num ) )**2 + 0.5_wp * ( ra_dry(k,j,i,ib) /& 3655 par_a )**2 ) * EXP( -stokes_num**0.5_wp ) ) ) 3656 depo = vc(k+1,ib) + rs 3657 3658 ELSEIF ( depo_surf_par == 'petroff2010' ) THEN 3659 ! 3660 !-- vd = v_BD + v_IN + v_IM + v_IT + vc 3661 ! 3662 !-- Stokes number for smooth surfaces or surfaces with bluff roughness 3663 !-- elements (Seinfeld and Pandis, 2nd edition (2006): Eq. 19.23) 3664 stokes_num = MAX( 0.01_wp, vc(k+1,ib) * surf%us(m)**2 / ( g * kvis(k+1) ) ) 3665 ! 3666 !-- Non-dimensional relexation time of the particle on top of canopy 3667 tau_plus = vc(k+1,ib) * surf%us(m)**2 / ( kvis(k+1) * g ) 3668 ! 3669 !-- Brownian diffusion 3670 v_bd = mag_u(k+1) * c_brownian_diff * schmidt_num(k+1,ib)**( -0.666666_wp ) * & 3671 ( mag_u(k+1) * par_l / kvis(k+1) )**( -0.5_wp ) 3672 ! 3673 !-- Interception 3674 v_in = mag_u(k+1) * c_interception * ra_dry(k,j,i,ib)/ par_l * & 3675 ( 2.0_wp + LOG( 2.0_wp * par_l / ra_dry(k,j,i,ib) ) ) 3676 ! 3677 !-- Impaction: Petroff (2009) Eq. 18 3678 v_im = mag_u(k+1) * c_impaction * ( stokes_num / ( stokes_num + beta_im ) )**2 3679 3680 IF ( tau_plus < 20.0_wp ) THEN 3681 v_it = 2.5E-3_wp * c_turb_impaction * tau_plus**2 3829 3830 IF ( match_array%match_luww(m) > 0 ) THEN 3831 alpha = alpha_z01( match_array%match_luww(m) ) 3832 gamma = gamma_z01( match_array%match_luww(m) ) 3833 par_a = A_z01( match_array%match_luww(m), season ) * 1.0E-3_wp 3834 3835 beta_im = beta_im_p10( match_array%match_luww(m) ) 3836 c_brownian_diff = c_b_p10( match_array%match_luww(m) ) 3837 c_impaction = c_im_p10( match_array%match_luww(m) ) 3838 c_interception = c_in_p10( match_array%match_luww(m) ) 3839 c_turb_impaction = c_it_p10( match_array%match_luww(m) ) 3840 par_l = l_p10( match_array%match_luww(m) ) * 0.01_wp 3841 3842 DO ib = 1, nbins_aerosol 3843 IF ( aerosol_number(ib)%conc(k,j,i) <= nclim .OR. schmidt_num(k+1,ib) < 1.0_wp ) & 3844 CYCLE 3845 3846 SELECT CASE ( depo_surf_par_num ) 3847 3848 CASE ( 1 ) 3849 CALL depo_vel_Z01( vc(k+1,ib), surf%us(m), schmidt_num(k+1,ib), & 3850 ra_dry(k,j,i,ib), alpha, gamma, par_a, depo(ib) ) 3851 CASE ( 2 ) 3852 CALL depo_vel_P10( vc(k+1,ib), mag_u(k+1), surf%us(m), kvis(k+1), & 3853 schmidt_num(k+1,ib), ra_dry(k,j,i,ib), par_l, & 3854 c_brownian_diff, c_interception, c_impaction, beta_im, & 3855 c_turb_impaction, depo(ib) ) 3856 END SELECT 3857 ENDDO 3858 depo_sum = depo_sum + surf%frac(ind_wat_win,m) * depo 3859 ENDIF 3860 3861 DO ib = 1, nbins_aerosol 3862 ! 3863 !-- Calculate changes in surface fluxes due to dry deposition 3864 IF ( include_emission ) THEN 3865 surf%answs(m,ib) = aerosol_number(ib)%source(j,i) - MAX( 0.0_wp, & 3866 depo_sum(ib) * norm_fac * aerosol_number(ib)%conc(k,j,i) ) 3867 DO ic = 1, ncomponents_mass 3868 icc = ( ic - 1 ) * nbins_aerosol + ib 3869 surf%amsws(m,icc) = aerosol_mass(icc)%source(j,i) - MAX( 0.0_wp, & 3870 depo_sum(ib) * norm_fac * aerosol_mass(icc)%conc(k,j,i) ) 3871 ENDDO ! ic 3682 3872 ELSE 3683 v_it = c_turb_impaction 3873 surf%answs(m,ib) = -depo_sum(ib) * norm_fac * aerosol_number(ib)%conc(k,j,i) 3874 DO ic = 1, ncomponents_mass 3875 icc = ( ic - 1 ) * nbins_aerosol + ib 3876 surf%amsws(m,icc) = -depo_sum(ib) * norm_fac * aerosol_mass(icc)%conc(k,j,i) 3877 ENDDO ! ic 3684 3878 ENDIF 3685 depo = v_bd + v_in + v_im + v_it + vc(k+1,ib) 3686 3687 ENDIF 3688 ! 3689 !-- Calculate changes in surface fluxes due to dry deposition 3690 IF ( include_emission ) THEN 3691 surf%answs(m,ib) = aerosol_number(ib)%source(j,i) - & 3692 MAX( 0.0_wp, depo * norm_fac * aerosol_number(ib)%conc(k,j,i) ) 3693 DO ic = 1, ncomponents_mass 3694 icc = ( ic - 1 ) * nbins_aerosol + ib 3695 surf%amsws(m,icc) = aerosol_mass(icc)%source(j,i) - & 3696 MAX( 0.0_wp, depo * norm_fac * aerosol_mass(icc)%conc(k,j,i) ) 3697 ENDDO ! ic 3698 ELSE 3699 surf%answs(m,ib) = -depo * norm_fac * aerosol_number(ib)%conc(k,j,i) 3700 DO ic = 1, ncomponents_mass 3701 icc = ( ic - 1 ) * nbins_aerosol + ib 3702 surf%amsws(m,icc) = -depo * norm_fac * aerosol_mass(icc)%conc(k,j,i) 3703 ENDDO ! ic 3704 ENDIF 3705 ENDDO ! ib 3706 ENDDO ! m 3879 ENDDO ! ib 3880 3881 ENDDO 3882 3883 ELSE ! default surfaces 3884 3885 DO m = surf_s, surf_e 3886 3887 k = surf%k(m) 3888 norm_fac = 1.0_wp 3889 3890 IF ( norm ) norm_fac = rho_air_zw(k) ! normalise vertical fluxes by air density 3891 3892 DO ib = 1, nbins_aerosol 3893 IF ( aerosol_number(ib)%conc(k,j,i) <= nclim .OR. schmidt_num(k+1,ib) < 1.0_wp ) & 3894 CYCLE 3895 3896 SELECT CASE ( depo_surf_par_num ) 3897 3898 CASE ( 1 ) 3899 CALL depo_vel_Z01( vc(k+1,ib), surf%us(m), schmidt_num(k+1,ib), & 3900 ra_dry(k,j,i,ib), alpha, gamma, par_a, depo(ib) ) 3901 CASE ( 2 ) 3902 CALL depo_vel_P10( vc(k+1,ib), mag_u(k+1), surf%us(m), kvis(k+1), & 3903 schmidt_num(k+1,ib), ra_dry(k,j,i,ib), par_l, & 3904 c_brownian_diff, c_interception, c_impaction, beta_im, & 3905 c_turb_impaction, depo(ib) ) 3906 END SELECT 3907 ! 3908 !-- Calculate changes in surface fluxes due to dry deposition 3909 IF ( include_emission ) THEN 3910 surf%answs(m,ib) = aerosol_number(ib)%source(j,i) - MAX( 0.0_wp, & 3911 depo(ib) * norm_fac * aerosol_number(ib)%conc(k,j,i) ) 3912 DO ic = 1, ncomponents_mass 3913 icc = ( ic - 1 ) * nbins_aerosol + ib 3914 surf%amsws(m,icc) = aerosol_mass(icc)%source(j,i) - MAX( 0.0_wp, & 3915 depo(ib) * norm_fac * aerosol_mass(icc)%conc(k,j,i) ) 3916 ENDDO ! ic 3917 ELSE 3918 surf%answs(m,ib) = -depo(ib) * norm_fac * aerosol_number(ib)%conc(k,j,i) 3919 DO ic = 1, ncomponents_mass 3920 icc = ( ic - 1 ) * nbins_aerosol + ib 3921 surf%amsws(m,icc) = -depo(ib) * norm_fac * aerosol_mass(icc)%conc(k,j,i) 3922 ENDDO ! ic 3923 ENDIF 3924 ENDDO ! ib 3925 ENDDO 3926 3927 ENDIF 3707 3928 3708 3929 END SUBROUTINE depo_surf … … 7200 7421 END SUBROUTINE salsa_actions_ij 7201 7422 7202 ! 7423 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 7424 ! Description: 7425 ! ------------ 7426 !> Call for all grid points 7427 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 7428 SUBROUTINE salsa_non_advective_processes 7429 7430 USE cpulog, & 7431 ONLY: cpu_log, log_point_s 7432 7433 IMPLICIT NONE 7434 7435 INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< 7436 INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< 7437 7438 IF ( time_since_reference_point >= skip_time_do_salsa ) THEN 7439 IF ( ( time_since_reference_point - last_salsa_time ) >= dt_salsa ) THEN 7440 ! 7441 !-- Calculate aerosol dynamic processes. salsa_driver can be run with a longer time step. 7442 CALL cpu_log( log_point_s(90), 'salsa processes ', 'start' ) 7443 DO i = nxl, nxr 7444 DO j = nys, nyn 7445 CALL salsa_diagnostics( i, j ) 7446 CALL salsa_driver( i, j, 3 ) 7447 CALL salsa_diagnostics( i, j ) 7448 ENDDO 7449 ENDDO 7450 CALL cpu_log( log_point_s(90), 'salsa processes ', 'stop' ) 7451 ENDIF 7452 ENDIF 7453 7454 END SUBROUTINE salsa_non_advective_processes 7455 7456 7457 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 7458 ! Description: 7459 ! ------------ 7460 !> Call for grid points i,j 7461 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 7462 SUBROUTINE salsa_non_advective_processes_ij( i, j ) 7463 7464 USE cpulog, & 7465 ONLY: cpu_log, log_point_s 7466 7467 IMPLICIT NONE 7468 7469 INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: i !< grid index in x-direction 7470 INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: j !< grid index in y-direction 7471 7472 IF ( time_since_reference_point >= skip_time_do_salsa ) THEN 7473 IF ( ( time_since_reference_point - last_salsa_time ) >= dt_salsa ) THEN 7474 ! 7475 !-- Calculate aerosol dynamic processes. salsa_driver can be run with a longer time step. 7476 CALL cpu_log( log_point_s(90), 'salsa processes ', 'start' ) 7477 CALL salsa_diagnostics( i, j ) 7478 CALL salsa_driver( i, j, 3 ) 7479 CALL salsa_diagnostics( i, j ) 7480 CALL cpu_log( log_point_s(90), 'salsa processes ', 'stop' ) 7481 ENDIF 7482 ENDIF 7483 7484 END SUBROUTINE salsa_non_advective_processes_ij 7485 7486 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 7487 ! Description: 7488 ! ------------ 7489 !> Routine for exchange horiz of salsa variables. 7490 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 7491 SUBROUTINE salsa_exchange_horiz_bounds 7492 7493 USE cpulog, & 7494 ONLY: cpu_log, log_point_s 7495 7496 IMPLICIT NONE 7497 7498 INTEGER(iwp) :: ib !< 7499 INTEGER(iwp) :: ic !< 7500 INTEGER(iwp) :: icc !< 7501 INTEGER(iwp) :: ig !< 7502 7503 IF ( time_since_reference_point >= skip_time_do_salsa ) THEN 7504 IF ( ( time_since_reference_point - last_salsa_time ) >= dt_salsa ) THEN 7505 7506 CALL cpu_log( log_point_s(91), 'salsa exch-horiz ', 'start' ) 7507 ! 7508 !-- Exchange ghost points and decycle if needed. 7509 DO ib = 1, nbins_aerosol 7510 CALL exchange_horiz( aerosol_number(ib)%conc, nbgp ) 7511 CALL salsa_boundary_conds( aerosol_number(ib)%conc, aerosol_number(ib)%init ) 7512 DO ic = 1, ncomponents_mass 7513 icc = ( ic - 1 ) * nbins_aerosol + ib 7514 CALL exchange_horiz( aerosol_mass(icc)%conc, nbgp ) 7515 CALL salsa_boundary_conds( aerosol_mass(icc)%conc, aerosol_mass(icc)%init ) 7516 ENDDO 7517 ENDDO 7518 IF ( .NOT. salsa_gases_from_chem ) THEN 7519 DO ig = 1, ngases_salsa 7520 CALL exchange_horiz( salsa_gas(ig)%conc, nbgp ) 7521 CALL salsa_boundary_conds( salsa_gas(ig)%conc, salsa_gas(ig)%init ) 7522 ENDDO 7523 ENDIF 7524 CALL cpu_log( log_point_s(91), 'salsa exch-horiz ', 'stop' ) 7525 ! 7526 !-- Update last_salsa_time 7527 last_salsa_time = time_since_reference_point 7528 ENDIF 7529 ENDIF 7530 7531 END SUBROUTINE salsa_exchange_horiz_bounds 7532 7203 7533 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 7204 7534 ! Description: … … 7272 7602 ! ------------ 7273 7603 !> Calculate the prognostic equation for aerosol number and mass, and gas 7274 !> concentrations. Cache-optimized.7604 !> concentrations. For vector machines. 7275 7605 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 7276 7606 SUBROUTINE salsa_prognostic_equations() … … 7379 7709 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(nzb+1:nzt,nys:nyn,0:threads_per_task-1) :: flux_l !< 7380 7710 7381 REAL(wp), DIMENSION( :,:,:), POINTER:: rs_p !<7382 REAL(wp), DIMENSION( :,:,:), POINTER:: rs !<7383 REAL(wp), DIMENSION( :,:,:), POINTER:: trs_m !<7711 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(nzb:nzt+1,nysg:nyng,nxlg:nxrg) :: rs_p !< 7712 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(nzb:nzt+1,nysg:nyng,nxlg:nxrg) :: rs !< 7713 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(nzb:nzt+1,nysg:nyng,nxlg:nxrg) :: trs_m !< 7384 7714 7385 7715 icc = ( ic - 1 ) * nbins_aerosol + ib … … 7433 7763 END SELECT 7434 7764 ! 7435 !-- Sedimentation for aerosol number and mass7765 !-- Sedimentation and prognostic equation for aerosol number and mass 7436 7766 IF ( lsdepo .AND. do_sedimentation ) THEN 7437 tend(nzb+1:nzt,j,i) = tend(nzb+1:nzt,j,i) - MAX( 0.0_wp, & 7438 ( rs(nzb+2:nzt+1,j,i) * sedim_vd(nzb+2:nzt+1,j,i,ib) - & 7439 rs(nzb+1:nzt,j,i) * sedim_vd(nzb+1:nzt,j,i,ib) ) * ddzu(nzb+1:nzt) )& 7440 * MERGE( 1.0_wp, 0.0_wp, BTEST( wall_flags_0(nzb:nzt-1,j,i), 0 ) ) 7767 !DIR$ IVDEP 7768 DO k = nzb+1, nzt 7769 tend(k,j,i) = tend(k,j,i) - MAX( 0.0_wp, ( rs(k+1,j,i) * sedim_vd(k+1,j,i,ib) - & 7770 rs(k,j,i) * sedim_vd(k,j,i,ib) ) * ddzu(k) ) & 7771 * MERGE( 1.0_wp, 0.0_wp, BTEST( wall_flags_0(k-1,j,i), 0 ) ) 7772 rs_p(k,j,i) = rs(k,j,i) + ( dt_3d * ( tsc(2) * tend(k,j,i) + tsc(3) * trs_m(k,j,i) ) & 7773 - tsc(5) * rdf_sc(k) * ( rs(k,j,i) - rs_init(k) ) ) & 7774 * MERGE( 1.0_wp, 0.0_wp, BTEST( wall_flags_0(k,j,i), 0 ) ) 7775 IF ( rs_p(k,j,i) < 0.0_wp ) rs_p(k,j,i) = 0.1_wp * rs(k,j,i) 7776 ENDDO 7777 ELSE 7778 ! 7779 !-- Prognostic equation 7780 !DIR$ IVDEP 7781 DO k = nzb+1, nzt 7782 rs_p(k,j,i) = rs(k,j,i) + ( dt_3d * ( tsc(2) * tend(k,j,i) + tsc(3) * trs_m(k,j,i) ) & 7783 - tsc(5) * rdf_sc(k) * ( rs(k,j,i) - rs_init(k) ) )& 7784 * MERGE( 1.0_wp, 0.0_wp, BTEST( wall_flags_0(k,j,i), 0 ) ) 7785 IF ( rs_p(k,j,i) < 0.0_wp ) rs_p(k,j,i) = 0.1_wp * rs(k,j,i) 7786 ENDDO 7441 7787 ENDIF 7442 !7443 !-- Prognostic equation for a scalar7444 DO k = nzb+1, nzt7445 rs_p(k,j,i) = rs(k,j,i) + ( dt_3d * ( tsc(2) * tend(k,j,i) + tsc(3) * trs_m(k,j,i) ) &7446 - tsc(5) * rdf_sc(k) * ( rs(k,j,i) - rs_init(k) ) ) &7447 * MERGE( 1.0_wp, 0.0_wp, BTEST( wall_flags_0(k,j,i), 0 ) )7448 IF ( rs_p(k,j,i) < 0.0_wp ) rs_p(k,j,i) = 0.1_wp * rs(k,j,i)7449 ENDDO7450 7788 ! 7451 7789 !-- Calculate tendencies for the next Runge-Kutta step … … 7468 7806 ! ------------ 7469 7807 !> Calculate the tendencies for aerosol number and mass concentrations. 7470 !> Vector-optimized.7808 !> For vector machines. 7471 7809 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 7472 7810 SUBROUTINE salsa_tendency( id, rs_p, rs, trs_m, ib, ic, rs_init, do_sedimentation ) … … 9084 9422 SELECT CASE ( TRIM( var ) ) 9085 9423 9086 CASE ( 'g_H2SO4', 'g_HNO3', 'g_NH3', 'g_OCNV', 'g_OCSV', 'N_bin1', 'N_bin2', 'N_bin3', & 9087 'N_bin4', 'N_bin5', 'N_bin6', 'N_bin7', 'N_bin8', 'N_bin9', 'N_bin10', 'N_bin11', & 9088 'N_bin12', 'Ntot' ) 9424 CASE ( 'g_H2SO4', 'g_HNO3', 'g_NH3', 'g_OCNV', 'g_OCSV' ) 9089 9425 IF ( .NOT. salsa ) THEN 9090 9426 message_string = 'output of "' // TRIM( var ) // '" requires salsa = .TRUE.' 9091 CALL message( 'check_parameters', 'PA0645', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) 9427 CALL message( 'check_parameters', 'PA0652', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) 9428 ENDIF 9429 IF ( salsa_gases_from_chem ) THEN 9430 message_string = 'gases are imported from the chemistry module and thus output of "' & 9431 // TRIM( var ) // '" is not allowed' 9432 CALL message( 'check_parameters', 'PA0653', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) 9092 9433 ENDIF 9093 9434 unit = '#/m3' … … 9108 9449 ENDIF 9109 9450 unit = 'kg/m3' 9451 9452 CASE ( 'N_bin1', 'N_bin2', 'N_bin3', 'N_bin4', 'N_bin5', 'N_bin6', 'N_bin7', 'N_bin8', & 9453 'N_bin9', 'N_bin10', 'N_bin11', 'N_bin12', 'Ntot' ) 9454 IF ( .NOT. salsa ) THEN 9455 message_string = 'output of "' // TRIM( var ) // '" requires salsa = .TRUE.' 9456 CALL message( 'check_parameters', 'PA0645', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) 9457 ENDIF 9458 unit = '#/m3' 9110 9459 9111 9460 CASE DEFAULT
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