Changeset 3953 for palm/trunk/SOURCE
- Timestamp:
- May 6, 2019 12:11:55 PM (6 years ago)
- File:
- 1 edited
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r3942 r3953 25 25 ! ----------------- 26 26 ! $Id$ 27 ! bugfix: set origin_time and starting point of time coordinate according to 28 ! day_of_year_init and time_utc_init 29 ! 30 ! 3942 2019-04-30 13:08:30Z kanani 27 31 ! Add specifier to netcdf_handle_error to simplify identification of attribute 28 32 ! causing the error … … 492 496 CHARACTER(LEN=20), DIMENSION(11) :: netcdf_precision = ' ' 493 497 CHARACTER(LEN=40) :: netcdf_data_format_string 498 CHARACTER(LEN=23) :: origin_time_string !< string containing date and time of origin 494 499 495 500 INTEGER(iwp) :: id_dim_agtnum, id_dim_time_agt, & … … 681 686 skip_time_do3d, topography, num_leg, num_var_fl, & 682 687 urban_surface 688 689 USE date_and_time_mod, & 690 ONLY: day_of_year_init, time_utc_init 683 691 684 692 USE grid_variables, & … … 902 910 903 911 ENDIF 904 912 ! 913 !-- Compose date-time string for origin_time 914 origin_time_string = date_time_string( day_of_year_init, time_utc_init ) 905 915 ! 906 916 !-- Convert coord_ref_sys into vector (used for lat/lon calculation) … … 962 972 (/ id_dim_time_mask(mid,av) /), 'time', & 963 973 NF90_DOUBLE, id_var_time_mask(mid,av), & 964 'seconds since '// TRIM(init_model%origin_time), 'time', 468, 469, 000 )974 'seconds since '//origin_time_string, 'time', 468, 469, 000 ) 965 975 CALL netcdf_create_att( id_set_mask(mid,av), id_var_time_mask(mid,av), 'standard_name', 'time', 000) 966 976 CALL netcdf_create_att( id_set_mask(mid,av), id_var_time_mask(mid,av), 'axis', 'T', 000) … … 1745 1755 CALL netcdf_create_var( id_set_3d(av), (/ id_dim_time_3d(av) /), & 1746 1756 'time', NF90_DOUBLE, id_var_time_3d(av), & 1747 'seconds since '// TRIM(init_model%origin_time), 'time', 65, 66, 00 )1757 'seconds since '//origin_time_string, 'time', 65, 66, 00 ) 1748 1758 CALL netcdf_create_att( id_set_3d(av), id_var_time_3d(av), 'standard_name', 'time', 000) 1749 1759 CALL netcdf_create_att( id_set_3d(av), id_var_time_3d(av), 'axis', 'T', 000) … … 2551 2561 2552 2562 CALL netcdf_create_var( id_set_agt, (/ id_dim_time_agt /), 'time', & 2553 NF90_REAL4, id_var_time_agt, 'seconds since '// TRIM(init_model%origin_time), 'time', &2563 NF90_REAL4, id_var_time_agt, 'seconds since '//origin_time_string, 'time', & 2554 2564 332, 333, 000 ) 2555 2565 CALL netcdf_create_att( id_set_agt, id_var_time_agt, 'standard_name', 'time', 000) … … 2689 2699 CALL netcdf_create_var( id_set_xy(av), (/ id_dim_time_xy(av) /), & 2690 2700 'time', NF90_DOUBLE, id_var_time_xy(av), & 2691 'seconds since '// TRIM(init_model%origin_time), 'time', 100, 101, 000 )2701 'seconds since '//origin_time_string, 'time', 100, 101, 000 ) 2692 2702 CALL netcdf_create_att( id_set_xy(av), id_var_time_xy(av), 'standard_name', 'time', 000) 2693 2703 CALL netcdf_create_att( id_set_xy(av), id_var_time_xy(av), 'axis', 'T', 000) … … 3643 3653 CALL netcdf_create_var( id_set_xz(av), (/ id_dim_time_xz(av) /), & 3644 3654 'time', NF90_DOUBLE, id_var_time_xz(av), & 3645 'seconds since '// TRIM(init_model%origin_time), 'time', 143, 144, 000 )3655 'seconds since '//origin_time_string, 'time', 143, 144, 000 ) 3646 3656 CALL netcdf_create_att( id_set_xz(av), id_var_time_xz(av), 'standard_name', 'time', 000) 3647 3657 CALL netcdf_create_att( id_set_xz(av), id_var_time_xz(av), 'axis', 'T', 000) … … 4501 4511 CALL netcdf_create_var( id_set_yz(av), (/ id_dim_time_yz(av) /), & 4502 4512 'time', NF90_DOUBLE, id_var_time_yz(av), & 4503 'seconds since '// TRIM(init_model%origin_time), 'time', 182, 183, 000 )4513 'seconds since '//origin_time_string, 'time', 182, 183, 000 ) 4504 4514 CALL netcdf_create_att( id_set_yz(av), id_var_time_yz(av), 'standard_name', 'time', 000) 4505 4515 CALL netcdf_create_att( id_set_yz(av), id_var_time_yz(av), 'axis', 'T', 000) … … 5482 5492 id_dim_time_pr, 220 ) 5483 5493 CALL netcdf_create_var( id_set_pr, (/ id_dim_time_pr /), 'time', & 5484 NF90_DOUBLE, id_var_time_pr, 'seconds since '// TRIM(init_model%origin_time), 'time', &5494 NF90_DOUBLE, id_var_time_pr, 'seconds since '//origin_time_string, 'time', & 5485 5495 221, 222, 000 ) 5486 5496 CALL netcdf_create_att( id_set_pr, id_var_time_pr, 'standard_name', 'time', 000) … … 5735 5745 id_dim_time_ts, 250 ) 5736 5746 CALL netcdf_create_var( id_set_ts, (/ id_dim_time_ts /), 'time', & 5737 NF90_DOUBLE, id_var_time_ts, 'seconds since '// TRIM(init_model%origin_time), 'time', &5747 NF90_DOUBLE, id_var_time_ts, 'seconds since '//origin_time_string, 'time', & 5738 5748 251, 252, 000 ) 5739 5749 CALL netcdf_create_att( id_set_ts, id_var_time_ts, 'standard_name', 'time', 000) … … 5932 5942 id_dim_time_sp, 270 ) 5933 5943 CALL netcdf_create_var( id_set_sp, (/ id_dim_time_sp /), 'time', & 5934 NF90_DOUBLE, id_var_time_sp, 'seconds since '// TRIM(init_model%origin_time), 'time', &5944 NF90_DOUBLE, id_var_time_sp, 'seconds since '//origin_time_string, 'time', & 5935 5945 271, 272, 000 ) 5936 5946 CALL netcdf_create_att( id_set_sp, id_var_time_sp, 'standard_name', 'time', 000) … … 6425 6435 id_dim_time_pts, 397 ) 6426 6436 CALL netcdf_create_var( id_set_pts, (/ id_dim_time_pts /), 'time', & 6427 NF90_DOUBLE, id_var_time_pts, 'seconds since '// TRIM(init_model%origin_time), 'time', &6437 NF90_DOUBLE, id_var_time_pts, 'seconds since '//origin_time_string, 'time', & 6428 6438 398, 399, 000 ) 6429 6439 CALL netcdf_create_att( id_set_pts, id_var_time_pts, 'standard_name', 'time', 000) … … 6623 6633 id_dim_time_fl, 250 ) 6624 6634 CALL netcdf_create_var( id_set_fl, (/ id_dim_time_fl /), 'time', & 6625 NF90_DOUBLE, id_var_time_fl, 'seconds since '// TRIM(init_model%origin_time), 'time', &6635 NF90_DOUBLE, id_var_time_fl, 'seconds since '//origin_time_string, 'time', & 6626 6636 251, 252, 000 ) 6627 6637 CALL netcdf_create_att( id_set_fl, id_var_time_fl, 'standard_name', 'time', 000) … … 7115 7125 CALL netcdf_handle_error( 'netcdf_create_global_atts 5', error_no ) 7116 7126 7117 nc_stat = NF90_PUT_ATT( ncid, NF90_GLOBAL, 'origin_time', init_model%origin_time)7127 nc_stat = NF90_PUT_ATT( ncid, NF90_GLOBAL, 'origin_time', origin_time_string ) 7118 7128 CALL netcdf_handle_error( 'netcdf_create_global_atts 6', error_no ) 7119 7129 nc_stat = NF90_PUT_ATT( ncid, NF90_GLOBAL, 'origin_lat', init_model%latitude ) … … 7457 7467 END SUBROUTINE convert_utm_to_geographic 7458 7468 7469 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 7470 ! Description: 7471 ! ------------ 7472 !> Compose string containing date and time of format 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss ZZZ' 7473 !> from day_of_year and second_of_day. 7474 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 7475 FUNCTION date_time_string( day_of_year, second_of_day ) 7476 7477 IMPLICIT NONE 7478 7479 CHARACTER(LEN=1) :: plus_minus !< either '+' or '-' 7480 7481 CHARACTER(LEN=23) :: date_time_string !< string containing date and time 7482 7483 INTEGER(iwp) :: day !< day of month 7484 INTEGER(iwp) :: err !< error code 7485 INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< loop index 7486 INTEGER(iwp) :: hour !< hour of the day 7487 INTEGER(iwp) :: minute !< minute of the hour 7488 INTEGER(iwp) :: month !< month of year 7489 INTEGER(iwp) :: year = 2019 !< year (no leap year) 7490 INTEGER(iwp) :: zone = 0 !< time zone 7491 7492 INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: day_of_year !< day of year to start with 7493 7494 INTEGER, DIMENSION(12) :: days_per_month = & !< total number of days for 7495 (/31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31/) !< each month (no leap year) 7496 7497 REAL(wp) :: second !< second of the minute 7498 7499 REAL(wp), INTENT(IN) :: second_of_day !< second of the day 7500 7501 7502 err = 0_iwp 7503 ! 7504 !-- Check day_of_year 7505 IF ( day_of_year < 1_iwp .OR. day_of_year > SUM(days_per_month) ) THEN 7506 err = err + 1_iwp 7507 ENDIF 7508 ! 7509 !-- Check second_of_day 7510 IF ( second_of_day < 0.0_wp .OR. second_of_day > 86400.0_wp ) THEN 7511 err = err + 2_iwp 7512 ENDIF 7513 ! 7514 !-- Execute only if given values are valid 7515 IF ( err == 0_iwp ) THEN 7516 7517 day = day_of_year 7518 month = 0_iwp 7519 7520 DO i = 1, 12 7521 day = day - days_per_month(i) 7522 IF ( day < 0 ) THEN 7523 day = day + days_per_month(i) 7524 month = i 7525 EXIT 7526 ENDIF 7527 ENDDO 7528 7529 hour = INT( second_of_day / 3600.0_wp, KIND=iwp ) 7530 7531 second = second_of_day - 3600.0_wp * REAL( hour, KIND=wp ) 7532 7533 minute = INT( second / 60.0_wp, KIND=iwp ) 7534 7535 second = second - 60.0_wp * REAL( minute, KIND=wp ) 7536 7537 IF ( zone < 0_iwp ) THEN 7538 plus_minus = '-' 7539 ELSE 7540 plus_minus = '+' 7541 ENDIF 7542 7543 WRITE( date_time_string, 100 ) & 7544 year, month, day, hour, minute, INT( second, KIND=iwp ), & 7545 plus_minus, zone 7546 7547 ELSE 7548 ! 7549 !-- Return empty string if input is invalid 7550 date_time_string = REPEAT( " ", LEN(date_time_string) ) 7551 7552 ENDIF 7553 7554 100 FORMAT (I4,'-',I2.2,'-',I2.2,1X,I2.2,':',I2.2,':',I2.2,X,A1,I2.2) 7555 7556 END FUNCTION date_time_string 7557 7459 7558 END MODULE netcdf_interface
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