major changes in salsa: data input, format and performance
Time-dependent emissions enabled: lod=1 for yearly PM emissions that are normalised depending on the time, and lod=2 for preprocessed emissions (similar to the chemistry module).
Additionally, 'uniform' emissions allowed. This emission is set constant on all horisontal upward facing surfaces and it is created based on parameters surface_aerosol_flux, aerosol_flux_dpg/sigmag/mass_fracs_a/mass_fracs_b.
All emissions are now implemented as surface fluxes! No 3D sources anymore.
Update the emission information by calling salsa_emission_update if skip_time_do_salsa >= time_since_reference_point and next_aero_emission_update <= time_since_reference_point
Aerosol background concentrations read from PIDS_DYNAMIC. The vertical grid must match the one applied in the model.
Gas emissions and background concentrations can be also read in in salsa_mod if the chemistry module is not applied.
In deposition, information on the land use type can be now imported from the land use model
Use SI units in PARIN, i.e. n_lognorm given in #/m3 and dpg in metres.
Apply 100 character line limit
Change all variable names from capital to lowercase letter
Change real exponents to integer if possible. If not, precalculate the value of exponent
Rename in1a to start_subrange_1a, fn2a to end_subrange_1a etc.