Changeset 3819 for palm/trunk
- Timestamp:
- Mar 27, 2019 11:01:36 AM (6 years ago)
- Location:
- palm/trunk/SOURCE
- Files:
- 2 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r3655 r3819 25 25 ! ----------------- 26 26 ! $Id$ 27 ! Adjustable anterpolation buffer introduced on all nest boundaries, it is controlled 28 ! by the new nesting_parameters parameter anterpolation_buffer_width. 29 ! 30 ! 3655 2019-01-07 16:51:22Z knoop 27 31 ! nestpar renamed to nesting_parameters 28 32 ! … … 185 189 186 190 SUBROUTINE pmc_init_model( comm, nesting_datatransfer_mode, nesting_mode, & 187 pmc_status )191 anterpolation_buffer_width, pmc_status ) 188 192 189 193 USE control_parameters, & … … 198 202 CHARACTER(LEN=7), INTENT(INOUT) :: nesting_datatransfer_mode !< 199 203 204 INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: anterpolation_buffer_width !< Boundary buffer width for anterpolation 200 205 INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: comm !< 201 206 INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: pmc_status !< … … 226 231 227 232 CALL read_coupling_layout( nesting_datatransfer_mode, nesting_mode, & 228 pmc_status )233 anterpolation_buffer_width, pmc_status ) 229 234 230 235 IF ( pmc_status /= pmc_no_namelist_found .AND. & … … 473 478 474 479 SUBROUTINE read_coupling_layout( nesting_datatransfer_mode, nesting_mode, & 475 pmc_status )480 anterpolation_buffer_width, pmc_status ) 476 481 477 482 IMPLICIT NONE … … 479 484 CHARACTER(LEN=8), INTENT(INOUT) :: nesting_mode 480 485 CHARACTER(LEN=7), INTENT(INOUT) :: nesting_datatransfer_mode 481 486 487 INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: anterpolation_buffer_width !< Boundary buffer width for anterpolation 482 488 INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(INOUT) :: pmc_status 483 489 INTEGER(iwp) :: bad_llcorner … … 488 494 489 495 NAMELIST /nesting_parameters/ domain_layouts, nesting_datatransfer_mode, & 490 nesting_mode 496 nesting_mode, anterpolation_buffer_width 491 497 492 498 ! -
r3804 r3819 25 25 ! ----------------- 26 26 ! $Id$ 27 ! Adjustable anterpolation buffer introduced on all nest boundaries, it is controlled 28 ! by the new nesting_parameters parameter anterpolation_buffer_width. 29 ! 30 ! 3804 2019-03-19 13:46:20Z hellstea 27 31 ! Anterpolation domain is lowered from kct-1 to kct-3 to avoid exessive 28 32 ! kinetic energy from building up in CBL flows. … … 463 467 INTEGER(iwp), PARAMETER :: child_to_parent = 2 !< 464 468 INTEGER(iwp), PARAMETER :: parent_to_child = 1 !< 465 INTEGER(iwp), PARAMETER :: interpolation_scheme_lrsn = 2 !< Interpolation scheme to be used on lateral boundaries (to be made user parameter)466 INTEGER(iwp), PARAMETER :: interpolation_scheme_t = 3 !< Interpolation scheme to be used on top boundary (to be made user parameter)469 INTEGER(iwp), PARAMETER :: interpolation_scheme_lrsn = 2 !< Interpolation scheme to be used on lateral boundaries (maybe to be made user parameter) 470 INTEGER(iwp), PARAMETER :: interpolation_scheme_t = 3 !< Interpolation scheme to be used on top boundary (maybe to be made user parameter) 467 471 ! 468 472 !-- Coupler setup … … 476 480 CHARACTER(LEN=7), SAVE :: nesting_datatransfer_mode = 'mixed' !< steering parameter for data-transfer mode 477 481 CHARACTER(LEN=8), SAVE :: nesting_mode = 'two-way' !< steering parameter for 1- or 2-way nesting 478 482 INTEGER(iwp), SAVE :: anterpolation_buffer_width = 2 !< Boundary buffer width for anterpolation 483 479 484 LOGICAL, SAVE :: nested_run = .FALSE. !< general switch 480 485 LOGICAL :: rans_mode_parent = .FALSE. !< mode of parent model (.F. - LES mode, .T. - RANS mode) … … 511 516 INTEGER(iwp), SAVE :: igsr !< Integer grid-spacing ratio in i-direction 512 517 INTEGER(iwp), SAVE :: jgsr !< Integer grid-spacing ratio in j-direction 513 INTEGER(iwp), SAVE :: kgsr !< Integer grid-spacing ratio in k-direction 518 INTEGER(iwp), SAVE :: kgsr !< Integer grid-spacing ratio in k-direction 519 ! 520 !-- Global parent-grid index bounds 521 INTEGER(iwp), SAVE :: iplg !< Leftmost parent-grid array ip index of the whole child domain 522 INTEGER(iwp), SAVE :: iprg !< Rightmost parent-grid array ip index of the whole child domain 523 INTEGER(iwp), SAVE :: jpsg !< Southmost parent-grid array jp index of the whole child domain 524 INTEGER(iwp), SAVE :: jpng !< Northmost parent-grid array jp index of the whole child domain 525 ! 526 !-- Local parent-grid index bounds (to be moved here from pmci_setup_child) 527 !-- EXPLAIN WHY SEVERAL SETS OF PARENT-GRID INDEX BOUNDS ARE NEEDED. 528 514 529 ! 515 530 !-- Highest prognostic parent-grid k-indices. … … 551 566 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(2) :: zmax_coarse !< 552 567 553 TYPE coarsegrid_def568 TYPE parentgrid_def 554 569 INTEGER(iwp) :: nx !< 555 570 INTEGER(iwp) :: ny !< … … 568 583 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: zu !< 569 584 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: zw !< 570 END TYPE coarsegrid_def571 572 TYPE( coarsegrid_def), SAVE, PUBLIC :: cg !<585 END TYPE parentgrid_def 586 587 TYPE(parentgrid_def), SAVE, PUBLIC :: cg !< change to pg 573 588 ! 574 589 !-- Variables for particle coupling … … 677 692 678 693 CALL pmc_init_model( world_comm, nesting_datatransfer_mode, nesting_mode, & 679 pmc_status )694 anterpolation_buffer_width, pmc_status ) 680 695 681 696 IF ( pmc_status == pmc_no_namelist_found ) THEN … … 1072 1087 !-- Compute size of index_list. 1073 1088 ic = 0 1074 DO k = 1, size_of_array(2) 1089 DO k = 1, size_of_array(2) ! Replace k by some other letter 1075 1090 ic = ic + ( coarse_bound_all(4,k) - coarse_bound_all(3,k) + 1 ) * & 1076 1091 ( coarse_bound_all(2,k) - coarse_bound_all(1,k) + 1 ) … … 1089 1104 ! 1090 1105 !-- Loop over all children PEs 1091 DO k = 1, size_of_array(2) 1106 DO k = 1, size_of_array(2) ! Replace k by some other letter 1092 1107 ! 1093 1108 !-- Area along y required by actual child PE … … 1386 1401 IMPLICIT NONE 1387 1402 1388 INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(5,numprocs) :: coarse_bound_all !< 1389 INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(2) :: size_of_array !< 1403 INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(5,numprocs) :: coarse_bound_all !< Transfer array for parent-grid index bounds 1404 INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(4) :: parent_bound_global !< Transfer array for global parent-grid index bounds 1405 INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(2) :: size_of_array !< 1390 1406 INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< 1391 1407 INTEGER(iwp) :: iauxl !< … … 1496 1512 #endif 1497 1513 1498 WRITE(9,"('Pmci_map_fine_to_coarse_grid. parent-grid array bounds: ',4(i3,2x))") icl, icr, jcs, jcn1514 WRITE(9,"('Pmci_map_fine_to_coarse_grid. Parent-grid array bounds: ',4(i4,2x))") icl, icr, jcs, jcn 1499 1515 FLUSH(9) 1500 1516 … … 1512 1528 ! 1513 1529 !-- Note that MPI_Gather receives data from all processes in the rank order 1514 !-- T O_DO: refer to the line where this fact becomes important1530 !-- This fact is exploited in creating the index list in pmci_create_index_list 1515 1531 CALL MPI_GATHER( coarse_bound, 5, MPI_INTEGER, coarse_bound_all, 5, & 1516 1532 MPI_INTEGER, 0, comm2d, ierr ) … … 1521 1537 CALL pmc_send_to_parent( size_of_array, 2, 0, 40, ierr ) 1522 1538 CALL pmc_send_to_parent( coarse_bound_all, SIZE( coarse_bound_all ), & 1523 0, 41, ierr ) 1524 ENDIF 1525 1539 0, 41, ierr ) 1540 ! 1541 !-- Determine the global parent-grid index bounds 1542 parent_bound_global(1) = MINVAL( coarse_bound_all(1,:) ) 1543 parent_bound_global(2) = MAXVAL( coarse_bound_all(2,:) ) 1544 parent_bound_global(3) = MINVAL( coarse_bound_all(3,:) ) 1545 parent_bound_global(4) = MAXVAL( coarse_bound_all(4,:) ) 1546 ENDIF 1547 ! 1548 !-- Broadcat the global parent-grid index bounds to all current child processes 1549 CALL MPI_BCAST( parent_bound_global, 4, MPI_INTEGER, 0, comm2d, ierr ) 1550 iplg = parent_bound_global(1) 1551 iprg = parent_bound_global(2) 1552 jpsg = parent_bound_global(3) 1553 jpng = parent_bound_global(4) 1554 WRITE(9,"('Pmci_map_fine_to_coarse_grid. Global parent-grid index bounds iplg, iprg, jpsg, jpng: ',4(i4,2x))") iplg, iprg, jpsg, jpng 1555 FLUSH(9) 1556 1526 1557 END SUBROUTINE pmci_map_fine_to_coarse_grid 1527 1558 … … 1623 1654 ! 1624 1655 !-- Print out the index bounds for checking and debugging purposes 1625 WRITE(9,"('pmci_ init_anterp_tophat, ii, iflu, ifuu: ', 3(i4,2x))") &1656 WRITE(9,"('pmci_define_index_mapping, ii, iflu, ifuu: ', 3(i4,2x))") & 1626 1657 ii, iflu(ii), ifuu(ii) 1627 1658 FLUSH(9) … … 1648 1679 ! 1649 1680 !-- Print out the index bounds for checking and debugging purposes 1650 WRITE(9,"('pmci_ init_anterp_tophat, ii, iflo, ifuo: ', 3(i4,2x))") &1681 WRITE(9,"('pmci_define_index_mapping, ii, iflo, ifuo: ', 3(i4,2x))") & 1651 1682 ii, iflo(ii), ifuo(ii) 1652 1683 FLUSH(9) … … 1669 1700 ! 1670 1701 !-- Print out the index bounds for checking and debugging purposes 1671 WRITE(9,"('pmci_ init_anterp_tophat, jj, jflv, jfuv: ', 3(i4,2x))") &1702 WRITE(9,"('pmci_define_index_mapping, jj, jflv, jfuv: ', 3(i4,2x))") & 1672 1703 jj, jflv(jj), jfuv(jj) 1673 1704 FLUSH(9) … … 1694 1725 ! 1695 1726 !-- Print out the index bounds for checking and debugging purposes 1696 WRITE(9,"('pmci_ init_anterp_tophat, jj, jflo, jfuo: ', 3(i4,2x))") &1727 WRITE(9,"('pmci_define_index_mapping, jj, jflo, jfuo: ', 3(i4,2x))") & 1697 1728 jj, jflo(jj), jfuo(jj) 1698 1729 FLUSH(9) … … 1719 1750 ! 1720 1751 !-- Print out the index bounds for checking and debugging purposes 1721 WRITE(9,"('pmci_ init_anterp_tophat, kk, kflw, kfuw: ', 4(i4,2x), 2(e12.5,2x))") &1752 WRITE(9,"('pmci_define_index_mapping, kk, kflw, kfuw: ', 4(i4,2x), 2(e12.5,2x))") & 1722 1753 kk, kflw(kk), kfuw(kk), nzt, cg%zu(kk), cg%zw(kk) 1723 1754 FLUSH(9) … … 1755 1786 !-- Print out the index bounds for checking and debugging purposes 1756 1787 DO kk = 1, cg%nz+1 1757 WRITE(9,"('pmci_ init_anterp_tophat, kk, kflo, kfuo: ', 4(i4,2x), 2(e12.5,2x))") &1788 WRITE(9,"('pmci_define_index_mapping, kk, kflo, kfuo: ', 4(i4,2x), 2(e12.5,2x))") & 1758 1789 kk, kflo(kk), kfuo(kk), nzt, cg%zu(kk), cg%zw(kk) 1759 1790 FLUSH(9) … … 2242 2273 2243 2274 2244 SUBROUTINE get_child_gridspacing (m, dx,dy,dz)2275 SUBROUTINE get_child_gridspacing( m, dx,dy,dz ) 2245 2276 2246 2277 IMPLICIT NONE … … 2868 2899 !-- an argument to allow for example to force one-way initialization 2869 2900 !-- phase. 2901 !-- Note that interpolation ( parent_to_child ) must always be carried 2902 !-- out before anterpolation ( child_to_parent ). 2870 2903 2871 2904 IMPLICIT NONE … … 4161 4194 !-- Define the index bounds iclant, icrant, jcsant and jcnant. 4162 4195 !-- Note that kcb is simply zero and kct enters here as a parameter and it is 4163 !-- determined in pmci_ init_anterp_tophat.4164 !-- Please note,grid points used also for interpolation (from parent to4196 !-- determined in pmci_define_index_mapping. 4197 !-- Note that the grid points used also for interpolation (from parent to 4165 4198 !-- child) are excluded in anterpolation, e.g. anterpolation is only from 4166 !-- nzb:kct-1, as kct is used for interpolation. 4167 !-- 4168 !-- Note that kctant is changed from kct-1 to kct-3 to avoid exessive 4169 !-- kinetic energy from building up in CBL flows. 4199 !-- nzb:kct-1, as kct is used for interpolation. An additional buffer is 4200 !-- also applied (default value for anterpolation_buffer_width = 2) in order 4201 !-- to avoid unphysical accumulation of kinetic energy. 4170 4202 iclant = icl 4171 4203 icrant = icr … … 4173 4205 jcnant = jcn 4174 4206 ! kctant = kct - 1 4175 kctant = kct - 3 4176 4207 kctant = kct - 1 - anterpolation_buffer_width 4177 4208 kcb = 0 4178 4209 IF ( nesting_mode /= 'vertical' ) THEN 4179 IF ( bc_dirichlet_l ) THEN 4180 iclant = icl + 3 4181 ENDIF 4182 IF ( bc_dirichlet_r ) THEN 4183 icrant = icr - 3 4184 ENDIF 4185 4186 IF ( bc_dirichlet_s ) THEN 4187 jcsant = jcs + 3 4188 ENDIF 4189 IF ( bc_dirichlet_n ) THEN 4190 jcnant = jcn - 3 4191 ENDIF 4210 ! IF ( bc_dirichlet_l ) THEN 4211 !! iclant = icl + 3 4212 ! iclant = icl + 3 + anterpolation_buffer_width 4213 ! ENDIF 4214 ! IF ( bc_dirichlet_r ) THEN 4215 !! icrant = icr - 3 4216 ! icrant = icr - 3 - anterpolation_buffer_width 4217 ! ENDIF 4218 ! 4219 ! IF ( bc_dirichlet_s ) THEN 4220 !! jcsant = jcs + 3 4221 ! jcsant = jcs + 3 + anterpolation_buffer_width 4222 ! ENDIF 4223 ! IF ( bc_dirichlet_n ) THEN 4224 !! jcnant = jcn - 3 4225 ! jcnant = jcn - 3 - anterpolation_buffer_width 4226 ! ENDIF 4227 4228 ! 4229 !-- New method: 4230 iclant = MAX( icl, iplg + 3 + anterpolation_buffer_width ) 4231 icrant = MIN( icr, iprg - 3 - anterpolation_buffer_width ) 4232 jcsant = MAX( jcs, jpsg + 3 + anterpolation_buffer_width ) 4233 jcnant = MIN( jcn, jpng - 3 - anterpolation_buffer_width ) 4234 4192 4235 ENDIF 4193 4236 ! … … 4203 4246 ENDIF 4204 4247 ! 4205 !-- Note that ii, jj, and kk are coarse-grid indices and i,j, and k4206 !-- are fine-grid indices.4248 !-- Note that l, m, and n are parent-grid indices and i,j, and k 4249 !-- are child-grid indices. 4207 4250 DO l = iclant, icrant 4208 4251 DO m = jcsant, jcnant
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