Changeset 3801 for palm/trunk
- Timestamp:
- Mar 15, 2019 5:14:25 PM (6 years ago)
- Location:
- palm/trunk/UTIL/inifor
- Files:
- 4 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r3779 r3801 1 # INIFOR - Mesoscale Interface for Initializing and Forcing PALM-4U (v1.4.7)1 # INIFOR - Mesoscale Interface for Initializing and Forcing PALM-4U 2 2 3 3 INIFOR provides the meteorological fields required to initialize and drive the -
r3779 r3801 26 26 ! ----------------- 27 27 ! $Id$ 28 ! Defined netCDF variable names for COSMO grid 29 ! Bumped version number 30 ! 31 ! 32 ! 3779 2019-03-05 11:13:35Z eckhard 28 33 ! Updated version number to 1.4.7, updated copyright note 29 34 ! … … 111 116 112 117 ! 113 !-- COSMO -DEparameters118 !-- COSMO parameters 114 119 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: WATER_ID = 9 !< Integer corresponding to the water soil type in COSMO-DE [-] 115 120 REAL(dp), PARAMETER :: EARTH_RADIUS = 6371229.0_dp !< Earth radius used in COSMO-DE [m] … … 134 139 REAL(dp), PARAMETER :: CP_PALM = 1005.0_dp !< heat capacity of dry air at constant pressure, used in computation of PALM-4U's potential temperature [J/kg/K] 135 140 141 ! 142 !-- COSMO netCDF names 143 CHARACTER(SNAME) :: NC_DEPTH_NAME = 'depth_2' 144 CHARACTER(SNAME) :: NC_HHL_NAME = 'HHL' 145 CHARACTER(SNAME) :: NC_RLAT_NAME = 'rlat' 146 CHARACTER(SNAME) :: NC_RLON_NAME = 'rlon' 147 CHARACTER(SNAME) :: NC_ROTATED_POLE_NAME = 'rotated_pole' 148 CHARACTER(SNAME) :: NC_POLE_LATITUDE_NAME = 'grid_north_pole_latitude' 149 CHARACTER(SNAME) :: NC_POLE_LONGITUDE_NAME = 'grid_north_pole_longitude' 150 136 151 ! 137 152 !-- INIFOR parameters … … 140 155 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: FORCING_STEP = 1 !< Number of hours between forcing time steps [h] 141 156 REAL(dp), PARAMETER :: NUDGING_TAU = 21600.0_dp !< Nudging relaxation time scale [s] 142 CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: VERSION = '1.4. 7' !< INIFOR version number157 CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: VERSION = '1.4.8' !< INIFOR version number 143 158 CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: COPYRIGHT = 'Copyright 2017-2019 Leibniz Universitaet Hannover' // & 144 159 ACHAR( 10 ) // ' Copyright 2017-2019 Deutscher Wetterdienst Offenbach' !< Copyright notice -
r3785 r3801 26 26 ! ----------------- 27 27 ! $Id$ 28 ! Read COSMO rotated pole from HHL file 29 ! Check for PALM and averaging domains extending outside COSMO domain 30 ! 31 ! 3785 2019-03-06 10:41:14Z eckhard 28 32 ! Assigned names to averaging grids 29 33 ! Improved variable naming and minor clean-up … … 129 133 RHO_L, OMEGA, HECTO 130 134 USE inifor_io, & 131 ONLY: get_ netcdf_attribute, get_netcdf_dim_vector,&135 ONLY: get_cosmo_grid, get_netcdf_attribute, get_netcdf_dim_vector, & 132 136 get_netcdf_variable, parse_command_line_arguments, & 133 137 get_input_file_list, validate_config … … 195 199 REAL(dp) :: latmin_palm = 0.0_dp !< Minimunm latitude of PALM grid [COSMO rotated-pole rad] 196 200 REAL(dp) :: latmax_palm = 0.0_dp !< Maximum latitude of PALM grid [COSMO rotated-pole rad] 201 REAL(dp) :: lonmin_tot = 0.0_dp !< Minimunm longitude of required COSMO data [COSMO rotated-pole rad] 202 REAL(dp) :: lonmax_tot = 0.0_dp !< Maximum longitude of required COSMO data [COSMO rotated-pole rad] 203 REAL(dp) :: latmin_tot = 0.0_dp !< Minimunm latitude of required COSMO data [COSMO rotated-pole rad] 204 REAL(dp) :: latmax_tot = 0.0_dp !< Maximum latitude of required COSMO data [COSMO rotated-pole rad] 197 205 REAL(dp) :: latitude = 0.0_dp !< geographical latitude of the PALM-4U origin, from inipar namelist [deg] 198 206 REAL(dp) :: longitude = 0.0_dp !< geographical longitude of the PALM-4U origin, from inipar namelist [deg] … … 242 250 LOGICAL :: ls_forcing_variables_required !< flag controlling whether large-scale forcing variables are to be computed 243 251 LOGICAL :: surface_forcing_required !< flag controlling whether surface forcing variables are to be computed 252 LOGICAL :: palm_domain_outside_cosmo !< indicates whether COSMO grid covers the PALM domain and the geostrophic averaging domains 244 253 245 254 TYPE(nc_var), ALLOCATABLE, TARGET :: input_var_table(:) !< table of input variables 246 255 TYPE(nc_var), ALLOCATABLE, TARGET :: output_var_table(:) !< table of input variables 247 TYPE(nc_var) :: cosmo_var!< COSMO dummy variable, used for reading HHL, rlon, rlat256 TYPE(nc_var) :: cosmo_var !< COSMO dummy variable, used for reading HHL, rlon, rlat 248 257 249 258 TYPE(grid_definition), TARGET :: palm_grid !< PALM-4U grid in the target system (COSMO-DE rotated-pole) … … 356 365 357 366 ! 358 !-- COSMO-DE and -D2 rotated pole position359 phi_n = 40.0_dp * TO_RADIANS360 phi_equat = 50.0_dp * TO_RADIANS361 lambda_n = -170.0_dp * TO_RADIANS362 363 !364 367 !-- Defaultmain centre (_c) of the PALM-4U grid in the geographical system (_g) 365 368 origin_lat = 52.325079_dp * TO_RADIANS ! south-west of Berlin, origin used for the Dec 2017 showcase simulation … … 531 534 CALL report('setup_parameters', message) 532 535 533 !534 !-- Read in COSMO heights of half layers (vertical cell faces)535 cosmo_var % name = 'HHL'536 CALL get_netcdf_variable(cfg % hhl_file, cosmo_var, hhl)537 CALL get_netcdf_dim_vector(cfg % hhl_file, 'rlon', rlon)538 CALL get_netcdf_dim_vector(cfg % hhl_file, 'rlat', rlat)539 CALL get_netcdf_dim_vector(soil_files(1), 'depth_2', depths)540 536 CALL run_control('time', 'read') 541 537 542 CALL reverse(hhl) 543 nlon = SIZE(hhl, 1) 544 nlat = SIZE(hhl, 2) 545 nlev = SIZE(hhl, 3) 546 ndepths = SIZE(depths) 547 548 lonmin_cosmo = MINVAL(rlon) * TO_RADIANS 549 lonmax_cosmo = MAXVAL(rlon) * TO_RADIANS 550 latmin_cosmo = MINVAL(rlat) * TO_RADIANS 551 latmax_cosmo = MAXVAL(rlat) * TO_RADIANS 552 CALL run_control('time', 'comp') 553 554 ! 555 !-- Appoximate COSMO-DE heights of full layers (cell centres) 556 ALLOCATE( hfl(nlon, nlat, nlev-1) ) 557 ALLOCATE( d_depth(ndepths), d_depth_rho_inv(ndepths) ) 558 559 CALL run_control('time', 'alloc') 560 CALL get_soil_layer_thickness( depths, d_depth ) 561 d_depth_rho_inv = 1.0_dp / ( d_depth * RHO_L ) 562 563 ! 564 !-- Appoximate COSMO-DE heights of full layers (cell centres) 565 DO k = 1, nlev-1 566 hfl(:,:,k) = 0.5_dp * ( hhl(:,:,k) + & 567 hhl(:,:,k+1) ) 568 ENDDO 569 CALL run_control('time', 'comp') 570 538 CALL get_cosmo_grid( cfg, soil_files(1), rlon, rlat, hhl, hfl, depths, & 539 d_depth, d_depth_rho_inv, phi_n, lambda_n, & 540 phi_equat, & 541 lonmin_cosmo, lonmax_cosmo, & 542 latmin_cosmo, latmax_cosmo, & 543 nlon, nlat, nlev, ndepths ) 571 544 572 545 … … 680 653 averaging_width_ns = averaging_angle * EARTH_RADIUS 681 654 655 lonmin_tot = MIN(lam_centre - averaging_angle, lonmin_palm) 656 lonmax_tot = MAX(lam_centre + averaging_angle, lonmax_palm) 657 latmin_tot = MIN(phi_centre - averaging_angle, latmin_palm) 658 latmax_tot = MAX(phi_centre + averaging_angle, latmax_palm) 659 660 palm_domain_outside_cosmo = ANY( & 661 (/ lonmin_tot, -lonmax_tot, latmin_tot, -latmax_tot/) .LT. & 662 (/ lonmin_cosmo, -lonmax_cosmo, latmin_cosmo, -latmax_cosmo/) & 663 ) 664 665 IF ( palm_domain_outside_cosmo ) THEN 666 message = 'PALM domain or geostrophic averaging domains extend ' // & 667 'outside COSMO domain.' 668 CALL inifor_abort( 'setup_parameters', message ) 669 ENDIF 670 671 682 672 ! 683 673 !-- Coriolis parameter … … 686 676 phi_n * TO_DEGREES, & 687 677 gam * TO_DEGREES ) & 688 678 ) 689 679 690 680 END SUBROUTINE setup_parameters … … 694 684 ! Description: 695 685 ! ------------ 696 !> Defines the COSMO, PALM-4U, PALM-4U boundary grids, in part ucular their686 !> Defines the COSMO, PALM-4U, PALM-4U boundary grids, in particular their 697 687 !> coordinates and interpolation weights 698 688 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! … … 1104 1094 latmin = phi_south, latmax = phi_north, & 1105 1095 kind='scalar', name='east geostrophic scalar') 1096 1106 1097 1107 1098 ! … … 4079 4070 4080 4071 4081 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------!4082 ! Description:4083 ! ------------4084 !> Fills the thickness array of the COSMO soil layers. Since COSMO's (i.e.4085 !> TERRA_ML's [1]) soil layer boundaries follow the rule4086 !>4087 !> depth(0) = 0.0, and4088 !> depth(k) = 0.01 * 3**(k-1), k in [1,2,3,...,7]4089 !>4090 !> and full levels are defined as the midpoints between two layer boundaries,4091 !> all except the first layer thicknesses equal the depth of the midpoint.4092 !>4093 !> [1] A Description of the Nonhydrostatic Regional COSMO Model Part II :4094 !> Physical Parameterization*, Sect. 11 TERRA_ML.4095 !> !>4097 !> Input parameters:4098 !> -----------------4099 !>4100 !> depths: array of full soil layer depths (cell midpoints)4101 !>4102 !>4103 !> Output parameters:4104 !> ------------------4105 !>4106 !> d_depth: array of soil layer thicknesses4107 !>4108 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------!4109 SUBROUTINE get_soil_layer_thickness(depths, d_depth)4110 4111 REAL(dp), INTENT(IN) :: depths(:)4112 REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT) :: d_depth(:)4113 4114 d_depth(:) = depths(:)4115 d_depth(1) = 2.0_dp * depths(1)4116 4117 END SUBROUTINE get_soil_layer_thickness4118 4119 4072 END MODULE inifor_grid 4120 4073 #endif -
r3785 r3801 26 26 ! ----------------- 27 27 ! $Id$ 28 ! Added routine get_cosmo_grid() to read in COSMO rotated pole from COSMO domain 29 ! Moved get_soil_layer_thickness() here from inifor_grid 30 ! 31 ! 3785 2019-03-06 10:41:14Z eckhard 28 32 ! Temporariliy disabled height-based geostrophic wind averaging 29 33 ! Improved variable naming … … 41 45 ! Moved get_input_file_list() here from grid module, added check for presence of 42 46 ! input files 43 !44 !45 47 ! 46 48 ! … … 116 118 USE inifor_control 117 119 USE inifor_defs, & 118 ONLY: DATE, SNAME, PATH, PI, dp, hp, TO_RADIANS, TO_DEGREES, VERSION 120 ONLY: DATE, SNAME, PATH, PI, dp, hp, TO_RADIANS, TO_DEGREES, VERSION, & 121 NC_DEPTH_NAME, NC_HHL_NAME, NC_RLAT_NAME, NC_RLON_NAME, & 122 NC_ROTATED_POLE_NAME, NC_POLE_LATITUDE_NAME, & 123 NC_POLE_LONGITUDE_NAME, RHO_L 119 124 USE inifor_types 120 125 USE inifor_util, & … … 742 747 743 748 749 SUBROUTINE get_cosmo_grid( cfg, soil_file, rlon, rlat, hhl, hfl, depths, & 750 d_depth, d_depth_rho_inv, phi_n, lambda_n, & 751 phi_equat, & 752 lonmin_cosmo, lonmax_cosmo, & 753 latmin_cosmo, latmax_cosmo, & 754 nlon, nlat, nlev, ndepths ) 755 756 TYPE(inifor_config), INTENT(IN) :: cfg 757 CHARACTER(LEN=PATH), INTENT(IN) :: soil_file !< list of soil input files (temperature, moisture, <prefix> 758 REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(OUT) :: rlon !< longitudes of COSMO-DE's rotated-pole grid 759 REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(OUT) :: rlat !< latitudes of COSMO-DE's rotated-pole grid 760 REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(OUT) :: hhl !< heights of half layers (cell faces) above sea level in COSMO-DE, read in from external file 761 REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(OUT) :: hfl !< heights of full layers (cell centres) above sea level in COSMO-DE, computed as arithmetic average of hhl 762 REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(OUT) :: depths !< COSMO-DE's TERRA-ML soil layer depths 763 REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(OUT) :: d_depth 764 REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(OUT) :: d_depth_rho_inv 765 REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT) :: phi_n 766 REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT) :: phi_equat 767 REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT) :: lambda_n 768 REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT) :: lonmin_cosmo !< Minimunm longitude of COSMO-DE's rotated-pole grid [COSMO rotated-pole rad] 769 REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT) :: lonmax_cosmo !< Maximum longitude of COSMO-DE's rotated-pole grid [COSMO rotated-pole rad] 770 REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT) :: latmin_cosmo !< Minimunm latitude of COSMO-DE's rotated-pole grid [COSMO rotated-pole rad] 771 REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT) :: latmax_cosmo !< Maximum latitude of COSMO-DE's rotated-pole grid [COSMO rotated-pole rad] 772 INTEGER, INTENt(OUT) :: nlon, nlat, nlev, ndepths 773 774 TYPE(nc_var) :: cosmo_var !< COSMO dummy variable, used for reading HHL, rlon, rlat 775 INTEGER :: k 776 777 ! 778 !-- Read in COSMO's heights of half layers (vertical cell faces) 779 cosmo_var % name = NC_HHL_NAME 780 CALL get_netcdf_variable( cfg % hhl_file, cosmo_var, hhl ) 781 CALL get_netcdf_dim_vector( cfg % hhl_file, NC_RLON_NAME, rlon ) 782 CALL get_netcdf_dim_vector( cfg % hhl_file, NC_RLAT_NAME, rlat ) 783 CALL get_netcdf_dim_vector( soil_file, NC_DEPTH_NAME, depths) 784 CALL run_control( 'time', 'read' ) 785 786 CALL reverse( hhl ) 787 nlon = SIZE( hhl, 1 ) 788 nlat = SIZE( hhl, 2 ) 789 nlev = SIZE( hhl, 3 ) 790 ndepths = SIZE( depths ) 791 792 CALL run_control( 'time', 'comp' ) 793 794 ALLOCATE( hfl( nlon, nlat, nlev-1 ) ) 795 ALLOCATE( d_depth( ndepths ), d_depth_rho_inv( ndepths ) ) 796 CALL run_control('time', 'alloc') 797 798 CALL get_soil_layer_thickness( depths, d_depth ) 799 d_depth_rho_inv = 1.0_dp / ( d_depth * RHO_L ) 800 801 ! 802 !-- Compute COSMO's heights of full layers (cell centres) 803 DO k = 1, nlev-1 804 hfl(:,:,k) = 0.5_dp * ( hhl(:,:,k) + & 805 hhl(:,:,k+1) ) 806 ENDDO 807 ! 808 !-- COSMO rotated pole coordinates 809 phi_n = TO_RADIANS & 810 * get_netcdf_variable_attribute( cfg % hhl_file, & 811 NC_ROTATED_POLE_NAME, & 812 NC_POLE_LATITUDE_NAME ) 813 814 lambda_n = TO_RADIANS & 815 * get_netcdf_variable_attribute( cfg % hhl_file, & 816 NC_ROTATED_POLE_NAME, & 817 NC_POLE_LONGITUDE_NAME ) 818 819 phi_equat = 90.0_dp * TO_RADIANS - phi_n 820 821 lonmin_cosmo = MINVAL( rlon ) * TO_RADIANS 822 lonmax_cosmo = MAXVAL( rlon ) * TO_RADIANS 823 latmin_cosmo = MINVAL( rlat ) * TO_RADIANS 824 latmax_cosmo = MAXVAL( rlat ) * TO_RADIANS 825 CALL run_control('time', 'comp') 826 827 END SUBROUTINE get_cosmo_grid 828 829 830 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 831 ! Description: 832 ! ------------ 833 !> Fills the thickness array of the COSMO soil layers. Since COSMO's (i.e. 834 !> TERRA_ML's [1]) soil layer boundaries follow the rule 835 !> 836 !> depth(0) = 0.0, and 837 !> depth(k) = 0.01 * 3**(k-1), k in [1,2,3,...,7] 838 !> 839 !> and full levels are defined as the midpoints between two layer boundaries, 840 !> all except the first layer thicknesses equal the depth of the midpoint. 841 !> 842 !> [1] A Description of the Nonhydrostatic Regional COSMO Model Part II : 843 !> Physical Parameterization*, Sect. 11 TERRA_ML. 844 !> 845 !> 846 !> Input parameters: 847 !> ----------------- 848 !> 849 !> depths: array of full soil layer depths (cell midpoints) 850 !> 851 !> 852 !> Output parameters: 853 !> ------------------ 854 !> 855 !> d_depth: array of soil layer thicknesses 856 !> 857 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 858 SUBROUTINE get_soil_layer_thickness(depths, d_depth) 859 860 REAL(dp), INTENT(IN) :: depths(:) 861 REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT) :: d_depth(:) 862 863 d_depth(:) = depths(:) 864 d_depth(1) = 2.0_dp * depths(1) 865 866 END SUBROUTINE get_soil_layer_thickness 744 867 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 745 868 ! Description: … … 1191 1314 1192 1315 1316 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 1317 ! Description: 1318 ! ------------ 1319 !> Read the attribute of the given variable form the given netCDF file. 1320 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 1321 FUNCTION get_netcdf_variable_attribute(filename, varname, attribute) & 1322 RESULT(attribute_value) 1323 1324 CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: filename, varname, attribute 1325 REAL(dp) :: attribute_value 1326 1327 INTEGER :: ncid, varid 1328 1329 IF ( nf90_open( TRIM(filename), NF90_NOWRITE, ncid ) == NF90_NOERR ) THEN 1330 1331 CALL check( nf90_inq_varid( ncid, TRIM( varname ), varid ) ) 1332 CALL check( nf90_get_att( ncid, varid, TRIM( attribute ), & 1333 attribute_value ) ) 1334 CALL check( nf90_close( ncid ) ) 1335 1336 ELSE 1337 1338 message = "Failed to read '" // TRIM( varname ) // ":" // & 1339 TRIM( attribute ) // "' from file '" // TRIM(filename) // "'." 1340 CALL inifor_abort('get_netcdf_variable_attribute', message) 1341 1342 ENDIF 1343 1344 END FUNCTION get_netcdf_variable_attribute 1193 1345 1194 1346 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
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