Changeset 3534 for palm/trunk
- Timestamp:
- Nov 19, 2018 3:35:16 PM (6 years ago)
- Location:
- palm/trunk
- Files:
- 8 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
- Property svn:ignore
old new 2 2 .palm_gf_tmp 3 3 agent_preprocessing 4 5 inifor
- Property svn:ignore
r3523 r3534 27 27 # ----------------- 28 28 # $Id$ 29 # build of inifor added, 30 # ssh-calls rearranged to avoid output of system/user-profile messages 31 # 32 # 3523 2018-11-13 16:09:31Z suehring 29 33 # Enable compilation of post-processing tool for surface output - interface 30 34 # for posix conform sytemcalls is implemented. … … 509 513 cp -p ../UTIL/agent_preprocessing/agent_preprocessing.f90 . 510 514 cp -p ../UTIL/surface_output_processing/surface_output_to_vtk.f90 . 515 cp -p ../UTIL/inifor/src/inifor*f90 . 511 516 cp -p ../UTIL/Makefile_utilities . 512 517 tar -cf ${program_name}_sources.tar Makefile* *.$suf 513 rm combine_plot_fields.f90 compare_palm_logs.f90 agent_preprocessing.f90 Makefile_utilities surface_output_to_vtk.f90 518 rm combine_plot_fields.f90 compare_palm_logs.f90 agent_preprocessing.f90 Makefile_utilities surface_output_to_vtk.f90 inifor*f90 514 519 515 520 … … 528 533 echo " " 529 534 echo " *** copying \"${program_name}_sources.tar\" to \"${remote_ip}:${make_depository}/\" " 530 echo "[[ ! -d ${make_depository} ]] && (echo \" *** ${make_depository} will be created\"; mkdir -p ${make_depository})" | ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} 2>&1 535 ### echo "[[ ! -d ${make_depository} ]] && (echo \" *** ${make_depository} will be created\"; mkdir -p ${make_depository})" | ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} 2>&1 536 ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} "[[ ! -d ${make_depository} ]] && (echo \" *** ${make_depository} will be created\"; mkdir -p ${make_depository})" 2>&1 531 537 scp $ssh_key ${source_path}/${program_name}_sources.tar ${remote_username}@${remote_ip}:${make_depository}/${program_name}_sources.tar 532 538 else 533 echo "[[ ! -d ${make_depository} ]] && mkdir -p ${make_depository}" | ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} 2>&1 539 ### echo "[[ ! -d ${make_depository} ]] && mkdir -p ${make_depository}" | ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} 2>&1 540 ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} "[[ ! -d ${make_depository} ]] && mkdir -p ${make_depository}" 2>&1 534 541 scp $ssh_key ${source_path}/${program_name}_sources.tar ${remote_username}@${remote_ip}:${make_depository}/${program_name}_sources.tar > /dev/null 535 542 fi … … 543 550 echo " *** untar previous update on remote host, if existing" 544 551 fi 545 echo "cd ${make_depository}; [[ -f ${program_name}_current_version.tar ]] && tar -xf ${program_name}_current_version.tar" | ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} 2>&1 552 ### echo "cd ${make_depository}; [[ -f ${program_name}_current_version.tar ]] && tar -xf ${program_name}_current_version.tar" | ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} 2>&1 553 ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} "cd ${make_depository}; [[ -f ${program_name}_current_version.tar ]] && tar -xf ${program_name}_current_version.tar" 2>&1 546 554 547 555 … … 551 559 echo " *** untar current sources on remote host" 552 560 fi 553 echo "cd ${make_depository}; tar -xf ${program_name}_sources.tar" | ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} 2>&1 561 ### echo "cd ${make_depository}; tar -xf ${program_name}_sources.tar" | ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} 2>&1 562 ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} "cd ${make_depository}; tar -xf ${program_name}_sources.tar" 2>&1 554 563 555 564 … … 567 576 make_call_string="make -f Makefile_utilities $make_options F90=$compiler_name F90_SER=$compiler_name_ser COPT=\"$cpp_options\" F90FLAGS=\"$compiler_options\" LDFLAGS=\"$linker_options\" " 568 577 echo "$login_init_cmd $module_commands cd ${make_depository}; echo $make_call_string > LAST_MAKE_CALL; chmod u+x LAST_MAKE_CALL; $make_call_string; [[ \$? != 0 ]] && echo MAKE_ERROR" | ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} 2>&1 | tee ${configuration_identifier}_last_make_protocol 578 ### ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} "$login_init_cmd $module_commands cd ${make_depository}; echo $make_call_string > LAST_MAKE_CALL; chmod u+x LAST_MAKE_CALL; $make_call_string; [[ \$? != 0 ]] && echo MAKE_ERROR" 2>&1 | tee ${configuration_identifier}_last_make_protocol 569 579 570 580 if [[ $(grep -c MAKE_ERROR ${configuration_identifier}_last_make_protocol) != 0 ]] … … 606 616 make_call_string="make $make_options PROG=$program_name F90=$compiler_name COPT=\"$cpp_options\" F90FLAGS=\"$compiler_options\" LDFLAGS=\"$linker_options\" " 607 617 echo "$login_init_cmd $module_commands cd ${make_depository}; echo $make_call_string > LAST_MAKE_CALL; chmod u+x LAST_MAKE_CALL; $make_call_string; [[ \$? != 0 ]] && echo MAKE_ERROR" | ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} 2>&1 | tee ${configuration_identifier}_last_make_protocol 618 ### ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} "$login_init_cmd $module_commands cd ${make_depository}; echo $make_call_string > LAST_MAKE_CALL; chmod u+x LAST_MAKE_CALL; $make_call_string; [[ \$? != 0 ]] && echo MAKE_ERROR" 2>&1 | tee ${configuration_identifier}_last_make_protocol 608 619 609 620 if [[ $(grep -c MAKE_ERROR ${configuration_identifier}_last_make_protocol) != 0 ]] … … 638 649 printf "\n *** tar update on remote host ..." 639 650 fi 640 echo "cd ${make_depository}; chmod u+w *; tar -cf ${program_name}_current_version.tar ${program_name} *.f90 *.o *.mod *.x" | ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} 2>&1 651 ### echo "cd ${make_depository}; chmod u+w *; tar -cf ${program_name}_current_version.tar ${program_name} *.f90 *.o *.mod *.x" | ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} 2>&1 652 ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} "cd ${make_depository}; chmod u+w *; tar -cf ${program_name}_current_version.tar ${program_name} *.f90 *.o *.mod *.x" 2>&1 641 653 642 654 … … 649 661 # FIRST CHECK, IF COMPILED SOURCES FOR THIS RUN IDENTIFIER EXISTS 650 662 # AND ASK, IF THEY SHALL BE USED 651 echo "[[ -d ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog} ]] && echo sources for run found" | ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} 2>&1 > ${configuration_identifier}_last_make_protocol 663 ### echo "[[ -d ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog} ]] && echo sources for run found" | ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} 2>&1 > ${configuration_identifier}_last_make_protocol 664 ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} "[[ -d ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog} ]] && echo sources for run found" 2>&1 > ${configuration_identifier}_last_make_protocol 652 665 if [[ $(grep -c "sources for run found" ${configuration_identifier}_last_make_protocol) != 0 && $use_existing_sources_folder = true ]] 653 666 then … … 663 676 printf "\n *** copy MAKE_DEPOSITORY_${configuration_identifier} on remote host to $sources_for_run_catalog \n" 664 677 fi 665 echo "rm -rf ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog}; mkdir -p ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog}; cp ${make_depository}/${program_name}_current_version.tar ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog}; cd ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog}; tar xf ${program_name}_current_version.tar" | ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} 2>&1 678 ### echo "rm -rf ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog}; mkdir -p ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog}; cp ${make_depository}/${program_name}_current_version.tar ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog}; cd ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog}; tar xf ${program_name}_current_version.tar" | ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} 2>&1 679 ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} "rm -rf ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog}; mkdir -p ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog}; cp ${make_depository}/${program_name}_current_version.tar ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog}; cd ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog}; tar xf ${program_name}_current_version.tar" 2>&1 666 680 667 681 … … 686 700 echo " *** execute \"make\" on remote host" 687 701 fi 688 echo "$login_init_cmd $module_commands cd ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog}; echo $make_call_string > LAST_MAKE_CALL; chmod u+x LAST_MAKE_CALL; $make_call_string; [[ \$? != 0 ]] && echo MAKE_ERROR" | ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} 2>&1 | tee ${configuration_identifier}_last_make_protocol 702 ### echo "$login_init_cmd $module_commands cd ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog}; echo $make_call_string > LAST_MAKE_CALL; chmod u+x LAST_MAKE_CALL; $make_call_string; [[ \$? != 0 ]] && echo MAKE_ERROR" | ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} 2>&1 | tee ${configuration_identifier}_last_make_protocol 703 ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} "$login_init_cmd $module_commands cd ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog}; echo $make_call_string > LAST_MAKE_CALL; chmod u+x LAST_MAKE_CALL; $make_call_string; [[ \$? != 0 ]] && echo MAKE_ERROR" 2>&1 | tee ${configuration_identifier}_last_make_protocol 689 704 690 705 if [[ $(grep -c MAKE_ERROR ${configuration_identifier}_last_make_protocol) != 0 ]] … … 706 721 if [[ $answer = k ]] 707 722 then 708 echo "rm -rf ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog}" | ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} 2>&1 723 ### echo "rm -rf ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog}" | ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} 2>&1 724 ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} "rm -rf ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog}" 2>&1 709 725 locat=user_abort; exit 710 726 fi 711 727 else 712 728 # ABORT ANYWAY 713 echo "rm -rf ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog}" | ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} 2>&1 729 ### echo "rm -rf ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog}" | ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} 2>&1 730 ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} "rm -rf ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog}" 2>&1 714 731 locat=user_abort; exit 715 732 fi … … 814 831 else 815 832 cp agent_preprocessing $source_path/../SCRIPTS/. 833 cp inifor $source_path/../SCRIPTS/. 816 834 fi 817 835 -
r3505 r3534 27 27 # ----------------- 28 28 # $Id$ 29 # batch_scp for sending back the job protocol file is called via login-node if 30 # a login-node has been set in the config-file 31 # ssh-calls rearranged to avoid output of system/user-profile messages 32 # 33 # 3505 2018-11-08 09:14:30Z raasch 29 34 # job folders are created in case that they do not exist 30 35 # … … 1825 1830 line=`grep %base_directory $config_file` 1826 1831 make_depository=`echo $line | cut -d" " -s -f2`/MAKE_DEPOSITORY_${configuration_identifier} 1827 echo "[[ ! -d ${make_depository} ]] && echo depository not found" | ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} 2>&1 | tee ${configuration_identifier}_last_make_protokoll 1832 ### echo "[[ ! -d ${make_depository} ]] && echo depository not found" | ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} 2>&1 | tee ${configuration_identifier}_last_make_protokoll 1833 ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} "[[ ! -d ${make_depository} ]] && echo depository not found" 2>&1 | tee ${configuration_identifier}_last_make_protokoll 1828 1834 1829 1835 if [[ $(grep -c "depository not found" ${configuration_identifier}_last_make_protokoll) != 0 ]] … … 2569 2575 if [[ "$remote_loginnode" != "" ]] 2570 2576 then 2571 echo "cd $tempdir; ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog}/batch_scp $PORTOPT $catalog_option $append_option -b -m $usecycle_option -u $local_username $return_address ${localout[$i]} \"${pathout[$i]}\" ${configuration_identifier}_${run_identifier}${endout[$i]} ${extout[$i]}" | ssh -q $remote_username@$remote_loginnode 2577 ### echo "cd $tempdir; ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog}/batch_scp $PORTOPT $catalog_option $append_option -b -m $usecycle_option -u $local_username $return_address ${localout[$i]} \"${pathout[$i]}\" ${configuration_identifier}_${run_identifier}${endout[$i]} ${extout[$i]}" | ssh -q $remote_username@$remote_loginnode 2578 ssh -q $remote_username@$remote_loginnode "cd $tempdir; ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog}/batch_scp $PORTOPT $catalog_option $append_option -b -m $usecycle_option -u $local_username $return_address ${localout[$i]} \"${pathout[$i]}\" ${configuration_identifier}_${run_identifier}${endout[$i]} ${extout[$i]}" 2572 2579 else 2573 2580 batch_scp $PORTOPT $catalog_option $append_option -b -m $usecycle_option -u $local_username $return_address ${localout[$i]} "${pathout[$i]}" ${configuration_identifier}_${run_identifier}${endout[$i]} ${extout[$i]} … … 2758 2765 if [[ "$remote_loginnode" != "" ]] 2759 2766 then 2760 echo "echo \" PATH=\\\$PATH:$LOCAL_PALMRUN_PATH; cd $LOCAL_PWD; $prc\" | ssh -q $SSH_PORTOPT $local_username@$return_address " | ssh -q $remote_username@$remote_loginnode| tee palmrun_restart.log2767 ssh -q $remote_username@$remote_loginnode "ssh -q $SSH_PORTOPT $local_username@$return_address \" PATH=\\\$PATH:$LOCAL_PALMRUN_PATH; cd $LOCAL_PWD; $prc\" " | tee palmrun_restart.log 2761 2768 else 2762 echo \" PATH=\\\$PATH:$LOCAL_PALMRUN_PATH; cd $LOCAL_PWD; $prc\" | ssh -q $SSH_PORTOPT $local_username@$return_address | tee palmrun_restart.log 2769 ### echo \" PATH=\\\$PATH:$LOCAL_PALMRUN_PATH; cd $LOCAL_PWD; $prc\" | ssh -q $SSH_PORTOPT $local_username@$return_address | tee palmrun_restart.log 2770 ssh -q $SSH_PORTOPT $local_username@$return_address " PATH=\\\$PATH:$LOCAL_PALMRUN_PATH; cd $LOCAL_PWD; $prc" | tee palmrun_restart.log 2763 2771 fi 2764 2772 … … 2898 2906 2899 2907 echo "set -x" >> $jobfile 2900 echo "${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog}/batch_scp $PORTOPT -d -w 10 -u $local_username $local_ip $job_protocol_file_remote \"$local_jobcatalog\" ${configuration_identifier}_${run_identifier}" >> $jobfile 2908 if [[ "$remote_loginnode" != "" ]] 2909 then 2910 echo "ssh -q $remote_username@$remote_loginnode \"cd ${remote_jobcatalog}; ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog}/batch_scp $PORTOPT -d -w 10 -u $local_username $local_ip $job_protocol_file_remote \\\"$local_jobcatalog\\\" ${configuration_identifier}_${run_identifier}\" " >> $jobfile 2911 else 2912 echo "${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog}/batch_scp $PORTOPT -d -w 10 -u $local_username $local_ip $job_protocol_file_remote \"$local_jobcatalog\" ${configuration_identifier}_${run_identifier}" >> $jobfile 2913 fi 2901 2914 echo "%%END%%" >> $jobfile 2902 2915 echo "echo \" *** submitting job for transfering the job protocol file to $local_ip\" " >> $jobfile 2903 echo "$submit_command $scpjob_file" 2916 echo "$submit_command $scpjob_file" >> $jobfile 2904 2917 echo "rm $scpjob_file" >> $jobfile 2905 2918 echo "rm -rf $job_transfer_protocol_file" >> $jobfile … … 2986 2999 2987 3000 # CREATE REMOTE JOB FOLDER, IF IT DOES NOT EXIST 2988 echo "[[ ! -d $remote_jobcatalog ]] && mkdir $remote_jobcatalog" | ssh -q $ssh_key $SSH_PORTOPT ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} 2>&1 3001 ### echo "[[ ! -d $remote_jobcatalog ]] && mkdir $remote_jobcatalog" | ssh -q $ssh_key $SSH_PORTOPT ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} 2>&1 3002 ssh -q $ssh_key $SSH_PORTOPT ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} "[[ ! -d $remote_jobcatalog ]] && mkdir $remote_jobcatalog" 2>&1 2989 3003 2990 3004 # COPY THE JOB FILE … … 2999 3013 if [[ $do_trace = true ]] 3000 3014 then 3001 echo " cd $remote_jobcatalog; $submit_command ${configuration_identifier}_${run_id}; rm ${configuration_identifier}_${run_id} | ssh -q $ssh_key $SSH_PORTOPT ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} 2>&1" 3015 ### echo " cd $remote_jobcatalog; $submit_command ${configuration_identifier}_${run_id}; rm ${configuration_identifier}_${run_id} | ssh -q $ssh_key $SSH_PORTOPT ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} 2>&1" 3016 echo " ssh -q $ssh_key $SSH_PORTOPT ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} \"cd $remote_jobcatalog; $submit_command ${configuration_identifier}_${run_id}; rm ${configuration_identifier}_${run_id}\" 2>&1" 3002 3017 fi 3003 3018 echo "cd $remote_jobcatalog; $submit_command ${configuration_identifier}_${run_id}; rm ${configuration_identifier}_${run_id}" | ssh -q $ssh_key $SSH_PORTOPT ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} 2>&1 3019 ### ssh -q $ssh_key $SSH_PORTOPT ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} "cd $remote_jobcatalog; $submit_command ${configuration_identifier}_${run_id}; rm ${configuration_identifier}_${run_id}" 2>&1 3004 3020 3005 3021 elif [[ $create_batch_job = true ]] -
r3524 r3534 25 25 ! ----------------- 26 26 ! $Id$ 27 ! unnecessary check eliminated 28 ! 29 ! 3524 2018-11-14 13:36:44Z raasch 27 30 ! mpi_abort arguments replaced to avoid compile errors 28 31 ! … … 1189 1192 ENDDO 1190 1193 ! 1191 !++ ATTENTION: Check reason for this error. Remove it or replace WRITE1192 !++ by PALM message1193 #if defined ( __parallel )1194 IF ( ind /= ind_even_odd ) THEN1195 WRITE (0,*) 'ERROR ==> illegal ind_even_odd ',ind,ind_even_odd,l1196 CALL MPI_ABORT( MPI_COMM_WORLD, 9999, ierr )1197 ENDIF1198 #endif1199 !1200 1194 !-- Sort the data with odd k index 1201 1195 DO k = nzb+1, nzt_mg(l)+1, 2 -
r3523 r3534 23 23 # ----------------- 24 24 # $Id$ 25 # inifor build added 26 # 27 # 3523 2018-11-13 16:09:31Z suehring 25 28 # Enable compilation of post-processing tool for surface output - interface 26 29 # for posix conform sytemcalls is implemented. … … 66 69 PROG3 = agent_preprocessing 67 70 PROG4 = surface_output_to_vtk 71 PROG5 = inifor 72 73 SOURCES5 = \ 74 inifor.f90 \ 75 inifor_control.f90 \ 76 inifor_defs.f90 \ 77 inifor_grid.f90 \ 78 inifor_io.f90 \ 79 inifor_transform.f90 \ 80 inifor_types.f90 \ 81 inifor_util.f90 82 68 83 69 84 OBJS1 = combine_plot_fields.o … … 71 86 OBJS3 = agent_preprocessing.o 72 87 OBJS4 = surface_output_to_vtk.o 88 OBJS5=$(SOURCES5:.f90=.o) 73 89 74 90 CC = cc … … 84 100 85 101 86 all: $(PROG1) $(PROG2) $(PROG3) $(PROG4) 102 all: $(PROG1) $(PROG2) $(PROG3) $(PROG4) $(PROG5) 87 103 88 104 $(PROG1): $(OBJS1) … … 98 114 $(F90_SER) -o $(PROG4) $(OBJS4) $(LDFLAGS) 99 115 116 $(PROG5): $(OBJS5) 117 $(F90_SER) -o $(PROG5) $(OBJS5) $(LDFLAGS) 118 100 119 .f90.o: 101 120 $(F90_SER) $(F90FLAGS) $(COPT) -c $< 102 121 103 122 123 inifor.o: \ 124 inifor_control.o \ 125 inifor_defs.o \ 126 inifor_grid.o \ 127 inifor_io.o \ 128 inifor_transform.o \ 129 inifor_types.o 130 inifor_control.o: \ 131 inifor_defs.o \ 132 inifor_util.o 133 inifor_grid.o: \ 134 inifor_control.o \ 135 inifor_defs.o \ 136 inifor_io.o \ 137 inifor_transform.o \ 138 inifor_types.o \ 139 inifor_util.o 140 inifor_io.o: \ 141 inifor_control.o \ 142 inifor_defs.o \ 143 inifor_types.o \ 144 inifor_util.o 145 inifor_transform.o: \ 146 inifor_control.o \ 147 inifor_defs.o \ 148 inifor_types.o \ 149 inifor_util.o 150 inifor_types.o: \ 151 inifor_defs.o 152 inifor_util.o: \ 153 inifor_types.o -
r3456 r3534 26 26 ! ----------------- 27 27 ! $Id$ 28 ! NEW_LINE intrinsic replaced by ACHAR to avoid compile time error 29 ! 30 ! 3456 2018-10-30 14:29:54Z eckhard 28 31 ! Bumped version number 29 32 ! … … 100 103 CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: VERSION = '1.4.1' !< INIFOR version number 101 104 CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: COPYRIGHT = 'Copyright 2017-2018 Leibniz Universitaet Hannover' // & 102 NEW_LINE(' ') // ' Copyright 2017-2018 Deutscher Wetterdienst Offenbach' !< Copyright notice105 ACHAR( 10 ) // ' Copyright 2017-2018 Deutscher Wetterdienst Offenbach' !< Copyright notice 103 106 104 107 END MODULE defs -
r3456 r3534 26 26 ! ----------------- 27 27 ! $Id$ 28 ! bugfix: INTENT attribute changed 29 ! 30 ! 3456 2018-10-30 14:29:54Z eckhard 28 31 ! NetCDf output of internal arrays only with --debug option 29 32 ! … … 172 175 SUBROUTINE get_input_dimensions(in_var, ncid) 173 176 174 TYPE(nc_var), INTENT(INOUT) 175 INTEGER, INTENT( OUT):: ncid177 TYPE(nc_var), INTENT(INOUT) :: in_var 178 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ncid 176 179 177 180 INTEGER :: i -
r3447 r3534 26 26 ! ----------------- 27 27 ! $Id$ 28 ! bugfix: working precision added 29 ! 30 ! 3447 2018-10-29 15:52:54Z eckhard 28 31 ! Renamed source files for compatibilty with PALM build system 29 32 ! … … 348 351 349 352 p(1) = constant_density_pressure(p(k_min), zk, rhok, drhodz, & 350 0.0 , G)353 0.0_dp, G) 351 354 352 355 END SUBROUTINE get_surface_pressure
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