Changeset 3257 for palm/trunk

Sep 17, 2018 5:11:46 PM (6 years ago)

Further adjustment of checks for building_type and building_id (required as type and id can be modified by the topography filtering)

1 edited


  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/netcdf_data_input_mod.f90

    r3254 r3257  
    2525! -----------------
    2626! $Id$
     27! Adjust checks for building_type and building_id, which is necessary after
     28! topography filtering (building_type and id can be modified by the filtering).
     30! 3254 2018-09-17 10:53:57Z suehring
    2731! Additional check for surface_fractions and and checks for building_id and
    2832! building_type extended.
    34103414                IF ( buildings_f%lod == 1 )  THEN
    34113415                   IF ( buildings_f%var_2d(j,i)  /= buildings_f%fill1  .AND.   &
    3412                         building_type_f%var(j,i) == building_type_f%fill  .OR. &
    3413                         buildings_f%var_2d(j,i)  == buildings_f%fill1  .AND.   &
    3414                         building_type_f%var(j,i) /= building_type_f%fill )  THEN
     3416                        building_type_f%var(j,i) == building_type_f%fill )  THEN
    34153417                      WRITE( message_string, * ) 'Each location where a ' //   &
    34163418                                         'building is set requires a type ' // &
    34243426                IF ( buildings_f%lod == 2 )  THEN
    34253427                   IF ( ANY( buildings_f%var_3d(:,j,i) == 1 )  .AND.           &
    3426                         building_type_f%var(j,i) == building_type_f%fill  .OR. &
    3427                         .NOT. ANY( buildings_f%var_3d(:,j,i) == 1 )  .AND.     &
    3428                         building_type_f%var(j,i) /= building_type_f%fill)  THEN
     3428                        building_type_f%var(j,i) == building_type_f%fill )  THEN
    34293429                      WRITE( message_string, * ) 'Each location where a ' //   &
    34303430                                         'building is set requires a type ' // &
    34433443                IF ( buildings_f%lod == 1 )  THEN
    34443444                   IF ( buildings_f%var_2d(j,i) /= buildings_f%fill1  .AND.    &
    3445                         building_id_f%var(j,i)  == building_id_f%fill  .OR.    &
    3446                         buildings_f%var_2d(j,i) == buildings_f%fill1  .AND.    &
    3447                         building_id_f%var(j,i)  /= building_id_f%fill )  THEN
     3445                        building_id_f%var(j,i)  == building_id_f%fill )  THEN
    34483446                      WRITE( message_string, * ) 'Each location where a ' //   &
    34493447                                         'building is set requires an ID ' //  &
    34543452                ELSEIF ( buildings_f%lod == 2 )  THEN
    34553453                   IF ( ANY( buildings_f%var_3d(:,j,i) == 1 )  .AND.           &
    3456                         building_id_f%var(j,i) == building_id_f%fill  .OR.     &
    3457                         .NOT. ANY( buildings_f%var_3d(:,j,i) == 1 )  .AND.     &
    3458                         building_id_f%var(j,i) /= building_id_f%fill )  THEN
     3454                        building_id_f%var(j,i) == building_id_f%fill )  THEN
    34593455                      WRITE( message_string, * ) 'Each location where a ' //   &
    34603456                                         'building is set requires an ID ' //  &
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