Changeset 3240

Sep 12, 2018 12:04:40 PM (7 years ago)

Bufgix for an error message in case of restarts and user-defined profiles

3 edited


  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/modules.f90

    r3235 r3240  
    2525! -----------------
    2626! $Id$
     27! max_pr_user_tmp has been defined as a control variable because it is not
     28! local anymore
     30! 3235 2018-09-07 14:06:15Z sward
    2731! Added global variable dim_size_agtnum to own module. Necessary to avoid
    2832! circular dependency in agent output.
    12381242    INTEGER(iwp) ::  maximum_parallel_io_streams = -1  !< maximum number of parallel io streams that the underlying parallel file system allows, set with palmrun option -w, ENVPAR namelist parameter, provided by palmrun
    12391243    INTEGER(iwp) ::  max_pr_user = 0                   !< number of user-defined profiles (must not change within a job chain)
     1244    INTEGER(iwp) ::  max_pr_user_tmp = 0               !< number of user-defined profiles that is temporary stored to check it against max_pr_user in case of restarts
    12401245    INTEGER(iwp) ::  mgcycles = 0                      !< number of multigrid cycles that the multigrid solver has actually carried out
    12411246    INTEGER(iwp) ::  mg_cycles = 4                     !< namelist parameter
  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/parin.f90

    r3204 r3240  
    2525! -----------------
    2626! $Id$
     27! A check that controls the number of user-defined profiles on the restart file
     28! with the one given for the current run has been added.
     30! 3204 2018-08-23 10:49:05Z raasch
    2731! additional check for nz
    906910!--          Increment the run count
    907911             runnr = runnr + 1
     913!--          In case of a restart run, the number of user-defined profiles on
     914!--          the restart file (already stored in max_pr_user) has to match the
     915!--          one given for the current run. max_pr_user_tmp is calculated in
     916!--          user_parin and max_pr_user is read in via rrd_global.
     917             IF ( max_pr_user /= max_pr_user_tmp )  THEN
     918                WRITE( message_string, * ) 'the number of user-defined ',      &
     919                      'profiles given in data_output_pr (', max_pr_user_tmp,   &
     920                      ') does not match the one ',                             &
     921                      'found in the restart file (', max_pr_user, ')'
     922                CALL message( 'user_parin', 'UI0009', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 )
     923             ENDIF
     924          ELSE
     925             max_pr_user = max_pr_user_tmp
    908926          ENDIF
  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/user_parin.f90

    r3189 r3240  
    2525! -----------------
    2626! $Id$
     27! The check that controls the number of user-defined profiles on the restart file
     28! with the one given for the current run has been removed.
     30! 3189 2018-08-06 13:18:55Z Giersch
    2731! Indent revised
    112116    INTEGER(iwp) ::  i                 !<
    113117    INTEGER(iwp) ::  j                 !<
    114     INTEGER(iwp) ::  max_pr_user_tmp   !<
    177180!-- standard data output (data_output_pr)
    178181    IF ( user_defined_namelist_found )  THEN
    179        max_pr_user_tmp = 0
    180182       IF ( data_output_pr_user(1) /= ' ' )  THEN
    181183          i = 1
    191193          ENDDO
    192194       ENDIF
    195 !
    196 !--    In case of a restart run, the number of user-defined profiles on the
    197 !--    restart file (already stored in max_pr_user) has to match the one given
    198 !--    for the current run
    199        IF ( TRIM( initializing_actions ) == 'read_restart_data' )  THEN
    200           IF ( max_pr_user /= max_pr_user_tmp )  THEN
    201              WRITE( message_string, * ) 'the number of user-defined profiles ',&
    202                      'given in data_output_pr (', max_pr_user_tmp, ') doe',    &
    203                      'snot match the one ',                                    &
    204                      'found in the restart file (', max_pr_user,               &
    205                                      ')'
    206              CALL message( 'user_parin', 'UI0009', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 )
    207           ENDIF
    208        ELSE
    209           max_pr_user = max_pr_user_tmp
    210        ENDIF
    212195    ENDIF
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