Changeset 3232

Sep 7, 2018 12:21:44 PM (7 years ago)

references to mrun replaced by palmrun, and updated

7 edited


  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/check_parameters.f90

    r3183 r3232  
    2525! -----------------
    2626! $Id: check_parameters.f90 2520 2017-10-05 13:50:26Z gronemeier &
     27! references to mrun replaced by palmrun, and updated
     29! 2520 2017-10-05 13:50:26Z gronemeier
    2730! Rename boundary conditions in offline nesting
    11751178!--    Check whether an (uncoupled) atmospheric run has been declared as an
    1176 !--    ocean run (this setting is done via mrun-option -y)
     1179!--    ocean run (this setting is done via palmrun-option -y)
    11771180       message_string = 'ocean = .F. does not allow coupling_char = "' //      &
    11781181                        TRIM( coupling_char ) // '" set by palmrun-option "-y"'
  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/header.f90

    r3225 r3232  
    2020! Current revisions:
    2121! -----------------
    22 ! Increase printed length of run identifier
    2424! Former revisions:
    2525! -----------------
    2626! $Id$
     27! Increase printed length of run identifier
     29! 3225 2018-08-30 16:33:14Z kanani
    2730! Increase printed length of run identifier
  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/init_coupling.f90

    r2718 r3232  
    2525! ------------------
    2626! $Id$
     27! references to mrun replaced by palmrun, and updated
     29! 2718 2018-01-02 08:49:38Z maronga
    2730! Corrected "Former revisions" section
    148151!--    Split the total available PE's into two groups
    149 !--    numprocs for Coarse and Fine Grid are specified via mrun argument -N
     152!--    numprocs for coarse and fine grid are read from stdin (see above, and
     153!--    execution command in the palmrun script, numprocs are provided via
     154!--    palmrun option -Y)
    150155       IF ( myid < bc_data(1) )  THEN
    151156          inter_color     = 0
  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/modules.f90

    r3198 r3232  
    2525! -----------------
    2626! $Id$
     27! references to mrun replaced by palmrun, and updated
     29! 3198 2018-08-15 09:23:10Z sward
    2730! Added multi_agent_system_end and multi_agent_system_start
    11391142    CHARACTER (LEN=20)   ::  turbulence_closure = 'Moeng_Wyngaard'        !< namelist parameter
    11401143    CHARACTER (LEN=40)   ::  topography = 'flat'                          !< namelist parameter
    1141     CHARACTER (LEN=64)   ::  host = '????'                                !< hostname on which PALM is running, ENVPAR namelist parameter provided by mrun
     1144    CHARACTER (LEN=64)   ::  host = '????'                                !< configuration identifier as given by palmrun option -c, ENVPAR namelist parameter provided by palmrun
    11421145    CHARACTER (LEN=80)   ::  log_message                                  !< user-defined message for debugging (sse data_log.f90)
    1143     CHARACTER (LEN=80)   ::  run_identifier                               !< run identifier as given by mrun option -d, ENVPAR namelist parameter provided by mrun
     1146    CHARACTER (LEN=80)   ::  run_identifier                               !< run identifier as given by palmrun option -r, ENVPAR namelist parameter provided by palmrun
    11441147    CHARACTER (LEN=100)  ::  initializing_actions = ' '                   !< namelist parameter
    11451148    CHARACTER (LEN=100)  ::  restart_string = ' '                         !< for storing strings in case of writing/reading restart data
    12101213    INTEGER(iwp) ::  masks = 0                         !< counter for number of masked output quantities
    12111214    INTEGER(iwp) ::  maximum_grid_level                !< number of grid levels that the multigrid solver is using
    1212     INTEGER(iwp) ::  maximum_parallel_io_streams = -1  !< maximum number of parallel io streams that the underlying parallel file system allows, set with mrun option -w, ENVPAR namelist parameter, provided by mrun
     1215    INTEGER(iwp) ::  maximum_parallel_io_streams = -1  !< maximum number of parallel io streams that the underlying parallel file system allows, set with palmrun option -w, ENVPAR namelist parameter, provided by palmrun
    12131216    INTEGER(iwp) ::  max_pr_user = 0                   !< number of user-defined profiles (must not change within a job chain)
    12141217    INTEGER(iwp) ::  mgcycles = 0                      !< number of multigrid cycles that the multigrid solver has actually carried out
    13601363    LOGICAL ::  rans_tke_e = .FALSE.                             !< use TKE-e turbulence closure for RANS mode
    13611364    LOGICAL ::  rans_tke_l = .FALSE.                             !< use TKE-l turbulence closure for RANS mode
    1362     LOGICAL ::  read_svf = .FALSE.                               !< ENVPAR namelist parameter to steer input of svf (ENVPAR is created by palmrun)
     1365    LOGICAL ::  read_svf = .FALSE.                               !< ENVPAR namelist parameter to steer input of svf (ENVPAR is provided by palmrun)
    13631366    LOGICAL ::  recycling_yshift = .FALSE.                       !< namelist parameter
    13641367    LOGICAL ::  run_control_header = .FALSE.                     !< onetime output of RUN_CONTROL header
    13911394    LOGICAL ::  wall_adjustment = .TRUE.                         !< namelist parameter
    13921395    LOGICAL ::  wind_turbine = .FALSE.                           !< flag for use of wind turbine model
    1393     LOGICAL ::  write_binary = .FALSE.                           !< ENVPAR namelist parameter to steer restart I/O (ENVPAR is created by palmrun)
    1394     LOGICAL ::  write_svf = .FALSE.                              !< ENVPAR namelist parameter to steer output of svf (ENVPAR is created by palmrun)
     1396    LOGICAL ::  write_binary = .FALSE.                           !< ENVPAR namelist parameter to steer restart I/O (ENVPAR is provided by palmrun)
     1397    LOGICAL ::  write_svf = .FALSE.                              !< ENVPAR namelist parameter to steer output of svf (ENVPAR is provided by palmrun)
    13951398    LOGICAL ::  ws_scheme_sca = .FALSE.                          !< use Wicker-Skamarock scheme (scalar advection)?
    13961399    LOGICAL ::  ws_scheme_mom = .FALSE.                          !< use Wicker-Skamarock scheme (momentum advection)?
    16721675    LOGICAL ::  dvrp_overlap                               !< internal dvr software variable
    16731676    LOGICAL ::  dvrp_total_overlap                         !< internal dvr software variable
    1674     LOGICAL ::  local_dvrserver_running                    !< namelist parameter (ENVPAR namelist provided by mrun)
     1677    LOGICAL ::  local_dvrserver_running                    !< namelist parameter (ENVPAR namelist provided by palmrun)
    16751678    LOGICAL ::  lock_steering_update = .FALSE.             !< internal dvr software variable
    16761679    LOGICAL ::  use_seperate_pe_for_dvrp_output = .FALSE.  !< internal dvr software variable
  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/palm.f90

    r3182 r3232  
    2525! -----------------
    2626! $Id$
     27! references to mrun replaced by palmrun, and updated
     29! 3182 2018-07-27 13:36:03Z suehring
    2730! Deduct spinup_time from RUN_CONTROL output of main 3d run
    2831! (use time_since_reference_point instead of simulated_time)
    215218! Description:
    216219! ------------
    217 !> Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) model for the convective boundary layer,
    218 !> optimized for use on parallel machines (implementation realized using the
    219 !> Message Passing Interface (MPI)). The model can also be run on vector machines
    220 !> (less well optimized) and workstations. Versions for the different types of
    221 !> machines are controlled via cpp-directives.
    222 !> Model runs are only feasible using the ksh-script mrun.
     220!> Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) model for atmospheric and oceanic boundary-layer
     221!> flows
     222!> see the PALM homepage for further information
    224 !> @todo create routine last_actions instead of calling lsm_last_actions etc.
    225224!> @todo move chem_init call to init_3d_model or to check_parameters
    428427          CALL pmci_parent_initialize
    430 !--    Exchange_horiz is needed after the nest initialization
     429!--       Exchange_horiz is needed after the nest initialization
    431430          IF ( child_domain )  THEN
    432431             CALL exchange_horiz( u, nbgp )
    547 !-- Write run number to file (used by mrun to create unified cycle numbers for
    548 !-- output files
     546!-- Write run number to file (used by palmrun to create unified cycle numbers
     547!-- for output files
    549548    IF ( myid == 0  .AND.  runnr > 0 )  THEN
    550549       OPEN( 90, FILE='RUN_NUMBER', FORM='FORMATTED' )
  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/progress_bar_mod.f90

    r3225 r3232  
    2020! Current revisions:
    2121! -----------------
    22 ! Increase printed length of run identifier,
    23 ! bugfix for restarts
    2524! Former revisions:
    2625! -----------------
    2726! $Id$
     27! Increase printed length of run identifier,
     28! bugfix for restarts
     30! 3225 2018-08-30 16:33:14Z kanani
    2831! Increase printed length of run identifier,
    2932! bugfix for restarts
  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/vertical_nesting_mod.f90

    r3083 r3232  
    2626! -----------------
    2727! $Id$
     28! references to mrun replaced by palmrun, and updated
     30! 3083 2018-06-19 14:03:12Z gronemeier
    2831! Error messages revised
    9699    IMPLICIT NONE
    98     LOGICAL                                   ::  vnested = .FALSE.            !> set to true when
    99                                                                                !> mrun is called with -N option
     101    LOGICAL                                   ::  vnested = .FALSE.            !> set to true if palmrun
     102                                                                               !> provides specific information via stdin
    100103    LOGICAL                                   ::  vnest_init = .FALSE.         !> set to true when FG is initialized
    101104    REAL(wp)                                  ::  vnest_start_time = 9999999.9 !> simulated time when FG should be
    107110    INTEGER(iwp),DIMENSION(3,2)               :: bdims = 0        !> sub-domain grid topology of current PE
    108111    INTEGER(iwp),DIMENSION(3,2)               :: bdims_rem = 0    !> sub-domain grid topology of partner PE
    109     INTEGER(iwp)                              :: cg_nprocs        !> no. of PE in CG. Set by mrun -N
    110     INTEGER(iwp)                              :: fg_nprocs        !> no. of PE in FG. Set by mrun -N
     112    INTEGER(iwp)                              :: cg_nprocs        !> no. of PE in CG. Set by palmrun -Y
     113    INTEGER(iwp)                              :: fg_nprocs        !> no. of PE in FG. Set by palmrun -Y
    111114    INTEGER(iwp)                              :: TYPE_VNEST_BC    !> derived contiguous data type for interpolation
    112115    INTEGER(iwp)                              :: TYPE_VNEST_ANTER !> derived contiguous data type for anterpolation
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.