1 edited


  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/modules.f90

    r1 r3  
    99! Former revisions:
    1010! -----------------
    11 ! $Log: modules.f90,v $
     11! $Id$
     12! RCS Log replace by Id keyword, revision history cleaned up
    1214! Revision 1.95  2007/02/11 13:18:30  raasch
    1315! version 3.1b (last under RCS control)
    14 !
    15 ! Revision 1.94  2006/08/22 14:12:18  raasch
    16 ! +dz_max,
    17 ! id_var_dopts extended for second dimension
    18 !
    19 ! Revision 1.93  2006/08/04 14:50:58  raasch
    20 ! +c_0, diss, dt_min_part, end_time_prel, particles_per_point, sgs_wfu/v/w_part,
    21 ! use_sgs_for_particles, use_upstream_for_tke needed for the particle package,
    22 ! +dt_sum, e_m, speed_x/y/z/_sgs in particle_type,
    23 ! +dt_dopts, time_dopts, netcdf ids for output of particle time series,
    24 ! do2d_unit and do3d_unit now defined as 2d-arrays, izuf renamed iran
    25 !
    26 ! Revision 1.92  2006/06/02 15:21:45  raasch
    27 ! +NetCDF ids for the shifted u- and v-grid, +data_output_xy/xz/yz
    28 !
    29 ! Revision 1.91  2006/04/26 12:22:52  raasch
    30 ! +threads_per_task,
    31 ! sums_l, sums_l_l arrays changed to three dimensions
    32 !
    33 ! Revision 1.90  2006/04/11 14:58:27  raasch
    34 ! pl_spectra renamed data_output_sp, length of run_identifier increased to 80
    35 !
    36 ! Revision 1.89  2006/03/14 12:55:52  raasch
    37 ! Default for number_of_particle_groups changed to 1
    38 !
    39 ! Revision 1.88  2006/03/03 14:26:53  letzel
    40 ! control parameter topography now has length 40
    41 !
    42 ! Revision 1.87  2006/03/03 08:50:25  raasch
    43 ! Default value for surface_heatflux changed to 9999999.9
    44 !
    45 ! Revision 1.86  2006/02/23 12:39:14  raasch
    46 ! Version 3.0 with topography
    47 ! index arrays nzb_2d replaced by several new variable dependend arrays
    48 ! (e.g. nzb_u_inner), nzb_diff_2d removed, +new grid point
    49 ! counters ngp_2dh_outer and ngp_3d_inner,
    50 ! +skip time control parameters skip_time_..., +log_message,
    51 ! particle parameters psl, psr, pss, psn, psb, pst, pdx, pdy, pdz
    52 ! are now 1D arrays (1:max_number_of_particle_groups), default of
    53 ! number_of_particle_groups changed to 999999, idum in particle_type renamed
    54 ! tail_id,
    55 ! +data_output, data_output_user, do2d, do3d, doav for new steering of data
    56 ! output,
    57 ! +type_x_int for ghost exchange of integer arrays,
    58 ! +netcdf_64bit for supporting NetCDF 64-bit offset format,
    59 ! +mixing_length_1d, dissipation_1d for steering the 1d-model,
    60 ! +e_min (control parameter for minimum tke), +parameters for assuring a
    61 ! constant volume flow, +prt_count, prt_start_index, particle_advection,
    62 ! ebene renamed section, nt_anz renamed current_timestep_number, anz_y..
    63 ! renamed ngp_y.., nanz_sums, nanz_2dh, nanz_3d renamed ngp_sums, ngp_2dh,
    64 ! ngp_3d, respectively, pl1d_anz, pl2d_.._anz, plts_anz, pl3d_anz renamed
    65 ! dopr_n, pl2d_.._no, dots_n, do3d_n, respectively,
    66 ! ql_v and ql_vp now have the target attribute,
    67 ! average_period_pr1d removed
    68 !
    69 ! Revision 1.85  2005/12/06 16:40:56  raasch
    70 ! Version 2.11c
    71 !
    72 ! Revision 1.84  2005/10/20 15:38:23  raasch
    73 ! +id_var_rnop_prt, some values of prt_var_names and prt_var_units changed
    74 !
    75 ! Revision 1.83  2005/06/29 10:40:30  steinfeld
    76 ! Scalars ug and vg changed into one-dimensional arrays;
    77 ! +ug_surface, ug_vertical_gradient, ug_vertical_gradient_level,
    78 !  ug_vertical_gradient_level_ind,
    79 !  vg_surface, vg_vertical_gradient, vg_vertical_gradient_level,
    80 !  vg_vertical_gradient_level_ind
    81 !
    82 ! Revision 1.82  2005/06/26 20:03:33  raasch
    83 ! +ql_1, ql_2, ql_m, ql is now a pointer, +variables for cloud droplets (arrays
    84 ! ql_v,ql_vp, pointer ql_c), gas_constant renamed r_d, latent_heat renamed l_v,
    85 ! radius instead of diameter, radius + weighting factor included in
    86 ! particle_type, pl2d and pl3d string length increased from 6 to 10,
    87 ! default of call_psolver_at_all_substeps is TRUE
    88 !
    89 ! Revision 1.81  2005/05/18 15:36:46  raasch
    90 ! New module netcdf_control, +data_output_format, pl1d_callcount renamed
    91 ! dopr_time_count,
    92 ! default values of pl_spectra and spectra_direction changed
    93 !
    94 ! Revision 1.80  2005/04/23 09:31:14  raasch
    95 ! Implicit counters i renamed i9 due to declaration conflicts with i in other
    96 ! subroutines (reported by Portland compiler),
    97 ! crmax increased to 100, fcl_factor renamed cfl_factor
    98 !
    99 ! Revision 1.79  2005/03/26 20:40:48  raasch
    100 ! +variables for non-cyclic boundary conditions, call_psolver_at_all_substeps,
    101 ! default value for residual limit increased from 1E-6 to 1E-4
    102 !
    103 ! Revision 1.78  2004/04/30 12:30:01  raasch
    104 ! idum added in particle_type for better alignment (decalpha),
    105 ! DATA statements replaced by (/ .../) because of internal compiler errors
    106 ! on decalpha, + indices for direct transpositions z --> y,
    107 ! dt_max_1d increased to 300.0 (from 60.0), +grid_matching,
    108 ! arrays cross_ts_numbers and cross_ts_number_count enlarged,
    109 ! impulse_advec renamed momentum_advec
    110 !
    111 ! Revision 1.77  2004/01/30 10:30:26  raasch
    112 ! +index arrays nzb_2d, nzb_diff_2d
    113 !
    114 ! Revision 1.76  2004/01/28 15:25:15  raasch
    115 ! +array tsc for timestep steering, +tu_m, tv_m etc. pointer for additional
    116 ! tendencies needed for Runge-Kutta scheme, +intermediate_timestep_count(_max)
    117 ! type log changed to logpoint due to name conflict with intrinsic log
    118 !
    119 ! Revision 1.75  2003/10/29 08:58:54  raasch
    120 ! +mg_cycles, mg_switch_to_pe0, mg_switch_to_pe0_level in module
    121 ! control_parameters,
    122 ! +mg_loc_ind in module indices, variables related to particle groups added
    123 ! to module particle_attributes
    124 !
    125 ! Revision 1.74  2003/08/01 08:40:59  raasch
    126 ! +isclice_dvrp, lock_steering_update, slicer_position_dvrp,
    127 ! slicer_range_limits_dvrp in module dvrp_variables
    128 !
    129 ! Revision 1.73  2003/05/09 14:41:11  raasch
    130 ! New version number 2.7
    131 !
    132 ! Revision 1.72  2003/04/25 18:54:39  raasch
    133 ! Module mpi added in module pegrid in case of linux cluster
    134 !
    135 ! Revision 1.71  2003/04/16 13:27:33  raasch
    136 ! Arrays cross_ts_uy... enlarged
    137 !
    138 ! Revision 1.70  2003/04/16 13:07:43  raasch
    139 ! Array cross_ts_profiles enlarged
    140 !
    141 ! Revision 1.69  2003/03/16 09:42:07  raasch
    142 ! Two underscores (_) are placed in front of all define-strings
    143 !
    144 ! Revision 1.68  2003/03/14 13:44:52  raasch
    145 ! +random_generator in control_parameters
    146 !
    147 ! Revision 1.67  2003/03/12 16:34:19  raasch
    148 ! +tasks_per_node in pegrid
    149 !
    150 ! Revision 1.66  2003/03/04 11:32:50  raasch
    151 ! +type steering, +steering_dvrp in dvrp_variables
    152 !
    153 ! Revision 1.65  2002/12/19 15:52:37  raasch
    154 ! +initial_wallclock_time in cpulog, +myid_char_14 in pegrid,
    155 ! default value for termination_time_needed now set in check_parameters,
    156 ! array dl_grid removed, +wall_adjustment_factor, dt_restart, restart_time,
    157 ! time_restart
    158 !
    159 ! Revision 1.64  2002/09/12 13:05:44  raasch
    160 ! Default values of *_vertical_gradient_level changed from 100000.0 to -1.0,
    161 ! +molecular_viscosity, density_ratio
    162 !
    163 ! Revision 1.63  2002/06/11 13:12:29  raasch
    164 ! Entrys buoyancy, diffusion_e, diffusion_s, diffusion_u, diffusion_v and
    165 ! diffusion_w removed from module pointer_interfaces,
    166 ! length of character variables host + psolver increased to 64 and 16
    167 !
    168 ! Revision 1.62  2002/05/02 18:53:18  raasch
    169 ! Module singleton moved to a separate file. Arrays e_3, pt_3, q_3, u_3, v_3,
    170 ! w_3 re-introduced. Pointer e_p, pt_p, q_p, u_p, v_p, w_p re-introduced.
    171 !
    172 ! Revision 1.61  2002/04/16 08:09:32  raasch
    173 ! Information about speed components and start positions included in
    174 ! particle_type, +dt_write_particle_data, particle_advection_start,
    175 ! time_write_particle_data and parameters for particle boundary conditions,
    176 ! +vertical_particle_advection,
    177 ! + variables for scalar boundary conditions and initialization
    178 !
    179 ! Revision 1.60  2001/11/12 16:05:01  raasch
    180 ! +read_particles_from_restartfile
    181 !
    182 ! Revision 1.58  2001/09/04 12:00:52  raasch
    183 ! New version number 2.3b
    184 !
    185 ! Revision 1.57  2001/08/21 09:52:08  raasch
    186 ! +comm_palm, maximum_number_of_tailpoints, maximum_tailpoint_age,
    187 ! minimum_tailpoint_distance, particle_tail_coordinates, superelevation_x,
    188 ! superelevation_y, wall_adjustment
    189 !
    190 ! Revision 1.56  2001/07/20 13:09:07  raasch
    191 ! +grid_level, maximum_grid_level, cycle_mg, gamma_mg, ngsrb,
    192 ! residual_limit in control_parameters, +dzu_mg, dzw_mg, f1_mg, f2_mg, f3_mg
    193 ! in arrays_3d, +superelevation in dvrp_variables, +nxl_mg .. nzt_mg in
    194 ! indices, +ddx2_mg, ddy2_mg in grid_variables
    195 !
    196 ! Revision 1.55  2001/07/12 12:13:24  raasch
    197 ! default of bc_e_b changed from (u*)**2+neumann to neumann,
    198 ! +particle_maximum_age, psl-pst, pdx-pdz,
    199 ! default values defined for dvrp_directory, dvrp_file, dvrp_host, dvrp_password
    200 ! SAVE-statements added to all modules
    201 !
    202 ! Revision 1.54  2001/03/30 07:35:57  raasch
    203 ! Interface for advec_s_bc changed, interface for production_e eliminated,
    204 ! arrays work, work1, e_3, pt_3, q_3, u_3, v_3, w_3 removed,
    205 ! pointer e_p, pt_p, q_p, u_p, v_p, w_p removed,
    206 ! -nw, nw1,
    207 ! Translation of remaining German identifiers (variables, subroutines, etc.)
    208 !
    209 ! Revision 1.53  2001/01/30 01:57:16  raasch
    210 ! +passive_scalar
    211 !
    212 ! Revision 1.51  2001/01/26 00:31:49  raasch
    213 ! +fft_method, use_surface_fluxes in steuer, +module singleton,
    214 ! +write_particle_informations in particle_attributes
    215 !
    216 ! Revision 1.49  2001/01/05 15:13:16  raasch
    217 ! new module spectrum for computing spectra, +average_count_sp,
    218 ! averaging_interval_sp, dt_dosp, time_average_sp, time_dosp in module steuer,
    219 ! +spectrum_x, spectrum_y in module statistik
    220 !
    221 ! Revision 1.48  2001/01/02 17:31:36  raasch
    222 ! openfile has the new type file_status, version updated to 2.1a
    223 !
    224 ! Revision 1.47  2000/12/30 18:48:53  raasch
    225 ! Default value of mode_dvrp changed
    226 !
    227 ! Revision 1.46  2000/12/28 13:21:35  raasch
    228 ! version updated to 2.1
    229 !
    230 ! Revision 1.45  2000/12/28 13:19:35  raasch
    231 ! +mode_dvrp, +interval_..._dvrp, REAL*4 changed to REAL in particle_attributes,
    232 ! +dt_prel, time_prel, -particle_transport
    233 !
    234 ! Revision 1.44  2000/07/03 13:02:32  raasch
    235 ! version updated to 2.0b
    236 !
    237 ! Revision 1.43  2000/07/03 12:59:53  raasch
    238 ! +dvrp_directory, dvrp_host, dvrp_password, dvrp_username,
    239 ! new module pointer_interfaces which includes interfaces for subroutines with
    240 ! pointer arguments called in prognostic_equations
    241 !
    242 ! Revision 1.42  2000/04/27 07:35:56  raasch
    243 ! npex and npey must be defined in general (not only for parallel case)
    244 !
    245 ! Revision 1.41  2000/04/27 07:07:14  raasch
    246 ! +pt_slope_offset, pt_slope_ref, npex, npey, dt_dvrp, time_dvrp,
    247 ! new module dvrp_variables
    248 ! -dt_plisos, dt_plpart, isosurface_filecount, time_plisos, time_plpart
    249 ! Version 2.0a, all comments translated into English, old revision remarks
    250 ! deleted
    251 !
    252 ! Revision 1.40  2000/04/13 13:17:25  schroeter
    253 ! Felder fuer Wolkenphysik zu Modul arrays3d hinzugefuegt, neues Modul
    254 ! (cloud_parameters) fuer Wolkenphysikparameter eingefuegt
    255 !
    256 ! Revision 1.39  2000/01/10  10:05:11  10:05:11  raasch (Siegfried Raasch)
    257 ! +use_ug_for_galilei_tr, Aufteilung der zeitabhaengigen Groessen in pointer
    258 ! und targets, + timestep_count
    259 !
    260 ! Revision 1.38  1999/12/28 10:06:52  raasch
    261 ! +Variablen fuer Plot von Isooberflaechen
    262 !
    263 ! Revision 1.37  1999/11/25 16:26:38  raasch
    264 ! Neues Modul particle_attributes,
    265 ! +Variablen fuer Partikelverlagerung: particle_transport, dt_plpart,
    266 ! Version 1.1e
    26817! Revision 1.1  1997/07/24 11:21:26  raasch
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