1 edited


  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/flow_statistics.f90

    r1 r3  
    88! Former revisions:
    99! -----------------
    10 ! $Log: flow_statistics.f90,v $
     10! $Id$
     11! RCS Log replace by Id keyword, revision history cleaned up
    1113! Revision 1.41  2006/08/04 14:37:50  raasch
    1214! Error removed in non-parallel part (sums_l)
    13 !
    14 ! Revision 1.40  2006/04/26 14:06:01  raasch
    15 ! Call of omp_get_thread_num written as comment line. Since lcmuk does not
    16 ! understand this comment, a cpp-directive is required.
    17 !
    18 ! Revision 1.39  2006/04/26 12:19:16  raasch
    19 ! OpenMP optimization, thread number added as third dimension of sums_l,
    20 ! nzb_s_inner(j,i) replaced by nzb in determination of z_i
    21 !
    22 ! Revision 1.38  2006/02/23 12:23:15  raasch
    23 ! nzb and nzb_diff replaced by nzb_s_outer and nzb_diff_s_outer resrectively,
    24 ! nanz_sums, nanz_2dh, nanz_3d renamed ngp_sums, ngp_2dh and ngp_3d,
    25 ! respectively,
    26 ! ngp_2dh and ngp_3d partially replaced by ngp_2dh_outer and ngp_3d_inner,
    27 ! respectively
    28 !
    29 ! Revision 1.37  2005/12/06 16:40:21  raasch
    30 ! Calculation of ql (54) profile in case of using cloud droplets
    31 !
    32 ! Revision 1.36  2005/04/23 09:10:27  raasch
    33 ! +local array sums_ll instead of temporarily using sums_l
    34 !
    35 ! Revision 1.35  2004/04/30 11:46:56  raasch
    36 ! leap_frog changed to time_integration
    37 !
    38 ! Revision 1.34  2003/05/09 14:25:12  raasch
    39 ! Parameters in MPI_ALLREDUCE call changed
    40 !
    41 ! Revision 1.33  2003/03/31 15:42:53  raasch
    42 ! Calculation of horizontal temperature fluxes modified and cleaned up
    43 !
    44 ! Revision 1.32  2003/03/16 09:39:07  raasch
    45 ! Two underscores (_) are placed in front of all define-strings
    46 !
    47 ! Revision 1.31  2003/03/12 16:30:07  raasch
    48 ! Calculation of perturbation and total energy of the total domain
    49 ! re-arranged in order to allow vectorization of the respective loop
    50 !
    51 ! Revision 1.30  2003/03/04 11:26:35  raasch
    52 ! Error in calculation of the vertical flux of resolved scale energy
    53 ! (profile 57) removed
    54 !
    55 ! Revision 1.29  2002/12/19 14:50:02  raasch
    56 ! STOP statement replaced by call of subroutine local_stop
    57 !
    58 ! Revision 1.28  2002/04/16 08:04:19  raasch
    59 ! Error in passive scalar profile (hom(..41..)) removed
    60 !
    61 ! Revision 1.27  2002/04/11 16:31:03  schroeter
    62 ! No changes.
    63 !
    64 ! Revision 1.26  2001/09/04  12:00:12  12:00:12  raasch (Siegfried Raasch)
    65 ! Calculation of the vertical flux of resolved scale energy and pressure
    66 ! fluctuations
    67 !
    68 ! Revision 1.25  2001/08/21 08:32:24  raasch
    69 ! Special calculation of surface fluxes whenever they are prescribed (not only
    70 ! in case of a Prandtl layer), call of user_interface
    71 !
    72 ! Revision 1.24  2001/03/30 07:23:34  raasch
    73 ! Translation of remaining German identifiers (variables, subroutines, etc.)
    74 !
    75 ! Revision 1.23  2001/02/07 06:48:25  raasch
    76 ! Error in non-parallel passive scalar code removed
    77 !
    78 ! Revision 1.22  2001/01/29 12:25:02  raasch
    79 ! Passive scalar is considered
    80 !
    81 ! Revision 1.21  2001/01/22 06:49:27  raasch
    82 ! Module test_variables removed
    83 !
    84 ! Revision 1.20  2000/04/13 13:54:15  schroeter
    85 ! + computation of new profiles for calculations with
    86 !   cloud_physics
    87 !
    88 ! Revision 1.19  2000/01/26  09:32:58  09:32:58  letzel (Marcus Letzel)
    89 ! All comments translated into English
    90 !
    91 ! Revision 1.16  1998/04/21 15:54:54  raasch
    92 ! Berechnung von w* beruecksichtigt jetzt den Fall z_i=0,
    93 ! Faktor 0.5 bei Energietransport hinzugefuegt
    94 !
    95 ! Revision 1.6  1998/02/10 15:06:02  raasch
    96 ! Berechnung des Gesamtwaermestroms, in aufgeloesten Waermestroemen wird das
    97 ! horizontale Temperaturmittel nicht mehr abgezogen, Berechnung der
    98 ! Gesamtimpulsfluesse
    10016! Revision 1.1  1997/08/11 06:15:17  raasch
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