1 edited


  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/diffusion_e.f90

    r1 r3  
    88! Former revisions:
    99! -----------------
    10 ! $Log: diffusion_e.f90,v $
     10! $Id$
     11! RCS Log replace by Id keyword, revision history cleaned up
    1113! Revision 1.18  2006/08/04 14:29:43  raasch
    1214! dissipation is stored in extra array diss if needed later on for calculating
    1315! the sgs particle velocities
    14 !
    15 ! Revision 1.17  2006/02/23 10:31:46  raasch
    16 ! nzb_2d replaced by nzb_s_inner
    17 !
    18 ! Revision 1.16  2004/01/30 10:18:18  raasch
    19 ! Scalar lower k index nzb replaced by 2d-array nzb_2d
    20 !
    21 ! Revision 1.15  2003/03/14 13:39:33  raasch
    22 ! Loop optimization for diffusion_e, l and ll are now automatic arrays
    23 !
    24 ! Revision 1.14  2003/03/12 16:25:03  raasch
    25 ! Full code replaced in the call for all gridpoints instead of calling the
    26 ! _ij version (required by NEC, because otherwise no vectorization)
    27 !
    28 ! Revision 1.13  2002/12/19 14:25:28  raasch
    29 ! Correction of mixing length term (l(k)/ll(k)). The condition kh=3*km in
    30 ! the unstable case is now also exactly met in the wall adjustment region.
    31 ! Factor 0.7 in wall adjustment part replaced by variable
    32 ! wall_adjustment_factor, which is set to ... in modules.f90.
    33 !
    34 ! Revision 1.12  2002/06/11 12:51:59  raasch
    35 ! Former subroutine changed to a module which allows to be called for all grid
    36 ! points of a single vertical column with index i,j or for all grid points by
    37 ! using function overloading.
    38 ! 1D-array l is allocated only once in the first call.
    39 !
    40 ! Revision 1.11  2001/08/21 08:24:34  raasch
    41 ! Wall adjustment of mixing length to 0.7 z can be switched off
    42 !
    43 ! Revision 1.10  2001/03/30 07:06:30  raasch
    44 ! Near surface mixing length is limited to 0.7*zu,
    45 ! e**1.5 replaced by e*SQRT(e) (more than 10% total increase in performance
    46 ! of this routine),
    47 ! Translation of remaining German identifiers (variables, subroutines, etc.)
    48 !
    49 ! Revision 1.9  2001/01/22 06:05:28  raasch
    50 ! Module test_variables removed
    51 !
    52 ! Revision 1.8  2001/01/02 17:27:00  raasch
    53 ! -dpt_dz_d, dpt_dz_u
    54 !
    55 ! Revision 1.7  2000/07/03 12:56:34  raasch
    56 ! array l changed from dummy argument to local allocatable array,
    57 ! dummy arguments, whose corresponding actual arguments are pointers,
    58 ! are now also defined as pointers
    59 ! all comments translated into English
    60 !
    61 ! Revision 1.6  2000/04/18 08:10:12  schroeter
    62 ! Revision 1.4 wieder rueckgaengig gemacht, das Stabilitaets-
    63 ! kriterium basiert nun wieder auf zentralen Differenzen
    64 !
    65 ! Revision 1.5  2000/04/13 14:33:08  schroeter
    66 ! je nach Initialisierungsmodus (trocken/feucht) fliesst in die
    67 ! Berechnung des Mischungsweges pt oder vpt ein, wird durch
    68 ! entsprechende Variablenuebergabe geregelt
    69 !
    70 ! Revision 1.4  99/02/17  09:15:52  09:15:52  raasch (Siegfried Raasch)
    71 ! Dissipation jetzt gemaess dem originalen Deardorff-Ansatz
    72 ! Kriterium fuer reduzierten Mischungsweg im stabil geschichteten Fall enger
    73 ! gefasst (Schichtung muss sowohl oberhalb als auch unterhalb des betrachteten
    74 ! Gitterpunkts stabil sein)
    75 !
    76 ! Revision 1.3  1998/07/06 12:10:56  raasch
    77 ! + USE test_variables
    78 !
    79 ! Revision 1.2  1998/03/11 11:48:59  raasch
    80 ! Anpassung des Mischungsweges an den Prandtlschen Mischungsweg moeglich
    8217! Revision 1.1  1997/09/19 07:40:24  raasch
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