1 edited


  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/boundary_conds.f90

    r1 r3  
    88! Former revisions:
    99! -----------------
    10 ! $Log: boundary_conds.f90,v $
     10! $Id$
     11! RCS Log replace by Id keyword, revision history cleaned up
    1113! Revision 1.15  2006/02/23 09:54:55  raasch
    1214! Surface boundary conditions in case of topography: nzb replaced by
    1416! unchanged (still using nzb) because a non-flat topography must use a
    1517! Prandtl-layer, which don't requires explicit setting of the surface values.
    16 !
    17 ! Revision 1.14  2005/06/29 09:49:40  steinfeld
    18 ! Baroclinicity considered in the Dirichlet boundary condition for u and v at
    19 ! the top boundary
    20 !
    21 ! Revision 1.13  2005/04/23 08:35:30  raasch
    22 ! Error removed in Dirichlet bottom boundary conditions for pt and q in case
    23 ! of Runge-Kutta schemes. So far, new surface values have been taken from
    24 ! timelevel t-dt, which does not exist in case of Runge-Kutta schemes.
    25 !
    26 ! Revision 1.12  2005/03/26 14:58:24  raasch
    27 ! Non-cyclic boundary conditions included, argument range added
    28 !
    29 ! Revision 1.11  2001/03/30 06:54:18  raasch
    30 ! Timelevel t+dt replaced by timelevel t,
    31 ! Translation of remaining German identifiers (variables, subroutines, etc.)
    32 !
    33 ! Revision 1.10  2001/01/29 12:19:27  raasch
    34 ! Passive scalar is considered
    35 !
    36 ! Revision 1.9  2001/01/22 05:25:56  raasch
    37 ! Module test_variables removed
    38 !
    39 ! Revision 1.8  2000/07/04 14:07:59  raasch
    40 ! Missing diriclet boundary conditions for temperature and total water
    41 ! content added
    42 !
    43 ! Revision 1.7  2000/04/13 13:56:05  schroeter
    44 ! Boundaray conditions for total water content
    45 !
    46 ! Revision 1.6  2000/01/20  10:44:48  10:44:48  letzel (Marcus Letzel)
    47 ! All comments translated into English
    48 !
    49 ! Revision 1.5  2000/01/10 09:28:53  raasch
    50 ! Variablenuebergabe jetzt per Modul
    51 ! Randbedingungen fuer w im Rahmen der pointer-Einfuehrung
    52 !
    53 ! Revision 1.4  1998/07/06 12:07:05  raasch
    54 ! + USE test_variables
    55 !
    56 ! Revision 1.3  1998/03/10 07:19:37  raasch
    57 ! Beschreibung ergaenzt um Randbedingung fuer TKE
    58 !
    59 ! Revision 1.2  1997/09/19 07:39:03  raasch
    60 ! Randbedingungen fuer TKE
    6219! Revision 1.1  1997/09/12 06:21:34  raasch
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