Changeset 2422
- Timestamp:
- Sep 8, 2017 8:25:41 AM (8 years ago)
- Location:
- palm/trunk
- Files:
- 3 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
TabularUnified palm/trunk/SCRIPTS/palmbuild ¶
r2420 r2422 27 27 # ----------------- 28 28 # $Id$ 29 # 30 # 2404 2017-09-05 09:33:14Z raasch 31 # Initial revision 29 # initial revision 32 30 # 33 31 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# … … 55 53 ssh_key="" 56 54 suf=f90 57 version="palmbuild 0.1Rev$Rev: 2316 $"55 version="palmbuild 1.0 Rev$Rev: 2316 $" 58 56 working_directory=`pwd` 59 57 -
TabularUnified palm/trunk/SCRIPTS/palmrun ¶
r2420 r2422 29 29 # initial revision 30 30 # 31 # 2405 2017-09-05 11:17:46Z raasch32 #33 #34 31 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------# 35 32 # palmrun - script for running PALM jobs on local and remote hosts … … 115 112 user_source_path="" 116 113 use_openmp=false 117 version="palmrun 0.9Rev$Rev: 2303 $"114 version="palmrun 1.0 Rev$Rev: 2303 $" 118 115 working_directory=`pwd` 119 116 write_binary="" … … 1509 1506 else 1510 1507 printf "\n\n *** creating executable and other sources for the local host" 1508 fi 1509 1510 # FIRST CHECK, IF A MAKE DEPOSITORY EXISTS, AND IF NOT, ASK THE USER IF 1511 # IT SHALL BE CREATED 1512 ask_for_make_depository=false 1513 if [[ $create_remote_batch_job = true ]] 1514 then 1515 1516 line=`grep %base_directory $config_file` 1517 make_depository=`echo $line | cut -d" " -s -f2`/MAKE_DEPOSITORY_${host_identifier} 1518 echo "make_depository=$make_depository" 1519 echo "[[ ! -d ${make_depository} ]] && echo depository not found" | ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} 2>&1 | tee ${host_identifier}_last_make_protokoll 1520 1521 if [[ $(grep -c "depository not found" ${host_identifier}_last_make_protokoll) != 0 ]] 1522 then 1523 printf "\n\n +++ make depository \"${make_depository}\"" 1524 printf "\n on remote host not found!" 1525 ask_for_make_depository=true 1526 fi 1527 rm ${host_identifier}_last_make_protokoll 1528 1529 else 1530 1531 # CHECK FOR MAKE_DEPOSITORY ON THE LOCAL HOST 1532 make_depository=${base_directory}/MAKE_DEPOSITORY_${host_identifier} 1533 if [[ ! -d ${make_depository} ]] 1534 then 1535 printf "\n\n +++ make depository \"${make_depository}\"" 1536 printf "\n on local host not found!" 1537 ask_for_make_depository=true 1538 fi 1539 1540 fi 1541 1542 if [[ $ask_for_make_depository = true ]] 1543 then 1544 1545 antwort=dummy 1546 printf "\n\n" 1547 printf " >>> Create a new one (y/n) ? " 1548 while read antwort 1549 do 1550 if [[ "$antwort" != y && "$antwort" != Y && "$antwort" != n && "$antwort" != N ]] 1551 then 1552 printf " >>> Create a new one (y/n) ? " 1553 else 1554 break 1555 fi 1556 done 1557 if [[ $antwort = n || $antwort = N ]] 1558 then 1559 locat=user_abort; (( iec = 0 )); exit 1560 fi 1561 1562 palmbuild -v -h $host_identifier 1563 1564 if [[ $? != 0 ]] 1565 then 1566 1567 # ABORT IN CASE OF COMPILATION PROBLEMS 1568 printf "\n +++ error while compiling for the MAKE_DEPOSITORY" 1569 locat=make_depository 1570 exit 1571 else 1572 echo " *** now continue with creating executable and other sources" 1573 fi 1574 1511 1575 fi 1512 1576 -
TabularUnified palm/trunk/SOURCE/check_parameters.f90 ¶
r2375 r2422 25 25 ! ----------------- 26 26 ! $Id$ 27 ! error message in case of missing "restart" file activation string 28 ! 29 ! 2375 2017-08-29 14:10:28Z schwenkel 27 30 ! Added aerosol for bulk microphysics 28 31 ! … … 633 636 #if defined( __parallel ) 634 637 635 !636 !-- NOTE: coupled runs have not been implemented in the check_namelist_files637 !-- program.638 !-- check_namelist_files will need the following information of the other639 !-- model (atmosphere/ocean).640 ! dt_coupling = remote641 ! dt_max = remote642 ! restart_time = remote643 ! dt_restart= remote644 ! simulation_time_since_reference = remote645 ! dx = remote646 647 648 638 IF ( myid == 0 ) THEN 649 639 CALL MPI_SEND( dt_coupling, 1, MPI_REAL, target_id, 11, comm_inter, & … … 792 782 ENDIF 793 783 #else 794 WRITE( message_string, * ) 'coupling requires PALM to be c alled with',&795 ' ''mrun -K parallel'''784 WRITE( message_string, * ) 'coupling requires PALM to be compiled with',& 785 ' cpp-option "-D__parallel"' 796 786 CALL message( 'check_parameters', 'PA0141', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) 797 787 #endif … … 812 802 #endif 813 803 804 ! 805 !-- User settings for restart times requires that "restart" has been given as 806 !-- file activation string. Otherwise, binary output would not be saved by 807 !-- palmrun. 808 IF ( ( restart_time /= 9999999.9_wp .OR. dt_restart /= 9999999.9_wp ) & 809 .AND. .NOT. write_binary ) THEN 810 WRITE( message_string, * ) 'manual restart settings requires file ', & 811 'activation string "restart"' 812 CALL message( 'check_parameters', 'PA0001', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) 813 ENDIF 814 814 815 815 !
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