Changeset 2350
- Timestamp:
- Aug 15, 2017 11:48:26 AM (8 years ago)
- Location:
- palm/trunk/SOURCE
- Files:
- 4 edited
- Unmodified
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- Removed
r2339 r2350 25 25 ! ----------------- 26 26 ! $Id$ 27 ! Bugfix in nopointer version 28 ! 29 ! 2339 2017-08-07 13:55:26Z gronemeier 27 30 ! corrected timestamp in header 28 31 ! … … 616 619 qc(nzb:nzt+1,nysg:nyng,nxlg:nxrg), & 617 620 qc_p(nzb:nzt+1,nysg:nyng,nxlg:nxrg), & 618 tnc_m(nzb:nzt+1,nysg:nyng,nxlg:nxrg) 621 tnc_m(nzb:nzt+1,nysg:nyng,nxlg:nxrg), & 619 622 tqc_m(nzb:nzt+1,nysg:nyng,nxlg:nxrg) ) 620 623 #else -
r2318 r2350 26 26 ! ----------------- 27 27 ! $Id$ 28 ! Bugfix and error message for nopointer version. 29 ! 30 ! 2318 2017-07-20 17:27:44Z suehring 28 31 ! Get topography top index via Function call 29 32 ! … … 171 174 #if defined( __nopointer ) 172 175 USE arrays_3d, & 173 ONLY: dzu, dzw, e, e_p, nc, nr, pt, pt_p, q, q_p, qc, qr, u, u_p, v, &174 v _p, w, w_p, zu, zw176 ONLY: dzu, dzw, e, e_p, nc, nr, pt, pt_p, q, q_p, qc, qr, s, u, u_p, & 177 v, v_p, w, w_p, zu, zw 175 178 #else 176 179 USE arrays_3d, & … … 504 507 INTEGER(iwp) :: pmc_status !: 505 508 509 ! 510 !-- NOPOINTER version not implemented yet 511 #if defined( __nopointer ) 512 message_string = 'The pmc interface only runs with POINTER version' 513 CALL message( 'pmc_interface_mod', 'PA0420', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) 514 #endif 506 515 507 516 CALL pmc_init_model( world_comm, nesting_datatransfer_mode, nesting_mode, & -
r2292 r2350 25 25 ! ----------------- 26 26 ! $Id$ 27 ! Bugfix in nopointer version 28 ! 29 ! 2292 2017-06-20 09:51:42Z schwenkel 27 30 ! Implementation of new microphysic scheme: cloud_scheme = 'morrison' 28 31 ! includes two more prognostic equations for cloud drop concentration (nc) … … 108 111 #if defined( __nopointer ) 109 112 USE arrays_3d, & 110 ONLY: e, e_p, nc, nc_p, nr, nr_p, pt, pt_p, q, q_p, qc, qc_p qr, qr_p,&111 s, s_p, sa, sa_p, u, u_p, v, v_p, w, w_p113 ONLY: e, e_p, nc, nc_p, nr, nr_p, pt, pt_p, q, q_p, qc, qc_p, qr, & 114 qr_p, s, s_p, sa, sa_p, u, u_p, v, v_p, w, w_p 112 115 #else 113 116 USE arrays_3d, & -
r2318 r2350 26 26 ! ----------------- 27 27 ! $Id$ 28 ! Bugfix and error message for nopointer version. 29 ! Additional "! defined(__nopointer)" as workaround to enable compilation of 30 ! nopointer version. 31 ! 32 ! 2318 2017-07-20 17:27:44Z suehring 28 33 ! Get topography top index via Function call 29 34 ! … … 135 140 MODULE urban_surface_mod 136 141 142 #if ! defined( __nopointer ) 137 143 USE arrays_3d, & 138 144 ONLY: zu, pt, pt_1, pt_2, p, u, v, w, hyp, tend 145 #endif 139 146 140 147 USE cloud_parameters, & … … 441 448 442 449 #if defined( __nopointer ) 443 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(: ), ALLOCATABLE, TARGET :: t_wall_h !< Wall temperature (K)444 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(: ), ALLOCATABLE, TARGET :: t_wall_h_av !< Average of t_wall445 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(: ), ALLOCATABLE, TARGET :: t_wall_h_p !< Prog. wall temperature (K)450 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, TARGET :: t_wall_h !< Wall temperature (K) 451 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, TARGET :: t_wall_h_av !< Average of t_wall 452 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, TARGET :: t_wall_h_p !< Prog. wall temperature (K) 446 453 447 454 TYPE(t_wall_vertical), DIMENSION(0:3), TARGET :: t_wall_v !< Wall temperature (K) … … 3156 3163 INTEGER(iwp) :: i, j, k, l, m !< running indices 3157 3164 REAL(wp) :: c, d, tin, exn 3158 3165 3166 ! 3167 !-- NOPOINTER version not implemented yet 3168 #if defined( __nopointer ) 3169 message_string = 'The urban surface module only runs with POINTER version' 3170 CALL message( 'urban_surface_mod', 'PA0452', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) 3171 #endif 3159 3172 3160 3173 CALL cpu_log( log_point_s(78), 'usm_init', 'start' ) … … 3221 3234 !-- At horizontal surfaces. Please note, t_surf_h is defined on a 3222 3235 !-- different data type, but with the same dimension. 3236 #if ! defined( __nopointer ) 3223 3237 DO m = 1, surf_usm_h%ns 3224 3238 i = surf_usm_h%i(m) … … 3239 3253 ENDDO 3240 3254 ENDDO 3241 3255 #endif 3242 3256 3243 3257 !-- initial values for t_wall … … 3519 3533 INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:3) :: reorder = (/ 1, 0, 3, 2 /) 3520 3534 3521 3535 #if ! defined( __nopointer ) 3522 3536 IF ( plant_canopy ) THEN 3523 3537 pchf_prep(:) = r_d * (hyp(nzub:nzut) / 100000.0_wp)**0.286_wp & 3524 3538 / (cp * hyp(nzub:nzut) * dx*dy*dz) !< equals to 1 / (rho * c_p * Vbox * T) 3525 3539 ENDIF 3526 3540 #endif 3527 3541 sun_direction = .TRUE. 3528 3542 CALL calc_zenith !< required also for diffusion radiation … … 3782 3796 3783 3797 !-- push heat flux absorbed by plant canopy to respective 3D arrays 3798 #if ! defined( __nopointer ) 3784 3799 IF ( plant_canopy ) THEN 3785 3800 pc_heating_rate(:,:,:) = 0._wp … … 3795 3810 ENDDO 3796 3811 ENDIF 3812 #endif 3797 3813 ! 3798 3814 !-- Transfer radiation arrays required for energy balance to the respective data types … … 4293 4309 t_surf_h, tmp_surf_h, & 4294 4310 surf_usm_h%start_index ) 4295 ENDIF4296 4311 #else 4297 4312 IF ( kk == 1 ) THEN … … 4315 4330 t_surf_v(0)%t, tmp_surf_v(0)%t, & 4316 4331 surf_usm_v(0)%start_index ) 4317 ENDIF4318 4332 #else 4319 4333 IF ( kk == 1 ) THEN … … 4459 4473 t_wall_v(2)%t, tmp_wall_v(2)%t, & 4460 4474 surf_usm_v(2)%start_index ) 4461 ENDIF4462 4475 #else 4463 4476 IF ( kk == 1 ) THEN … … 4812 4825 4813 4826 IF ( usm_par(5,jw,iw) == 0 ) THEN 4827 #if ! defined( __nopointer ) 4814 4828 IF ( zu(kw) >= roof_height_limit ) THEN 4815 4829 surf_usm_h%isroof_surf(m) = .TRUE. … … 4819 4833 surf_usm_h%surface_types(m) = land_category !< default category for land surface 4820 4834 ENDIF 4835 #endif 4821 4836 surf_usm_h%albedo_surf(m) = -1.0_wp 4822 4837 surf_usm_h%thickness_wall(m) = -1.0_wp … … 5038 5053 5039 5054 dxdir = (/dz,dy,dy,dx,dx/) 5040 5055 #if ! defined( __nopointer ) 5041 5056 exn(:) = (hyp(nzub:nzut) / 100000.0_wp )**0.286_wp !< Exner function 5057 #endif 5042 5058 ! 5043 5059 !-- First, treat horizontal surface elements … … 5058 5074 lambda_surface = surf_usm_h%lambda_surf(m) 5059 5075 ENDIF 5060 5076 #if ! defined( __nopointer ) 5061 5077 pt1 = pt(k,j,i) 5062 5078 ! 5063 5079 !-- calculate rho * cp coefficient at surface layer 5064 5080 rho_cp = cp * hyp(k) / ( r_d * pt1 * exn(k) ) 5081 #endif 5065 5082 ! 5066 5083 !-- Calculate aerodyamic resistance. … … 5138 5155 !-- pt(k,j,i) is calculated for all directions in diffusion_s 5139 5156 !-- using surface and wall heat fluxes 5157 #if ! defined( __nopointer ) 5140 5158 pt(k-1,j,i) = t_surf_h_p(m) / exn(k) ! not for vertical surfaces 5159 #endif 5141 5160 5142 5161 !-- calculate fluxes … … 5172 5191 !-- stratification is not considered in this case. 5173 5192 lambda_surface = surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_surf(m) 5174 5193 #if ! defined( __nopointer ) 5175 5194 pt1 = pt(k,j,i) 5176 5195 ! 5177 5196 !-- calculate rho * cp coefficient at surface layer 5178 5197 rho_cp = cp * hyp(k) / ( r_d * pt1 * exn(k) ) 5198 #endif 5179 5199 5180 5200 !-- Calculation of r_a for vertical surfaces … … 5201 5221 !-- obtained by simple linear interpolation. ( An alternative would 5202 5222 !-- be an logarithmic interpolation. ) 5223 #if ! defined( __nopointer ) 5203 5224 u1 = ( u(k,j,i) + u(k,j,i+1) ) * 0.5_wp 5204 5225 v1 = ( v(k,j,i) + v(k,j+1,i) ) * 0.5_wp 5205 5226 w1 = ( w(k,j,i) + w(k-1,j,i) ) * 0.5_wp 5227 #endif 5206 5228 5207 5229 Ueff = SQRT( u1**2 + v1**2 + w1**2 ) … … 5317 5339 !-- pt and shf are defined on nxlg:nxrg,nysg:nyng 5318 5340 !-- get the borders from neighbours 5341 #if ! defined( __nopointer ) 5319 5342 CALL exchange_horiz( pt, nbgp ) 5343 #endif 5320 5344 5321 5345
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