1 edited


  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/diffusion_e.f90

    r3 r1  
    88! Former revisions:
    99! -----------------
    10 ! $Id$
    11 ! RCS Log replace by Id keyword, revision history cleaned up
    12 !
     10! $Log: diffusion_e.f90,v $
    1311! Revision 1.18  2006/08/04 14:29:43  raasch
    1412! dissipation is stored in extra array diss if needed later on for calculating
    1513! the sgs particle velocities
     15! Revision 1.17  2006/02/23 10:31:46  raasch
     16! nzb_2d replaced by nzb_s_inner
     18! Revision 1.16  2004/01/30 10:18:18  raasch
     19! Scalar lower k index nzb replaced by 2d-array nzb_2d
     21! Revision 1.15  2003/03/14 13:39:33  raasch
     22! Loop optimization for diffusion_e, l and ll are now automatic arrays
     24! Revision 1.14  2003/03/12 16:25:03  raasch
     25! Full code replaced in the call for all gridpoints instead of calling the
     26! _ij version (required by NEC, because otherwise no vectorization)
     28! Revision 1.13  2002/12/19 14:25:28  raasch
     29! Correction of mixing length term (l(k)/ll(k)). The condition kh=3*km in
     30! the unstable case is now also exactly met in the wall adjustment region.
     31! Factor 0.7 in wall adjustment part replaced by variable
     32! wall_adjustment_factor, which is set to ... in modules.f90.
     34! Revision 1.12  2002/06/11 12:51:59  raasch
     35! Former subroutine changed to a module which allows to be called for all grid
     36! points of a single vertical column with index i,j or for all grid points by
     37! using function overloading.
     38! 1D-array l is allocated only once in the first call.
     40! Revision 1.11  2001/08/21 08:24:34  raasch
     41! Wall adjustment of mixing length to 0.7 z can be switched off
     43! Revision 1.10  2001/03/30 07:06:30  raasch
     44! Near surface mixing length is limited to 0.7*zu,
     45! e**1.5 replaced by e*SQRT(e) (more than 10% total increase in performance
     46! of this routine),
     47! Translation of remaining German identifiers (variables, subroutines, etc.)
     49! Revision 1.9  2001/01/22 06:05:28  raasch
     50! Module test_variables removed
     52! Revision 1.8  2001/01/02 17:27:00  raasch
     53! -dpt_dz_d, dpt_dz_u
     55! Revision 1.7  2000/07/03 12:56:34  raasch
     56! array l changed from dummy argument to local allocatable array,
     57! dummy arguments, whose corresponding actual arguments are pointers,
     58! are now also defined as pointers
     59! all comments translated into English
     61! Revision 1.6  2000/04/18 08:10:12  schroeter
     62! Revision 1.4 wieder rueckgaengig gemacht, das Stabilitaets-
     63! kriterium basiert nun wieder auf zentralen Differenzen
     65! Revision 1.5  2000/04/13 14:33:08  schroeter
     66! je nach Initialisierungsmodus (trocken/feucht) fliesst in die
     67! Berechnung des Mischungsweges pt oder vpt ein, wird durch
     68! entsprechende Variablenuebergabe geregelt
     70! Revision 1.4  99/02/17  09:15:52  09:15:52  raasch (Siegfried Raasch)
     71! Dissipation jetzt gemaess dem originalen Deardorff-Ansatz
     72! Kriterium fuer reduzierten Mischungsweg im stabil geschichteten Fall enger
     73! gefasst (Schichtung muss sowohl oberhalb als auch unterhalb des betrachteten
     74! Gitterpunkts stabil sein)
     76! Revision 1.3  1998/07/06 12:10:56  raasch
     77! + USE test_variables
     79! Revision 1.2  1998/03/11 11:48:59  raasch
     80! Anpassung des Mischungsweges an den Prandtlschen Mischungsweg moeglich
    1782! Revision 1.1  1997/09/19 07:40:24  raasch
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