[4766] | 1 | Scripts for processing of WRF and CAMx files to PALM dynamic driver. |
| 2 | Version: v.3.1, 20201102 |
| 3 | |
| 4 | Usage: palm_dynamic -c <config_name> [-w] |
| 5 | |
| 6 | The script requires name of the case configuration on the command line. |
| 7 | The corresponding configuration files are placed in subdirectory |
| 8 | "configuration" and they are named <config_name>.conf. Examples of |
| 9 | the config files are supplied with the scripts, all configuration |
| 10 | options with are in the file palm_dynamic_defaults.py as well as |
| 11 | at the end of this readme file. The values which agree with defaults |
| 12 | need not be present in the user config. The file palm_dynamic_init.py |
| 13 | contains setting and calculation of standard initialization values |
| 14 | for particular system and can be adjusted. The optional parameter -w |
| 15 | allows to skip horizontal and vertical interpolation in case it is |
| 16 | already done. |
| 17 | |
| 18 | The scripts were implemented with regards to good portability and they |
| 19 | only depend on standard and well-known Python libraries. |
| 20 | Needed modules are: |
| 21 | |
| 22 | - numpy (https://pypi.org/project/numpy) |
| 23 | - scipy (https://pypi.org/project/scipy) |
| 24 | - pyproj (https://pypi.org/project/pyproj) |
| 25 | - netCDF4 (https://pypi.org/project/netCDF4) |
| 26 | - metpy (https://unidata.github.io/MetPy) |
| 27 | |
| 28 | First four modules are included in all major linux distributions. In other cases, |
| 29 | they can be installed via pip (e.g. "pip3 install netCDF4"). |
| 30 | |
| 31 | The MetPy module is a well-known and widely used project for meteorological |
| 32 | calculations in Python maintained by Unidata. It can also be installed using |
| 33 | pip ("pip3 install MetPy"). |
| 34 | |
| 35 | In the current version, the only supported projection in WRF is Lambert |
| 36 | conformal conic, which is WRF default and recommended projection for |
| 37 | mid-latitudes. The CAMx output files, which are used optionally for the |
| 38 | chemical initial and boundary conditions, are expected to be the result of |
| 39 | a coupled CAMx simulation using the same horizontal grid as WRF, although this |
| 40 | is not strictly required. |
| 41 | |
| 42 | The scripts support both variants of WRF vertical levels - the sigma levels |
| 43 | (default until WRF version 3.*) and the hybrid levels (default since WRF 4.*). |
| 44 | However, it is necessary to correctly configure this option via the setting |
| 45 | "wrf_hybrid_levs = True/False". |
| 46 | |
| 48 | |
| 49 | Configuration files have syntax: |
| 50 | <parameter1> = <value1> |
| 51 | <parameter2> = <value2> |
| 52 | ... |
| 53 | Parameters can be string, integer, float, logical or list of these values. |
| 54 | The <value> terms have Python syntax, the config file needs to contain only |
| 55 | parameters which differ from default. |
| 56 | |
| 57 | Description of the particular configuration options are (defaults are in parenthesis): |
| 58 | |
| 59 | # 1. Domain and case related config |
| 60 | domain name of the simulation case ("") |
| 61 | resolution name of the particular domain resolution scenario ("") |
| 62 | scenario name of the individual scenario in the case ("") |
| 63 | nested_domain False indicates parent and True nested domain. (False) |
| 64 | dynamic_driver_file file name of output dynamic driver (""). The default value |
| 65 | "" means the standard name assigned in the palm_dynamic_init. |
| 66 | grid_from_static value True - the grid parameters are imported from the static |
| 67 | driver, False - they are prescribed in the config (True) |
| 68 | static_driver_file file name of the static driver in case of grid_from_static (""). |
| 69 | The default value "" means the standard name assigned in init. |
| 70 | proj_palm reference coordinate system of PALM simulation ("EPSG:32633") |
| 71 | proj_wgs84 reference coordinate system of lon-lat projection ("EPSG:4326") |
| 72 | dz height of the PALM vertical grid layer (0.0). The default |
| 73 | value dz = 0.0 means dz is assigned from dx. |
| 74 | nz number of vertical layers of PALM domain (200) |
| 75 | dz_stretch_level height in meters from which stretching of vertical levels |
| 76 | starts in PALM (5000.0) |
| 77 | dz_stretch_factor coefficient of the stretching of the vertical layers in PALM (1.0) |
| 78 | dz_max max height of the stretched vertical layers (100.0) |
| 79 | origin_time origin time of the PALM simulation in the format |
| 80 | YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss (""). The default value "" means that |
| 81 | the value is read from the global attribute of the static driver. |
| 82 | simulation_hours extent of the simulation in hours (24) |
| 83 | |
| 84 | # 2. WRF and CAMx related configurations |
| 85 | wrf_hybrid_levs True means hybrid levels in WRF files, False means sigma levels (True). |
| 86 | vinterp_terrain_smoothing |
| 87 | the standard deviation for Gaussian kernel of smoothing method |
| 88 | of the PALM terrain for WRF vertical interpolation to avoid sharp |
| 89 | horizontal gradients. Value None disables the smoothing. (None) |
| 90 | wrf_dir_name files path of the wrf and camx input files (""). The default value "" |
| 91 | means that the standard path will be calculated in the init. |
| 92 | wrf_file_mask file mask of the wrf input files ("wrfout_*.e000") |
| 93 | radiation_from_wrf enable or disable processing of radiation from WRF files (True). |
| 94 | wrf_rad_file_mask file mask of the wrf radiation input files ("auxhist6_*"). |
| 95 | The default setting reads radiation from WRF auxiliary |
| 96 | history files. This setting allows to use finer time step for WRF |
| 97 | radiation outputs than for other values. |
| 98 | radiation_smoothing_distance |
| 99 | smoothing distance for radiation values in m (10000.0). |
| 100 | camx_file_mask file mask of the CAMx input files ("CAMx.*.nc"). |
| 101 | species_names PALM names of the chemical species (['NO','NO2','O3','PM10','PM25']). |
| 102 | The default value can be used for phstatp and phstatp2 chemical |
| 103 | mechanisms in PALM. The mapping and recalculation from the CAMx |
| 104 | species to PALM species is defined in the variable camx_conversions |
| 105 | (see palm_dynamic_init.py). The current mapping is adjusted for |
| 106 | CAMx v6.50 with CB05 + PM (CF,SOAP2.1,ISORROPIA) chemistry mechanisms. |
| 107 | In the case other combinations, it may be necessary to adjust |
| 108 | this mapping. |
| 109 | |
| 110 | # 3. horizontal parameters of the PALM domain which have to be set in case |
| 111 | # of grid_from_static = False |
| 112 | nx, ny number of horizontal grids of the domain in x and y directions |
| 113 | dx, dy grid cell size of the domain in x and y directions |
| 114 | origin_x, origin_y origin x and y of the domain |
| 115 | origin_z origin of the domain in the vertical direction |
| 116 | |