1 | % $Id: runs_with_mrun.tex 964 2012-07-26 09:14:24Z maronga $ |
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27 | \institute{Institut fÌr Meteorologie und Klimatologie, Leibniz UniversitÀt Hannover} |
28 | \date{last update: \today} |
29 | \event{PALM Seminar} |
30 | \setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{} |
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47 | \title[Carrying out runs using mrun]{Carrying out runs using \texttt{mrun}} |
48 | \author{Siegfried Raasch} |
49 | |
50 | \begin{document} |
51 | |
52 | % Folie 1 |
53 | \begin{frame} |
54 | \titlepage |
55 | \end{frame} |
56 | |
57 | \section{Carrying out runs using mrun} |
58 | \subsection{Carrying out runs using mrun} |
59 | |
60 | % Folie 2 |
61 | \begin{frame} |
62 | \frametitle{What is \texttt{mrun}?} |
63 | \begin{itemize} |
64 | \item<1-> \texttt{mrun} (\textbf{m}odel \textbf{run}) is a shell script (using |
65 | \texttt{ksh}-syntax) which can be used to compile and run programs, including |
66 | the handling of input/output files. |
67 | \vspace{4mm} |
68 | \item<2-> The \texttt{mrun}-command has a number of options to control the |
69 | program execution\\ |
70 | \quad \footnotesize \texttt{mrun -d example\underline{ }cbl -h lcsgih -K parallel -X8 -T2 ...}\\ |
71 | \normalsize All options including a short description can be displayed by entering\\ |
72 | \quad \footnotesize \texttt{mrun ?} |
73 | \vspace{4mm} |
74 | \item<3-> \normalsize The shellscript execution is also controlled by a configuration file with default name \texttt{.mrun.config} |
75 | \end{itemize} |
76 | \end{frame} |
77 | |
78 | % Folie 3 |
79 | \begin{frame} |
80 | \tikzstyle{green} = [rectangle, draw, fill=green!20, text width=0.1\textwidth, font=\tiny] |
81 | \tikzstyle{yellow} = [rectangle, draw, fill=yellow!20, text width=0.22\textwidth, font=\tiny] |
82 | \tikzstyle{info} = [rectangle, text width=0.15\textwidth, font=\tiny] |
83 | \tikzstyle{white} = [rectangle, text width=0.7\textwidth, font=\tiny] |
84 | \tikzstyle{dummy} = [rectangle, text width=0.3\textwidth, font=\tiny] |
85 | \tikzstyle{line} = [draw, -] |
86 | \tikzstyle{alert} = [rectangle, draw, text width=0.77\textwidth, font=\scriptsize] |
87 | |
88 | \scriptsize |
89 | \frametitle{Carrying Out Runs Using \texttt{mrun}} |
90 | \textbf{Carrying out a program run typically needs two steps:}\\ |
91 | \vspace{1mm} |
92 | \quad 1. compilation\\ |
93 | \qquad \texttt{f90 ... file1.f90 file2.f90 ...}\\ |
94 | \vspace{1mm} |
95 | \onslide<2->\quad 2. execution\\ |
96 | \qquad \texttt{a.out}\\ |
97 | \vspace{3mm} |
98 | \onslide<3->\textbf{Besides, a program needs input data and creates output data:}\\ |
99 | |
100 | \onslide<4->\begin{tikzpicture}[auto, node distance=0] |
101 | \node [green] (first) {\textbf{a.out/} }; |
102 | \node [dummy, right=0.1cm of first] (second) {}; |
103 | |
104 | \node [yellow, above=0.4cm of second] (third) {\textbf{parameter for steering}}; |
105 | \node [yellow, below=0.4cm of third] (fourth) {\textbf{control output}}; |
106 | \node [yellow, below=0.3cm of fourth] (fifth) {\textbf{output for analysis}}; |
107 | |
108 | \node [info, above=-0.1cm of third] (sixth) {input file}; |
109 | \node [info, above=-0.1cm of fourth] (seventh) {output file 1}; |
110 | \node [info, above=-0.1cm of fifth] (eight) {output file 2}; |
111 | |
112 | \draw [->] (third.west) -- (first.north); |
113 | \draw [->] (first.east) -- (fourth.west); |
114 | \draw [->] (first.south) -- (fifth.west); |
115 | |
116 | \uncover<5->{\node [white, right=0.25cm of third] (ninth) { |
117 | \texttt{OPEN (11, FILE='PARIN', FORM='FORMATTED')}};} |
118 | \uncover<5->{\node [white, right=0.25cm of fourth] (tenth) { |
119 | \texttt{OPEN (15, FILE='RUN\underline{ }CONTROL', FORM='FORMATTED')}};} |
120 | \uncover<5->{\node [white, right=0.25cm of fifth] (eleventh) { |
121 | \texttt{OPEN (40, FILE=âDATA\underline{ }1D\underline{ }PR\underline{ }NETCDF', FORM='FORMATTED')}};} |
122 | \end{tikzpicture} |
123 | |
124 | \vspace{3mm} |
125 | \scriptsize |
126 | \onslide<6->\textcolor{red}{\textbf{Problems:} The user has to copy or rename output files, if |
127 | he/she wants to run the program more than once and if he concurrently wants to keep |
128 | the files from the former run(s).\\ |
129 | If he/she is using different input parameter files for steering, these files also have |
130 | to be copied into the working directory before the program is executed.}\\ |
131 | \vspace{1mm} |
132 | \begin{tikzpicture}[auto, node distance=0] |
133 | \uncover<7->{\node [alert] (alert) {\textcolor{red}{\textbf{It is therefore very desirable to automate these tasks!}}};} |
134 | \end{tikzpicture} |
135 | \end{frame} |
136 | |
137 | % Folie 4 |
138 | \begin{frame} |
139 | \tikzstyle{green} = [rectangle, draw, fill=green!20, text width=0.45\textwidth, font=\scriptsize] |
140 | \tikzstyle{yellow} = [rectangle, draw, fill=yellow!20, text width=0.18\textwidth, font=\scriptsize] |
141 | \tikzstyle{yellowsmall} = [rectangle, draw, fill=yellow!20, text width=0.10\textwidth, font=\scriptsize] |
142 | \tikzstyle{dummy} = [rectangle, text width=0.01\textwidth, font=\tiny] |
143 | |
144 | \frametitle{\texttt{mrun}: Principal Mode of Operation (I)} |
145 | \scriptsize \texttt{mrun} \textbf{runs a program (in our case the PALM model) by carrying out the following principle tasks in a sequential order:}\\ |
146 | \vspace{1mm} |
147 | \begin{enumerate} |
148 | \item<2-> Create a temporary working directory and change into this directory:\\ |
149 | \quad \texttt{mkdir <tempdir>/<username>.<randomnumber>}\\ |
150 | \quad \texttt{cd <tempdir>/<username>.<randomnumber>}\\ |
151 | \ \\ |
152 | The path of \texttt{<tempdir>} is given in the configuration file |
153 | \texttt{.mrun.config} by the environment variable \texttt{tmp\underline{ }user\underline{ }catalog}, e.g.:\\ |
154 | \quad \texttt{\%tmp\underline{ }user\underline{ }catalog /tmp \hspace{30mm} <hi> parallel}\\ |
155 | \ \\ |
156 | \onslide<3-> On SGI-ICE: \\ |
157 | \quad \texttt{\%tmp\underline{ }user\underline{ }catalog /gfs2/work/<username> |
158 | \hspace{5mm} lcsgih parallel} |
159 | \begin{center} |
160 | \begin{tikzpicture}[auto, node distance=0] |
161 | \uncover<4->{\node [green] (green) {/tmp/$<$username$>$.$<$randomnumber$>$};} |
162 | \end{tikzpicture} |
163 | \end{center} |
164 | \vspace{2mm} |
165 | \item<5-> Copy the input files from a directory of the user into this working directory:\\ |
166 | \vspace{1mm} |
167 | \onslide<6-> \tiny \quad \texttt{cp <user\underline{ }input\underline{ }file1> |
168 | /tmp/<username>.<randomnumber>/<temporary\underline{ }input\underline{ }file1>}\\ |
169 | \quad \texttt{cp <user\underline{ }input\underline{ }file2> |
170 | /tmp/<username>.<randomnumber>/<temporary\underline{ }input\underline{ }file2>}\\ |
171 | \vspace{2mm} |
172 | \scriptsize |
173 | \begin{center} |
174 | \begin{tikzpicture}[auto, node distance=0] |
175 | |
176 | \uncover<8->{\node [green] (green) {/tmp/$<$username$>$.$<$randomnumber$>$};} |
177 | |
178 | \uncover<7->{\node [yellowsmall, above=0.1cm of green] (yellow2) {JOBS/};} |
179 | \uncover<7->{\node [yellow, left=0.2cm of yellow2] (yellow1) {current\underline{ }version/};} |
180 | \uncover<7->{\node [yellow, right=0.2cm of yellow2] (yellow3) {example\underline{ }cbl/};} |
181 | \uncover<7->{\node [yellowsmall, right=0.2cm of yellow3] (yellow4) {INPUT/};} |
182 | |
183 | \draw<7-> [-] (yellow1.east) -- (yellow2.west); |
184 | \draw<7-> [-] (yellow2.east) -- (yellow3.west); |
185 | \draw<7-> [-] (yellow3.east) -- (yellow4.west); |
186 | |
187 | \node [dummy, right=0.1cm of yellow4] (dummy1) {}; |
188 | \node [dummy, right=2.055cm of green] (dummy2) {}; |
189 | |
190 | \draw<9-> [-] (yellow4.east) -- (dummy1.center); |
191 | \draw<9-> [-] (dummy1.center) -- (dummy2.center); |
192 | \draw<9-> [->] (dummy2.center) -- (green.east); |
193 | |
194 | \end{tikzpicture} |
195 | \end{center} |
196 | |
197 | \end{enumerate} |
198 | |
199 | \end{frame} |
200 | |
201 | % Folie 5 |
202 | \begin{frame} |
203 | \tikzstyle{green} = [rectangle, draw, fill=green!20, text width=0.45\textwidth, font=\scriptsize, minimum height=0.6cm] |
204 | \tikzstyle{yellow} = [rectangle, draw, fill=yellow!20, text width=0.18\textwidth, font=\scriptsize, minimum height=0.6cm] |
205 | \tikzstyle{dummy} = [rectangle, text width=0.01\textwidth, font=\scriptsize, minimum height=0.6cm] |
206 | |
207 | \frametitle{\texttt{mrun}: Principal Mode of Operation (II)} |
208 | |
209 | \begin{enumerate} |
210 | \setcounter{enumi}{2} |
211 | \item<1-> Copy the pre-compiled routines to the temporary working directory:\\ |
212 | |
213 | \begin{center} |
214 | \begin{tikzpicture}[auto, node distance=0] |
215 | \uncover<2->{\node [yellow] (yellow) {current\underline{ }version/};} |
216 | \uncover<1->{\node [dummy, right=0.0cm of yellow] (dummy1) {};} |
217 | \uncover<2->{\node [green, right=0.2cm of yellow] (green1) {MAKE\underline{ }DEPOSITORY\underline{ }\textit{parallel}/};} |
218 | \uncover<1->{\node [dummy, right=0.2cm of green1] (dummy2) {};} |
219 | \uncover<3->{\node [green, below=0.5cm of dummy1] (green2) {/tmp/$<$username$>$.$<$randomnumber$>$};} |
220 | \uncover<1->{\node [dummy, below=0.5cm of dummy2] (dummy3) {};} |
221 | \uncover<4->{\node [dummy, right=0.0cm of dummy3] (text) {Makefile\\ |
222 | *.f90\\ |
223 | *.o\\ |
224 | ...\\ \ \\};} |
225 | |
226 | \draw<2-> [-] (yellow.east) -- (green1.west); |
227 | \draw<4-> [-] (green1.east) -- (dummy2.center); |
228 | \draw<4-> [-] (dummy2.center) -- (dummy3.center); |
229 | \draw<4-> [->] (dummy3.center) -- (green2.east); |
230 | \end{tikzpicture} |
231 | \end{center} |
232 | |
233 | \item<5-> Compile the main program and use pre-compiled object files:\\ |
234 | \quad \texttt{f90 palm.f90 *.o ... ( make Makefile)} |
235 | \item<6-> Execute the program:\\ |
236 | \quad \texttt{a.out} |
237 | \end{enumerate} |
238 | \end{frame} |
239 | |
240 | % Folie 6 |
241 | \begin{frame} |
242 | \tikzstyle{green} = [rectangle, draw, fill=green!20, text width=0.45\textwidth, font=\scriptsize, minimum height=0.6cm] |
243 | \tikzstyle{yellow} = [rectangle, draw, fill=yellow!20, text width=0.18\textwidth, font=\scriptsize, minimum height=0.6cm] |
244 | \tikzstyle{dummy} = [rectangle, text width=0.01\textwidth, font=\scriptsize, minimum height=0.6cm] |
245 | |
246 | \frametitle{\texttt{mrun}: Principal Mode of Operation (III)} |
247 | \footnotesize |
248 | \begin{enumerate} |
249 | \setcounter{enumi}{5} |
250 | \item<1-> Copy the output files from the working directory to a (permanent) directory of the user:\\ |
251 | \tiny \quad \texttt{cp /tmp/<username>.<randomnumber>/<temporary\underline{ }output\underline{ }file1> <user\underline{ }output\underline{ }file1>}\\ |
252 | \quad \texttt{cp /tmp/<username>.<randomnumber>/<temporary\underline{ }output\underline{ }file2> <user\underline{ }output\underline{ }file2>}\\ |
253 | \footnotesize |
254 | \begin{center} |
255 | \begin{tikzpicture}[auto, node distance=0] |
256 | \uncover<2->{\node [yellow] (yellow1) {MONITORING/};} |
257 | |
258 | \uncover<2->{\node [dummy, right=0.2cm of yellow1] (dummy2) {};} |
259 | \uncover<2->{\node [dummy, above=0.2cm of dummy2] (dummy1) {};} |
260 | \uncover<2->{\node [dummy, below=0.2cm of dummy2] (dummy3) {};} |
261 | |
262 | \uncover<2->{\node [yellow, left=0.2cm of dummy3] (yellow2) {OUTPUT/};} |
263 | \uncover<2->{\node [yellow, left=0.2cm of yellow2] (yellow3) {example\underline{ }cbl/};} |
264 | \uncover<2->{\node [yellow, left=0.2cm of yellow3] (yellow4) {JOBS/};} |
265 | \uncover<2->{\node [yellow, left=0.2cm of yellow4] (yellow5) {current\underline{ }version/};} |
266 | |
267 | \uncover<2-3>{\node [green, left=5.0cm of dummy1] (green) {/tmp/$<$username$>$.$<$randomnumber$>$};} |
268 | |
269 | \draw<2-3> [-] (green.east) -- (dummy1.center); |
270 | \draw<2-3> [-] (dummy2.center) -- (dummy1.center); |
271 | \draw<2-3> [-] (dummy3.center) -- (dummy1.center); |
272 | |
273 | \draw<2-3> [->] (dummy2.center) -- (yellow1.east); |
274 | \draw<2-3> [->] (dummy3.center) -- (yellow2.east); |
275 | |
276 | \draw<2-> [-] (yellow2.west) -- (yellow3.east); |
277 | \draw<2-> [-] (yellow3.west) -- (yellow4.east); |
278 | \draw<2-> [-] (yellow4.west) -- (yellow5.east); |
279 | |
280 | \end{tikzpicture} |
281 | \end{center} |
282 | |
283 | \item<3-> Delete the temporary working directory\\ |
284 | \quad \texttt{rm -rf /tmp/<username>.<randomnumber>}\\ |
285 | \vspace{2mm} |
286 | \onslide<5->\textcolor{red}{Question: How does \texttt{mrun} know which files have to be copied and where from or where to they have to be copied?} |
287 | |
288 | \end{enumerate} |
289 | \end{frame} |
290 | |
291 | % Folie 7 |
292 | \begin{frame} |
293 | \tikzstyle{small} = [rectangle, text width=0.08\textwidth, font=\scriptsize] |
294 | \tikzstyle{large} = [rectangle, text width=0.45\textwidth, font=\scriptsize] |
295 | \tikzstyle{box} = [rectangle, draw, text width=0.2\textwidth, font=\scriptsize] |
296 | \tikzstyle{boxbig} = [rectangle, draw, text width=0.4\textwidth, font=\scriptsize] |
297 | \tikzstyle{dummy} = [rectangle, text width=0.0\textwidth, font=\scriptsize, minimum height=0.5cm] |
298 | |
299 | \frametitle{Steering File Copy by the Configuration File (I)} |
300 | \scriptsize |
301 | \textbf{Copying of files is controlled by so called} \textit{file connection statements}. \textbf{They connect local files in the temporary working directory with permanent files residing in the directory of the user.}\\ |
302 | \vspace{1mm} |
303 | Principle example of a file connection statement (for the PALM parameter file): |
304 | \vspace{-3mm} |
305 | \begin{center} |
306 | \begin{tikzpicture}[auto, node distance=0] |
307 | \uncover<1->{\node [small] (part1) {\texttt{PARIN}};} |
308 | \uncover<1->{\node [dummy, left=-0.2cm of part1] (dummy1) {};} |
309 | \uncover<1->{\node [dummy, below=1.25cm of dummy1] (dummy3) {};} |
310 | \uncover<1->{\node [small, right=0.0cm of part1] (part2) {\quad \texttt{in}};} |
311 | \uncover<1->{\node [dummy, right=0.0cm of part2] (dummy2) {};} |
312 | \uncover<1->{\node [small, right=0.2cm of part2] (part3) {\texttt{d3\#}};} |
313 | \uncover<1->{\node [large, right=0.0cm of part3] (part4) {\texttt{\~{}/palm/current\underline{ }version/JOB/INPUT}};} |
314 | \uncover<1->{\node [small, right=0.0cm of part4] (part5) {\texttt{\underline{ }p3d}};} |
315 | \uncover<1->{\node [small, right=0.2cm of part5] (part6) {\texttt{( \textcolor{red}{nc} )}};} |
316 | |
317 | \uncover<2->{\node [boxbig, below=1.25cm of dummy2] (box1) {local filename in the working directory (must correspond to the filename in the \texttt{OPEN} statement of the program)};} |
318 | \draw<2-> [->] (dummy3.north) -- (dummy1.south); |
319 | |
320 | \uncover<3->{\node [box, below=0.7cm of part2] (box2) {file attributes};} |
321 | \draw<3-> [->] (box2.north) -- (part2.south); |
322 | |
323 | \uncover<4->{\node [box, below=0.2cm of part3] (box3) {activating string};} |
324 | \draw<4-> [->] (box3.north) -- (part3.south); |
325 | |
326 | \uncover<5->{\node [box, below=0.2cm of part4] (box4) {directory in which the permanent user file resides};} |
327 | \draw<5-> [->] (box4.north) -- (part4.south); |
328 | |
329 | \uncover<6->{\node [box, below=0.2cm of part5] (box5) {suffix of the permanent filename};} |
330 | \draw<6-> [->] (box5.north) -- (part5.south); |
331 | |
332 | \uncover<7->{\node [box, below=1.0cm of part6] (box6) {additional suffix for netCDF files};} |
333 | \draw<7-> [->] (box6.north) -- (part6.south); |
334 | \end{tikzpicture} |
335 | \end{center} |
336 | |
337 | \onslide<8->The full name of the permanent file results from the directory name, the suffix and the value of \texttt{mrun}-Option \texttt{-d}, which defines the so-called \textbf{base name} of all files handled by \texttt{mrun}:\\ |
338 | \quad \texttt{mrun -d \textcolor{blue}{example\underline{ }cbl} ...}\\ |
339 | gives the filename\\ |
340 | \quad \texttt{\~{}/palm/current\underline{ }version/JOB/INPUT/\textcolor{blue}{example\underline{ }cbl}\underline{ }p3d}\\ |
341 | \quad \texttt{( ... /\textcolor{blue}{example\underline{ }cbl}\underline{ }p3d\textcolor{red}{.nc} )} |
342 | |
343 | \end{frame} |
344 | |
345 | % Folie 8 |
346 | \begin{frame} |
347 | \frametitle{Steering File Copy by the Configuration File (II)} |
348 | \scriptsize |
349 | \onslide<1-> The \textbf{base name} can additionally be a part of the directory name |
350 | by using \textcolor{blue}{\texttt{\$fname}} in the directory column of the file connection statement:\\ |
351 | \quad \texttt{PARIN in d3\# \~{}/palm/current\underline{ }version/JOBS/\textcolor{blue}{\$fname}/INPUT \underline{ }p3d}\\ |
352 | \ \\ |
353 | \onslide<2-> Using the call\\ |
354 | \quad \texttt{mrun -d \textcolor{blue}{abcde} ...}\\ |
355 | the input file will be expected under\\ |
356 | \quad \texttt{\~{}/palm/current\underline{ }version/JOBS/\textcolor{blue}{abcde}/INPUT/\textcolor{blue}{abcde}\underline{ }p3d }\\ |
357 | \ \\ |
358 | \onslide<3-> In this way, all files handled by the \texttt{mrun}-call are stored in |
359 | the same subdirectory (\textcolor{blue}{abcde/}) and will have the same string (\texttt{\textcolor{blue}{abcde}}) as |
360 | part of their names, so they can be easily identified as \grqq belonging\grqq\, to the model |
361 | run initiated by that \texttt{mrun} call.\\ |
362 | \ \\ |
363 | \onslide<4-> Instead of always writing the full path name (i.e. |
364 | \texttt{\~{}/palm/current\underline{ }version/JOBS}), an environment variable can be declared for |
365 | this at the beginning of the configuration file and be used in the file |
366 | connection statements:\\ |
367 | \quad \texttt{\%base\underline{ }data \~{}/palm/current\underline{ }version/JOBS}\\ |
368 | \quad \texttt{PARIN in d3\# \textcolor{blue}{\$base\underline{ }data}/\textcolor{blue}{\$fname}/INPUT \underline{ }p3d}\\ |
369 | \ \\ |
370 | \onslide<5-> This easily allows to change the directories for all input/output files |
371 | by just changing the value of \texttt{base\underline{ }data}. |
372 | |
373 | \end{frame} |
374 | |
375 | % Folie 9 |
376 | \begin{frame} |
377 | \frametitle{Steering File Copy by the Configuration File (III)} |
378 | \scriptsize |
379 | \onslide<1-> File connection statements which shall be carried out, |
380 | have to be activated by giving their activation string in the |
381 | \texttt{mrun}-option \texttt{-r}:\\ |
382 | \quad \texttt{PARIN in d3\# \~{}/palm/current\underline{ }version/JOBS/\$fname/INPUT \underline{ }p3d}\\ |
383 | \ \\ |
384 | \onslide<2-> The permanent file |
385 | \texttt{\~{}/palm/current\underline{ }version/JOBS/example\underline{ }cbl/INPUT/example\underline{ }cbl\underline{ }p3d} |
386 | will only be copied to the local file PARIN by using the call:\\ |
387 | \quad \texttt{mrun -d example\underline{ }cbl -r \dq d3\#\dq\, ...}\\ |
388 | \ \\ |
389 | \onslide<3-> \textbf{Example for an output file:}\\ |
390 | The file connection statement\\ |
391 | \quad \texttt{DATA\underline{ }1D\underline{ }PR\underline{ }NETCDF out:loc pr\# |
392 | \~{}/palm/current\underline{ }version/JOBS/\$fname/OUTPUT \underline{ }pr nc}\\ |
393 | \onslide<4-> will copy (after program execution) the local file |
394 | \texttt{DATA\underline{ }1D\underline{ }PR\underline{ }NETCDF} to the permanent file |
395 | \texttt{\~{}/palm/current\underline{ }version/JOBS/example\underline{ }cbl/OUTPUT/example\underline{ }cbl\underline{ }pr.nc} if |
396 | \texttt{mrun} is called with the options\\ |
397 | \quad \texttt{mrun -d example\underline{ }cbl -r \dq d3\# pr\#\dq\, ...} |
398 | |
399 | \end{frame} |
400 | |
401 | % Folie 10 |
402 | \begin{frame} |
403 | \frametitle{Steering File Copy by the Configuration File (IV)} |
404 | \scriptsize |
405 | \onslide<1-> \texttt{mrun} never replaces/overwrites existing files!\\ |
406 | \ \\ |
407 | Instead, new, so-called file cycles are created.\\ |
408 | If an output file, e.g.\\ |
409 | \quad \texttt{\~{}/palm/current\underline{ }version/JOBS/example\underline{ }cbl/MONITORING/example\underline{ }cbl\underline{ }rc}\\ |
410 | \ \\ |
411 | has been created from a first call of \texttt{mrun} and if the same \texttt{mrun} |
412 | call is submitted again, the second call will not replace the file |
413 | \texttt{example\underline{ }cbl\underline{ }rc}, but will create a new file with name:\\ |
414 | \quad \texttt{\~{}/palm/current\underline{ }version/JOBS/example\underline{ }cbl/MONITORING/example\underline{ }cbl\underline{ }rc.1}\\ |
415 | \ \\ |
416 | \onslide<2->In case of netCDF-files, the file cycle number is inserted before |
417 | the netCDF-suffix .nc, e.g.\\ |
418 | \quad \texttt{example\underline{ }cbl\underline{ }pr.1.nc}\\ |
419 | \ \\ |
420 | \onslide<3->The implemented file cycle mechanism does not allow to use |
421 | any other dots "'."' in the path or filename:\\ |
422 | \quad \texttt{\~{}/palm/version\underline{ }3.6/JOBS/example.sbl/MONITORING/example.sbl\underline{ }rc} |
423 | \end{frame} |
424 | |
425 | % Folie 11 |
426 | \begin{frame}[fragile] |
427 | \frametitle{\normalsize File Connection Statements From the Default \texttt{.mrun.config} file} |
428 | \begin{columns} |
429 | \column{1.1\textwidth} |
430 | \tiny |
431 | \begin{lstlisting} |
432 | #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
433 | # List of input-files |
434 | #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
435 | PARIN in:job d3# $base_data/$fname/INPUT _p3d |
436 | PARIN in:job d3f $base_data/$fname/INPUT _p3df |
437 | TOPOGRAPHY_DATA in:locopt d3#:d3f $base_data/$fname/INPUT _topo |
438 | BININ in:loc:flpe d3f $base_data/$fname/RESTART _d3d |
439 | PARTICLE_RESTART_DATA_IN in:loc:flpe prtf $base_data/$fname/RESTART _rprt |
440 | DATA_1D_PR_NETCDF in:locopt prf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _pr nc |
441 | DATA_1D_SP_NETCDF in:locopt spf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _sp nc |
442 | DATA_1D_TS_NETCDF in:locopt tsf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _ts nc |
443 | DATA_1D_PTS_NETCDF in:locopt ptsf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _pts nc |
444 | DATA_2D_XY_NETCDF in:locopt xyf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _xy nc |
445 | DATA_2D_XY_AV_NETCDF in:locopt xyf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _xy_av nc |
446 | DATA_2D_XZ_NETCDF in:locopt xzf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _xz nc |
447 | DATA_2D_YZ_NETCDF in:locopt yzf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _yz nc |
448 | DATA_3D_NETCDF in:locopt 3df $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _3d nc |
449 | DATA_PRT_NETCDF in:locopt:pe prtf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _prt |
450 | # |
451 | #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
452 | # List of output-files |
453 | #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
454 | BINOUT out:loc:flpe restart $base_data/$fname/RESTART _d3d |
455 | PARTICLE_RESTART_DATA_OUT out:loc:flpe prt#:prtf $base_data/$fname/RESTART _rprt |
456 | # |
457 | RUN_CONTROL out:loc:tr d3# $base_data/$fname/MONITORING _rc |
458 | RUN_CONTROL out:loc:tra d3f $base_data/$fname/MONITORING _rc |
459 | HEADER out:loc:tr d3# $base_data/$fname/MONITORING _header |
460 | HEADER out:loc:tra d3f $base_data/$fname/MONITORING _header |
461 | CPU_MEASURES out:loc:tr d3# $base_data/$fname/MONITORING _cpu |
462 | CPU_MEASURES out:loc:tra d3f $base_data/$fname/MONITORING _cpu |
463 | # |
464 | DATA_1D_PR_NETCDF out:loc:tr pr#:prf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _pr nc |
465 | DATA_1D_SP_NETCDF out:loc:tr sp#:spf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _sp nc |
466 | DATA_1D_TS_NETCDF out:loc:tr ts#:tsf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _ts nc |
467 | DATA_1D_PTS_NETCDF out:loc:tr pts#:ptsf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _pts nc |
468 | DATA_2D_XY_NETCDF out:loc:tr xy#:xyf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _xy nc |
469 | DATA_2D_XY_AV_NETCDF out:loc:tr xy#:xyf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _xy_av nc |
470 | DATA_2D_XZ_NETCDF out:loc:tr xz#:xzf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _xz nc |
471 | DATA_2D_XZ_AV_NETCDF out:loc:tr xz#:xzf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _xz_av nc |
472 | DATA_2D_YZ_NETCDF out:loc:tr yz#:yzf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _yz nc |
473 | DATA_2D_YZ_AV_NETCDF out:loc:tr yz#:yzf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _yz_av nc |
474 | DATA_3D_NETCDF out:loc:tr 3d#:3df $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _3d nc |
475 | DATA_3D_AV_NETCDF out:loc:tr 3d#:3df $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _3d_av nc |
476 | DATA_MASK_01_NETCDF out:loc:tr ma#:maf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _m01 nc |
477 | DATA_MASK_01_AV_NETCDF out:loc:tr ma#:maf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _m01_av nc |
478 | DATA_MASK_02_NETCDF out:loc:tr ma#:maf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _m02 nc |
479 | DATA_MASK_02_AV_NETCDF out:loc:tr ma#:maf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _m02_av nc |
480 | DATA_MASK_03_NETCDF out:loc:tr ma#:maf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _m03 nc |
481 | DATA_MASK_03_AV_NETCDF out:loc:tr ma#:maf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _m03_av nc |
482 | DATA_MASK_04_NETCDF out:loc:tr ma#:maf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _m04 nc |
483 | DATA_MASK_04_AV_NETCDF out:loc:tr ma#:maf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _m04_av nc |
484 | DATA_MASK_05_NETCDF out:loc:tr ma#:maf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _m05 nc |
485 | DATA_MASK_05_AV_NETCDF out:loc:tr ma#:maf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _m05_av nc |
486 | DATA_MASK_06_NETCDF out:loc:tr ma#:maf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _m06 nc |
487 | DATA_MASK_06_AV_NETCDF out:loc:tr ma#:maf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _m06_av nc |
488 | DATA_MASK_07_NETCDF out:loc:tr ma#:maf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _m07 nc |
489 | DATA_MASK_07_AV_NETCDF out:loc:tr ma#:maf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _m07_av nc |
490 | DATA_MASK_08_NETCDF out:loc:tr ma#:maf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _m08 nc |
491 | DATA_MASK_08_AV_NETCDF out:loc:tr ma#:maf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _m08_av nc |
492 | DATA_MASK_09_NETCDF out:loc:tr ma#:maf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _m09 nc |
493 | DATA_MASK_09_AV_NETCDF out:loc:tr ma#:maf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _m09_av nc |
494 | DATA_MASK_10_NETCDF out:loc:tr ma#:maf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _m10 nc |
495 | DATA_MASK_10_AV_NETCDF out:loc:tr ma#:maf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _m10_av nc |
496 | DATA_MASK_11_NETCDF out:loc:tr ma#:maf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _m11 nc |
497 | DATA_MASK_11_AV_NETCDF out:loc:tr ma#:maf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _m11_av nc |
498 | DATA_MASK_12_NETCDF out:loc:tr ma#:maf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _m12 nc |
499 | DATA_MASK_12_AV_NETCDF out:loc:tr ma#:maf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _m12_av nc |
500 | DATA_MASK_13_NETCDF out:loc:tr ma#:maf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _m13 nc |
501 | DATA_MASK_13_AV_NETCDF out:loc:tr ma#:maf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _m13_av nc |
502 | DATA_MASK_14_NETCDF out:loc:tr ma#:maf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _m14 nc |
503 | DATA_MASK_14_AV_NETCDF out:loc:tr ma#:maf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _m14_av nc |
504 | DATA_MASK_15_NETCDF out:loc:tr ma#:maf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _m15 nc |
505 | DATA_MASK_15_AV_NETCDF out:loc:tr ma#:maf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _m15_av nc |
506 | DATA_MASK_16_NETCDF out:loc:tr ma#:maf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _m16 nc |
507 | DATA_MASK_16_AV_NETCDF out:loc:tr ma#:maf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _m16_av nc |
508 | DATA_MASK_17_NETCDF out:loc:tr ma#:maf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _m17 nc |
509 | DATA_MASK_17_AV_NETCDF out:loc:tr ma#:maf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _m17_av nc |
510 | DATA_MASK_18_NETCDF out:loc:tr ma#:maf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _m18 nc |
511 | DATA_MASK_18_AV_NETCDF out:loc:tr ma#:maf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _m18_av nc |
512 | DATA_MASK_19_NETCDF out:loc:tr ma#:maf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _m19 nc |
513 | DATA_MASK_19_AV_NETCDF out:loc:tr ma#:maf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _m19_av nc |
514 | DATA_MASK_20_NETCDF out:loc:tr ma#:maf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _m20 nc |
515 | DATA_MASK_20_AV_NETCDF out:loc:tr ma#:maf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _m20_av nc |
516 | DATA_PRT_NETCDF out:loc:trpe prt#:prtf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _prt nc |
517 | DATA_DVR out:loc:trpe dvr $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _dvr |
518 | # |
519 | DVRP_LOG out:loc:tr dv# $base_data/$fname/MONITORING _dvrp_log |
520 | DVRP_LOG out:loc:tra dvf $base_data/$fname/MONITORING _dvrp_log |
521 | PARTICLE_INFO out:loc:tr pt# $base_data/$fname/MONITORING _prt_info |
522 | PARTICLE_INFO out:loc:tra ptf $base_data/$fname/MONITORING _prt_info |
523 | PARTICLE_DATA out:loc:flpe prt#:prtf $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _prt_dat |
524 | |
525 | \end{lstlisting} |
526 | \end{columns} |
527 | \end{frame} |
528 | |
529 | % Folie 12 |
530 | \begin{frame} |
531 | \frametitle{Additional Features of \texttt{mrun}} |
532 | \begin{itemize} |
533 | \footnotesize |
534 | \item<1-> Generating batch jobs on local \textbf{and} remote host. |
535 | \item<2-> Setting of unix environment variables for job and model control (e.g. for determining compiler options, etc.). |
536 | \item<3-> Values have to be set in the \texttt{mrun} configuration file \texttt{.mrun.config}: |
537 | \end{itemize} |
538 | \onslide<4->\hspace{-1cm}\includegraphics[scale=0.3]{mrun_figures/add_feat1.png} |
539 | \begin{itemize} |
540 | \footnotesize |
541 | \item<5-> User-defined unix commands are carried out before or after execution of the model (input/output commands) or in case of errors during the compile- or run-step (error commands). |
542 | These commands can also be defined in the \texttt{mrun} configuration file: |
543 | \onslide<6-> \includegraphics[scale=0.3]{mrun_figures/add_feat2.png} |
544 | \item<7-> Automatic generation of restart jobs. |
545 | \end{itemize} |
546 | \end{frame} |
547 | |
548 | % Folie 13 |
549 | \begin{frame} |
550 | \frametitle{PALM \textit{Interactive} Example Run Using \texttt{mrun}: Tracing the Run by the User} |
551 | \tikzstyle{green} = [rectangle, draw, fill=green!20, text width=0.35\textwidth, font=\tiny, minimum height=0.6cm] |
552 | \tikzstyle{yellow} = [rectangle, draw, fill=yellow!20, text width=0.35\textwidth, font=\tiny, minimum height=0.6cm] |
553 | \tikzstyle{yellow_big} = [rectangle, draw, fill=yellow!20, text width=0.55\textwidth, font=\tiny, minimum height=0.6cm] |
554 | \tikzstyle{notes} = [rectangle, text width=0.26\textwidth, font=\tiny, minimum height=0.6cm] |
555 | \tikzstyle{dummy} = [rectangle, text width=0.01\textwidth, font=\tiny, minimum height=0.6cm] |
556 | \vspace{-1.0cm} |
557 | \begin{center} |
558 | \begin{tikzpicture}[auto, node distance=0] |
559 | \uncover<1->{\node [yellow] (box1) {\textbf{start run on local machine:}\\ |
560 | \texttt{mrun -d example\underline{ }cbl -h lcmuk ...}};} |
561 | \uncover<1->{\node [dummy, right=1.4cm of box1] (dummy1) {};} |
562 | \uncover<2->{\node [notes, above=-0.3cm of dummy1] (notes1) {temporary working directory is created, all required files are copied there};} |
563 | \uncover<3->{\node [green, right=1.4cm of dummy1] (box2) {\textbf{follow run messages on terminal}};} |
564 | \uncover<4->{\node [green, below=0.5cm of box2] (box3) { |
565 | \textbf{as soon as message} |
566 | |
567 | \texttt{*** execution starts in directory\\ \quad \dq <tempdir>\dq\, }\\ |
568 | \ \\ |
569 | \textbf{you can change to this directory (in a new terminal) and watch the progess of timesteps} |
570 | |
571 | \texttt{cd <tempdir>}\\ |
572 | \texttt{tail -f RUN\underline{ }CONTROL}\\ |
573 | \ \\ |
574 | However, this might be difficult in case of short run times, because the run may have finished before you have entered the commands! |
575 | };} |
576 | \coordinate[below=0.3cm of box3] (A); |
577 | \uncover<1->{\node [dummy, left=0.3cm of box3] (dummy2) {};} |
578 | \uncover<5->{\node [notes, below=0.0cm of A, text width=0.35\textwidth] (notes2) {results are copied from temporary working directory to the userâs permanent directory};} |
579 | \uncover<6->{\node [yellow_big, left=2.5cm of A] (box4) { |
580 | \textbf{check, if the output files have sucessfully been transferred to the permanent directory:}\\ |
581 | \texttt{cd \~{}/palm/current\underline{ }version/JOBS/example\underline{ }cbl/MONITORING}\\ |
582 | \texttt{ls -al}\\ |
583 | \texttt{cd \~{}/palm/current\underline{ }version/JOBS/example\underline{ }cbl/OUTPUT}\\ |
584 | \texttt{ls -al} |
585 | };} |
586 | \draw<2-> [->,color=blue] (box1.east) -- (box2.west); |
587 | \draw<4-> [->,color=blue] (box2.south) -- (box3.north); |
588 | \draw<5-> [-,color=blue] (box3.south) -- (A); |
589 | \draw<5-> [->,color=blue] (A) -- (box4.east); |
590 | \end{tikzpicture} |
591 | \end{center} |
592 | \end{frame} |
593 | |
594 | % Folie 14 |
595 | \begin{frame} |
596 | \frametitle{PALM \textit{Batch} Example Run (on HLRN, remote) Using \texttt{mrun}: Tracing the Run by the User} |
597 | \tikzstyle{yellow} = [rectangle, draw, fill=yellow!20, text width=0.3\textwidth, font=\Tiny] |
598 | \tikzstyle{green} = [rectangle, draw, fill=green!20, text width=0.4\textwidth, font=\Tiny] |
599 | \tikzstyle{dummy} = [text width=0.2\textwidth, font=\Tiny] |
600 | \tikzstyle{alert} = [rectangle, draw, text width=0.5\textwidth, font=\scriptsize] |
601 | \tikzstyle{line} = [draw, -latex'] |
602 | \begin{itemize} |
603 | \item Reminder: Running batch jobs requires a directory \texttt{~/job\underline{ }queue} for the job protocol files on the local \underline{and} remote host. |
604 | \end{itemize} |
605 | \begin{tikzpicture}[auto, node distance=0] |
606 | \node [yellow] (first) { |
607 | \textbf{start job on local machine:}\\ |
608 | \texttt{mrun -d example\underline{ }cbl -h lcsgih ...} |
609 | }; |
610 | \uncover<2->{ |
611 | \node [dummy, right=0.5cm of first] (dummy) { |
612 | transfer of job by \texttt{scp} \\ |
613 | \ \\ |
614 | \ \\ |
615 | submit of job by executing the \texttt{msub} command via \texttt{ssh} |
616 | }; |
617 | } |
618 | \uncover<3->{ |
619 | \node [green, right=3.5cm of first] (second) { |
620 | \textbf{follow job execution on remote host, by} \\ |
621 | \texttt{showq} (better: \texttt{showq | grep hzkurs}) |
622 | }; |
623 | } |
624 | \uncover<4->{ |
625 | \node [green, below=0.2cm of second] (third) { |
626 | \textbf{if job is running, you may follow its progress by watching the job protocol:} \\ |
627 | \texttt{cd \~/job\underline{ }queue \\ tail lcmuk\underline{ }example\underline{ }cbl} |
628 | }; |
629 | } |
630 | \uncover<5->{ |
631 | \node [green, below=0.2cm of third] (fourth) { |
632 | \textbf{when job is running, change to directory \texttt{<tmp\underline{ }usr\underline{ }catalog>} and try to find there the latest directory \texttt{<HLRN-username>.<randomnumber>} \\ change to this directory and execute}\\ |
633 | \texttt{tail -f RUN\underline{ }CONTROL} |
634 | }; |
635 | } |
636 | \uncover<6->{ |
637 | \node [green, below=0.2cm of fourth] (fifth) { |
638 | \textbf{when the job is finished, watch, if the job protocol is transferred to the local host without errors:}\\ |
639 | \texttt{cd \~/job\underline{ }queue \\ cat last\underline{ }job\underline{ }transfer\underline{ }protocol} |
640 | }; |
641 | } |
642 | \uncover<7->{ |
643 | \node [dummy, left=0.5cm of fifth] (dummy) { |
644 | transfer results by \texttt{scp} \\ |
645 | \ \\ |
646 | \ \\ |
647 | }; |
648 | } |
649 | \uncover<8->{ |
650 | \node [yellow, left=3.5cm of fifth] (sixth) { |
651 | \textbf{check, if the job protocol and all output files have successfully been transferred to the local machine:}\\ |
652 | \texttt{cd \~/job\underline{ }queue \\ ls -al \\ cd ~/palm/current\underline{ }version/JOBS/example \\ ls -al *} |
653 | }; |
654 | } |
655 | \uncover<9->{ |
656 | \node [alert, below=0.5cm of first.south east] (alert) { |
657 | \textcolor{red}{Attention: Commands for submitting jobs and the behaviour of job protocol files are depending on the queueing system! Manual adjustments may be required in the mrun and subjob script!} |
658 | }; |
659 | } |
660 | \path<2-> [line] (first) -- (second); |
661 | \path<4-> [line] (second) -- (third); |
662 | \path<5-> [line] (third) -- (fourth); |
663 | \path<6-> [line] (fourth) -- (fifth); |
664 | \path<7-> [line] (fifth) -- (sixth); |
665 | \end{tikzpicture} |
666 | \end{frame} |
667 | |
668 | |
669 | |
670 | % Folie 15 |
671 | \begin{frame} |
672 | \tikzstyle{green} = [rectangle, draw, fill=green!20, text width=0.45\textwidth, font=\scriptsize, minimum height=0.6cm] |
673 | \tikzstyle{green_small} = [rectangle, draw, fill=green!20, text width=0.12\textwidth, font=\scriptsize, minimum height=0.6cm] |
674 | \tikzstyle{yellow_small} = [rectangle, draw, fill=yellow!20, text width=0.1\textwidth, font=\scriptsize, minimum height=0.6cm] |
675 | \tikzstyle{yellow} = [rectangle, draw, fill=yellow!20, text width=0.18\textwidth, font=\scriptsize, minimum height=0.6cm] |
676 | \tikzstyle{dummy} = [rectangle, text width=0.01\textwidth, font=\scriptsize, minimum height=0.6cm] |
677 | \tikzstyle{notes} = [rectangle, text width=0.15\textwidth, font=\scriptsize, minimum height=0.6cm] |
678 | |
679 | \frametitle{PALM Runs Using \texttt{mrun}: Further Details} |
680 | \begin{itemize} |
681 | \footnotesize |
682 | \item<2-> For every (initial) run, \texttt{mrun} creates a source directory which contains copies of |
683 | \begin{itemize} |
684 | \footnotesize |
685 | \item<4-> those source code files to be translated (always the main program, \texttt{palm.f90}, plus user interface files) |
686 | \item<4-> the Makefile |
687 | \item<5-> the configuration file |
688 | \item<6-> the mrun script |
689 | \end{itemize} |
690 | \end{itemize} |
691 | |
692 | \vspace{-0.8cm} |
693 | \begin{center} |
694 | \begin{tikzpicture}[auto, node distance=0] |
695 | |
696 | \uncover<3->{\node [yellow_small] (box1) {\$HOME/};} |
697 | \uncover<3->{\node [yellow_small, right=0.2cm of box1] (box2) {palm/};} |
698 | \uncover<3->{\node [yellow, right=0.2cm of box2] (box3) {current\underline{ }version/};} |
699 | \uncover<3->{\node [green_small, right=0.4cm of box3] (box4) {trunk/};} |
700 | |
701 | \uncover<1->{\node [dummy, right=1.0cm of box4] (dummy1) {};} |
702 | |
703 | \uncover<3->{\node [green_small, above=-0.2cm of dummy1] (box5) {SCRIPTS};} |
704 | \uncover<3->{\node [green_small, below=-0.2cm of dummy1] (box6) {SOURCE};} |
705 | |
706 | \uncover<6->{\node [notes, right=0.1cm of box5] (notes1) {\texttt{mrun}};} |
707 | \uncover<4->{\node [notes, right=0.1cm of box6] (notes2) {\texttt{Makefile \\ palm.f90}};} |
708 | \uncover<5->{\node [notes, below=0.1cm of box3] (notes3) {\texttt{.mrun.config}};} |
709 | |
710 | \uncover<3->{\node [green, below=0.2cm of box6] (box7) {SOURCES\underline{ }FOR\underline{ }RUN\underline{ }$<$run\underline{ }identifier$>$};} |
711 | |
712 | \uncover<1->{\node [dummy, left=1.5cm of box7] (dummy2) {};} |
713 | \uncover<1->{\node [dummy, right=2.0cm of box5] (dummy3) {};} |
714 | \uncover<1->{\node [dummy, right=1.8cm of box6] (dummy4) {};} |
715 | \uncover<1->{\node [dummy, below=0.2cm of dummy4] (dummy5) {};} |
716 | \draw<3-> [-] (box1.east) -- (box2.west); |
717 | \draw<3-> [-] (box2.east) -- (box3.west); |
718 | \draw<3-> [-] (box3.east) -- (box4.west); |
719 | \draw<3-> [-] (box4.east) -- (box5.west); |
720 | \draw<3-> [-] (box4.east) -- (box6.west); |
721 | \draw<3-> [-] (box3.east) -- (box7.west); |
722 | \draw<6-> [-] ([xshift=-0.8cm]notes1.east) -- (dummy3.center); |
723 | \draw<4-> [-] ([xshift=-0.4cm]notes2.east) -- (dummy4.center); |
724 | \draw<4-> [-] (dummy4.center) -- ([yshift=0.1cm]dummy5.center); |
725 | \draw<4-> [->] ([yshift=0.1cm]dummy5.center) -- ([yshift=0.1cm]box7.east); |
726 | \draw<6-> [-] (dummy3.center) -- ([xshift=0.2cm, yshift=-0.1cm]dummy5.center); |
727 | \draw<6-> [->] ([xshift=0.2cm, yshift=-0.1cm]dummy5.center) -- ([yshift=-0.1cm]box7.east); |
728 | \draw<5-> [-] ([yshift=0.3cm]dummy2.center) -- (dummy2.center); |
729 | \draw<5-> [->] (dummy2.center) -- (box7.west); |
730 | \end{tikzpicture} |
731 | \end{center} |
732 | |
733 | \begin{itemize} |
734 | \footnotesize |
735 | \item<7-> These files are used in the run/job. They are also used by restart jobs, which guarantees, that all jobs in a job chain are using the same information. Please never modify these directories, unless you exactly know, what you are doing. |
736 | \end{itemize} |
737 | \end{frame} |
738 | |
739 | \end{document} |