1 | % $Id: program_control.tex 915 2012-05-30 15:11:11Z raasch $ |
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5 | \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} |
6 | \usepackage{ngerman} |
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24 | |
25 | \institute{Institut fÌr Meteorologie und Klimatologie, Leibniz UniversitÀt Hannover} |
26 | \date{last update: \today} |
27 | \event{PALM Seminar} |
28 | \setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{} |
29 | |
30 | \setbeamertemplate{footline} |
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41 | }%\logo{\includegraphics[width=0.3\textwidth]{luhimuk_logo.eps}} |
42 | |
43 | \title[Program Control by Physical Parameters]{Program Control by Physical Parameters} |
44 | \author{Siegfried Raasch} |
45 | |
46 | % Notes: |
47 | % jede subsection bekommt einen punkt im menu (vertikal ausgerichtet. |
48 | % jeder frame in einer subsection bekommt einen punkt (horizontal ausgerichtet) |
49 | \begin{document} |
50 | |
51 | \begin{frame} |
52 | \titlepage |
53 | \end{frame} |
54 | |
55 | % Folie 1 |
56 | \begin{frame} |
57 | \frametitle{Steering of PALM and Interpreting the Output} |
58 | \begin{itemize} |
59 | \item<1->{This section section describes how to steer the model and how to interpret the model output (\textbf{it does not explain, how to start and control model runs}).} |
60 | \item<2->{It gives a general overview of the input and output files and explaines the contents of the most important files in some detail.} |
61 | \end{itemize} |
62 | \end{frame} |
63 | |
64 | % Folie 2 |
65 | |
66 | \begin{frame} |
67 | \frametitle{PALM Input/Output Overview (I)} |
68 | \tikzstyle{start} = [ellipse, draw, fill=green!20, font=\small] |
69 | \tikzstyle{yellow1} = [rectangle, draw, fill=yellow!20, text width=0.2\textwidth, font=\Tiny] |
70 | \tikzstyle{yellow2} = [rectangle, draw, fill=yellow!20, text width=0.1\textwidth, font=\Tiny] |
71 | \tikzstyle{yellow3} = [rectangle, draw, fill=yellow!20, text width=0.03\textwidth, font=\Tiny] |
72 | \tikzstyle{red} = [rectangle, draw, fill=red!100, text width=0.1\textwidth, font=\Tiny] |
73 | \tikzstyle{red2} = [rectangle, draw, fill=red!100, text width=0.03\textwidth, font=\Tiny] |
74 | \tikzstyle{orange1} = [rectangle, draw, fill=orange!50, text width=0.1\textwidth, font=\Tiny] |
75 | \tikzstyle{orange2} = [rectangle, draw, fill=orange!50, text width=0.11\textwidth, font=\Tiny] |
76 | \tikzstyle{orange3} = [rectangle, draw, fill=orange!50, text width=0.03\textwidth, font=\Tiny] |
77 | |
78 | \tikzstyle{line} = [draw, -latex'] |
79 | |
80 | \begin{tikzpicture} [auto] |
81 | \node[start] (palm) {\textbf{PALM}}; |
82 | |
83 | \uncover<2->{\node[yellow1] (parameterfile) [above left=1.5cm of palm] {parameter file \\ for steering};} |
84 | \uncover<6->{\node[red] (restartdata1) [above right=1.8cm of palm] {restart data};} |
85 | \uncover<5->{\node[red] (restartdata2) [below=4.5cm of restartdata1] {restart data};} |
86 | |
87 | \uncover<3->{\node[yellow1] (runcontrol) [below=1.0cm of palm]{run control output\\ (parameter settings + \\ timestep informations)};} |
88 | \uncover<3->{\node[yellow2] (headerfile) [left=0.5cm of runcontrol]{header file};} |
89 | \uncover<3->{\node[yellow2] (cpumeasure) [left=0.5cm of headerfile]{cpu\\ measurements};} |
90 | |
91 | \uncover<4->{\node[orange1] (1dmean) [below=0.5cm of cpumeasure] {1D mean \\ profiles}; |
92 | \node[orange1] (2dsections) [right=0.5cm of 1dmean] {2D sections}; |
93 | \node[orange1] (3ddata) [right=0.5cm of 2dsections] {3D data}; |
94 | |
95 | \node[orange1] (timeseries) [below=0.2cm of 1dmean] {time series}; |
96 | \node[orange2] (2dsectionstime) [right=0.5cm of timeseries] {2D sections \\ time averaged}; |
97 | \node[orange2] (3ddatatime) [right=0.39cm of 2dsectionstime] {3D data \\ time averaged};} |
98 | |
99 | \node (program) [right=3.1cm of palm] {program}; |
100 | \uncover<2->{\node (steeringdata) [right=0.6cm of restartdata1] {steering data};} |
101 | \uncover<3->{\node (run) [right=2.5cm of runcontrol] {run informations};} |
102 | \uncover<4->{\node (analysis) [right=3.6cm of 3ddata] {analysis data};} |
103 | |
104 | \uncover<7->{ |
105 | \node[yellow3] (yellow) [below=0.5 of timeseries] {}; |
106 | \node (ascii) [right=0.1cm of yellow] {ASCII}; |
107 | \node[orange3] (orange) [right=0.4cm of ascii] {}; |
108 | \node (netcdf) [right=0.1cm of orange] {netCDF}; |
109 | \node[red2] (red) [right=0.4cm of netcdf] {}; |
110 | \node (binary) [right=0.1cm of red] {binary};} |
111 | |
112 | \path<2->[line] (parameterfile) -- (palm); |
113 | \path<3->[line] (palm) -- (cpumeasure); |
114 | \path<3->[line] (palm) -- (headerfile); |
115 | \path<3->[line] (palm) -- (runcontrol); |
116 | \path<4->[line] (palm) -- (1dmean); |
117 | \path<4->[line] (palm) -- (2dsections); |
118 | \path<4->[line] (palm) -- (3ddata); |
119 | \path<4->[line] (palm) -- (timeseries); |
120 | \path<4->[line] (palm) -- (2dsectionstime); |
121 | \path<4->[line] (palm) -- (3ddatatime); |
122 | \path<5->[line] (palm) -- (restartdata2); |
123 | \path<6->[line] (restartdata1) -- (palm); |
124 | \path<6->[line,dashed] (restartdata2) -- (restartdata1); |
125 | \end{tikzpicture} |
126 | \end{frame} |
127 | |
128 | % Folie 3 |
129 | \begin{frame} |
130 | \frametitle{PALM Input/Output Overview (I)} |
131 | \tikzstyle{start} = [ellipse, draw, fill=green!20, font=\small] |
132 | \tikzstyle{yellow1} = [rectangle, draw, fill=yellow!20, text width=0.2\textwidth, font=\Tiny] |
133 | \tikzstyle{yellow2} = [rectangle, draw, fill=yellow!20, text width=0.1\textwidth, font=\Tiny] |
134 | \tikzstyle{yellow3} = [rectangle, draw, fill=yellow!20, text width=0.03\textwidth, font=\Tiny] |
135 | \tikzstyle{yellow4} = [rectangle, draw, fill=yellow!100, text width=1.8cm, font=\Tiny] |
136 | \tikzstyle{red} = [rectangle, draw, fill=red!100, text width=0.1\textwidth, font=\Tiny] |
137 | \tikzstyle{red2} = [rectangle, draw, fill=red!100, text width=0.03\textwidth, font=\Tiny] |
138 | \tikzstyle{orange1} = [rectangle, draw, fill=orange!50, text width=0.1\textwidth, font=\Tiny] |
139 | \tikzstyle{orange2} = [rectangle, draw, fill=orange!50, text width=0.11\textwidth, font=\Tiny] |
140 | \tikzstyle{orange3} = [rectangle, draw, fill=orange!50, text width=0.03\textwidth, font=\Tiny] |
141 | |
142 | \tikzstyle{line} = [draw, -] |
143 | |
144 | \begin{tikzpicture} [auto] |
145 | \node[start] (palm) {\textbf{PALM}}; |
146 | |
147 | \node[yellow1] (parameterfile) [above left=1cm of palm] {parameter file \\ for steering}; |
148 | \node[red] (restartdata1) [above right=1.3cm of palm] {restart data}; |
149 | \node[red] (restartdata2) [below=2.5cm of restartdata1] {restart data}; |
150 | |
151 | \node[yellow1] (runcontrol) [below=0.4cm of palm]{run control output\\ (parameter settings + \\ timestep informations)}; |
152 | \node[yellow2] (headerfile) [left=0.5cm of runcontrol]{header file}; |
153 | \node[yellow2] (cpumeasure) [left=0.5cm of headerfile]{cpu\\ measurements}; |
154 | |
155 | \node[orange1] (1dmean) [below=0.3cm of cpumeasure] {1D mean \\ profiles}; |
156 | \node[orange1] (2dsections) [right=0.5cm of 1dmean] {2D sections}; |
157 | \node[orange1] (3ddata) [right=0.5cm of 2dsections] {3D data}; |
158 | |
159 | \node[orange1] (timeseries) [below=0.2cm of 1dmean] {time series}; |
160 | \node[orange2] (2dsectionstime) [right=0.5cm of timeseries] {2D sections \\ time averaged}; |
161 | \node[orange2] (3ddatatime) [right=0.39cm of 2dsectionstime] {3D data \\ time averaged}; |
162 | |
163 | \node (program) [right=3.1cm of palm] {program}; |
164 | \node (steeringdata) [right=0.6cm of restartdata1] {steering data}; |
165 | \node (run) [right=2.5cm of runcontrol] {run informations}; |
166 | \node (analysis) [right=3.6cm of 3ddata] {analysis data}; |
167 | |
168 | \node[yellow3] (yellow) [below=0.3 of timeseries] {}; |
169 | \node (ascii) [right=0.1cm of yellow] {ASCII}; |
170 | \node[orange3] (orange) [right=0.4cm of ascii] {}; |
171 | \node (netcdf) [right=0.1cm of orange] {netCDF}; |
172 | \node[red2] (red) [right=0.4cm of netcdf] {}; |
173 | \node (binary) [right=0.1cm of red] {binary}; |
174 | |
175 | %--------- neue Ordner |
176 | \node[yellow4] (currentversion) [above=0.6cm of parameterfile] {current\_version/}; |
177 | \node[yellow4] (jobs) [right=0.3cm of currentversion] {JOBS/}; |
178 | \node[yellow4] (runidentifier) [right=0.4cm of jobs] {\textless run\_identifier \textgreater/}; |
179 | \node[yellow4] (input) [above right=1cm of runidentifier] {INPUT/}; |
180 | \node[yellow4] (monitoring) [below=0.1cm of input] {MONITORING/}; |
181 | \node[yellow4] (output) [below=0.1cm of monitoring] {OUTPUT/}; |
182 | \node[yellow4] (restart) [below=0.1cm of output] {RESTART\_DATA/}; |
183 | |
184 | \node[yellow4] (input2) [below=0.1cm of parameterfile] {INPUT/}; |
185 | \node[yellow4] (monitoring2) [above=0.6cm of headerfile] {MONITORING/}; |
186 | \node[yellow4] (restart2) [below=0.1cm of restartdata1] {RESTART\_DATA/}; |
187 | \node[yellow4] (tmpdata) [below=0.1cm of restart2] {/tmp\_data\_catalog/}; |
188 | \node[yellow4] (output2) [below=0.5cm of restartdata2] {OUTPUT/}; |
189 | |
190 | \path[line] (currentversion) -- (jobs); |
191 | \path[line] (jobs) -- (runidentifier); |
192 | \path[line] (runidentifier.east) -- (input.west); |
193 | \path[line] (runidentifier.east) -- (monitoring.west); |
194 | \path[line] (runidentifier.east) -- (output.west); |
195 | \path[line] (runidentifier.east) -- (restart.west); |
196 | |
197 | \draw[decorate,decoration={brace,raise=6pt,amplitude=9pt},thick] |
198 | (-4.5,-0.95)--(-1,-0.95) ; |
199 | \draw[decorate,decoration={brace,mirror,raise=5pt,amplitude=6pt},thick] |
200 | (0.45,-3)--(0.45,-1.9) ; |
201 | |
202 | |
203 | % \path[line] (monitoring2.south) -- (cpumeasure.north); |
204 | % \path[line] (monitoring2.south) -- (headerfile.north); |
205 | % \path[line] (monitoring2.south) -- (runcontrol.north); |
206 | |
207 | \end{tikzpicture} |
208 | \end{frame} |
209 | |
210 | %--------------------------------------------------- |
211 | \begin{frame} |
212 | \frametitle{The Parameter File} |
213 | \tikzstyle{box} = [rectangle, draw, text width=\textwidth, font=\tiny] |
214 | \footnotesize |
215 | \begin{itemize} |
216 | \item{Physical and numerical features of a PALM run (e.g. initial and boundary conditions, numerical methods) |
217 | are controlled by a so called \textbf{parameter file} which uses FORTRAN-NAMELIST syntax.} |
218 | \item{General structure of a FORTRAN-NAMELIST file} |
219 | \end{itemize} |
220 | \begin{tikzpicture}[auto] |
221 | \node[box](firstbox){ \begin{tabbing} |
222 | \&abcd \quad \=no\_of\_eggs = 100, litres\_of\_milk = 50.0, \= \\ |
223 | \>kilos\_of\_butter = 20.0, \> / \end{tabbing}}; |
224 | \end{tikzpicture} |
225 | \begin{itemize} |
226 | \item{This file can be read from a FORTRAN program in the following way:} |
227 | \end{itemize} |
228 | \begin{tikzpicture}[auto, node distance=0] |
229 | \node[box](secondbox){ \begin{tabbing} |
230 | INTEGER :: \=no\_of\_eggs = 30 \\ |
231 | REAL :: \> litres\_of\_milk = 0.0, kilos\_of\_butter, kilos\_of\_cream = 33.0 \\ |
232 | NAMELIST /abcd/ \quad no\_of\_eggs, litres\_of\_milk, kilos\_of\_butter, kilos\_of\_cream \\ |
233 | \par\bigskip |
234 | OPEN ( 1, FILE='Filename' ) \\ |
235 | READ ( 1, abcd ) \end{tabbing}}; |
236 | \end{tikzpicture} |
237 | \normalsize |
238 | \end{frame} |
239 | |
240 | |
241 | %----------------------------------------------------- |
242 | \begin{frame} |
243 | \frametitle{The Run Control File} |
244 | \scriptsize |
245 | \begin{itemize} |
246 | \item{For initial runs, the parameter settings and many additional informations about the run (header informations) are printed at the beginning of this file.} |
247 | \item<2->{The parameter settings are followed by values of specific model variables for certain timesteps (one line for each timestep, the output intervall can be |
248 | controlled by run parameter {\tt dt\_run\_control}).} |
249 | \end{itemize} |
250 | \onslide<3->{ |
251 | \textbf{Contents of this timestep output should be carefully checked after each run, because it allows a first control, if the model had run correctly, or if any |
252 | errors have occurred!}} |
253 | \includegraphics[width=1.6\textwidth]{program_control_figures/run_control_file.png} |
254 | \normalsize |
255 | \end{frame} |
256 | |
257 | %----------------------------------------------------- |
258 | \begin{frame} |
259 | \frametitle{The Header File} |
260 | \scriptsize |
261 | \begin{itemize} |
262 | \item{The header file contains nearly the same informations as the header of the run control file of the initial run.} |
263 | \item<2->{It is generated for \textbf{every} run (initial run as well as restart runs).} |
264 | \item<3->{It is created at the beginning \textbf{and} at the end of a run (overwrites the file created at beginning).} |
265 | \item<4->{Only at the end, cpu time information is included!} |
266 | \end{itemize} |
267 | \begin{center} |
268 | \includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{program_control_figures/header_file.png} |
269 | \end{center} |
270 | \normalsize |
271 | \end{frame} |
272 | |
273 | %------------------------------- |
274 | \begin{frame} |
275 | \frametitle{CPU Measurements File} |
276 | \begin{columns}[c] |
277 | \column{0.42\textwidth} |
278 | \scriptsize |
279 | \begin{itemize} |
280 | \item{Contains informations about the CPU requirements of single parts of the program.} |
281 | \item<2->{It should be inspected regularly in order to find out, if the code is still well optimized (e.g. load balance).} |
282 | \item<3->{Prognostic-equations and pressure solver ({\tt pres}) should be the main consumer.} |
283 | \item<4->{For larger grids ($400^3$ points), {\tt pres} may need up to 50\% of the total time.} |
284 | \item<5->{Time needed for communication (sum of {\tt exchange\_horiz}({\tt \_2d}) and {\tt mpi\_alltoall}) should not exceed about 10-15\% of the total time.} |
285 | \end{itemize} |
286 | \normalsize |
287 | \column{0.58\textwidth} |
288 | \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{program_control_figures/cpu_measurements_file.png} |
289 | \end{columns} |
290 | \end{frame} |
291 | |
292 | %----------------------------------------------------- |
293 | \begin{frame} |
294 | \frametitle{Other Files} |
295 | \begin{itemize} |
296 | \item<1->{Data output files (1D profiles and timeseries, 2D cross sections, 3D volume data) are by default in \textbf{netCDF} format which is suitable to be processed by |
297 | public domain graphics software like \textbf{ncview}, \textbf{ferret}, \textbf{ncl} (used by PALM group),\\ |
298 | \textbf{IDL}, etc. \\ |
299 | For a first look, {\tt ncview} is a convenient tool.} |
300 | \item<2->{{\tt ncdump} can be used to display the netCDF file contents in ASCII format ({\tt ncdump -c} displays only header informations).} |
301 | \item<3->{The simple viewer for netCDF-data - {\tt ncview} - as well as ncl graphic software is available on the IMUK-cluster.} |
302 | \end{itemize} |
303 | \end{frame} |
304 | |
305 | %---------------------------------------------------- |
306 | \begin{frame} |
307 | \frametitle{Steering by Unix Environment Variables} |
308 | \footnotesize |
309 | Most features of PALM are controlled by the parameter file but a few are exclusively controlled by unix environment variables. The most important one is {\tt write\_binary}. \\ |
310 | Setting \\ |
311 | \begin{centering} {\tt write\_binary = true} \end{centering} \\ |
312 | within the shell causes PALM to write binary data for restart runs at the end of a run. |
313 | |
314 | Setting of these environment variables is automatically done by mrun. It generates a local file (named {\tt ENVPAR}) in FORTRAN-NAMELIST-format, which is then read by PALM. This file |
315 | includes the following variables: \\ |
316 | |
317 | \tiny |
318 | \begin{tabular}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{2cm}|} \hline |
319 | \textbf{Variable} & \textbf{Meaning} & \textbf{Value set by {\tt mrun}-option} \\ |
320 | \hline |
321 | {\tt host} & host identifier that mrun is using for the host on which the job is running & {\tt -h} \\ |
322 | {\tt maximum\_cpu\_time\_allowed} & cpu time allowed for the job & {\tt -t} \\ |
323 | {\tt run\_identifier} & identification string for the run & {\tt -d} \\ |
324 | {\tt tasks\_per\_node} & number of MPI tasks to be started on each node & {\tt -T} \\ |
325 | {\tt write\_binary} & switch for writing binary data to be used for restart runs & {\tt -r} (+setting in configuration file {\tt .mrun.config)} \\ |
326 | \hline |
327 | \end{tabular} |
328 | \normalsize |
329 | \end{frame} |
330 | |
331 | %----------------------------------------- |
332 | \begin{frame} |
333 | \frametitle{PALM / netCDF Documentation} |
334 | \begin{itemize} |
335 | \item<1->{A detailed description of how to use PALM and a complete list of steering parameters and their meaning can be found on the PALM-server: \\ |
336 | \par\bigskip |
337 | \textbf{http://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/wiki/doc/toc}} |
338 | \par\bigskip |
339 | \item<2->{General information about the netCDF data format can be found under \\ |
340 | \par\bigskip |
341 | \textbf{http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/}} |
342 | \end{itemize} |
343 | \end{frame} |
344 | |
345 | \end{document} |