[915] | 1 | % $Id: palm_overview.tex 915 2012-05-30 15:11:11Z ketelsen $ |
| 2 | \input{header_tmp.tex} |
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| 12 | \newcommand{\event}[1]{\newcommand{\eventname}{#1}} |
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| 15 | \usetikzlibrary{shapes,arrows,positioning} |
| 16 | \def\Tiny{\fontsize{4pt}{4pt}\selectfont} |
| 17 | |
| 18 | \institute{Institut fÌr Meteorologie und Klimatologie, Leibniz UniversitÀt Hannover} |
| 19 | \date{last update: \today} |
| 20 | \event{PALM Seminar} |
| 21 | \setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{} |
| 22 | |
| 23 | \setbeamertemplate{footline} |
| 24 | {% |
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| 34 | } |
| 35 | %\logo{\includegraphics[width=0.3\textwidth]{luhimuk_logo.png}} |
| 36 | |
| 37 | \title[PALM Overview]{PALM Overview} |
| 38 | \author{Siegfried Raasch} |
| 39 | |
| 40 | |
| 41 | % Notes: |
| 42 | % jede subsection bekommt einen punkt im menu (vertikal ausgerichtet. |
| 43 | % jeder frame in einer subsection bekommt einen punkt (horizontal ausgerichtet) |
| 44 | \begin{document} |
| 45 | |
| 46 | \begin{frame} |
| 47 | \titlepage |
| 48 | \end{frame} |
| 49 | |
| 50 | \section{PALM Overview} |
| 51 | \subsection{PALM Overview} |
| 52 | |
| 53 | %Folie 01 |
| 54 | \begin{frame} |
| 55 | \begin{center} |
| 56 | PALM - Overview |
| 57 | \end{center} |
| 58 | \end{frame} |
| 59 | |
| 60 | %Folie 02 |
| 61 | \begin{frame} |
| 62 | \frametitle{PALM - Overview} |
| 63 | \begin{flushleft} |
| 64 | \textbf{PA}rallelized \textbf{L}ES \textbf{M}odel |
| 65 | \end{flushleft} |
| 66 | \begin{itemize} |
| 67 | \item<2->{First version 1997, continously developed since then} |
| 68 | \item<3->{Written in FORTRAN 95} |
| 69 | \item<4->{Very high performance and scalability on all state-of-the-art parallel architectures} |
| 70 | \item<5->{One code for atmosphere and ocean} |
| 71 | \item<6->{Code is free to use for scientific applications} |
| 72 | \end{itemize} |
| 73 | \end{frame} |
| 74 | |
| 75 | %Folie 03 |
| 76 | \begin{frame} |
| 77 | \frametitle{PALM - Overview} |
| 78 | \begin{flushleft} |
| 79 | \textbf{Software-development in a professional environment} |
| 80 | \end{flushleft} |
| 81 | \begin{itemize} |
| 82 | \item<2->{Detailed online-documentation} |
| 83 | \item<3->{Interface for code-extensions by users} |
| 84 | \item<4->{Code is managed and distributed via subversion } |
| 85 | \begin{itemize} |
| 86 | \item<5->{Direct code-access from the internet} |
| 87 | \item<6->{Allows collaborative code-development} |
| 88 | \end{itemize} |
| 89 | \end{itemize} |
| 90 | \end{frame} |
| 91 | |
| 92 | %Folie 04 |
| 93 | \begin{frame} |
| 94 | \frametitle{PALM - Features (General Overview)} |
| 95 | \framesubtitle{Physics / Numerics (special characteristics)} |
| 96 | \begin{itemize} |
| 97 | \item<2->{Cyclic horizontal boundary conditions but also non-cyclic boundary conditions along x or y available} |
| 98 | \item<3->{Turbulent inflow is realized for non-cyclic boundary conditions} |
| 99 | \item<4->{Topography can be used} |
| 100 | \item<5->{A Lagrangian particle model is embedded} |
| 101 | \item<6->{Code can be switched to ocean, i.e. salinity equation and equation of state for seawater is included} |
| 102 | \item<7->{Coupled ocean-atmosphere simulations are possible} |
| 103 | \item<8->{A simple canopy model is included} |
| 104 | \item<9->{It allows for very huge applications\\ (currently $4000^{3}$ gridpoints)} |
| 105 | \end{itemize} |
| 106 | \end{frame} |
| 107 | |
| 108 | %Folie 05 |
| 109 | \begin{frame} |
| 110 | \frametitle{PALM - Features (General Overview)} |
| 111 | \begin{flushleft} |
| 112 | \textbf{Technical features} |
| 113 | \end{flushleft} |
| 114 | \begin{itemize} |
| 115 | \item<2->{Scripts allow for very comfortable operation of the model} |
| 116 | \item<3->{Model can be adapted for any kind of (Unix) system by simply adjusting a configuration file} |
| 117 | \item<4->{Batch jobs and job chains (restart mechanism) can be automatically created (requires manual adjustments of scripts)} |
| 118 | \item<5->{Runs are controlled by a simple NAMELIST parameter file} |
| 119 | \item<6->{ Error messages inform in case of parameter inconsistencies or other problems detected during runtime} |
| 120 | \end{itemize} |
| 121 | \end{frame} |
| 122 | |
| 123 | %Folie 06 |
| 124 | \begin{frame} |
| 125 | \frametitle{PALM - Features (General Overview)} |
| 126 | \begin{flushleft} |
| 127 | \textbf{Technical features} |
| 128 | \end{flushleft} |
| 129 | \begin{itemize} |
| 130 | \item<1->{Standard data analysis is done within the simulation itself} |
| 131 | \item<2->{All output is in standard netCDF data format} |
| 132 | \item<3->{A user-interface allows for easy code extensions by the user} |
| 133 | \item<4->{A powerful 3D-visualization software is included in the code (requires additional graphics library, (a streaming server), and a plugin for web-browsers)} |
| 134 | \end{itemize} |
| 135 | \end{frame} |
| 136 | |
| 137 | %Folie 07 |
| 138 | \begin{frame} |
| 139 | \begin{figure} |
| 140 | \href{/home/maronga/dvr/data/rinne_1.html}{\includegraphics<3,5,7,9,11>[height=0.35\textheight]{palm_overview_figures/Fig08_mini_Luepkes.png}} |
| 141 | \href{Link 2}{\includegraphics<5,7,9,11>[height=0.35\textheight]{palm_overview_figures/Fig09_mini_Raasch_Franke.png}} |
| 142 | \href{Link 3}{\includegraphics<7,9,11>[height=0.35\textheight]{palm_overview_figures/Fig10_mini_gryschka.png}} |
| 143 | \href{Link 4}{\includegraphics<9,11>[height=0.35\textheight]{palm_overview_figures/Fig11_mini_steinfeld.png}} |
| 144 | \href{Link 5}{\includegraphics<11>[height=0.35\textheight]{palm_overview_figures/Fig07_mini_Letzel.png}} |
| 145 | \end{figure} |
| 146 | \begin{center} |
| 147 | \includegraphics<1>[height=0.82\textheight]{palm_overview_figures/Fig05_land.png} |
| 148 | \includegraphics<2>[height=0.82\textheight]{palm_overview_figures/Fig06_ice.png} |
| 149 | \includegraphics<4>[height=0.82\textheight]{palm_overview_figures/Fig04_staubteufel.png} |
| 150 | \includegraphics<6>[height=0.82\textheight]{palm_overview_figures/Fig03_clouds.png} |
| 151 | \includegraphics<8>[height=0.82\textheight]{palm_overview_figures/Fig02_Mast.png} |
| 152 | \includegraphics<10>[height=0.82\textheight]{palm_overview_figures/Fig01_letzel_building.png} |
| 153 | \end{center} |
| 154 | \end{frame} |
| 155 | |
| 156 | %Folie 08 |
| 157 | \begin{frame} |
| 158 | \frametitle{PALM â External Users / Areas of Application} |
| 159 | \begin{itemize} |
| 160 | \item<1->{Users / Collaborations} |
| 161 | \begin{itemize} |
| 162 | \item<2->{\textbf{AWI} Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar Research (Bremerhaven, Germany)} |
| 163 | \item<3->{\textbf{ForWind} (University of Oldenburg, Germany)} |
| 164 | \item<4->{\textbf{NERSC} Nansen Environmental And Remote Sensing Center (Bergen, Norway)} |
| 165 | \item<5->{\textbf{FMI} Finnish Meteorological Institute (Helsinki, Finland)} |
| 166 | \item<6->{Department of Atmospheric Sciences, \textbf{Yonsei University} (Seoul, Korea)} |
| 167 | \item<7->{\textbf{IGSES} (Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences), \textbf{Kyushu University} (Fukuoka, Japan)} |
| 168 | \item<8->{School of Earth and Environmental Science, \textbf{Seoul National University} (Seoul, Korea)} |
| 169 | \item<9->{Dept. of Intl. Development Eng., \textbf{Tokyo Institute of Technology} (Tokyo, Japan)} |
| 170 | \end{itemize} |
| 171 | \end{itemize} |
| 172 | \end{frame} |
| 173 | |
| 174 | %Folie 09 |
| 175 | \begin{frame} |
| 176 | \frametitle{PALM â External Users / Areas of Application} |
| 177 | \begin{itemize} |
| 178 | \item<1->{Areas of Application} |
| 179 | \begin{itemize} |
| 180 | \item<2->{Interaction of boundary layer turbulence $\leftrightarrow$ wind energy converters} |
| 181 | \item<3->{Improvement of turbulence parameterizations} |
| 182 | \item<4->{Atmosphere-ocean coupling} |
| 183 | \item<5->{Ocean mixed layer} |
| 184 | \item<6->{Turbulence in the urban canopy layer} |
| 185 | \end{itemize} |
| 186 | \end{itemize} |
| 187 | \end{frame} |
| 188 | |
| 189 | \section{Technical Issues} |
| 190 | \subsection{Technical Issues} |
| 191 | |
| 192 | %Folie 10 |
| 193 | \begin{frame} |
| 194 | \begin{center} |
| 195 | PALM - Overview\\ |
| 196 | Technical Issues |
| 197 | \end{center} |
| 198 | \end{frame} |
| 199 | |
| 200 | %Folie 11 |
| 201 | \begin{frame} |
| 202 | \tikzstyle{green} = [rectangle, draw, fill=green!20, text width=0.15\textwidth, font=\scriptsize] |
| 203 | \tikzstyle{white} = [rectangle, text width=0.4\textwidth, font=\tiny] |
| 204 | \tikzstyle{line} = [draw, -] |
| 205 | \tikzstyle{alert} = [rectangle, draw, text width=0.77\textwidth, font=\scriptsize] |
| 206 | |
| 207 | \frametitle{PALM - Components - Overview} |
| 208 | The PALM download not only contains the modelâs FORTRAN code but a variety of further components / files. |
| 209 | The directory structure is as follows.\\ |
| 210 | \ \\ |
| 211 | \begin{tikzpicture}[auto, node distance=0] |
| 212 | \node [green] (first) { |
| 213 | \textbf{trunk} }; |
| 214 | \uncover<1->{\node [white, right=1cm of first] (second) {};} |
| 215 | \uncover<2->{\node [green, above=2cm of second] (third) {\textbf{DOC/}};} |
| 216 | \uncover<3->{ |
| 217 | \node [green, below=0.3cm of third] (fourth) {\textbf{EXAMPLES/}};} |
| 218 | \uncover<4->{\node [green, below=0.25cm of fourth] (fifth) {\textbf{INSTALL/}};} |
| 219 | \uncover<5->{\node [green, below=0.25cm of fifth] (sixth) {\textbf{SCRIPTS/}};} |
| 220 | \uncover<6->{\node [green, below=0.25cm of sixth] (seventh) {\textbf{SOURCE/}};} |
| 221 | \uncover<7->{\node [green, below=0.25cm of seventh] (eighth) {\textbf{UTIL/}};} |
| 222 | \uncover<2->{\node [white, right=0.25cm of third] (ninth) {\textbf{complete documentation, also accessible from the PALM homepage}};} |
| 223 | \uncover<3->{\node [white, right=0.25cm of fourth] (tenth) {\textbf{parameter files and run control output for a variety of application examples}};} |
| 224 | \uncover<4->{\node [white, right=0.25cm of fifth] (eleventh) {\textbf{parameter file and run control output to check and verify the PALM installation}};} |
| 225 | \uncover<5->{\node [white, right=0.25cm of sixth] (twelfth) {\textbf{shell scripts and helper programs for running PALM, default configuration files for the shell scripts}};} |
| 226 | \uncover<6->{\node [white, right=0.25cm of seventh] (thirteen) {\textbf{PALM source code + Makefile}};} |
| 227 | \uncover<7->{\node [white, right=0.25cm of eighth] (fourteen) {\textbf{source code for helper programs}};} |
| 228 | \uncover<8->{\node [alert, below=2cm of second] (alert) {\textcolor{red}{Please never modify or delete files in trunk and its subdirectories!}};} |
| 229 | |
| 230 | \path<2-> [line] (first.east) -- (third.west); |
| 231 | \path<3-> [line] (first.east) -- (fourth.west); |
| 232 | \path<4-> [line] (first.east) -- (fifth.west); |
| 233 | \path<5-> [line] (first.east) -- (sixth.west); |
| 234 | \path<6-> [line] (first.east) -- (seventh.west); |
| 235 | \path<7-> [line] (first.east) -- (eighth.west); |
| 236 | \end{tikzpicture} |
| 237 | \end{frame} |
| 238 | |
| 239 | %Folie 12 |
| 240 | \begin{frame} |
| 241 | \frametitle{Recommended Directory Structure for the PALM Installation} |
| 242 | \tikzstyle{green} = [rectangle, draw, fill=green!20, text width=0.2\textwidth, font=\Tiny] |
| 243 | \tikzstyle{yellow1} = [rectangle, draw, fill=yellow!20, text width=0.2\textwidth, font=\Tiny] |
| 244 | \tikzstyle{yellow} = [rectangle, draw, fill=yellow!20, text width=0.12\textwidth, font=\Tiny] |
| 245 | \tikzstyle{white} = [rectangle, text width=0.12\textwidth, font=\Tiny] |
| 246 | \tikzstyle{white1} = [rectangle, text width=0.2\textwidth, font=\Tiny] |
| 247 | \tikzstyle{line} = [draw, -] |
| 248 | |
| 249 | \begin{tikzpicture}[auto, node distance=0] |
| 250 | \uncover<1->{\node [yellow] (first) {\textbf{\$HOME/} };} |
| 251 | \uncover<2->{\node [yellow, right=0.25cm of first] (second) {\textbf{palm/}};} |
| 252 | \uncover<3->{\node [yellow, right=0.25cm of second] (third) {\textbf{current\_version/}};} |
| 253 | \uncover<4->{\node [green, right=0.75cm of third] (fourth) {\textbf{trunk/}};} |
| 254 | \uncover<5->{\node [yellow, above=0.5cm of second] (fifth) {\textbf{job\_queue/}};} |
| 255 | \uncover<6->{\node [yellow, below=1cm of third] (sixth) {\textbf{older\_version/}};} |
| 256 | \uncover<7->{\node [yellow1, above=1.5cm of fourth] (seventh) {\textbf{JOBS/}};} |
| 257 | \uncover<8->{\node [yellow1, above=0.5cm of fourth] (eighth) {\textbf{USER\_CODE/}};} |
| 258 | \uncover<9->{\node [green, below=0.5cm of fourth] (ninth) {\textbf{MAKE\_DEPOSITORY\_.../}};} |
| 259 | \uncover<10->{\node [green, below=1.5cm of fourth] (tenth) {\textbf{MAKE\_DEPOSITORY\_.../}};} |
| 260 | \uncover<11->{\node [green, below=2.75cm of first] (eleventh) {\textbf{/tmp\_user\_catalog/}};} |
| 261 | \uncover<12->{\node [yellow1, below=3.5cm of first] (twelfth) {\textbf{/tmp\_data\_catalog/}};} |
| 262 | \uncover<3->{\node [white, above=0.05cm of third] (thirteen) {{working directory of PALM user}};} |
| 263 | \uncover<5->{\node [white, above=0.05cm of fifth] (fourteen) {{contains job protocol files from batch jobs}};} |
| 264 | \uncover<6->{\node [white, below=0.05cm of sixth] (fifteen) {{older PALM version, if needed}};} |
| 265 | \uncover<7->{\node [white1, right=0.2cm of seventh] (sixteen) {{parameter files for steering, output data}};} |
| 266 | \uncover<8->{\node [white1, right=0.2cm of eighth] (seventeen) {{code extensions from user (user interface)}};} |
| 267 | \uncover<4->{\node [white1, right=0.2cm of fourth] (eighteen) {{PALM software (FORTRAN code, scripts, etc.) }};} |
| 268 | \uncover<9->{\node [white1, right=0.2cm of ninth] (nineteen) {{precompiled routines, generated by \textbf{mbuild}}};} |
| 269 | \uncover<10->{\node [white1, right=0.2cm of tenth] (twenty) {{$\ldots$ compiled with different options (e.g. for debugging)}};} |
| 270 | \uncover<11->{\node [white1, right=0.2cm of eleventh] (twentyone) {{contains temporary directory created (by \textbf{mrun}) for each PALM run}};} |
| 271 | \uncover<12->{\node [white1, right=0.2cm of twelfth] (twentytwo) {{contains large binary data files created by PALM and needed e.g. for restarts}};} |
| 272 | \uncover<5->{\node [white1, below=1cm of tenth] (twentythree) {{}};} |
| 273 | \uncover<5->{\node [white, right=1cm of twentythree] (twentyfour) {{optional}};} |
| 274 | \uncover<4->{\node [white, above=0.1cm of eighteen] (twentyfifth) {{}};} |
| 275 | \uncover<4->{\node [white, below=0.1cm of eighteen] (twentysixth) {{}};} |
| 276 | \uncover<7->{\node [white, above=0.1cm of sixteen] (twentyseventh) {{}};} |
| 277 | \uncover<7->{\node [white, below=0.1cm of sixteen] (twentyeighth) {{}};} |
| 278 | |
| 279 | \path<2-> [line] (first.east) -- (second.west); |
| 280 | \path<3-> [line] (second.east) -- (third.west); |
| 281 | \path<4-> [line] (third.east) -- (fourth.west); |
| 282 | \path<4-> [line] (fourth.east) -- (twentyfifth.west); |
| 283 | \path<4-> [line] (fourth.east) -- (twentysixth.west); |
| 284 | \path<4-> [line] (fourth.east) -- (eighteen.west); |
| 285 | \path<5-> [line,dashed] (first.east) -- (fifth.west); |
| 286 | \path<5-> [line,dashed] (twentythree.east) -- (twentyfour.west); |
| 287 | \path<6-> [line,dashed] (second.east) -- (sixth.west); |
| 288 | \path<7-> [line] (third.east) -- (seventh.west); |
| 289 | \path<7-> [line] (seventh.east) -- (twentyseventh.west); |
| 290 | \path<7-> [line] (seventh.east) -- (twentyeighth.west); |
| 291 | \path<7-> [line] (seventh.east) -- (sixteen.west); |
| 292 | \path<8-> [line] (eighth.east) -- (twentyfifth.west); |
| 293 | \path<8-> [line] (eighth.east) -- (twentyeighth.west); |
| 294 | \path<8-> [line,dashed] (third.east) -- (eighth.west); |
| 295 | \path<8-> [line] (eighth.east) -- (seventeen.west); |
| 296 | \path<9-> [line] (third.east) -- (ninth.west); |
| 297 | \path<10-> [line,dashed] (third.east) -- (tenth.west); |
| 298 | \end{tikzpicture} |
| 299 | \end{frame} |
| 300 | |
| 301 | %Folie 13 |
| 302 | \begin{frame} |
| 303 | \frametitle{PALM - Main Modes of Operation} |
| 304 | \begin{itemize} |
| 305 | \item<1->{\textbf{Interactive mode}} |
| 306 | \begin{itemize} |
| 307 | \item<2->{PALM is run in interactive shell (terminal session)} |
| 308 | \item<3->{CPU time as well as number of processors for interactive runs is limited on many systems} |
| 309 | \item<4->{restart runs (job chain) are not possible} |
| 310 | \item<5->{only requires appropriate settings in the configuration file} |
| 311 | \end{itemize} |
| 312 | \item<6->\textbf{{Batch mode (running batch jobs)}} |
| 313 | \begin{itemize} |
| 314 | \item<7->{requires a batch queueing system (e.g. NQS, PBS, Loadleveler, etc.) on the computer in use} |
| 315 | \item<8->{still may require manual adjustments of PALM scripts (\textbf{mrun, mbuild, subjob})} |
| 316 | \end{itemize} |
| 317 | \end{itemize} |
| 318 | \end{frame} |
| 319 | |
| 320 | %Folie 14 |
| 321 | \begin{frame} |
| 322 | \begin{itemize} |
| 323 | \item<1->{\textbf{Running batch jobs on remote computers}} |
| 324 | \begin{itemize} |
| 325 | \item<2->{requires a batch queueing system on the remote computer} |
| 326 | \item<3->{requires ssh/scp access of the remote computer (in both directions âlocal $\leftrightarrow$ remoteâ), |
| 327 | fixed IP-adresses for local and remote computer are required} |
| 328 | \end{itemize} |
| 329 | \item<4->\textbf{{Running job chains}} |
| 330 | \begin{itemize} |
| 331 | \item<5->{requires a batch queueing system (+ ssh/scp access)} |
| 332 | \end{itemize} |
| 333 | \end{itemize} |
| 334 | \end{frame} |
| 335 | |
| 336 | %Folie 15 |
| 337 | \begin{frame} |
| 338 | \frametitle{PALM - Scripts for Operating} |
| 339 | {\scriptsize PALM is operated by two scripts, named \textbf{mbuild} and \textbf{mrun}. \textbf{mrun} itself calls some helper programs and, if a batch job is to be submitted, the script \textbf{subjob}.} |
| 340 | \begin{itemize} |
| 341 | \item<2->{\textbf{mrun}} |
| 342 | \begin{itemize} |
| 343 | \item<3->{{\scriptsize script for running PALM (interactive or batch)}} |
| 344 | \end{itemize} |
| 345 | \item<4->{\textbf{mbuild}} |
| 346 | \begin{itemize} |
| 347 | \item<5->{{\scriptsize script for generating a pre-compiled PALM version (object files)}} |
| 348 | \end{itemize} |
| 349 | \item<6->{\textbf{subjob}} |
| 350 | \begin{itemize} |
| 351 | \item<7->{{\scriptsize script for generating an submitting batch jobs}} |
| 352 | \end{itemize} |
| 353 | \item<8->{\textbf{helper programs}} |
| 354 | \begin{itemize} |
| 355 | \item<9->{{\scriptsize small FORTRAN programs, needed e.g. for interpreting the configuration file and for collecting output data (\texttt{interpret-config.x}, \texttt{combine-plot-fields.x})}} |
| 356 | \end{itemize} |
| 357 | \end{itemize} |
| 358 | |
| 359 | \tikzstyle{white} = [rectangle, text width=0.25\textwidth, font=\scriptsize] |
| 360 | \tikzstyle{white1} = [rectangle, text width=0.95\textwidth, font=\scriptsize] |
| 361 | \tikzstyle{line} = [draw, -] |
| 362 | \tikzstyle{green} = [rectangle, draw, fill=green!20, text width=0.15\textwidth, font=\scriptsize] |
| 363 | |
| 364 | \begin{tikzpicture}[auto, node distance=0] |
| 365 | \uncover<10->{\node [white] (first) {{Location of scripts:}};} |
| 366 | \uncover<11->{\node [green, right=0.5cm of first] (second) {\textbf{trunk/} };} |
| 367 | \uncover<11->{\node [white, right=0.5cm of second] (third) {{}};} |
| 368 | \uncover<11->{\node [green, below=0.15cm of third] (fourth) {\textbf{SCRIPTS/}};} |
| 369 | \path<11-> [line] (second.east) -- (fourth.west); |
| 370 | \uncover<11->{\node [white1, below=0.65cm of second] (fifth) {{The scripts have a large number of options. A short summary of available options can be listed by giving the question mark as the only option, e.g. \texttt{mrun ?}}};} |
| 371 | \end{tikzpicture} |
| 372 | \end{frame} |
| 373 | |
| 374 | %Folie 16 |
| 375 | \begin{frame} |
| 376 | \frametitle{PALM - Configuration File} |
| 377 | {\scriptsize \textbf{mrun and mbuild} require a lot of settings (which depend on the respective computer system used), which have to be given in a configuration file with default name \texttt{.mrun.config}}\\ |
| 378 | \begin{itemize} |
| 379 | \item<1->{\textbf{Main purposes of the configuration file:}} |
| 380 | \begin{itemize} |
| 381 | \item<2->{setting of compiler options} |
| 382 | \item<3->{setting of paths for libraries (e.g. netCDF library)} |
| 383 | \item<4->{setting of environment variables} |
| 384 | \item<5->{definition of (UNIX-)commands to be executed before or after PALM execution} |
| 385 | \item<6->{handling of input/output files by file connection statements} |
| 386 | \end{itemize} |
| 387 | \end{itemize} |
| 388 | |
| 389 | \tikzstyle{white} = [rectangle, text width=0.3\textwidth, font=\scriptsize] |
| 390 | \tikzstyle{yellow} = [rectangle, draw, fill=yellow!20, text width=0.2\textwidth, font=\scriptsize] |
| 391 | \tikzstyle{line} = [draw, -] |
| 392 | \tikzstyle{green} = [rectangle, draw, fill=green!20, text width=0.2\textwidth, font=\scriptsize] |
| 393 | |
| 394 | \begin{tikzpicture}[auto, node distance=0] |
| 395 | \uncover<7->{\node [white] (first) {{Default position for \\\texttt{.mrun.config}:}};} |
| 396 | \uncover<8->{\node [yellow, right=0.2cm of first] (second) {\textbf{home/} };} |
| 397 | \uncover<9->{\node [yellow, right=0.25cm of second] (third) {\textbf{palm/}};} |
| 398 | \uncover<10->{\node [yellow, right=0.25cm of third] (fourth) {\textbf{current-version/}};} |
| 399 | \path<9-> [line] (second.east) -- (third.west); |
| 400 | \path<10-> [line] (third.east) -- (fourth.west); |
| 401 | \uncover<11->{\node [white, below=0.15cm of first] (fifth) {{A default version of this file \texttt{.mrun.config.default} \\(to be adjusted by the user) can be found in:}};} |
| 402 | \uncover<12->{\node [green, below=0.35cm of second] (sixth) {\textbf{trunk/}};} |
| 403 | \uncover<13->{\node [green, below=0.7cm of third] (seventh) {\textbf{SCRIPTS/}};} |
| 404 | \path<13-> [line] (sixth.east) -- (seventh.west); |
| 405 | \end{tikzpicture} |
| 406 | \end{frame} |
| 407 | |
| 408 | %Folie 17 |
| 409 | \begin{frame} |
| 410 | \frametitle{PALM - Other Requirements for Running} |
| 411 | |
| 412 | \tikzstyle{alert} = [rectangle, draw, text width=0.8\textwidth, font=\scriptsize] |
| 413 | |
| 414 | \begin{tikzpicture}[auto, node distance=0] |
| 415 | \uncover<2->{\node [alert] (first) {\textbf{The following things are not provided with the download!}};} |
| 416 | \end{tikzpicture} |
| 417 | |
| 418 | \begin{itemize} |
| 419 | \item<3->{Korn-Shell (/bin/ksh), either AT and T or public domain} |
| 420 | \item<4->{subversion, a version control system (www.tigris.org)} |
| 421 | \begin{itemize} |
| 422 | \item<5->{needed for downloading the PALM code} |
| 423 | \end{itemize} |
| 424 | \item<6->{FORTRAN 90/95 compiler} |
| 425 | \item<7->{MPI-library (must fit to the compiler!), MPI-2 not required} |
| 426 | \item<8->{netCDF-library (see www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/)} |
| 427 | \begin{itemize} |
| 428 | \item<9->{needed for data output} |
| 429 | \end{itemize} |
| 430 | \item<10->{graphics software capable to read netCDF data format} |
| 431 | \begin{itemize} |
| 432 | \item<11->{e.g. NCL, IDL, ferret} |
| 433 | \end{itemize} |
| 434 | \item<12->{Batch-system} |
| 435 | \item<13->{ssh/scp connection to the remote host (both ways)} |
| 436 | \end{itemize} |
| 437 | \end{frame} |
| 438 | |
| 439 | \end{document} |