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30 | \institute{Institut fÌr Meteorologie und Klimatologie, Leibniz UniversitÀt Hannover} |
31 | \date{last update: \today} |
32 | \event{PALM Seminar} |
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49 | \title[Introduction to NCL]{Introduction to NCL} |
50 | \author{Siegfried Raasch} |
51 | |
52 | \begin{document} |
53 | |
54 | % Folie 1 |
55 | \begin{frame} |
56 | \titlepage |
57 | \end{frame} |
58 | |
59 | \section{Introduction to NCL} |
60 | \subsection{Introduction to NCL} |
61 | |
62 | % Folie 2 |
63 | \begin{frame} |
64 | \frametitle{Visualization of PALM Output Data} |
65 | \small |
66 | \begin{itemize} |
67 | \item<1-> There are several ways how you can visualize netCDF data |
68 | \item<1-> If you are lacking experience in the visualization of netCDF data or if you have not yet found your favourite way how to visualize netCDF data, here is one recommendation: |
69 | \item<2-> NCL â The \textbf{N}CAR \textbf{C}ommand \textbf{L}anguage |
70 | \item<2-> Developed by the Computational \& Information Systems Laboratory at the NCAR (continuously updated) |
71 | \item<2-> Detailed information is available under http://www.ncl.ucar.edu |
72 | \item<3-> With the information revealed in this talk you will be able to visualize the output of this week's simulations |
73 | \end{itemize} |
74 | \end{frame} |
75 | |
76 | % Folie 3 |
77 | \begin{frame} |
78 | \frametitle{What is NCL and Which are its Advantages? (I)} |
79 | \small |
80 | \begin{itemize} |
81 | \item<1-> Interpreted language designed specifically for scientific data processing and visualization, free available |
82 | \item<2-> Portable: it is running on many different operating systems including Solaris, AIX, IRIX, Linux, MacOSX, DecAlpha, Cygwin/Windows |
83 | \item<3-> It's a powerful tool for file input and output, visualization and data analysis (but please \textbf{avoid the excessive usage of loops}, as NCL is an interpreted language) $\rightarrow$ integrated processing environment |
84 | \end{itemize} |
85 | \centering |
86 | \onslide<3-> \includegraphics[scale=0.28]{ncl_figures/ncl.png} |
87 | |
88 | \end{frame} |
89 | |
90 | % Folie 4 |
91 | \begin{frame} |
92 | \frametitle{What is NCL and Which are its Advantages? (II)} |
93 | \small |
94 | \begin{itemize} |
95 | \item<1-> Supports calling C and FORTRAN extended routines |
96 | \item<1-> Over 600 functions and procedures for visualization and data analysis are provided with NCL |
97 | \item<2-> Interactive mode: \texttt{\$ ncl}\\ |
98 | \texttt{ncl 0>} |
99 | \item<3-> each line is interpreted as it is entered |
100 | \item<1-> Batch mode: \texttt{\$ ncl ncl\underline{ }script.ncl}\\ |
101 | interpreter of complete scripts, variables within the NCL script can\\ |
102 | be steered by providing additional parameters with the ncl call\\ |
103 | \texttt{\$ ncl ncl\underline{ }script.ncl parameter1=value} |
104 | \texttt{'parameter2=\dq string\dq ' ...} |
105 | \end{itemize} |
106 | |
107 | \end{frame} |
108 | |
109 | % Folie 5 |
110 | \begin{frame} |
111 | \frametitle{What is NCL and Which are its Advantages? (III)} |
112 | |
113 | \begin{itemize} |
114 | \item<1-> Complete Programming Language |
115 | \begin{itemize} |
116 | \footnotesize |
117 | \item<1-> data types |
118 | \item<1-> variables |
119 | \item<1-> operators |
120 | \item<1-> expressions |
121 | \item<1-> loops |
122 | \item<1-> functions/procedures/graphics |
123 | \end{itemize} |
124 | \item<2-> Features |
125 | \begin{itemize} |
126 | \footnotesize |
127 | \item<2-> query / manipulate meta data |
128 | \item<2-> import data in a variety of formats |
129 | \item<2-> array syntax / operations |
130 | \item<2-> can use user FORTRAN/C codes and commercial libraries |
131 | \item<2-> most functions/procedures ignore missing data |
132 | \end{itemize} |
133 | \end{itemize} |
134 | |
135 | \end{frame} |
136 | |
137 | % Folie 6 |
138 | \begin{frame} |
139 | \frametitle{How to Install NCL (Under Linux) (I)?} |
140 | \small |
141 | \begin{itemize} |
142 | \item<1-> Detailed information is available under\\ |
143 | \underline{http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Download/index.shtml} |
144 | \item<1-> Request an Earth System Grid account |
145 | \underline{http://www.earthsystemgrid.org/} |
146 | \item<2-> Download the appropriate binaries e.g. \texttt{A.tar.gz} for your system e.g. to \texttt{\$HOME} |
147 | \item<2-> \texttt{\% gunzip \$HOME/A.tar.gz} |
148 | \item<2-> \texttt{\% mkdir -p /usr/local}\\ |
149 | \quad \texttt{\% cd /usr/local}\\ |
150 | \quad \texttt{\% tar -xvf \$HOME/A.tar} |
151 | \end{itemize} |
152 | |
153 | \end{frame} |
154 | |
155 | % Folie 7 |
156 | \begin{frame} |
157 | \frametitle{How to Install NCL (Under Linux) (II)?} |
158 | \footnotesize |
159 | \begin{itemize} |
160 | \item<1-> Set the \texttt{NCARG\underline{ }ROOT} environment variable and your search path to where NCL/NCARG resides\\ |
161 | csh: \texttt{setenv NCARG\underline{ }ROOT /usr/local/}\\ |
162 | \hspace{1.6em} \texttt{setenv PATH /usr/local/bin:\$PATH}\\ |
163 | bash/ksh: \texttt{export NCARG\underline{ }ROOT=/usr/local/}\\ |
164 | \hspace{4.1em} \texttt{export PATH=/usr/local/bin:\$PATH}\\ |
165 | \vspace{3mm} |
166 | \item<2-> Set the DISPLAY environment variable to indicate where to display graphics as for any X11 Windows application that you run\\ |
167 | e.g. ksh: \texttt{export DISPLAY=localhost:13.0}, or use \texttt{ssh -X} to tunnel X-communication.\\ |
168 | \vspace{3mm} |
169 | \item<3-> Test your NCL installation\\ |
170 | \quad \texttt{\% ng4ex gsun01}\\ |
171 | NCL script gsun01n.ncl is copied to your working directory and run through NCL. An X11 window should pop up. |
172 | \end{itemize} |
173 | |
174 | \end{frame} |
175 | |
176 | % Folie 8 |
177 | \begin{frame} |
178 | \frametitle{NCL Scripts Delivered with PALM (I)} |
179 | \footnotesize |
180 | \begin{itemize} |
181 | \item<1-> Together with the PALM installation you have also received four NCL scripts, a configuration file and a manual; they can be found in the directory\\ |
182 | \texttt{\$HOME/palm/current\underline{ }version/trunk/SCRIPTS/NCL/} |
183 | \item<2-> All standard netCDF data output of PALM can be visualized by one of the scripts: |
184 | \begin{itemize} |
185 | \scriptsize |
186 | \item[-]<2-> \texttt{cross\underline{ }sections.ncl} (2D/3D data, e.g. contour or vector plots) |
187 | \item[-]<2-> \texttt{profiles.ncl} (profile data) |
188 | \item[-]<2-> \texttt{timeseries.ncl} (time series data) |
189 | \item[-]<2-> \texttt{spectra.ncl} (spectra data) |
190 | \end{itemize} |
191 | \item<3-> To run these NCL scripts you can use the shell script \texttt{palmplot} which can be found in the directory\\ |
192 | \texttt{\$HOME/palm/current\underline{ }version/trunk/SCRIPTS} |
193 | \item<4-> The output of the plots can be changed with several parameters; these parameters can be either written in the prompt (when calling the shell script \texttt{palmplot}) or modified within the configuration file \texttt{.ncl.config} |
194 | \end{itemize} |
195 | |
196 | \end{frame} |
197 | |
198 | % Folie 9 |
199 | \begin{frame} |
200 | \frametitle{NCL Scripts Delivered with PALM (II)} |
201 | |
202 | Using \texttt{.ncl.config} |
203 | \small |
204 | \begin{itemize} |
205 | \item[-]<1-> Please create a personal configuration file by copying the default configuration file \texttt{.ncl.config.default} to the PALM working directory \texttt{\$HOME/palm/current\underline{ }version} and naming it \texttt{.ncl.config} |
206 | \item[-]<2-> \texttt{.ncl.config} is used by NCL directly, thus the parameters have to be written according to the rules of the scripting language NCL |
207 | \item[-]<3-> The configuration file contains all steering parameters with a short description and can be modified to personal needs |
208 | \end{itemize} |
209 | |
210 | \end{frame} |
211 | |
212 | % Folie 10 |
213 | \begin{frame} |
214 | \frametitle{NCL Scripts Delivered with PALM (III)} |
215 | |
216 | Using \texttt{palmplot} (I) |
217 | \footnotesize |
218 | \begin{itemize} |
219 | \item[-]<1-> The shell script is used as follows:\\ |
220 | \texttt{palmplot <plot\underline{ }identifier>} |
221 | \item[-]<1-> \texttt{<plot\underline{ }identifier>} has to be \texttt{xy}, \texttt{xz}, \texttt{yz}, \texttt{pr}, \texttt{sp} or \texttt{ts} depending on the data to be plotted |
222 | \end{itemize} |
223 | \vspace{3mm} |
224 | \onslide<2->\begin{tabular}{ccc} |
225 | \textbf{plot\underline{ }identifier} & \textbf{data used} & \textbf{ncl script}\\ |
226 | xy & instantaneous or time-averaged xy or 3D data & cross\underline{ }sections.ncl\\ |
227 | xz & instantaneous or time-averaged xz or 3D data & cross\underline{ }sections.ncl\\ |
228 | yz & instantaneous or time-averaged yz or 3D data & cross\underline{ }sections.ncl\\ |
229 | pr & profile or 3D data & profiles.ncl\\ |
230 | sp & spectra data & spectra.ncl\\ |
231 | ts & time series data & timeseries.ncl\\ |
232 | \end{tabular} |
233 | |
234 | \end{frame} |
235 | |
236 | % Folie 11 |
237 | \begin{frame} |
238 | \frametitle{NCL Scripts Delivered with PALM (IV)} |
239 | |
240 | Using \texttt{palmplot} (II) |
241 | \footnotesize |
242 | \begin{itemize} |
243 | \item[-]<1-> To change the output of the plot you can also use:\\ |
244 | \scriptsize \texttt{palmplot \textbf{plot\underline{ }identifier} parameter=value parameter=string ...} |
245 | \footnotesize \\ |
246 | \vspace{2mm} |
247 | \item[-]<2-> A list of all available parameters can be found in the configuration file \texttt{.ncl.config} or in the documentation:\\ |
248 | \uncover<3->{\texttt{http://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/wiki/doc/app/nclparlist}}\\ |
249 | \vspace{2mm} |
250 | \item[-]<4-> Parameters specified in the prompt override parameters given in the configuration file\\ |
251 | \vspace{2mm} |
252 | \item[-]<5-> String parameters which can contain lists (\texttt{var}, \texttt{c\underline{ }var}, \texttt{vec1}, \texttt{vec2}, \texttt{plotvec}) have to be set in single quotes and the list itself has to be separated by blanks, e.g. \texttt{var='pt u w'}\\ |
253 | \vspace{2mm} |
254 | \item[-]<1-> A short introduction for using the shell script is given by typing\\ |
255 | \texttt{palmplot ?} |
256 | \end{itemize} |
257 | |
258 | \end{frame} |
259 | |
260 | % Folie 12 |
261 | \begin{frame} |
262 | \frametitle{Application Example: Visualization of the Output of the Example Run (example\underline{ }cbl) (I)} |
263 | \small |
264 | \begin{itemize} |
265 | \item<1-> Starting the example run with the command\\ |
266 | \vspace{2mm} |
267 | \texttt{mrun -d example\underline{ }cbl ... -r 'd3\# pr\# ts\# xy\# xz\#'}\\ |
268 | \vspace{2mm} |
269 | results in the following output files in\\ |
270 | \vspace{2mm} |
271 | \texttt{\$HOME/palm/current\underline{ }version/JOBS/example\underline{ }cbl/OUTPUT/}:\\ |
272 | \texttt{example\underline{ }cbl\underline{ }pr.nc}, \texttt{example\underline{ }cbl\underline{ }xy.nc}, \texttt{example\underline{ }cbl\underline{ }xz.nc},\\ |
273 | \texttt{example\underline{ }cbl\underline{ }ts.nc} |
274 | \item<2-> Example: Visualization of the time series data\\ |
275 | \vspace{2mm} |
276 | Goal: Output as eps-file \texttt{timeseries.eps} (by default the plot would be output to an X11 window) |
277 | \end{itemize} |
278 | |
279 | \end{frame} |
280 | |
281 | % Folie 13 |
282 | \begin{frame} |
283 | \frametitle{Application Example: Visualization of the Output of the Example Run (example\underline{ }cbl) (II)} |
284 | \small |
285 | \begin{itemize} |
286 | \item<1-> In order to reach the goal you can either ... |
287 | \item<1-> ... Change to the directory\\ |
288 | \texttt{\$HOME/palm/current\underline{ }version/JOBS/example\underline{ }cbl/OUTPUT/}\\ |
289 | and use the shell script with the command\\ |
290 | \vspace{2mm} |
291 | \texttt{palmplot ts file\underline{ }1=example\underline{ }cbl\underline{ }ts.nc format\underline{ }out=eps file\underline{ }out=timeseries}\\ |
292 | \vspace{2mm} |
293 | Thus, the script \texttt{timeseries.ncl} is called and some of the parameters in the configuration file \texttt{.ncl.config} are directly set by specifying the related parameters in the command line,\\ |
294 | \vspace{2mm} |
295 | \onslide<2-> e.g. \texttt{file\underline{ }1 = <netCDF file>} \textbf{(Note: the input file has always to be specified!)}, \texttt{file\underline{ }out = <output file>} |
296 | \end{itemize} |
297 | |
298 | \end{frame} |
299 | |
300 | % Folie 14 |
301 | \begin{frame} |
302 | \frametitle{Application Example: Visualization of the Output of the Example Run (example\underline{ }cbl) (III)} |
303 | \footnotesize |
304 | ... or you can modify the configuration file \texttt{.ncl.config}, e.g.\\ |
305 | \vspace{2mm} |
306 | \texttt{if(.not. isvar(\dq file\underline{ }1\dq))then}\\ |
307 | \quad \quad \texttt{file\underline{ }1 = \dq File in\dq}\\ |
308 | \texttt{end if}\\ |
309 | \vspace{2mm} |
310 | \onslide<2-> has to be changed to\\ |
311 | \vspace{2mm} |
312 | \texttt{if(.not. isvar(\dq file\underline{ }1\dq))then}\\ |
313 | \quad \quad \texttt{file\underline{ }1 = \dq \$HOME/palm/current\underline{ }version/JOBS/example\underline{ }cbl/OUTPUT/example\underline{ }cbl\underline{ }ts.nc\dq}\\ |
314 | \texttt{end if} |
315 | |
316 | \end{frame} |
317 | |
318 | % Folie 15 |
319 | \begin{frame} |
320 | \frametitle{Application Example: Visualization of the Output of the Example Run (example\underline{ }cbl) (IV)} |
321 | \footnotesize |
322 | \begin{itemize} |
323 | \item<1-> Both ways will lead to the creation of a new file called \texttt{timeseries.eps} in the directory\\ |
324 | \texttt{\$HOME/palm/current\underline{ }version/JOBS/example\underline{ }cbl/OUTPUT/} |
325 | \end{itemize} |
326 | \centering |
327 | \onslide<2->\includegraphics[scale=0.4]{ncl_figures/vis1.png} |
328 | |
329 | \end{frame} |
330 | |
331 | % Folie 16 |
332 | \begin{frame} |
333 | \frametitle{Application Example: Visualization of the Output of the Example Run (example\underline{ }cbl) (V)} |
334 | \footnotesize |
335 | \begin{itemize} |
336 | \item<1-> If you only want to get the plot of the time series of one variable, e.g. the maximum of the velocity component u, you can add the command line parameter \texttt{var='umax'} or modify the configuration file respectively, e.g.\\ |
337 | \vspace{2mm} |
338 | \texttt{if(.not. isvar(\dq var\dq ))then}\\ |
339 | \quad \quad \texttt{var = \dq ,umax,\dq }\\ |
340 | \texttt{end if} |
341 | \end{itemize} |
342 | \centering |
343 | \onslide<2->\includegraphics[scale=0.7]{ncl_figures/vis2.png} |
344 | |
345 | \end{frame} |
346 | |
347 | % Folie 17 |
348 | \begin{frame}[t] |
349 | \tikzstyle{plain} = [rectangle, text width=0.27\textwidth, font=\small] |
350 | \frametitle{Application Example: Visualization of the Output of the Example Run (example\underline{ }cbl) (VI)} |
351 | \footnotesize |
352 | Plot profiles with the command\\ |
353 | \quad \texttt{palmplot pr file\underline{ }1=example\underline{ }cbl\underline{ }pr.nc}\\ |
354 | \vspace{3mm} |
355 | Profiles of same dimension are plotted\\ |
356 | together, e.g. total, resolved and\\ |
357 | subgridscale temperature flux (default)\\ |
358 | \vspace{3mm} |
359 | (This composition is written to the\\ |
360 | NetCDF header by the \texttt{d3par}\\ |
361 | parameter \texttt{cross\underline{ }profiles})\\ |
362 | \vspace{3mm} |
363 | If you add the parameter var=all to\\ |
364 | the command, all profiles will be plotted\\ |
365 | separately |
366 | \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay] |
367 | \node at (current page.north west){% |
368 | \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay] |
369 | \node[plain,anchor=west] at (72mm,-51.5mm) {\includegraphics[scale=0.32]{ncl_figures/vis3.png}}; |
370 | \end{tikzpicture} |
371 | }; |
372 | \end{tikzpicture} |
373 | |
374 | \end{frame} |
375 | |
376 | % Folie 18 |
377 | \begin{frame} |
378 | \frametitle{More Comments} |
379 | \small |
380 | \begin{itemize} |
381 | \item<1-> The other NCL scripts delivered with PALM can be used in a similar way, however the parameters that can be specified differ from script to script |
382 | \item<2-> There are plenty of parameters for each script. Please have a look to the NCL documentation (\texttt{http://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/wiki/doc/app/nclparlist}) for detailed information |
383 | \item<1-> If one of the program aborts and there is no comment, check the configuration file - the scripts should not abort with the default values. Be sure to use the right data type (e.g.: integer = 2; float = 2.0; double = 2.0d; string = \dq name\dq ) |
384 | \end{itemize} |
385 | \end{frame} |
386 | |
387 | |
388 | |
389 | |
390 | |
391 | |
392 | |
393 | |
394 | \end{document} |