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32 | \institute{Institut fÌr Meteorologie und Klimatologie, Leibniz UniversitÀt Hannover} |
33 | \date{last update: \today} |
34 | \event{PALM Seminar} |
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50 | \title[PALM - Cloud Physics]{PALM - Cloud Physics} |
51 | \author{Siegfried Raasch} |
52 | |
53 | % Notes: |
54 | % jede subsection bekommt einen punkt im menu (vertikal ausgerichtet. |
55 | % jeder frame in einer subsection bekommt einen punkt (horizontal ausgerichtet) |
56 | \begin{document} |
57 | |
58 | % Folie 1 |
59 | \begin{frame} |
60 | \titlepage |
61 | \end{frame} |
62 | |
63 | % Folie 2 |
64 | \begin{frame} |
65 | \frametitle{Contents} |
66 | |
67 | \begin{itemize} |
68 | \item<1->{Motivation} |
69 | \item<1->{Approach} |
70 | \item<1->{Extension if basic equations and SGS-model} |
71 | \item<1->{Additional Sources / Sinks in prognostic equations} |
72 | \item<1->{Control parameters} |
73 | \item<1->{Example of shallow cumulus clouds} |
74 | \end{itemize} |
75 | \end{frame} |
76 | |
77 | % Folie 3 |
78 | \begin{frame} |
79 | \frametitle{Why simulating clouds?} |
80 | |
81 | \begin{itemize} |
82 | \item<2->{Atmospheric boundary layers are usually covered with shallow clouds like cumulus or stratocumulus which are the inherent characteristic of more realistic boundary layers.}\\ \par\medskip |
83 | \item<3->{Optional feature to account for:}\\ \par\medskip |
84 | \begin{itemize} |
85 | \item<4->{Microphysical processes} |
86 | \begin{itemize} |
87 | \item<4->{Evaporation / condensation of cloud droplets} |
88 | \item<4->{Precipitation} |
89 | \item<4->{Transport of humidity and liquid water}\\ \par\medskip |
90 | \end{itemize} |
91 | \item<5->{Radiation processes} |
92 | \begin{itemize} |
93 | \item<5->{Short-wave radiation} |
94 | \item<5->{Long-wave radiation} |
95 | \end{itemize} |
96 | \end{itemize} |
97 | \end{itemize} |
98 | \end{frame} |
99 | |
100 | % Folie 4 |
101 | \begin{frame} |
102 | \frametitle{Approach} |
103 | |
104 | \begin{itemize} |
105 | \item<1->{One-moment bulk model $\Rightarrow$ in contrast to PALM's Lagrangian cloud model (LCM) (see also particle\_model\_cloud\_physics.pdf, Riechelmann et al., 2012)} |
106 | \item<2->{Dynamics like advection and diffusion are covered by Navier-Stokes equations (see basic\_equations.pdf)} |
107 | \item<3->{Thermodynamics are considered by parameterizations $\Rightarrow$ non explicit treatment of microphysical processes} |
108 | \item<4->{Total water specific humidity $q$ is prognosed as an additional variable $\Rightarrow$ one-moment} |
109 | \item<5->{Liquid water specific humidity $q_l$ is determined diagnostically} |
110 | \end{itemize} |
111 | \uncover<6->{PALM's basic equations are extended to account for cloud microphysics} |
112 | \end{frame} |
113 | |
114 | % Folie 5 |
115 | \begin{frame} |
116 | \frametitle{Definitions (I)} |
117 | |
118 | \begin{itemize} |
119 | \item<1->{Liquid water potential temperature $\theta_{l}$ (defined by Betts, 1973)\\ |
120 | \begin{minipage}[c][1.5cm][c]{0.38\textwidth} |
121 | \qquad$\theta_{l}=\theta -\frac{L_{v}}{c_{p}}\left( \frac{\theta}{T} \right) q_{l}$ |
122 | \end{minipage} |
123 | \begin{minipage}[c][1.5cm][c]{0.52\textwidth} |
124 | {\scriptsize $L_{v}$: latent heat of vaporization; $L_{v}=\SI{2,5e6}{J/kg}$\\ |
125 | $c_{p}$: specific heat of dry air; $c_{p}=\SI{1005}{J/kg K}$} |
126 | \end{minipage}\\ |
127 | is the potential temperature of an air parcel if all its liquid water evaporates due to an reversible moist adiabatic descent.} |
128 | \item<2->{Total water specific humidity $q$\\ |
129 | \begin{minipage}[c][1.5cm][c]{0.38\textwidth} |
130 | \qquad$q = q_{v} + q_{l}$ |
131 | \end{minipage} |
132 | \begin{minipage}[c][1.5cm][c]{0.52\textwidth} |
133 | {\scriptsize $q_{v}$: specific humidity\\ |
134 | $q_{l}$: liquid water speciffic humidity} |
135 | \end{minipage}\\ |
136 | } |
137 | \item<3->{$\theta_{l}$ and $q$ are the prognostic variables when using PALM's cloud physics model} |
138 | \end{itemize} |
139 | \end{frame} |
140 | |
141 | % Folie 6 |
142 | \begin{frame} |
143 | \frametitle{Definitions (II)} |
144 | |
145 | |
146 | \begin{itemize} |
147 | \item<1->{Why using $\theta_{l}$ and $q$?}\\ \par\medskip |
148 | \begin{itemize} |
149 | \item<2->{$\theta_{l}$ and $q$ are conservative quantities in the absence of precipitation, radiation and freezing processes.} |
150 | \item<3->{Phase transitions do not have to be described explicitly in the prognostic equations.} |
151 | \item<4->{In case of dry convection (no condensation): $\theta_{l} \rightarrow \theta$ and $q \rightarrow q_{v}$} |
152 | \item<5->{Parameterizations of SGS-fluxes can be retained.} |
153 | \item<6->{...$\rightarrow$ see also Deardorff, 1976}\\ \par\medskip |
154 | \end{itemize} |
155 | \item<7->{Virtual potential temperature $\theta_{l}$\\ |
156 | \begin{minipage}[c][1.5cm][c]{0.65\textwidth} |
157 | \qquad$\theta_{v}=\left[\theta_{l} +\frac{L_{v}}{c_{p}}\left( \frac{\theta}{T} \right) q_{l}\right] \left(1+0,61 q - 1,61q_{l}\right)$ |
158 | \end{minipage} |
159 | \begin{minipage}[c][1.5cm][c]{0.22\textwidth} |
160 | \end{minipage}\\ |
161 | } |
162 | \end{itemize} |
163 | \end{frame} |
164 | |
165 | % Folie 7 |
166 | \begin{frame} |
167 | \frametitle{Extension of basic equations (I)} |
168 | |
169 | \begin{itemize} |
170 | \item<1->{First principle is solved for $\theta_{l}$ (instead of $\theta$)\\ |
171 | \begin{minipage}[c][1.5cm][c]{0.46\textwidth} |
172 | \qquad$\frac{\partial\bar{\theta}_{l}}{\partial t}= - \frac{\partial\bar{u_{k}} \bar{\theta_{l}}}{\partial x_{k}}- \frac{\partial H_{k}}{\partial x_{k}} + Q_{\theta}$ |
173 | \end{minipage} |
174 | \begin{minipage}[c][1.5cm][c]{0.46\textwidth} |
175 | {\scriptsize SGS flux: $H_{k}=\overline{u_{k} \theta_{l}} - \bar{u}_{k}\bar{\theta}_{l}$} |
176 | \end{minipage}\\ \par\medskip |
177 | } |
178 | \item<2->{Conservation equation for total water specific humidity $q$ (instead of $q_{v}$)\\ |
179 | \begin{minipage}[c][1.5cm][c]{0.46\textwidth} |
180 | \qquad$\frac{\partial\bar{q}}{\partial t}= - \frac{\partial\bar{u_{k}} \bar{q}}{\partial x_{k}}- \frac{\partial W_{k}}{\partial x_{k}} + Q_{\theta}$ |
181 | \end{minipage} |
182 | \begin{minipage}[c][1.5cm][c]{0.46\textwidth} |
183 | {\scriptsize SGS flux: $W_{k}=\overline{u_{k} q} - \bar{u}_{k}\bar{q}$} |
184 | \end{minipage}\\ |
185 | } |
186 | \end{itemize} |
187 | \end{frame} |
188 | |
189 | % Folie 8 |
190 | \begin{frame} |
191 | \frametitle{Extension of basic equations (II)} |
192 | |
193 | \begin{itemize} |
194 | \item<1->{Sources / Sinks due to radiation (RAD) and precipitation (PREC) |
195 | \begin{minipage}[c][3.0cm][c]{0.46\textwidth} |
196 | \begin{align*} |
197 | Q_{\theta} &= \left(\frac{\partial\bar{\theta}_{l}}{\partial t}\right)_{\text{RAD}} + \left(\frac{\partial\bar{\theta}_{l}}{\partial t}\right)_{\text{PREC}}\\ |
198 | Q_{W} &= \left(\frac{\partial\bar{q}}{\partial t}\right)_{\text{PREC}} |
199 | \end{align*} |
200 | \end{minipage}\\ \par\medskip |
201 | } |
202 | \item<2->{Diagnostic approach for $\bar{q}_{l}$ (all-or-nothing schema) |
203 | \begin{minipage}[c][1.5cm][c]{0.44\textwidth} |
204 | \begin{align*} |
205 | \bar{q}_{l} = |
206 | \begin{cases} |
207 | \bar{q}-\bar{q}_{s} & \text{if } \bar{q} > \bar{q}_{s} \\ |
208 | 0 & \text{if } otherwise |
209 | \end{cases} |
210 | \end{align*} |
211 | \end{minipage}\\ \par\medskip |
212 | $\bar{q}_{s}$ is the saturation value of the specific humidity which is determined based on Sommeria and Deardorff, 1977 and further described in cloud\_physics.pdf |
213 | } |
214 | \end{itemize} |
215 | \end{frame} |
216 | |
217 | % Folie 9 |
218 | \begin{frame} |
219 | \frametitle{Extension of SGS model (I)} |
220 | |
221 | \begin{itemize} |
222 | \item<1->{SGS fluxes are modelled by means of a down-gradient approximation |
223 | \begin{minipage}[c][1.5cm][c]{0.6\textwidth} |
224 | \begin{equation*} |
225 | H_{k} = - K_{h} \frac{\partial\bar{\theta}_{l}}{\partial x_{k}} \qquad \text{;} \qquad W_{k} = - K_{h} \frac{\partial\bar{q}}{\partial x_{k}} |
226 | \end{equation*} |
227 | \end{minipage}\\ \par\medskip |
228 | } |
229 | \item<2->{SGS flux of potential temperature $\overline{u_{3}' \theta'}$ in prognostic equation of the SGS-TKE $\bar{e}$ is replaced by the flux of the virtual potential temperature $\overline{u_{3}' \theta_{v}'}$ which is modelled according to Deardorff, 1980 as: |
230 | \begin{minipage}[c][1.2cm][c]{0.44\textwidth} |
231 | \begin{equation*} |
232 | \overline{u_{3}' \theta_{v}'} = K_{1} \cdot H_{3} + K_{2} \cdot W_{3} |
233 | \end{equation*} |
234 | \end{minipage}\\ \par\medskip |
235 | } |
236 | \end{itemize} |
237 | \end{frame} |
238 | |
239 | % Folie 10 |
240 | \begin{frame} |
241 | \frametitle{Extension of SGS model (II)} |
242 | |
243 | \begin{itemize} |
244 | \item<1->{The coefficients $K_{1}$ and $K_{2}$ depend on the saturation state of the grid volume (see also Cuijpers u. Duynkerke, 1993)\\ \par\medskip |
245 | \begin{itemize} |
246 | \item<2->{Unsaturated grid box ($\bar{q}_{l} = 0$)\\ |
247 | \begin{minipage}[c][1.5cm][c]{0.35\textwidth} |
248 | \begin{align*} |
249 | K_{1} &= 1,0 + 0,61\cdot\bar{q}\\ |
250 | K_{2} &= 0,61\cdot\bar{\theta} |
251 | \end{align*} |
252 | \end{minipage}\\ \par\medskip |
253 | } |
254 | \item<3->{Saturated grid box ($\bar{q}_{l} \neq 0$)\\ \par\medskip |
255 | \begin{minipage}[c][2.2cm][c]{0.64\textwidth} |
256 | \begin{align*} |
257 | K_{1} &= \frac{1,0 - \bar{q} + 1,61\cdot\bar{q}_{s}\left(1,0 + 0,622\frac{L_{v}}{R T}\right)}{1,0 + 0,622\frac{L_{v}}{R T}\frac{L_{v}}{c_{p} T} \bar{q}_{s}}\\ |
258 | K_{2} &= \theta \left(\frac{L_{v}}{c_{p} T}\cdot K_{1} -1,0\right) |
259 | \end{align*} |
260 | \end{minipage} |
261 | } |
262 | \end{itemize} |
263 | } |
264 | \end{itemize} |
265 | \end{frame} |
266 | |
267 | % Folie 11 |
268 | \begin{frame} |
269 | \frametitle{Sources / Sinks (I)} |
270 | |
271 | \begin{itemize} |
272 | \item<1->{Radiation model (based on Cox, 1976) $\Rightarrow$ scheme of effective emissivity\\ \par\medskip |
273 | \begin{itemize} |
274 | \item<2->Very simple, accounts only for absorbtion and emission of long-wave radiation due to water vapour and cloud droplets and neglects horizontal divergences of radiation\\ |
275 | \begin{minipage}[c][1.5cm][c]{0.35\textwidth} |
276 | \begin{equation*} |
277 | \left(\frac{\partial\bar{\theta}_{l}}{\partial t}\right)_{\text{RAD}} = \left(\frac{\theta}{T}\right) \frac{1}{\varrho c_{p} \Delta z}\left[ \Delta F(z^{+}) - \Delta F(z^{-}) \right] |
278 | \end{equation*} |
279 | \end{minipage}\\ \par\medskip |
280 | \begin{tabbing} |
281 | $\Delta F$: \qquad \=Difference between upward and downward irradiance at\\ |
282 | \>grid points above ($z^{+}$) and below ($z^{-}$) the level in\\ |
283 | \>which $\bar{\theta}_{l}$ is defined. |
284 | \end{tabbing} |
285 | Further information: cloud\_physics.pdf |
286 | |
287 | \end{itemize} |
288 | } |
289 | \end{itemize} |
290 | \end{frame} |
291 | |
292 | % Folie 12 |
293 | \begin{frame} |
294 | \frametitle{Sources / Sinks (II)} |
295 | |
296 | \begin{itemize} |
297 | \item<1->{Precipitation model (based on Kessler, 1969)\\ \par\medskip |
298 | \begin{itemize} |
299 | \item<2->{Simplified scheme which accounts only for the process of autoconversion for the formation of rain water.\\ |
300 | \begin{minipage}[c][1.5cm][c]{0.44\textwidth} |
301 | \begin{align*} |
302 | \left(\frac{\partial\bar{q}}{\partial t}\right)_{\text{PREC}} = |
303 | \begin{cases} |
304 | (\bar{q}_{l}-\bar{q}_{l_{\text{crit}}})/\tau & \text{if } \bar{q}_{l} > \bar{q}_{l_{\text{crit}}} \\ |
305 | 0 & \text{if } \bar{q}_{l} \leq \bar{q}_{l_{\text{crit}}} |
306 | \end{cases} |
307 | \end{align*} |
308 | \end{minipage}\\ \par\medskip |
309 | } |
310 | \item<3->{precipitation leaves grid box immediately if the threshold $\bar{q}_{l_{\text{crit}}} = \SI{0,5}{g/kg}$ is exceeded.}\\ \par\medskip |
311 | \item<4->{Timescale $\tau = \SI{1000}{s}$.} |
312 | \item<5->{ |
313 | \begin{minipage}[c][1.5cm][c]{0.35\textwidth} |
314 | \begin{equation*} |
315 | \left(\frac{\partial\bar{\theta}_{l}}{\partial t}\right)_{\text{PREC}} = \frac{L_{v}}{c_{p}}\left(\frac{\theta}{T}\right) \left(\frac{\partial\bar{q}}{\partial t}\right)_{\text{PREC}} |
316 | \end{equation*} |
317 | \end{minipage} |
318 | } |
319 | \end{itemize} |
320 | } |
321 | \end{itemize} |
322 | \end{frame} |
323 | |
324 | % Folie 13 |
325 | \begin{frame} |
326 | \frametitle{Control parameters} |
327 | |
328 | \begin{itemize} |
329 | \item<1->{The following settings in the parameter file enable the use of the bulk cloud model:}\\ \par\medskip |
330 | \scriptsize |
331 | \begin{itemize}\scriptsize |
332 | \item<2->{ |
333 | $\left. |
334 | \begin{array}{ll} % fÌr mehrzeiligen Text nötig |
335 | \text{humidity = .TRUE.}\qquad\qquad\qquad |
336 | \end{array} |
337 | \right\}: |
338 | \begin{array}{ll} % fÌr mehrzeiligen Text nötig |
339 | \text{prognostic equations for specific} \\ \text{specific humidity } \bar{q} \text{ is solved} |
340 | \end{array} |
341 | $ |
342 | }\\ \par\medskip |
343 | \item<3->{ |
344 | $\left. |
345 | \begin{array}{ll} % fÌr mehrzeiligen Text nötig |
346 | \text{humidity = .TRUE.}\qquad\qquad\qquad \\ \text{cloud\_physics = .TRUE.} |
347 | \end{array} |
348 | \right\}: |
349 | \begin{array}{ll} % fÌr mehrzeiligen Text nötig |
350 | \text{prognostic equations for liquid water} \\ \text{potential temperature } \bar{\theta}_{l} \text{ and total water} \\ \text{specific humidity } \bar{q} \text{ are solved} |
351 | \end{array} |
352 | $ |
353 | }\\ \par\medskip |
354 | \item<4->{ |
355 | $\left. |
356 | \begin{array}{ll} % fÌr mehrzeiligen Text nötig |
357 | \text{humidity = .TRUE.}\qquad\qquad\qquad \\ \text{cloud\_physics = .TRUE.} \\ \text{precipitation = .TRUE.} \\ \text{radiation = .TRUE.} |
358 | \end{array} |
359 | \right\}: |
360 | \begin{array}{ll} % fÌr mehrzeiligen Text nötig |
361 | \text{Kessler precipitation scheme and} \\ \text{radiation model are solved} |
362 | \end{array} |
363 | $ |
364 | } |
365 | \end{itemize} |
366 | \end{itemize} |
367 | \end{frame} |
368 | |
369 | % Folie 12 |
370 | \begin{frame} |
371 | \frametitle{Example - Setup for a cloudy boundary layer} |
372 | |
373 | \begin{figure}[H] |
374 | \begin{minipage}[c][6.5cm][c]{.50\linewidth} |
375 | \centering |
376 | CBL with shallow cumulus clouds:\\ \par\bigskip |
377 | \includegraphics[width=0.95\linewidth]{cloud_physics_figures/cbl5_preview.png} |
378 | \end{minipage} |
379 | \begin{minipage}[c][6.5cm][t]{.40\linewidth} |
380 | \centering |
381 | \includegraphics[width=0.9\linewidth]{cloud_physics_figures/param_clouds.png} |
382 | \end{minipage} |
383 | \end{figure} |
384 | \end{frame} |
385 | |
386 | % Folie 13 |
387 | \begin{frame} |
388 | \frametitle{Example - Model output} |
389 | |
390 | \begin{figure}[H] |
391 | \begin{minipage}[c][6cm][c]{.45\linewidth} |
392 | \centering |
393 | \includegraphics[width=0.95\linewidth]{cloud_physics_figures/profiles_cbl_cloud.png} |
394 | \end{minipage} |
395 | \begin{minipage}[c][6cm][c]{.45\linewidth} |
396 | \centering |
397 | \includegraphics[width=0.95\linewidth]{cloud_physics_figures/ql_xy_cbl_cloud.png} |
398 | \end{minipage} |
399 | \end{figure} |
400 | \end{frame} |
401 | |
402 | % Folie 1$ |
403 | \begin{frame} |
404 | \frametitle{Bibliography} |
405 | |
406 | \tiny |
407 | \begin{thebibliography}{} |
408 | \bibitem[1]{betts1973} |
409 | \textsc{Betts, A.K., 1973:} \emph{Non-precipitating cumulus convection and its parameterization.} |
410 | \newblock Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., \textbf{99}, 178-196. |
411 | \bibitem[2]{cox1976} |
412 | \textsc{Cox, S. K., 1976:} \emph{Observations of cloud infrared effective emissivity.} |
413 | \newblock J. Atmos. Sci., \textbf{33}, 287-289. |
414 | \bibitem[3]{cuijpers1993} |
415 | \textsc{Cuijpers, J.W.M., P.G. Duynkerke, 1993:} \emph{Large eddy simulation of trade wind cumulus clouds.} |
416 | \newblock J. Atmos. Sci., \textbf{50}, 3894-3908. |
417 | \bibitem[4]{deardorff1976} |
418 | \textsc{Deardorff, J. W., 1976:} \emph{Usefullness of liquid-water potential temperature in shallow-cloud model.} |
419 | \newblock J. Appl. Meteor., \textbf{15}, 98-102. |
420 | \bibitem[5]{deardorff1980} |
421 | \textsc{Deardorff, J. W., 1980:} \emph{Stratocumulus-capped mixed layers derived from a three-dimensional model}. |
422 | \newblock Bondary-Layer Meteor., \textbf{18}, 495-527. |
423 | \bibitem[6]{kessler1969} |
424 | \textsc{Kessler, E., 1969:} \emph{On the distribution and continuity of water substance in atmospheric circulations.} |
425 | \newblock Meteor. Monogr., \textbf{32}, 84 pp. |
426 | \bibitem[7]{riechelmann2012} |
427 | \textsc{Riechelmann, T., Y. Noh, S. Raasch, 2012:} \emph{A new method for large-eddy simulations of clouds with Lagrangian droplets including the effects of turbulent collision.} |
428 | \newblock New J. Phys., \textbf{14}, 27. |
429 | \bibitem[8]{sommeria1977} |
430 | \textsc{Sommeria, G., J. W. Deardorff, 1977:} \emph{Subgrid-scale condensation in models of nonprecipitating clouds.} |
431 | \newblock J. Atmos. Sci., \textbf{34}, 344-355. |
432 | \bibitem[9]{cloudphys} |
433 | \textsc{cloud\_physics.pdf:} \emph{Introduction to the cloud physics model of PALM.} |
434 | \newblock {\tt trunk/DOC/tec/methods/cloud\_physics/cloud\_physics.pdf}. |
435 | \end{thebibliography} |
436 | \end{frame} |
437 | |
438 | \end{document} |