1 | !> @file mod_particle_attributes.f90 |
2 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! |
3 | ! This file is part of PALM. |
4 | ! |
5 | ! PALM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the |
6 | ! terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software |
7 | ! Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later |
8 | ! version. |
9 | ! |
10 | ! PALM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY |
11 | ! WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR |
12 | ! A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. |
13 | ! |
14 | ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with |
15 | ! PALM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. |
16 | ! |
17 | ! Copyright 1997-2017 Leibniz Universitaet Hannover |
18 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! |
19 | ! |
20 | ! Current revisions: |
21 | ! ------------------ |
22 | ! |
23 | ! |
24 | ! Former revisions: |
25 | ! ----------------- |
26 | ! $Id: mod_particle_attributes.f90 2305 2017-07-06 11:18:47Z hoffmann $ |
27 | ! Improved calculation of particle IDs. |
28 | ! |
29 | ! 2278 2017-06-12 13:08:18Z schwenkel |
30 | ! Added comments |
31 | ! |
32 | ! 2265 2017-06-08 16:58:28Z schwenkel |
33 | ! Unused variables removed. |
34 | ! |
35 | ! 2263 2017-06-08 14:59:01Z schwenkel |
36 | ! Implemented splitting and merging algorithm |
37 | ! |
38 | ! 2183 2017-03-17 14:29:15Z schwenkel |
39 | ! |
40 | ! 2182 2017-03-17 14:27:40Z schwenkel |
41 | ! Added parameters for simplified particle initialization. |
42 | ! |
43 | ! 2122 2017-01-18 12:22:54Z hoffmann |
44 | ! Calculation of particle ID |
45 | ! Particle attribute dvrp_psize renamed to user: this attribute can be used by |
46 | ! by the user to store any variable |
47 | ! |
48 | ! 2000 2016-08-20 18:09:15Z knoop |
49 | ! Forced header and separation lines into 80 columns |
50 | ! |
51 | ! 1936 2016-06-13 13:37:44Z suehring |
52 | ! +deallocate_memory, step_dealloc |
53 | ! |
54 | ! 1929 2016-06-09 16:25:25Z suehring |
55 | ! -sgs_wfu_par, sgs_wfv_par, sgs_wfw_par |
56 | ! + sgs_wf_par |
57 | ! |
58 | ! 1871 2016-04-15 11:46:09Z hoffmann |
59 | ! Initialization of aerosols added. |
60 | ! |
61 | ! 1849 2016-04-08 11:33:18Z hoffmann |
62 | ! bfactor, mass_of_solute, molecular_weight_of_solute, molecular_weight_of_water, |
63 | ! vanthoff added from modules |
64 | ! |
65 | ! 1831 2016-04-07 13:15:51Z hoffmann |
66 | ! palm_kernel removed, curvature_solution_effects added |
67 | ! |
68 | ! 1822 2016-04-07 07:49:42Z hoffmann |
69 | ! +collision_algorithm, all_or_nothing, average_impact |
70 | ! Tails removed. |
71 | ! |
72 | ! 1727 2015-11-20 07:22:02Z knoop |
73 | ! Bugfix: Cause of syntax warning gfortran preprocessor removed |
74 | ! |
75 | ! 1682 2015-10-07 23:56:08Z knoop |
76 | ! Code annotations made doxygen readable |
77 | ! |
78 | ! 1575 2015-03-27 09:56:27Z raasch |
79 | ! +seed_follows_topography |
80 | ! |
81 | ! 1359 2014-04-11 17:15:14Z hoffmann |
82 | ! new module containing all particle related variables |
83 | ! -dt_sort_particles |
84 | ! |
85 | ! Description: |
86 | ! ------------ |
87 | !> Definition of variables used to compute particle transport |
88 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! |
89 | MODULE particle_attributes |
90 | |
91 | |
92 | USE kinds |
93 | |
94 | CHARACTER(LEN=15) :: bc_par_lr = 'cyclic' !< left/right boundary condition |
95 | CHARACTER(LEN=15) :: bc_par_ns = 'cyclic' !< north/south boundary condition |
96 | CHARACTER(LEN=15) :: bc_par_b = 'reflect' !< bottom boundary condition |
97 | CHARACTER(LEN=15) :: bc_par_t = 'absorb' !< top boundary condition |
98 | CHARACTER(LEN=15) :: collision_algorithm = 'all_or_nothing' !< collision algorithm |
99 | CHARACTER(LEN=15) :: collision_kernel = 'none' !< collision kernel |
100 | CHARACTER(LEN=5) :: splitting_function = 'gamma' !< function for calculation critical weighting factor |
101 | CHARACTER(LEN=5) :: splitting_mode = 'const' !< splitting mode |
102 | |
103 | |
104 | INTEGER(iwp) :: deleted_particles = 0 !< number of deleted particles per time step |
105 | INTEGER(iwp) :: dissipation_classes = 10 !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
106 | INTEGER(iwp) :: ibc_par_b !< particle bottom boundary condition dummy |
107 | INTEGER(iwp) :: ibc_par_lr !< particle left/right boundary condition dummy |
108 | INTEGER(iwp) :: ibc_par_ns !< particle north/south boundary condition dummy |
109 | INTEGER(iwp) :: ibc_par_t !< particle top boundary condition dummy |
110 | INTEGER(iwp) :: iran_part = -1234567 !< number for random generator |
111 | INTEGER(iwp) :: isf !< dummy for splitting function |
112 | INTEGER(iwp) :: i_splitting_mode !< dummy for splitting mode |
113 | INTEGER(iwp) :: max_number_particles_per_gridbox = 100 !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
114 | INTEGER(iwp) :: merge_drp = 0 !< number of merged droplets |
115 | INTEGER(iwp) :: min_nr_particle = 50 !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
116 | INTEGER(iwp) :: new_particles = 0 !< number of new particles |
117 | INTEGER(iwp) :: n_max = 100 !< number of radii bin for splitting functions |
118 | INTEGER(iwp) :: number_of_particles = 0 !< number of particles for each grid box (3d array is saved on prt_count) |
119 | INTEGER(iwp) :: number_of_particle_groups = 1 !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
120 | INTEGER(iwp) :: number_of_sublayers = 20 !< number of sublayers for particle velocities betwenn surface and first grid level |
121 | INTEGER(iwp) :: number_particles_per_gridbox = -1 !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
122 | INTEGER(iwp) :: offset_ocean_nzt = 0 !< in case of oceans runs, the vertical index calculations need an offset |
123 | INTEGER(iwp) :: offset_ocean_nzt_m1 = 0 !< in case of oceans runs, the vertical index calculations need an offset |
124 | INTEGER(iwp) :: particles_per_point = 1 !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
125 | INTEGER(iwp) :: radius_classes = 20 !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
126 | INTEGER(iwp) :: sort_count = 0 !< counter for sorting particles |
127 | INTEGER(iwp) :: splitting_factor = 2 !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
128 | INTEGER(iwp) :: splitting_factor_max = 5 !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
129 | INTEGER(iwp) :: step_dealloc = 100 !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
130 | INTEGER(iwp) :: sum_merge_drp = 0 !< sum of merged super droplets |
131 | INTEGER(iwp) :: sum_new_particles = 0 !< sum of created particles (in splitting algorithm) |
132 | INTEGER(iwp) :: total_number_of_particles !< total number of particles in the whole model domain |
133 | INTEGER(iwp) :: trlp_count_sum !< parameter for particle exchange of PEs |
134 | INTEGER(iwp) :: trlp_count_recv_sum !< parameter for particle exchange of PEs |
135 | INTEGER(iwp) :: trrp_count_sum !< parameter for particle exchange of PEs |
136 | INTEGER(iwp) :: trrp_count_recv_sum !< parameter for particle exchange of PEs |
137 | INTEGER(iwp) :: trsp_count_sum !< parameter for particle exchange of PEs |
138 | INTEGER(iwp) :: trsp_count_recv_sum !< parameter for particle exchange of PEs |
139 | INTEGER(iwp) :: trnp_count_sum !< parameter for particle exchange of PEs |
140 | INTEGER(iwp) :: trnp_count_recv_sum !< parameter for particle exchange of PEs |
141 | |
142 | INTEGER(iwp), PARAMETER :: max_number_of_particle_groups = 10 !< maximum allowed number of particle groups |
143 | |
144 | INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: prt_count !< 3d array of number of particles of every grid box |
145 | |
146 | LOGICAL :: all_or_nothing = .FALSE. !< flag for collision algorithm |
147 | LOGICAL :: average_impact = .FALSE. !< flag for collision algortihm |
148 | LOGICAL :: curvature_solution_effects = .FALSE. !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
149 | LOGICAL :: deallocate_memory = .TRUE. !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
150 | LOGICAL :: hall_kernel = .FALSE. !< flag for collision kernel |
151 | LOGICAL :: init_aerosol_probabilistic = .FALSE. !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
152 | LOGICAL :: merging = .FALSE. !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
153 | LOGICAL :: monodisperse_aerosols = .FALSE. !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
154 | LOGICAL :: particle_advection = .FALSE. !< parameter to steer the advection of particles |
155 | LOGICAL :: random_start_position = .FALSE. !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
156 | LOGICAL :: read_particles_from_restartfile = .TRUE. !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
157 | LOGICAL :: seed_follows_topography = .FALSE. !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
158 | LOGICAL :: splitting = .FALSE. !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
159 | LOGICAL :: use_kernel_tables = .FALSE. !< parameter, which turns on the use of precalculated collision kernels |
160 | LOGICAL :: use_sgs_for_particles = .FALSE. !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
161 | LOGICAL :: wang_kernel = .FALSE. !< flag for collision kernel |
162 | LOGICAL :: write_particle_statistics = .FALSE. !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
163 | |
164 | LOGICAL, DIMENSION(max_number_of_particle_groups) :: & |
165 | vertical_particle_advection = .TRUE. !< Switch on/off vertical particle transport |
166 | |
167 | REAL(wp) :: alloc_factor = 20.0_wp !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
168 | REAL(wp) :: c_0 = 3.0_wp !< parameter for lagrangian timescale |
169 | REAL(wp) :: dt_min_part = 0.0002_wp !< minimum particle time step when SGS velocities are used (s) |
170 | REAL(wp) :: dt_prel = 9999999.9_wp !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
171 | REAL(wp) :: dt_write_particle_data = 9999999.9_wp !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
172 | REAL(wp) :: end_time_prel = 9999999.9_wp !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
173 | REAL(wp) :: initial_weighting_factor = 1.0_wp !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
174 | REAL(wp) :: molecular_weight_of_solute = 0.05844_wp !< mol. m. NaCl (kg mol-1) |
175 | REAL(wp) :: molecular_weight_of_water = 0.01801528_wp !< mol. m. H2O (kg mol-1) |
176 | REAL(wp) :: n1 = 100.0_wp !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
177 | REAL(wp) :: n2 = 0.0_wp !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
178 | REAL(wp) :: n3 = 0.0_wp !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
179 | REAL(wp) :: number_concentration = -1.0_wp !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
180 | REAL(wp) :: particle_advection_start = 0.0_wp !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
181 | REAL(wp) :: radius_merge = 1.0E-7_wp !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
182 | REAL(wp) :: radius_split = 40.0E-6_wp !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
183 | REAL(wp) :: rho_s = 2165.0_wp !< density of NaCl (kg m-3) |
184 | REAL(wp) :: rm1 = 0.05E-6_wp !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
185 | REAL(wp) :: rm2 = 0.05E-6_wp !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
186 | REAL(wp) :: rm3 = 0.05E-6_wp !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
187 | REAL(wp) :: s1 = 2.0_wp !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
188 | REAL(wp) :: s2 = 2.0_wp !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
189 | REAL(wp) :: s3 = 2.0_wp !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
190 | REAL(wp) :: sgs_wf_part !< parameter for sgs |
191 | REAL(wp) :: time_prel = 0.0_wp !< time for particle release |
192 | REAL(wp) :: time_write_particle_data = 0.0_wp !< write particle data at current time on file |
193 | REAL(wp) :: vanthoff = 2.0_wp !< van't Hoff factor for NaCl |
194 | REAL(wp) :: weight_factor_merge = -1.0_wp !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
195 | REAL(wp) :: weight_factor_split = -1.0_wp !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
196 | REAL(wp) :: z0_av_global !< horizontal mean value of z0 |
197 | |
198 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(max_number_of_particle_groups) :: density_ratio = 9999999.9_wp !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
199 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(max_number_of_particle_groups) :: pdx = 9999999.9_wp !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
200 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(max_number_of_particle_groups) :: pdy = 9999999.9_wp !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
201 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(max_number_of_particle_groups) :: pdz = 9999999.9_wp !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
202 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(max_number_of_particle_groups) :: psb = 9999999.9_wp !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
203 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(max_number_of_particle_groups) :: psl = 9999999.9_wp !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
204 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(max_number_of_particle_groups) :: psn = 9999999.9_wp !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
205 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(max_number_of_particle_groups) :: psr = 9999999.9_wp !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
206 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(max_number_of_particle_groups) :: pss = 9999999.9_wp !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
207 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(max_number_of_particle_groups) :: pst = 9999999.9_wp !< namelist parameter (see documentation). |
208 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(max_number_of_particle_groups) :: radius = 9999999.9_wp !< namelist parameter (see documentation) |
209 | |
210 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: log_z_z0 !< Precalculate LOG(z/z0) |
211 | |
212 | |
213 | TYPE particle_type |
214 | REAL(wp) :: radius !< radius of particle |
215 | REAL(wp) :: age !< age of particle |
216 | REAL(wp) :: age_m !< |
217 | REAL(wp) :: dt_sum !< |
218 | REAL(wp) :: user !< varible for user |
219 | REAL(wp) :: e_m !< interpolated sgs tke |
220 | REAL(wp) :: origin_x !< origin x-position of particle (changed cyclic bc) |
221 | REAL(wp) :: origin_y !< origin y-position of particle (changed cyclic bc) |
222 | REAL(wp) :: origin_z !< origin z-position of particle (changed cyclic bc) |
223 | REAL(wp) :: rvar1 !< |
224 | REAL(wp) :: rvar2 !< |
225 | REAL(wp) :: rvar3 !< |
226 | REAL(wp) :: speed_x !< speed of particle in x |
227 | REAL(wp) :: speed_y !< speed of particle in y |
228 | REAL(wp) :: speed_z !< speed of particle in z |
229 | REAL(wp) :: weight_factor !< weighting factor |
230 | REAL(wp) :: x !< x-position |
231 | REAL(wp) :: y !< y-position |
232 | REAL(wp) :: z !< z-position |
233 | INTEGER(iwp) :: class !< radius class needed for collision |
234 | INTEGER(iwp) :: group !< number of particle group |
235 | INTEGER(idp) :: id !< particle ID (64 bit integer) |
236 | LOGICAL :: particle_mask !< if this parameter is set to false the particle will be deleted |
237 | INTEGER(iwp) :: block_nr !< number for sorting (removable?) |
238 | END TYPE particle_type |
239 | |
240 | TYPE(particle_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: particles !< Particle array for this grid cell |
241 | TYPE(particle_type) :: zero_particle !< zero particle to avoid weird thinge |
242 | |
243 | TYPE particle_groups_type |
244 | SEQUENCE |
245 | REAL(wp) :: density_ratio !< density ratio of the fluid and the particles |
246 | REAL(wp) :: radius !< radius of particle |
247 | REAL(wp) :: exp_arg !< exponential term of particle inertia |
248 | REAL(wp) :: exp_term !< exponential term of particle inertia |
249 | END TYPE particle_groups_type |
250 | |
251 | TYPE(particle_groups_type), DIMENSION(max_number_of_particle_groups) :: & |
252 | particle_groups |
253 | |
254 | TYPE grid_particle_def |
255 | INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:7) :: start_index !< start particle index for current block |
256 | INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:7) :: end_index !< end particle index for current block |
257 | INTEGER(iwp) :: id_counter !< particle id counter |
258 | LOGICAL :: time_loop_done !< timestep loop for particle advection |
259 | TYPE(particle_type), POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: particles !< Particle array for this grid cell |
260 | END TYPE grid_particle_def |
261 | |
262 | TYPE(grid_particle_def), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE, TARGET :: grid_particles |
263 | |
264 | TYPE block_offset_def !< |
265 | INTEGER(iwp) :: i_off !< |
266 | INTEGER(iwp) :: j_off !< |
267 | INTEGER(iwp) :: k_off !< |
268 | END TYPE block_offset_def |
269 | |
270 | TYPE(block_offset_def), DIMENSION(0:7) :: block_offset |
271 | |
272 | SAVE |
273 | |
274 | |
275 | END MODULE particle_attributes |
276 | |