1 | ___Parameter list________________________________________________________________________________ |
2 | ___Please write your values/strings(wihtout " ") below the corresponding parameter line__________ |
3 | _________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
4 | ___parameter name____example____________________________________default value_____________used by |
5 | _________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
6 | |
7 | ___'file_in'_________[path/name.nc; i.e. ~/.../example.nc]______default = input file______[ALL] |
8 | input file |
9 | ___'format_out'______[ncgm; ps; eps; epsi; pdf; x11]____________default = x11_____________[ALL] |
10 | x11 |
11 | ___'file_out'________[path/name; i.e. ~/.../test]_______________default = test____________[ALL] |
12 | test |
13 | ___start_time_step___[0;1;...]__________________________________default = 1_______________[ALL] |
14 | 1 |
15 | ___end_time_step_____[1;2;...]__________________________________default = nt______________[ALL] |
16 | nt |
17 | ___no_columns________[1;2;...]__________________________________default = 1_______________[ALL] |
18 | 1 |
19 | ___no_lines__________[1;2;...]__________________________________default = 2_______________[ALL] |
20 | 2 |
21 | ___'var'_____________[,E,dt,umax,;...]__________________________default = variables_______[ALL] |
22 | variables |
23 | ___combine___________[0] or [1]_________________________________default = 0_______________[PR] |
24 | 0 |
25 | ___number_comb_______[2] or [3]_________________________________default = 0_______________[PR] |
26 | 0 |
27 | ___'c_var'___________[,us2,vs2,ws2,;...]________________________default = c_variables_____[PR] |
28 | c_variables |
29 | ___dash______________[0] or [1]_________________________________default = 0_______________[PR] |
30 | 0 |
31 | ___black_____________[0] or [1]_________________________________default = 0_______________[PR] |
32 | 0 |
33 | ___min_z_____________[0;10;...]_________________________________default = 0_______________[PR] |
34 | 0 |
35 | ___max_z_____________[100;1000;...]_____________________________default = max(z_u)________[PR] |
36 | max(z_u) |
37 | ___'sort'____________[time] or [layer]__________________________default = time____________[CS] |
38 | time |
39 | ___'mode'____________[Fill], [Line] or [Both]___________________default = Fill____________[CS] |
40 | Fill |
41 | ___'fill_mode'_______[AreaFill], [RasterFill] or [CellFill]_____default = AreaFill________[CS] |
42 | AreaFill |
43 | ___shape_____________[0] or [1]_________________________________default = 1_______________[CS] |
44 | 1 |
45 | ___xyc_______________[0] or [1]_________________________________default = 0_______________[CS] |
46 | 0 |
47 | ___xzc_______________[0] or [1]_________________________________default = 0_______________[CS] |
48 | 0 |
49 | ___yzc_______________[0] or [1]_________________________________default = 0_______________[CS] |
50 | 0 |
51 | ___xs________________[0,1,...]__________________________________default = 0_______________[CS] |
52 | 0 |
53 | ___xe________________[1;2;...]__________________________________default = xdim____________[CS] |
54 | xdim |
55 | ___ys________________[0;1;...]__________________________________default = 0_______________[CS] |
56 | 0 |
57 | ___ye________________[1;2;...]__________________________________default = ydim____________[CS] |
58 | ydim |
59 | ___zs________________[0;1;...]__________________________________default = 0_______________[CS] |
60 | 0 |
61 | ___ze________________[1;2;...]__________________________________default = zdim____________[CS] |
62 | zdim |
63 | ___vector____________[0] or [1]_________________________________default = 0_______________[CS] |
64 | 0 |
65 | ___'vec1'____________[,u,;,v,;...]______________________________default = vec1____________[CS] |
66 | vec1 |
67 | ___'vec2'____________[,u,;,v,;...]______________________________default = vec2____________[CS] |
68 | vec2 |
69 | __'plotvec'__________[,u,;,v,;...]______________________________default = plotvec_________[CS] |
70 | plotvec |
71 | ___ref_mag___________[0.1;0.02;...]_____________________________default = 0.05____________[CS] |
72 | 0.05 |
73 | ___over______________[0] or [1]_________________________________default = 0_______________[TS+PR] |
74 | 0 |
75 | ___end of file ".ncl_preferences"_____________________________________________________________ |