[4439] | 1 | #$Id$ |
| 2 | #column 1 column 2 |
| 3 | #name of variable value of variable (~ must not be used) |
| 4 | #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
[4814] | 5 | %base_directory $HOME/palm/current_version |
[4439] | 6 | %base_data $HOME/palm/current_version/JOBS |
| 7 | %source_path $HOME/palm/current_version/trunk/SOURCE |
[4814] | 8 | %user_source_path $base_data/$run_identifier/USER_CODE |
[4439] | 9 | %fast_io_catalog /scratch/usr/<replace_by_your_HLRN_username> |
[4814] | 10 | %restart_data_path $fast_io_catalog |
| 11 | %output_data_path $base_data |
| 12 | %local_jobcatalog $base_data/$run_identifier/LOG_FILES |
| 13 | %remote_jobcatalog $base_data/$run_identifier/LOG_FILES |
[4439] | 14 | |
| 15 | %local_ip <replace by IP of your local computer> |
| 16 | %local_username <replace_by_your_local_username> |
[4814] | 17 | %remote_ip |
[4439] | 18 | %remote_loginnode blogin1 |
| 19 | %remote_username <replace_by_your_HLRN_username> |
| 20 | %ssh_key id_rsa_hlrn |
| 21 | %defaultqueue standard96:test |
[4814] | 22 | %project_account <replace_by_your_default_HLRN_project_account> |
[4439] | 23 | %submit_command /cm/shared/apps/slurm/current/bin/sbatch |
| 24 | |
| 25 | %compiler_name mpiifort |
| 26 | %compiler_name_ser ifort |
| 27 | %cpp_options -cpp -DMPI_REAL=MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION -DMPI_2REAL=MPI_2DOUBLE_PRECISION -D__lc -D__parallel -D__netcdf -D__netcdf4 -D__netcdf4_parallel -D__intel_compiler -D__fftw |
| 28 | %make_options -j 4 |
| 29 | %compiler_options -fpe0 -check -check nooutput_conversion -check noarg_temp_created -traceback -g -O0 -align all -ftz -xCORE-AVX512 -no-prec-div -no-prec-sqrt -ip -convert little_endian -I /sw/dataformats/netcdf/intel.18/4.7.3/skl/include/ -I /sw/numerics/fftw3/impi/intel/3.3.8/skl/include/ |
| 30 | %linker_options -Wl,-rpath=\\$LD_RUN_PATH \\`nf-config --flibs\\` -L /sw/numerics/fftw3/impi/intel/3.3.8/skl/lib -lfftw3 |
[4809] | 31 | %module_commands module load intel/18.0.6 impi/2018.5 netcdf-parallel/impi/intel fftw3/impi/intel |
[4439] | 32 | %execute_command srun --propagate=STACK --kill-on-bad-exit -n {{mpi_tasks}} -N {{nodes}} --ntasks-per-node={{tasks_per_node}} palm |
| 33 | %execute_command_for_combine srun --propagate=STACK -n 1 --ntasks-per-node=1 combine_plot_fields.x |
| 34 | %memory 2300 |
| 35 | |
| 36 | # BATCH-directives to be used for batch jobs. If $-characters are required, hide them with 3 backslashes |
[4480] | 37 | BD:#!/bin/bash |
[4814] | 38 | #BD:#SBATCH --dependency=afterany:{{previous_job}} |
| 39 | BD:#SBATCH -A {{project_account}} |
[4484] | 40 | BD:#SBATCH --job-name={{run_id}} |
[4439] | 41 | BD:#SBATCH --time={{cpu_hours}}:{{cpu_minutes}}:{{cpu_seconds}} |
[4480] | 42 | BD:#SBATCH --ntasks={{mpi_tasks}} |
[4439] | 43 | BD:#SBATCH --nodes={{nodes}} |
| 44 | BD:#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node={{tasks_per_node}} |
| 45 | BD:#SBATCH --partition={{queue}} |
| 46 | BD:#SBATCH --output={{job_protocol_file}} |
| 47 | BD:#SBATCH --error={{job_protocol_file}} |
[4814] | 48 | #BD:#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL |
| 49 | #BD:#SBATCH --mail-user=<replace_by_your_email_address> |
[4439] | 50 | |
| 51 | # BATCH-directives for batch jobs used to send back the jobfile from a remote to a local host |
| 52 | BDT:#!/bin/bash |
[4814] | 53 | BDT:#SBATCH -A {{project_account}} |
[4439] | 54 | BDT:#SBATCH --job-name=job_transfer |
| 55 | BDT:#SBATCH --time=00:30:00 |
| 56 | BDT:#SBATCH --ntasks=1 |
| 57 | BDT:#SBATCH --nodes=1 |
| 58 | BDT:#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1 |
| 59 | BDT:#SBATCH --partition={{queue}} |
| 60 | BDT:#SBATCH --output={{job_transfer_protocol_file}} |
| 61 | BDT:#SBATCH --error={{job_transfer_protocol_file}} |
| 62 | |
| 63 | #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
[4480] | 64 | # INPUT-commands, executed before running PALM - lines must start with "IC:" |
[4439] | 65 | #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 66 | # my settings |
| 67 | IC:ulimit -s unlimited # requires --propagate=STACK in srun command to distribute to all nodes |
| 68 | IC:export I_MPI_PMI_LIBRARY=libpmi.so |
| 69 | IC:export I_MPI_FABRICS=shm:ofi |
[4480] | 70 | IC:export I_MPI_OFI_PROVIDER=psm2 |
[4439] | 71 | IC:export I_MPI_ADJUST_ALLTOALL=3 |
| 72 | IC:export I_MPI_HYDRA_BRANCH_COUNT=128 |
| 73 | IC:module list |
| 74 | |
| 75 | #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 76 | # ERROR-commands - executed when program terminates abnormally |
| 77 | #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 78 | EC:[[ \$locat = execution ]] && cat RUN_CONTROL |
| 79 | EC:[[ \$locat = execution ]] && cat PARTICLE_INFOS/* |
| 80 | |
| 81 | #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 82 | # OUTPUT-commands - executed when program terminates normally |
| 83 | #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 84 | # Combine 1D- and 3D-profile output (these files are not usable for plotting) |
| 85 | #OC:[[ -f LIST_PROFIL_1D ]] && cat LIST_PROFIL_1D >> LIST_PROFILE |
| 86 | #OC:[[ -f LIST_PROFIL ]] && cat LIST_PROFIL >> LIST_PROFILE |
| 87 | |
| 88 | # Combine all particle information files |
| 89 | #OC:[[ -f PARTICLE_INFOS/_0000 ]] && cat PARTICLE_INFOS/* >> PARTICLE_INFO |