Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of project/partners_de

Sep 19, 2016 1:03:59 PM (8 years ago)



  • project/partners_de

    v1 v2  
    1 = [=#partners_de]MOSAIK: Projektpartner =
    2 \\
    3 {{{
    4 #!div style="align:'left'; width: 300px; border: 0px solid; float:center"
    5 [[Image(htdocs:gallery/all_logos.jpg,nolink)]]
    6 }}}
    7 \\\\
    8 == Kontaktinformationen ==
    9 \\
    10 {{{#!table align=left style="border: none; text-align:left;"
    11    {{{#!tr
    12       {{{#!td style="border: none; width:550px"
    13          [[Image(htdocs:gallery/P7011035.JPG, 100%, left, margin-right=2, margin-top=0, border=2, nolink)]]\\
    14          Gruppe von MOSAIK Partnern beim Kick-off Treffen, 30. Juni - 01. July 2016, Zuse Institut Berlin ([[|ZIB]]).
    15       }}}
    16       {{{#!td align=left style="border: none; vertical-align:top; min-width: 270px; padding:0px 0px 0px 20px"
    17          {{{#!table
    18          ||= Name =||= Institution =||= Email =||=  Telefon =||
    19          || Banzhaf, Sabine || FUB || sabine.banzhaf@MET.FU-BERLIN.DE ||  ||
    20          || Bittner, Anna Lena || LUH || bittner@MUK.UNI-HANNOVER.DE ||  ||
    21          || Büter, Björn || GEO-NET || bueter@GEO-NET.DE ||  ||
    22          || Builtjes, Peter || FUB || builtjes@ZEDAT.FU-BERLIN.DE ||  ||
    23          || Esch, Thomas (PI) || DLR || thomas.esch@DLR.DE ||  ||
    24          || Forkel, Renate (PI) || IFU || renate.forkel@KIT.EDU ||  ||
    25          || Gronemeier, Tobias || LUH || gronemeier@MUK.UNI-HANNOVER.DE ||  ||
    26          || Groß, Günter || LUH || gross@MUK.UNI-HANNOVER.DE ||  ||
    27          || Heldens, Wieke || DLR || Wieke.Heldens@DLR.DE ||  ||
    28          || Hessel, Johann-Dirk || DWD || Johann-Dirk.Hessel@DWD.DE ||  ||
    29          || Hoffmann, David || GEO-NET || hoffmann@GEO-NET.DE ||  ||
    30          || Kanani-Sühring, Farah || LUH || kanani@MUK.UNI-HANNOVER.DE ||  ||
    31          || Lang, Tobias || HO || tobias.lang@HS-OFFENBURG.DE ||  ||
    32          || Maamari, Halim || IPS || h.maamari@SIEKER.DE ||  ||
    33          || Maronga, Björn (PI) || LUH || maronga@MUK.UNI-HANNOVER.DE ||  ||
    34          || Matzarakis, Andreas (PI) || DWD || Andreas.Matzarakis@DWD.DE ||  ||
    35          || Mauder, Matthias (PI) || KIT || matthias.mauder@KIT.EDU ||  ||
    36          || Noppel, Heike || DWD || Heike.Noppel@DWD.DE ||  ||
    37          || Pallasch, Matthias || IPS || m.pallasch@SIEKER.DE ||  ||
    38          || Pavlik, Dirk || GEO-NET || pavlik@GEO-NET.DE ||  ||
    39          || Pfafferott, Jens || HO || jens.pfafferott@HS-OFFENBURG.DE ||  ||
    40          || Raasch, Siegfried (PI) || LUH || raasch@MUK.UNI-HANNOVER.DE ||  ||
    41          || Roos, Marita || DWD || Marita.Roos@DWD.DE ||  ||
    42          || Salim, Mohamed || HUB || ||  ||
    43          || Schaap, Martijn || FUB || martijn.schaap@MET.FU-BERLIN.DE ||  ||
    44          || Schneider, Christoph || HUB || christoph.schneider@GEO.HU-BERLIN.DE ||  ||
    45          || Schrempf, Michael || LUH || schrempf@MUK.UNI-HANNOVER.DE ||  ||
    46          || Schubert, Sebastian || HUB || sebastian.schubert@GEO.HU-BERLIN.DE ||  ||
    47          || Seckmeyer, Gunther (PI) || LUH || seckmeyer@MUK.UNI-HANNOVER.DE ||  ||
    48          || Sühring, Matthias || LUH || suehring@MUK.UNI-HANNOVER.DE ||  ||
    49          || von Tils, Robert || LUH || vonTils@MUK.UNI-HANNOVER.DE ||  ||
    50          || Trusilova, Kristina || DWD || kristina.trusilova@DWD.DE ||  ||
    51          || Trute, Peter (PI) || GEO-NET || trute@GEO-NET.DE ||  ||
    52          || Ulbrich, Uwe || FUB || uwe.ulbrich@MET.FU-BERLIN.DE ||  ||
    53          || Zeidler, Julian || DLR || Julian.Zeidler@DLR.DE ||  ||
    54          }}}
    55       }}}
    56    }}}
    57 }}}
     1= [=#partners]MOSAIK: Project partners =
     2== Coordination ==
     4#!table style="border:none;vertical-align:top;text-align:left;width:800px"
     5  {{{#!tr style="border:none;width:800px"
     6    {{{#!td style="border:none"
     7    [[Image(luh_logo_rgb_0_80_155.png,nolink,300px)]]
     8    }}}
     9  }}}
     10  {{{#!tr style="border:none"
     11    {{{#!td style="border:none"
     12    '''Institution'''\\
     13    Leibniz Universität Hannover\\
     14    \\
     15    '''Function'''\\
     16    MOSAIK coordination\\
     17    \\
     18    '''Contact'''
     19    \\
     20    Dr. Björn Maronga (\\
     21    Prof. Dr. Günter Groß (\\ 
     22    }}}
     23  }}}
     26== Partners ==
     28#!table style="border:none;vertical-align:top;text-align:left"
     29  {{{#!tr style="border:none;width:800px"
     30    {{{#!td style="border:none;width:800px"
     31    [[Image(dlr.png,nolink,150px)]]
     32    }}}
     33  }}}
     34  {{{#!tr style="border:none"
     35    {{{#!td style="border:none"
     36    '''Institution'''\\
     37    German Aerospace Center (DLR)\\
     38    German Remote Sensing Data Center\\
     39    Land Surface\\
     40    \\
     41    '''Work packages'''\\
     42    [[wiki:project/subproj/wpd1|WP-D1]]: Processing and preparation of surface data\\
     43    \\
     44    '''Contact'''
     45    \\
     46    Dr. Julian Zeidler (
     47    }}}
     48  }}}
     52#!table style="border:none;vertical-align:top;text-align:left"
     53  {{{#!tr style="border:none;width:800px"
     54    {{{#!td style="border:none;width:800px"
     55    [[Image(DWD-Logo_2013.svg.png,nolink,350px)]]
     56    }}}
     57  }}}
     58  {{{#!tr style="border:none"
     59    {{{#!td style="border:none"
     60    '''Institution'''\\
     61    Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD)\\
     62    Department for Climate and Environmental Consultancy\\
     63    \\
     64    '''Work packages'''\\
     65    [[wiki:project/subproj/wpd3|WP-D3]]: User-friendly software package to customize output from meso-scale models for forcing the new UCM, and application of the UCM for climate studies\\
     66    [[wiki:project/subproj/wpp2|WP-P2]]: Evaluation of human thermal comfort/stress and planning adaption possibilities in urban areas
     67    \\
     68    '''Contact'''
     69    \\
     70    Prof. Dr. Andreas Matzaraki (\\
     71    Dr. Kristina Trusilova (\\
     72    Heike Noppel (\\
     73    }}}
     74  }}}
     79#!table style="border:none;vertical-align:top;text-align:left"
     80  {{{#!tr style="border:none;width:800px"
     81    {{{#!td style="border:none;width:800px"
     82    [[Image(fub.png,nolink,350px)]]
     83    }}}
     84  }}}
     85  {{{#!tr style="border:none"
     86    {{{#!td style="border:none"
     87    '''Institution'''\\
     88    Freie Universität Berlin\\
     89    Institute of Meteorology\\
     90    \\
     91    '''Work packages'''\\
     92    [[wiki:project/subproj/wpm7|WP-M7]]: Urban chemistry and air pollution\\
     93    \\
     94    '''Contact'''
     95    \\
     96    Prof. Dr. Martijn Schaap (\\
     97    Prof. Dr. Uwe Ulbrich (\\
     98    Dr. Sabine Banzhaf (
     99    }}}
     100  }}}
     105#!table style="border:none;vertical-align:top;text-align:left"
     106  {{{#!tr style="border:none;width:800px"
     107    {{{#!td style="border:none;width:800px"
     108    [[Image(geonet_logo_2014_4c.jpg,nolink,150px)]]
     109    }}}
     110  }}}
     111  {{{#!tr style="border:none"
     112    {{{#!td style="border:none"
     113    '''Institution'''\\
     114    GEO-NET Umweltconsulting GmbH\\
     115    \\
     116    '''Work packages'''\\
     117    [[wiki:project/subproj/wpd2|WP-D2]]: Data management and user interface\\
     118    \\
     119    '''Contact'''
     120    \\
     121    Peter Trute (\\
     122    Dr. Björn Büter (
     123    }}}
     124  }}}
     128#!table style="border:none;vertical-align:top;text-align:left"
     129  {{{#!tr style="border:none;width:800px"
     130    {{{#!td style="border:none;width:800px"
     131    [[Image(HS-Logo_blau_190.png,nolink,300px)]]
     132    }}}
     133  }}}
     134  {{{#!tr style="border:none"
     135    {{{#!td style="border:none"
     136    '''Institution'''\\
     137    Hochschule Offenburg\\
     138    \\
     139    '''Work packages'''\\
     140    [[wiki:project/subproj/wpm6|WP-M6]]: Indoor climate and energy demand\\
     141    \\
     142    '''Contact'''
     143    \\
     144    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Pfafferott (\\ 
     145    }}}
     146  }}}
     153#!table style="border:none;vertical-align:top;text-align:left"
     154  {{{#!tr style="border:none;width:800px"
     155    {{{#!td style="border:none;width:800px"
     156    [[Image(hukombi_bbw_gross.png,nolink,600px)]]
     157    }}}
     158  }}}
     159  {{{#!tr style="border:none"
     160    {{{#!td style="border:none"
     161    '''Institution'''\\
     162    Humbold-Universität zu Berlin\\
     163    Geography Department\\
     164    \\
     165    '''Work packages'''\\
     166    [[wiki:project/subproj/wpm5|WP-M5]]: Urban radiation and building parameterization\\
     167    \\
     168    '''Contact'''
     169    \\
     170    Prof. Dr. Christoph Schneider (\\ 
     171    Dr. Sebastian Schubert (\\ 
     172    }}}
     173  }}}
     178#!table style="border:none;vertical-align:top;text-align:left"
     179  {{{#!tr style="border:none;width:800px"
     180    {{{#!td style="border:none;width:800px"
     181    [[Image(kit.jpg,nolink,200px)]]
     182    }}}
     183  }}}
     184  {{{#!tr style="border:none"
     185    {{{#!td style="border:none"
     186    '''Institution'''\\
     187    Karlsruhe Institute of Technology\\
     188    Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research\\
     189    Atmospheric Environmental Research\\
     190    \\
     191    '''Work packages'''\\
     192    [[wiki:project/subproj/wpm7|WP-M7]]: Urban chemistry and air pollution\\
     193    \\
     194    '''Contact'''
     195    \\
     196    Dr. Matthias Mauder (\\
     197    Dr. Renate Forkel (\\
     198    }}}
     199  }}}
     205#!table style="border:none;vertical-align:top;text-align:left"
     206  {{{#!tr style="border:none;width:800px"
     207    {{{#!td style="border:none"
     208    [[Image(luh_logo_rgb_0_80_155.png,nolink,300px)]]
     209    }}}
     210  }}}
     211  {{{#!tr style="border:none;width:800px"
     212    {{{#!td style="border:none;width:800px"
     213    '''Institution'''\\
     214    Leibniz Universität Hannover\\
     215    Institute of Meteorology and Climatology\\
     216    \\
     217    '''Work packages'''\\
     218    [[wiki:project/subproj/wpm1|WP-M1]]: Implementation and validation of turbulence parameterizations\\
     219    [[wiki:project/subproj/wpm2|WP-M2]]: Large- and microscale nesting\\
     220    [[wiki:project/subproj/wpm3|WP-M3]]: Bechmarking and internal validation\\
     221    [[wiki:project/subproj/wpm4|WP-M4]]: Surface energy budget\\
     222    [[wiki:project/subproj/wpp1|WP-P1]]:: A multi-agent model for urban residents\\
     223    [[wiki:project/subproj/wpp3|WP-P3]]: Actinic complex for the calculation of the biologically weighted UV exposure of humans\\
     224    \\
     225    '''Contact'''
     226    \\
     227    Prof. Dr. Günter Groß (\\ 
     228    Dr. Björn Maronga (\\
     229    Prof. Dr. Siegfried Raasch (\\ 
     230    Prof. Dr. Gunther Seckmeyer (\\ 
     231    }}}
     232  }}}
     237#!table style="border:none;vertical-align:top;text-align:left"
     238  {{{#!tr style="border:none;width:800px"
     239    {{{#!td style="border:none;width:800px"
     240    [[Image(sieker_logo_Text_deu_2016_transparent.png,nolink,300px)]]
     241    }}}
     242  }}}
     243  {{{#!tr style="border:none"
     244    {{{#!td style="border:none"
     245    '''Institution'''\\
     246    Ingenieurgesellschaft Prof. Dr. Sieker mbH\\
     247    \\
     248    '''Work packages'''\\
     249    [[wiki:project/subproj/wpd4|WP-D4]]: Urban soil water content\\
     250    \\
     251    '''Contact'''
     252    \\
     253    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heiko Sieker (
     254    }}}
     255  }}}
  | Impressum | ©Leibniz Universität Hannover |