Version 2 (modified by kanani, 8 years ago) (diff)


Hints for PALM4U developers

Revision control

Describe svn-git, add picture Overview of the possible combination of svn and git

Subsequently listed svn branches are available under /palm/branches, and are only visible for developers with respective permissions:

Project Branch name Write permissions Read only
WP-M1 rans Gronemeier
WP-M2 nesting Sühring
WP-M4 ebsolver von Tils
WP-M5 radiation Schubert, Salim
WP-M6 indoorclimate Lang
WP-M7 chemistry Banzhaf, Forkel, Khan Mona Kurppa (FMI)
WP-P1 agents Bittner, Schrempf

Write permissions for all MOSAIK-related branches: Kanani, Ketelsen, Maronga, Raasch. Please notify Farah Kanani-Sühring if permission needs to be granted for additional developers.

Attachments (2)

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