| 78 | 1. {{{cd $HOME/palm/branches/<feature_name>}}} |
| 79 | 2. {{{svn update}}} (to obtain HEAD (overall latest) repository revision ) |
| 80 | 3. {{{svn merge -r####:HEAD}}}\\ {{{https://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/svn/palm/trunk}}}\\(####: branch revision at last merge with trunk) |
| 81 | 4. During update/merge, svn will print an alert in case the same line of code has been modified by the different developers. \\As an example: |
| 82 | {{{Conflict discovered in file 'palm.f90'.}}} \\ {{{Select:}}} {{{(p) postpone, (df) show diff, (e) edit file, (m) merge, (mc) my side of conflict,}}} \\ {{{(tc) their side of conflict, (s) show all options:}}} |
| 83 | |
| 84 | We recommend to {{{select (p)ostpone}}} for all possible conflicts, and after that, manually check/merge the contents of these files.\\ '''(Details in Chapter 4c)''' |
| 85 | 5. svn resolved any_file.f90 |
| 86 | 6. svn commit '''(Details in Chapter 5)''' |
| 87 | [[span(style=color: #FF0000, __'''Note:'''__ It might be wise to put a copy of your modified files somewhere else before you do the merge.)]] |
| 88 | |
| 89 | == (4 c) Resolving conflicts in a merge == |
| 90 | |
| 91 | You will find following set of files in case of a conflict, e.g. |
| 92 | |||| average_3d_data.f90.[[span(style=color: blue, merge-left.r2046)]] |||| (your code was used at conflicted line in merged file) || |
| 93 | |||| average_3d_data.f90.[[span(style=color: blue, merge-right.r2735)]] |||| (their code was used at conflicted line in merged file) || |
| 94 | |||| average_3d_data.f90.[[span(style=color: blue, working)]]. |||| (your unmerged file version) || |
| 95 | |||| average_3d_data.f90 |||| (your + their code at conflicted line in merged file) || |
| 96 | |
| 97 | |
| 98 | |
| 99 | |
| 100 | |