PALM source code change log 2013 - 2016
The following table documents all changes to the PALM repository from 2013-2016.
Entries in the fifth column specify the type of the change: change of existing code (C), new code (N) or bugfix (B). More detailed information about the changes may sometimes be found in the header comment lines of the respectively changed routines.
Date | Author | svn Revision | Last Release | Type | Description |
21/12/16 | MS | 4.0 | B | Bugfix in calculation of vsws. (surface_layer_fluxes_mod, example_cbl) | |
19/12/16 | MS | 4.0 | B | Bugfixes in initial salinity profile and generic topography definition in case of ocean simulations. (check_parameters, init_grid) | |
09/12/16 | HK | 4.0 | B | Multigrid now usable with anelastic approximation. (check_parameters, poismg_mod) | |
02/12/16 | SR | 4.0 | B | OpenMP related bugfix. (surface_layer_fluxes_mod) | |
30/11/16 | SR | 4.0 | B | OpenMP related bugfixes. (flow_statistics, poismg_mod, pres, surface_layer_fluxes_mod) Bugfix for header output of scalar profiles. (header) | |
17/11/16 | BM | 4.0 | B | Some minor bugfixes in USM (ls_forcing_mod.f90 urban_surface_mod.f90). | |
14/11/16 | BM | 4.0 | C | Some style improvements for mrungui. Also, the xterm window should stay open for interactive jobs (mainwindow.cpp, about.ui, mainwindow.ui). | |
11/11/16 | BM | 4.0 | N | Added the new tool "PALM job manager" (palm_jm), which allows to overview the existing jobs in the JOBS directory. It displays associated files in the INPUT and in the USER_CODE folders and allows to open these files for editing directly from the palm_jm interface. Moreover, palm_jm allows for creating new jobs based on a existent reference job. Moreover it allows to create a whole set of new jobs based on such a reference job (e.g. for parameter studies). (palm_jm, palm_jm.ui, palm_jm_create_set.ui). The job manager and watchdog can now be called from mrungui (mainwindow.cpp, mainwindow.ui). | |
10/11/16 | SR | 4.0 | B | Bugfix: opening of PROGRESS file moved out of the NetCDF block. (check_open) | |
10/11/16 | BM | 4.0 | B | Bugfix: return error messages in palm_wd when .wdd.config was not set up on remote host (palm_wdd). | |
10/11/16 | BM | 4.0 | B | Bugfix: set minimum/maximum values for Rif in 1D model to the old values (-5 and 1, respectively) (init_1d_model.f90). | |
08/11/16 | TG | 4.0 | N, B |
New | |
02/11/16 | HK | 4.0 | B | Bugfix, added error codes for anelastic approximations. (check_parameters) | |
02/11/16 | MS | 4.0 | B |
Bugfix, read and write restart data for wall fluxes. (read_var_list, write_var_list) | |
27/10/16 | TG | 4.0 | C | Added missing svn-ID string from last check-in. | |
26/10/16 | TG | 4.0 | C | Increased the number of possible statistic regions from 9 to 99 (netcdf_interface_mod.f90, check_parameters.f90); deleted open file 'PLOTTS_DATA' (check_open.f90). | |
26/10/16 | HK | 4.0 | N, C | Implemented the anelastically approximated model equations. For a control description please see approximation. | |
24/10/16 | MS | 4.0 | C | Remove check for npex and npey in nesting case. (parin) | |
21/10/16 | TG | 4.0 | C | Updated .mrun.config blogs for HLRNIII: added compiler options -K trap=fp (abort if "floating point exception" occurs) and -hnoacc (ignore OpenACC pre-processor commands). Also unified module loads and IC commands throughout the .mrun.config files (.mrun.config.hlrnIII, .mrun.config.forwind_hlrnIII, .mrun.config.imuk_hlrnIII, .mrun.config.imuk_hlrnIII_rrtmg). | |
21/10/16 | HK | 4.0 | C | Renamed variable rho to rho_ocean, rho_init to rho_ocean_init and rho_av to rho_ocean_av in all relevant source code files. | |
20/10/16 | TG | 4.0 | B | Bugfix: checking for NCL version in NCL-scripts used by palmplot (cross_sections.ncl, profiles.ncl, spectra.ncl, timeseries.ncl). | |
18/10/16 | MS | 4.0 | B,C |
Bugfix, enable output of s*2. (check_parameters, flow_statistics) | |
12/10/16 | FK | 4.0 | B,C,N | Bugfix
| |
07/10/16 | MS | 4.0 | B | Bugfixes
| |
30/09/16 | AH | 4.0 | B | Bugfixes concerning the nesting mainly in the determination of the anterpolation index bounds. These errors were found when first time testing for grid-spacing ratio 3 (pmc_interface_mod.f90) | |
29/09/16 | SR | 4.0 | B | Bugfix in case of # of output file connection statements in configuration file > 100. (interpret_config) | |
28/09/16 | LV | 4.0 | B | Bugfix in wind turbine code. (wind_turbine_model_mod) | |
21/09/16 | MS | 4.0 | B | Bugfix in format descriptor. (pmc_handle_communicator_mod) | |
19/09/16 | FK | 4.0 | N, C | Change:
| |
24/08/16 | FK | 4.0 | N, C |
Implementation of new urban surface model, which was coded by Jaroslav Resler, Pavel Krc and their team (CTU in Prague, ICS AS in Prague). | |
24/08/16 | MS | 4.0 | N |
Humidity and passive scalar treated separately also in nesting mode (parin, pmc_interface_mod) | |
18/08/16 | MS | 4.0 | B |
Bugfix in calculation of turbulent fluxes in case the horizontal mean of vertical velocity is not zero. (advec_ws) | |
15/08/16 | MS | 4.0 | B |
Bugfix in definition of generic topography. (init_grid) | |
12/08/16 | MS | 4.0 | N, B |
| |
12/08/16 | TG | 4.0 | B | Variable list was not written to time-series data which prevented these files to be extended in restart runs. (netcdf_interface_mod.f90) | |
10/08/16 | TG | 4.0 | B,N |
New: | |
01/08/16 | MS | 4.0 | B | Bugfix: checking for bottom and top boundary condition for humidity and scalars. (check_parameters) | |
01/08/16 | MS | 4.0 | B | Bugfix concering consistency check for topography. (init_grid) | |
29/07/16 | MS | 4.0 | B | Bugfix concerning user-defined output. (data_output_2d, data_output_3d, data_output_mask, netcdf_interface_mod) | |
29/07/16 | BM | 4.0 | B | Bugfix: initial values of pave_surface and water_surface were not set at model start (land_surface_model_mod.f90) | |
27/07/16 | BM | 4.0 | B,C | Bugfix:
(average_3d_data.f90, data_output_2d.f90, data_output_3d.f90, land_surface_model_mod.f90, netcdf_interface_mod.f90, palm.f90, radiation_model_mod.f90, read_3d_binary.f90, sum_up_3d_data.f90, write_3d_binary.f90) | |
26/07/16 | TG | 4.0 | B | Bug: in case of non-extendable output files with using non-parallel I/O only PE0 was approaching an MPI_BARRIER call (check_open.f90) | |
26/07/16 | BM | 4.0 | B, C | Bugfix:
(Makefile, average_3d_data.f90, check_parameters.f90, data_output_2d.f90, data_output_3d.f90, land_surface_model_mod.f90, netcdf_interface_mod.f90, palm.f90, read_3d_binary.f90, sum_up_3d_data.f90, user_init_land_surface.f90, write_3d_binary.f90) | |
18/07/16 | MS | 4.0 | B | Bugfix, check for ibc_q_b and constant_waterflux in case of land-surface scheme. (check_parameters) | |
18/07/16 | MS | 4.0 | C | PE-wise reading of topography, in order to get rid of scaling bottleneck due to global arrays nzb_local and nzb_tmp, which are (from now on) allocated locally. As a consequence, determination of single building and street canyon has changed, as well as the determination of wall-flags on different multigrid level. (init_grid, init_pegrid, exchange_horiz_2d, modules, user_init_grid) | |
18/07/16 | BM | 4.0 | B | Bug in soil model corrected (calculation of m_total was not initialized with zero). (land_surface_model_mod.f90) | |
14/07/16 | AH | 4.0 | B | Bug in vertical nesting mode corrected. (init_pegrid) | |
13/07/16 | MS | 4.0 | B | Typo in error message removed. (check_parameters) | |
12/07/16 | MS | 4.0 | N, B |
Bugfix | |
07/07/16 | MS | 4.0 | N | Input and output files for flight measurements added. (.mrun.config.*) | |
07/07/16 | MS | 4.0 | N | New module for virtual flight measurements (for further information, see flights). (check_open, header, data_output_flight, init_3d_model, Makefile, modules, netcdf_interface_mod, parin, read_var_list, time_integration, user_init_flight, user_flight, virtual_flight_mod, write_var_list) | |
01/07/16 | AH | 4.0 | B | Bugfix, intializating_actions is set to 'set_constant_profiles' for all nest domains in order to make sure that diagnostic variables are properly initialized for nest domains. Prognostic variables are later initialized by interpolation from the parent domain. User may now leave intializating_actions undefined for nest domains. | |
21/06/16 | MS | 4.0 | B | Bugfix, lad_s and lad must be public. (plant_canopy_model_mod) | |
20/06/16 | MS | 4.0 | B | Bugfix in example initialization of user-defined canopy. (user_init_plant_canopy) | |
17/06/16 | BM | 4.0 | B | Bugfixes for output of land surface model quantities and in the calculation of the soil evaporation in case of precipitation. (land_surface_model_mod.f09, sum_up_3d_data.f90) | |
15/06/16 | MS | 4.0 | B | Bugfix dependency init_grid on advec_ws. (Makefile) | |
15/06/16 | SR | 4.0 | N | Adjustments for using HLRN ssh-keys. If a specific keyfile shall be used, a line like %ssh_key id_rsa_hlrn lccrayh parallel has to be added to the configuration file. The files named id_rsa_hlrn and are expected to be in folder $HOME/.ssh. (mbuild, mrun, subjob) | |
14/06/16 | MS | 4.0 | N, C |
New | |
13/06/16 | AH | 4.0 | B | Correction of dependency errors in Makefile that appeared in r1935. (Makefile) | |
13/06/16 | MS | 4.0 | N | Deallocation of unused particle memory. (lpm, lpm_exchange_horiz, mod_particle_attributes, package_parin) Formatting adjustments. (lpm, lpm_advec) | |
13/06/16 | AH | 4.0 | N, C |
Introduction of the initial version of purely vertical nesting. Cleaning up of the pmc-code. Words server and client are systematically
replaced by parent and child. Source-code files pmc_server_mod.f90 and pmc_client_mod.f90 are renamed as pmc_parent_mod.f90 and pmc_client_mod.f90. (pmc_child_mod, exchange_horiz, pmc_parent_mod, parin, init_pegrid, time_integration, palm, exchange_horiz_2d, boundary_conds.f90, pres, pmc_interface_mod, pmc_general_mod, pmc_mpi_wrapper_mod, pmc_handle_communicator_mod, Makefile) | |
10/06/16 | MS | 4.0 | C |
Rename subroutine poismg into poismg_noopt, as well as poismg_fast_mod into poismg_mod. (poismg_mod, poismg_noopt, Makefile) Rename multigrid into multigrid_noopt and multigrid_fast into multigrid, cpu-measures are renamed respectively. (check_parameters, cpulog_mod, header, init_grid, pres, poismg_mod, poismg_noopt). | |
09/06/16 | MS | 4.0 | B, C | Bugfixes:
Unused variables removed. (lpm_exchange_horiz) | |
07/06/16 | AH | 4.0 | N, B | Error check for overlapping parallel nests added (pmc_interface.f90). Nesting synchronization is moved before CALL run_control, and exchange_horiz for pt after CALL pmci_datatrans is now only called if ( .NOT. neutral ) in time_integration.f90. | |
02/06/16 | HK | 4.0 | B | Updated example_cbl_rc test case to reflect output changes made in r1918. (example_cbl_rc) | |
31/05/16 | LB | 4.0 | B | Bugfix: array transposition checks are now restricted to cases if a fourier transform is used. Removed unused variable nnx_z. (init_pegrid) | |
30/05/16 | MS | 4.0 | C | Avoid segmentation fault (see change in 1915) by different initialization of us instead of adding a very small number in the denominator. (init_3d_model, surface_layer_fluxes_mod) | |
27/05/16 | SR | 4.0 | C, B | Changed: Ocean mode now uses initial density profile as reference in the buoyancy term. (check_parameters) Steering of pres modified. (init_3d_model, pres) Bugfixes:
| |
27/05/16 | BW | 4.0 | B | Removed misleading change comments (relicts from branch/forwind) in the file headers and added new change comment for the release of the wind turbine model in r1914 (Makefile, check_parameters, init_3d_model, package_parin, parin, prognostic_equations, time_integration, wind_turbine_model_mod). | |
27/05/16 | MS | 4.0 | B | Avoid segmentation fault in case of most_method = 'circular' at first timstep. (surface_layer_fluxes_mod) | |
26/05/16 | BW | 4.0 | N |
Merged branch/forwind into trunk.
| |
26/05/16 | SR | 4.0 | B | If topography is read from file, Neumann conditions are used for the nzb_local array (instead of cyclic conditions) in case that non-cyclic boundary conditions are switched on for the run. (init_grid) | |
25/05/16 | MS | 4.0 | C | Calculate new divergence only at last Runge-Kutta step. (pres) | |
24/05/16 | MS | 4.0 | C | Default value of mg_switch_to_pe0_level changed to -1, i.e. no gathering on PE0 at all. (modules) | |
11/05/16 | MS | 4.0 | B | Bugfix: enable special_exchange_horiz only for finer grid levels. (poismg_fast_mod) | |
09/05/16 | MS | 4.0 | C | Consider masking_method only for multigrid solver, not for multigrid_fast. (header, init_grid) | |
04/05/16 | SR | 4.0 | C | Re-formatting of the remaining pmc routines to PALM style. File pmc_general.f90 has been renamed pmc_general_mod.f90. (Makefile, pmc_general_mod, pmc_handle_communicator_mod, pmc_interface_mod, pmc_mpi_wrapper_mod, pmc_server_mod) | |
03/05/16 | MS | 4.0 | B, C |
Bugfixes: bottom and top boundary condition for residual. (poismg_fast_mod) Formatting adjustments; variable descriptions added in some declaration blocks. (poismg_fast_mod) | |
03/05/16 | SR | 4.0 | C | Re-formatting to match PALM style. (pmc_client_mod) | |
27/04/16 | SR | 4.0 | B | pt is not set as a data array in case that the temperature equation is switched off with neutral = .TRUE., and pt-inter- and anterpolations are omitted as well. (pmc_interface_mod) | |
22/04/16 | FH | 4.0 | C | Some changes necessary for the consideration of aerosols in the LCM (lpm_init, lpm_droplet_condensation). | |
21/04/16 | MS | 4.0 | B | Bugfix concerning logarithmic interpolation of particle speed (lpm_advec). | |
21/04/16 | MS | 4.0 | B |
Fixed bugs concerning advection flags near walls (init_grid). | |
21/04/16 | FH | 4.0 | C | Conservation of mass is only checked if droplet collisions took place (lpm_droplet_collision). | |
20/04/16 | AH | 4.0 | C | Precomputation of ijfc needed in pmci_anterp_tophat is added to pmci_init_anterp_tophat in pmc_interface_mod.f90. MPI_BCAST-calls to broadcast nesting_mode and nesting_datatransfer_mode are oved out from the DO i = 1, m_ncpl loop in pmc_handle_communicator_mod.f90. Files changed: pmc_interface_mod.f90 and pmc_handle_communicator_mod.f90. | |
20/04/16 | FH | 4.0 | B | Bugfix: The index of the larger particle has to be chosen for interpolation of collection efficiencies and their turbulent enhancement factor (lpm_collision_kernels). | |
19/04/16 | AH | 4.0 | C | New simpler synchronization for nested runs. Nesting related logc-arrays's index order changed for better cache utilisation. Removal of the zeroth element of the small array weight_pres as it is has become obsolent. Files changed: pmc_interface_mod.f90, time_integration.f90 and init_3dmodel.f90. | |
18/04/16 | BM | 4.0 | C | Revised file naming convection introduced in r1850 (several "_mod.f90" files). | |
15/04/16 | FH | 4.0 | N, C | A subroutine for initializing aerosol spectra has been added to lpm_init_mod. The dry aerosol radius is now explicitly considered in lpm_droplet_condensation. The aerosol spectrum is assumed to consist of up to 3 log-normal distributions, which can be steered by the parameters n1, n2, n3, s1, s2, s3, rm1, rm2, rm3. A probabilistic initialization can be chosen by setting the logical init_aerosol_probabilistic to true, otherwise the predefined aerosol spectrum is divided into logarithmically spaced bins and the weighting factor is calculated based on the number of aerosol within each bin. monodisperse_aerosols initializes a monodisperse aerosol spectrum with a dry radius of 0.1 micron. Necessary changes in package_parin, mod_particle_attributes, and Makefile. | |
14/04/16 | FH | 4.0 | B | In case of vector machine optimized model runs, sums_ls_l should not be addressed if large_scale_forcing is false because sums_ls_l is not allocated (subsidence_mod). | |
13/04/16 | FH | 4.0 | C | Interpolation of collection kernel adjusted to more reasonable values. Reformatting of code. (lpm_collision_kernels_mod, lpm_droplet_collision) | |
13/04/16 | BM | 4.0 | B | Bugfixes:
| |
11/04/16 | BM | 4.0 | B | Bugfix: PALM crashed when using radiation_scheme = 'constant' in combination with the land surface model due to the fact that no outgoing longwave radiative flux was calculated at the surface, but required in the energy balance solver. (flow_statistics, time_integration, radiation_model_mod) | |
08/04/16 | BM | 4.0 | B,C | Bugfixes:
| |
08/04/16 | FH | 4.0 | C |
| |
08/04/16 | SR | 4.0 | C | Array nzb_2d replaced by arrays nzb_s|u|v_inner. (init_3d_model, init_grid, interaction_droplets_ptq, microphysics, modules, pres) Kessler precipitation is stored on surface grid point (instead of nzb+1). (microphysics) | |
07/04/16 | SR | 4.0 | C, B | Changed: Spectra routine spectrum renamed spectra_mod and further modularized. (Makefile, check_parameters, data_output_spectra, header, init_3d_model, init_pegrid, modules, netcdf_interface, package_parin, palm, parin, read_3d_binary, read_var_list, renamed: spectrum to spectra_mod, time_integration, user_parin, user_spectra, write_3d_binary, write_var_list) Bugfix: POINTER-attributes added, and long lines wrapped in coupler-routines to avoid gfortran error messages. (pmc_client, pmc_server) | |
07/04/16 | FH | 4.0 | C | drizzle is renamed cloud_water_sedimentation, turbulence is renamed collision_turbulence (data_output_ptseries, diffusion_e, header, init_3d_model, microphysics, modules, package_parin, parin, read_var_list, time_integration, write_var_list). curvature_solution_effects is moved from inipar to particles_par (lpm_droplet_condensation, lpm_init, mod_particle_attributes, package_parin, parin). | |
07/04/16 | BM | 4.0 | B | Output of user defined data required reset of the character variable unit. (check_parameters) | |
07/04/16 | BM | 4.0 | B,C | Changed:
| |
07/04/16 | TG | 4.0 | N | Check added if roughness_length is smaller than dz/2 (check_parameters) | |
07/04/16 | FH | 4.0 | C, B | Changed:
| |
06/04/16 | BM | 4.0 | C, B | Changed:
| |
06/04/16 | SR | 4.0 | C, B | Changed: Comment change. (advec_s_bc) cpp-directives removed. (fft_xy, flow_tatistics, init_pegrid, modules, tridia_solver) Zero-settings for velocities inside topography re-activated (was deactivated in r1762). (init_3d_model) Bugfixes: Preprocessor directives included for the non-parallel case. (spectrum) | |
05/04/16 - 06/04/16 | BM | 4.0 | C | The tool for moving comments from "Current revisions" to "Former revisions" now works on all subdirectories. Moreover, the copyright statement in the file headers is automatically updated (document_changes). | |
05/04/16 | SR | 4.0 | C | Preprocessor directives using machine dependent flags (__lc, __ibm, etc.) mostly removed from the code. In particular:
Test output removed. (data_output_3d, read_3d_binary, read_var_list, time_integration, tridia_solver) | |
05/04/16 | TG | 4.0 | B,C | Bugfixes: Added check for number of PE in y direction if recycling_yshift is used (inflow_turbulence, check_parameters) Changes: Added comments and removed redundancies in inflow_turbulence | |
05/04/16 | BM | 4.0 | C | Changes:
| |
05/04/16 | SR | 4.0 | B | Bugfix for r1797: zero setting of temperature within topography does not work and has been disabled. (pmc_interface) | |
05/04/16 | TG | 4.0 | B | Bugfixes: Bugfixes for user defined timeseries and conserve_volume_flow (user_init, pres). | |
21/03/16 | SR | 4.0 | N, C |
New: Introduction of different data transfer modes in nested runs. (pmc_client, pmc_handle_communicator, pmc_interface. pmc_server, time_integration) Restart mechanism adjusted for nested runs. Parameter consistency checks between root and client model settings, e.g. end_time must have the same value for all models. (Makefile, check_for_restart, pmc_handle_communicator, pmc_interface)
Changes: Further formatting cleanup. (pmc_interface) | |
18/03/16 | SR | 4.0 | B | Setting of initial scalar profile in ocean runs. (check_parameters) | |
11/03/16 | SR | 4.0 | N, C, B | New: Output of nesting informations of all domains. (Makefile, header) Changes: Debug-printouts commented out. Some variable-, keyword- and subroutine names renamed. Formatting cleanup. (pmc_client, pmc_handle_communicator, pmc_interface, pmc_server) Bugfixes: Filling up redundant ghost points introduced. As a result, call of routine pmci_update_new is not required any more. (pmc_interface, time_integration) | |
10/03/16 | BM | 4.0 | B, C, N | Changes in land surface model:
Bugfixes in land surface model:
| |
08/03/16 | SR | 4.0 | C, B | Changes: The spectra-package has been modularized. Creating spectra-output does not require to set the cpp-switch __spectra any more. (Makefile, check_parameters, data_output_spectra, header, modules, package_parin, time_integration, Deleted: calc_spectra, New: spectrum) Change in client-server data transfer: server now gets data from client instead that client put's it to the server. (pmc_client, pmc_general, pmc_server) Bugfixes: id_var_time_sp made public. (netcdf_interface) nesting_mode is broadcast now. (pmc_handle_communicator) | |
06/03/16 | SR | 4.0 | N, C, B | New: New d3par-parameter netcdf_deflate for compression of NetCDF4/HDF5 data. Changes: The PALM-NetCDF-routines have been modularized. Therefore, the old file netcdf.f90 has been renamed to netcdf_interface.f90, which now forms the new NetCDF-module. The variables from the old data module netcdf_control within modules.f90 have been moved to this new module. Recurring code sniplets for creating a dimension or variables in NetCDF are separated in subroutines, following a suggestion of Stefan Albensöder (see ticket#214). Attention: The required user interface version changed to r1783. (Makefile, check_open, check_parameters, close_file, data_output_2d, data_output_3d, data_output_mask, data_output_profiles, data_output_ptseries, data_output_spectra, data_output_tseries, flow_statistics, header, init_3d_model, init_masks, land_surface_model, lpm_data_output_particles, lpm_exchange_horiz, lpm_init, lpm_release_set, modules, palm, parin, radiation_model, read_var_list, time_integration, user_check_data_output_pr, user_init, user_parin, user_statistics, write_var_list, Deleted: netcdf, New: netcdf_interface)
Further changes concerning the PMC: Bugfixes: Wrong data-type in MPI_WIN_CREATE replaced. (pmc_client) | |
03/03/16 | SR | 4.0 | C | Further changes concerning the PMC: _p 3d-arrays are set zero within buildings too, t.._m arrays and respective settings of them within buildings have been completely removed. (pmc_interface) Some pmc calls removed to the beginning (before timeloop). (time_integration) pmc initialization moved from time_integration to the main program. (palm, time_integration) | |
03/03/16 | SR | 4.0 | C,B |
Some preliminary changes in mrun, checked in by mistake: ROPTS removed from execution commands. Warnings about missing optional files or user code changed to informative messages. (mrun)
Bugfix: | |
02/03/16 | FH | 4.0 | B | Collection efficiencies have to be calculated for the larger droplet (lpm_collision_kernel). | |
29/02/16 | SR | 4.0 | N | The pmc runs with PALM's pointer version now. (Makefile, pmc_general, pmc_interface, pmc_server, swap_timelevel) | |
28/02/16 | SR | 4.0 | C, B |
Several changes (mainly concerning code formatting and code internal structure) of the nested domain system.
(Makefile, check_parameters, header, init-pegrid, local_stop, message, modules, palm, parin, pmc_client, pmc_general, pmc_handle_communicator, pmc_interface, pmc_mpi_wrapper, pmc_server, time_integration)
Bugfixes: Nest synchronization after first call of timestep. (time_integration) Checks of bc_lr and bc_ns boundary conditions moved from check_parameters to parin. Checking them in check_parameters0}} is wrong, because they are already used in {{{init_pegrid and init_grid (which are called before check_parameters). (check_parameters, parin) Index bug for u_p at left outflow removed. (boundary_conds) Increase array-size of volume_flow_area_l and volume_flow_initial_l by 1. (init_3d_model) | |
25/02/16 | AH | 4.0 | N | New: Implementation of the nested domain system. Still under finalization. More detailed description follows later. (Makefile, boundary_conds.f90, check_parameters.f90, exchange_horiz_2d.f90, init_3d_model.f90, init_grid.f90, init_pegrid.f90, modules.f90, palm.f90, parin.f90, poismg.f90, poismg_fast.f90, pres.f90, sor.f90, time_integration.f90, New: pmc_client.f90, pmc_general.f90, pmc_handle_communicator.f90, pmc_interface.f90, pmc_mpi_wrapper.f90, pmc_server.f90) | |
22/02/16 | BM | 4.0 | B,C | New: flag parameter unscheduled_radiation_calls can be used to force additional radiation calls if required (e.g. to damp oscillations after switching radiation code on) (land_surface_model.f90, radiation_model.f90, package_parin.f90). Changes: allow for using a higher vertical resolution in nudging file than in LES model (nudging.f90). Added options menu for watchdog (wd.ui) Bugfixes: allocation of RRTMG arrays, initialisation of soil moisture (read_3d_binary.f90, land_surface_model.f90). Changes: | |
15/02/16 | BM | 4.0 | B, C | Bugfixes in watchdog: Progress bar shows correct values, crashes when using more than 1 host. Changes in watchdog: Hosts can be switched on/off and update frequency can be set in GUI. Added security check for canceling jobs. (palm_wd, wdoptions.ui, .wd.condig.default, .wd.config.hlrnIII). | |
09/02/16 | SR | 4.0 | B, C | Further OpenACC-adjustments for the surface layer parameterization, and one bugfix for the fft-routine. (fft_xy, surface_layer_fluxes) | |
08/02/16 | SR | 4.0 | B, C | OpenACC-bugfixes and -adjustments for new surface layer parameterization. (flow_statistics, Makefile, palm, surface_layer_fluxes, swap_timelevel) | |
05/02/16 | TG | 4.0 | B | Bugfixes for output via parallel NetCDF:
| |
13/01/16 | SR | 4.0 | B | Bugfix for calculation of nzb_s_outer and nzb_u_outer at north boundary of total domain. (init_grid) | |
13/01/16 | SR | 4.0 | B | Bugfix for outflow Neumann boundary conditions at bottom and top. (boundary_conds) | |
13/01/16 | SR | 4.0 | C | Unnecessary calculations of kmzm and kmzp removed from wall bounded parts of the code. (diffusion_u, diffusion_v) | |
18/12/15 | SR | 4.0 | B | Bugfix for calculations in statistical regions which do not contain grid points in the lowest vertical levels. This was required in order to avoid ill defined data which caused NetCDF output to abort. The mean surface level height is considered now in the calculation of the characteristic vertical velocity. (calc_mean_profile, flow_statistics, init_3d_model, modules) | |
20/11/15 | TG | 4.0 | B | Bugfix: when using large scale subsidence in combination with Rayleigh damping the initial profiles has to be shifted only once each time step (subsidence.f90). | |
20/11/15 | HK | 4.0 | B | Bugfix: Cause of syntax warning gfortran preprocessor removed (mod_particle_attributes.f90). | |
17/11/15 | FH | 4.0 | B | Bugfix: Processor-dependent seed for random function is generated before it is used (lpm_init.f90). | |
16/11/15 | LB | 4.0 | C | Added a checkbox in mrungui to activate the cycling fill method (adds the string "cycfill" to mrun flag -r) | |
16/11/15 | SR | 4.0 | B | Bugfixes: surface heatflux (shf) is reduced in areas covered with canopy only; canopy is set on top of topography. (plant_canopy_model) | |
11/11/15 | SR | 4.0 | B | Bugfix of index error in outflow conditions for left boundary. (boundary_conds) | |
05/11/15 | SR | 4.0 | B | Bugfix: loop moved into IF block to avoid usage of l without being defined. (diffusivities) | |
04/11/15 | BM | 4.0 | B | Bugfixes:
(flow_statistics, init_1d_model, land_surface_model, radiation_model, read_3d_binary, surface_layer_fluxes, write_3d_binary) | |
02/11/15 | BM | 4.0 | B | Bugfix: division by zero when initializing the Obukhov length from a 1D precursor run with neutral stratificaiton (init_3d_model). | |
02/11/15 | BM | 4.0 | B | Bugfix: output of control parameters corrected (caused crash of restart runs). (write_var_list) | |
02/11/15 | SR | 4.0 | B | Bugfix for output of single (*) xy-sections in case of parallel netcdf I/O. (data_output_2d) | |
02/11/15 | BM | 4.0 | B | Bugfixes:
| |
29/10/15 | BM | 4.0 | B | Bugfix: binary version updated. (read_var_list) | |
28/10/15 | SR | 4.0 | B | FORTRAN and OpenMP errors removed. (surface_layer_fluxes) Misplaced cpp-directive fixed. (land_surface_model) Small E- and F-FORMAT changes to avoid informative compiler messages about insufficient field width. This change affected the timestring format of the RUN_CONTROL file. (header, init_1d_model, print_1d, run_control, example_cbl_rc) | |
26/10/15 | BM | 4.0 | B,C,N | The subroutine prandtl_fluxes.f90 has been replaced by surface_layer_fluxes.f90. In the course of the revision, new methods to calculate the Obukhov length and the surface fluxes have been introduced. Moreover, several modifications and bugfixes for the coupled atmosphere-land-surface-radiation were checked in (example_cbl_rc Makefile advec_s_bc.f90 average_3d_data.f90 check_parameters.f90 data_output_2d.f90 data_output_3d.f90 data_output_mask.f90 diffusion_s.f90 diffusion_u.f90 flow_statistics.f90 header.f90 init_1d_model.f90 init_3d_model.f90 init_cloud_physics.f90 init_grid.f90 land_surface_model.f90 lpm_advec.f90 lpm_exchange_horiz.f90 lpm_init.f90 microphysics.f90 modules.f90 netcdf.f90 package_parin.f90 parin.f90 prandtl_fluxes.f90 production_e.f90 prognostic_equations.f90 radiation_model.f90 read_3d_binary.f90 read_var_list.f90 sum_up_3d_data.f90 surface_layer_fluxes.f90 time_integration.f90 wall_fluxes.f90 write_3d_binary.f90 write_var_list.f90. Attention: The inipar parameter prandtl_layer has been replaced by the parameter constant_flux_layer. Moreover, the default calculation method of the surface fluxes within the constant flux layer has been changed! New:
| |
08/10/15 | SR | 4.0 | B | Bugfix concerning vertical index calculation for particles in case of ocean runs. TKE is checked for negative values in lpm_advec (so far, only zero values were checked and adjusted to very small positive values). (lpm_advec.f90, lpm_exchange_horiz.f90, lpm_init.f90, lpm_pack_arrays.f90) | |
08/10/15 | HK | 4.0 | C | All in-code documentation and description are made doxygen readable. File trunk/DOC/palm2doxygen.connfig has been added and can be used as the doxygen configuration file. (*.f90, palm2doxygen.config) | |
02/10/15 | LB | 4.0 | B | Since the bugfix in r1629, the integer arrays wall_flags_0 and wall_flags_00 had to include the ghost points at the PE boundaries. In order to exchange ghost points of 3D integer arrays, the new subroutine exchange_horiz_int was added. (exchange_horiz.f90, init_grid.f90, init_pegrid.f90, modules.f90) | |
02/10/15 | TG | 4.0 | B | Corrected a wrong calculation of topography grid levels. The topography height calculated in r1660 differed by one grid level compared to former versions. This is now corrected. (init_grid.f90, header.f90) | |
25/09/15 | SR | 4.0 | B | Ghostpoint exchange for array diss in case that sgs velocities are used for particle advection. (time_integration.f90) | |
23/09/15 | SR | 4.0 | C | Warning replaced by abort in case of failed user interface check. (palm.f90, user_parin.f90) | |
23/09/15 | SR | 4.0 | N | Possible mismatch of current and required user interface revision is checked. (modules.f90, palm.f90, user_parin.f90) | |
23/09/15 | HK | 4.0 | C | Update of the URL to the error message documentation to meet the new server structure (message.f90) | |
21/09/15 | SR | 4.0 | C | Example run control file updated to current revision. (.../INSTALL/example_cbl_rc) | |
21/09/15 | TG | 4.0 | B | Bugfix: Adjusted the definition of topography gird level in case grid stretching starts within the topography. (init_grid.f90, header.f90) | |
18/09/15 | SR | 4.0 | B | Temporary reduction variables in the openacc branch are now initialized to zero. (flow_statistics) | |
17/09/15 | SR | 4.0 | B, C |
Bugfix in calculation of energy production by turbulent transport of TKE (flow_statistics)
Changed: | |
15/09/15 | HK | 4.0 | C | Updated lectures and tutorials for PALM seminar in Hong Kong (exercise_cbl.tex, exercise_cumulus.tex, exercise_topography.tex, final_remarks.tex, fundamentals_of_les.tex, installation.tex, mrun_steering_parameters.tex, ncl.tex, numerics_bc.tex, program_control.tex, user_defined_code.tex). | |
02/09/15 | FH | 4.0 | B | Bugfix: Wrong calculation of d_mean now fixed (microphysics.f90). | |
01/09/15 | FH | 4.0 | C | Extended and updated version of tutorial: Exercise 3, user interface (exercise_interface.tex). | |
31/08/15 | HK | 4.0 | B | Bugfix to match string length with declared LEN=13 in modules.f90. | |
31/08/15 | FH | 4.0 | C | Extended and updated version of tutorial on Lagrangian particles (particle_model_cloud_physics.tex). | |
26/08/15 | MS | 4.0 | B | Bugfix concerning wall_flags at left and south PE boundaries. (advec_ws) | |
21/07/15 | RH | 4.0 | C | Bugfix to plot xy-cross sections in case variables contain only one level (like lwp*_xy, shf*_xy, ...) (cross_sections.ncl). | |
17/07/15 | RH | 4.0 | C | Changed: Adjustments for DKRZ machine Mistral (lcbullhh) (.mrun.config.dkrz, mbuild, mrun, subjob). | |
13/07/15 | BM | 4.0 | C | Changed: PALM watchdog is now steered via configuration files. palm_wd requires a file .wd.config in the palm working directory, whereas palm_wdd requires the file .wdd.config placed unter $HOME on each remote host to be monitored. Default configuration files have been added (palm_wd, palm_wdd, .wd.config.default, wd.config.hlrnIII, .wdd.config.default, .wdd.config.hlrnIII). | |
08/07/15 | MS | 4.0 | N | Enable turbulent inflow for passive_scalar and humidity. (inflow_turbulence, init_3d_model, read_var_list) | |
08/07/15 | BM | 4.0 | B,C | Bugfix: compilation of RRTMG as shared library incorporated faulty remove commands (intall_rrtmg). Removed nc2vdf from mbuild (mbuild). Changed: Added new watchdog context menu actions to view the parameter file and the run control file (palm_wd, palm_wdd, mainwindow.ui). | |
07/07/15 | BM | 4.0 | N | Deleted: nc2vdf is outdated and no longer needed (batch_nc2vdf, nc2vdf, nc2vdf.config, nc2vdf.ncl). Old hlrn_watchdog is replaced by new palm watchdog (see below) (hrln_watchdog, hlrn_watchdog.kwinrule). New: A new palm watchdog for monitoring queuing systems on remote host added. The watchdog can be started either from mrungui? or by typing palm_wd into the shell. For more information see PALM watchdog (palm_wd, palm_wdd, mainwindow.cpp, mainwindow.h). | |
03/07/15 | BM | 4.0 | B,C | Changed: random number for the temporary job directory on lccray is now set identical to the queuing number. (mrun). Bugfix: Compilation without __parallel failed due to missing pre-processor directives. (poismg_fast) | |
03/07/15 | FK | 4.0 | B | Two parameters corrected in TUTORIAL file. (mrun_steering_parameters.tex) | |
29/06/15 | BM | 4.0 | B | Bugfix: compilation without netCDF failed. (radiation_model, check_parameters) | |
11/06/15 | SR | 4.0 | B | Bugfix: openMP threadprivate statement moved after variable declaration. (fft_xy) | |
29/05/15 | SR | 4.0 | B | Bugfix for creating hostfile and determining the total number of MPI tasks if run in openmp-mode on one node. (mrun) | |
21/05/15 | TG | 4.0 | B | Bugfix in masked data output. Read 'zu_3d' when trying to extend masked data (netcdf.f90). | |
08/05/15 | BM | 4.0 | B | Bugfix: definition of character strings requires same length for all elements. This gives an error e.g. when compiling with gfortran (header.f90, land_surface_model.f90, radiation_model.f90). | |
04/05/15 | BM | 4.0 | C | Changed: added parameter file check for albedo settings when using RRTMG. Added albedo class for snow surfaces (check_parameters.f90, radiation_model.f90). | |
30/04/15 | BM | 4.0 | N | New: added support for the RRTMG radiation code, which is now delivered with PALM and can be linked to the default code either as static or shared library. (LIB/rrtmg/*, Makefile, average_3d_data.f90, check_parameters.f90, data_output_2d.f90, data_output_3d.f90, data_output_mask.f90, flow_statistics.f90, header.f90, init_3d_model.f90, land_surface_model.f90, netcdf.f90, package_parin.f90, prognostic_equations.f90, radiation_model.f90, read_3d_binary.f90, read_var_list.f90, sum_up_3d_data.f90, time_integration.f90, user_init_land_surface.f90, user_init_radiation.f90, write_3d_binary.f90, write_var_list.f90). | |
15/04/15 | MS | 4.0 | B | Bugfix: particle advection within Prandtl-layer in case of Galilei transformation. (lpm_advec) | |
10/04/15 | MS | 4.0 | B |
Bugfix: setting flags for 5th order scheme near buildings. (init_grid) | |
27/03/15 | SR | 4.0 | N, C |
New parameter seed_follows_topography implemented, which allows to set initial particle heights relative to a given topography. (header, lpm_init, mod_particle_attributes, package_parin) | |
23/03/15 | MS | 4.0 | B | Bugfix: check for advection schemes in case of non-cyclic boundary conditions. (check_parameters) | |
12/03/15 | BM | 4.0 | B | Minor bugfixes in land surface model and radiation model (flow_statistics, land_surface_model, radiation_model). | |
12/03/15 | SR | 4.0 | B | Bugfix for background communication. (exchange_horiz) | |
10/03/15 | MS | 4.0 | B |
Bugfixes in monotonic limiter. (advec_ws) | |
09/03/15 | MS | 4.0 | B | Refine if-clause for setting nbgp. (init_pegrid) | |
09/03/15 | RH | 4.0 | B | REAL constants provided with KIND-attribute in call of intrinsic function like MAX and MIN (advec_ws.f90). | |
06/03/15 | MK | 4.0 | N | New control parameter recycling_yshift, that allows for a y shift of the recycled inflow turbulence (header.f90, inflow_turbulence.f90, modules.f90, parin.f90, read_var_list.f90). | |
06/03/15 | RH | 4.0 | B | Allow using NCL version 6.2.1 and higher. Backward compatibility is also ensured. (cross_sections.ncl, profiles.ncl, spectra.ncl, timeseries.ncl) | |
05/03/15 | MS | 4.0 | N | Enable monotone advection for scalars using monotonic limiter. (advec_ws, check_parameters, flow_statistics, header, init_grid, init_pegrid, modules) | |
04/03/15 | BM | 4.0 | C | Added output of aerodynamic resistance (r_a) and soil resistance (r_s) (timeseries, xy-section). Renumbering of LSM-related PA messages. | |
03/03/15 | BM | 4.0 | C | Small adjustments in land surface model. | |
03/03/15 | BM | 4.0 | B, C, N | Final version of the land surface model (LSM) released. The LSM comes with a simple clear-sky radiation model for the net radiation at the surface (for details see r1551) (Makefile, average_3d_data, check_open, check_parameters, data_output_2d, data_output_3d, flow_statistics, header, init_3d_model, land_surface_model, modules, netcdf, package_parin, prandtl_fluxes, radiation_model, read_3d_binary, read_var_list, sum_up_3d_data, swap_timelevel, time_integration, user_data_output_2d, user_data_output_3d, user_header, write_3d_binary, write_var_list, combine_plot_fields)
For a description of the LSM, see Land surface model and &lsm_par. | |
30/01/15 | MS | 4.0 | N | Enable interactive debug sessions with allinea debugger (mrun) | |
29/01/15 | BW | 4.0 | C, N | adjustments for ForWind cluster lcflow (mbuild, mrun, subjob, .mrun.config.forwind_flow, .mrun.config.forwind_hlrnIII) | |
29/01/15 | RH | 4.0 | C | Local host name for blizzard further specified (subjob). | |
28/01/15 | FH | 4.0 | C | Small changes in exercise on bulk cloud physics (exercise_cumulus.tex). | |
28/01/15 | FK | 4.0 | C | Updated some run examples, with corresponding steering parameters in INPUT file and RUN_CONTROL output (trunk/EXAMPLES/building, trunk/EXAMPLES/topo_file). | |
28/01/15 | FK | 4.0 | C, N | Updated tutorial files, new figures added, old figures deleted (topography.tex, exercise_topography.tex). | |
28/01/15 | SR | 4.0 | N | Release 4.0 created. | |
28/01/15 | SR | 4.0 | C | Version update to 4.0 (palm) | |
27/01/15 | FH | 3.10 | C | New figures for exercise on bulk cloud physics (exercise_cumulus.tex). | |
27/01/15 | FH | 3.10 | C | Exercise on bulk cloud physics updated (exercise_cumulus.tex). | |
27/01/15 | RH | 3.10 | C | Exercise on convection between plates and neutral boundary layer flow updated (exercise_cbl.tex, exercise_neutral.tex). | |
26/01/15 | FH | 3.10 | C | Exercise on bulk cloud physics updated (exercise_cumulus.tex). | |
26/01/15 | FH | 3.10 | C,N | Updated tutorials on NCL and the particle model (with cloud physics) (ncl.tex, particle_model_cloud_physics.tex). New exercise on bulk cloud physics (exercise_cumulus.tex). | |
26/01/15 | MK | 3.10 | C | Several updates in the tutorial (basic_equations.tex, final_remarks.tex, non_cyclic_boundary_conditions.tex, parallelization.tex, perf_4.png, program_structure.tex, user_defined_code.tex). | |
22/01/15 | FH | 3.10 | B | Bugfix: palmplot pr can now handle * files consisting exclusively of user profiles (profiles.ncl). | |
22/01/15 | MK | 3.10 | C | Several updates in the tutorial (fundamentals_of_les.tex, header_HANDOUT.tex, header_LECTURE.tex, header_WEB.tex, surface_bc.png, runs_with_mrun.tex, sgs_models.tex). | |
14/01/15 | MK | 3.10 | B |
Bugfix: dots_time_count is now incremented after the call of subroutine check_open. (data_output_tseries.f90) | |
14/01/15 | MK | 3.10 | N | Added queries for checking if the advection schemes for momentum and scalar quantities in a restart run are the same as the advection schemes used in the corresponding initial run. (read_var_list.f90) | |
08/01/15 | FH | 3.10 | B | Bugfix: For the computation of collision efficiencies, it is necessary that the ratio of radii is smaller than one. Due to the new particle structure, this is not ensured by the order of particles (sorting of particles is not necessary for the new particle structure). (lpm_collision_kernels.f90) | |
07/01/15 | FH | 3.10 | B | Bugfix: Bott-Chlond scheme is available again (Makefile, advec_s_bc, prognostic_equations) | |
02/01/15 | LB | 3.10 | N | Added two new figures to the tutorial | |
02/01/15 | LB | 3.10 | C | Several updates in the tutorial (atmosphere_ocean_coupling.tex, canopy_model.tex, cloud_physics.tex, debugging.tex, exercise_cbl.tex, exercise_interface.tex, exercise_neutral.tex, exercise_topography.tex, final_remarks.tex, mrun_data_analysis.tex, mrun_steering_parameters.tex, ncl.tex, non_cyclic_boundary_conditions.tex, numerics_bc.tex, ocean_version.tex, parallelization.tex, particle_model_cloud_physics.tex, program_control.tex, program_structure.tex, restarts_with_mrun.tex, runs_with_mrun.tex, topography.tex, user_defined_code.tex) | |
19/12/14 | RH | 3.10 | B | Bugfix: provide REAL constants with _wp in call of MAX and MIN. (land_surface_model) | |
16/12/14 | MS | 3.10 | B | Bugfix concerning spectra normalization. (calc_spectra) | |
16/12/14 | RH | 3.10 | B | Bugfix: Prevent infinite loop in case of automatic restarts. (check_for_restart) | |
10/12/14 | MS | 3.10 | B | Bugfix: Set horizontal velocity components to zero inside topography. (init_3d_model) | |
03/12/14 | FK | 3.10 | B,C |
Changed/Bugfix: | |
03/12/14 | BM | 3.10 | B,C | Changes for the land surface model:
(land_surface_model.f90) Bugfixes:
| |
03/12/14 | MS | 3.10 | N | Comments concerning statistical evaluation of vertical fluxes and variances added. (flow_statistics) | |
02/12/14 | BM | 3.10 | N,C | A beta version of a land surface model (lsm) and a radiation model have been implemented. New: 1) Land surface model:
2) Radiation model:
(Makefile, check_parameters.f90, header.f90, init_3d_model.f90, land_surface_model.f90, modules.f90, package_parin.f90, parin.f90, prandtl_fluxes.f90, prognostic_equations.f90, radiation_model.f90, read_var_list.f90, swap_timelevel.f90, time_integration.f90, user_init_land_surface.f90, write_var_list.f90) | |
21/11/14 | BM | 3.10 | B | Minor bugfixes in prandtl_fluxes.f90:
These modifications will slightly alter simulations with humidity = .TRUE.
(prandtl_fluxes.f90) | |
12/11/14 | FK | 3.10 | C | Update of tutorial presentation due to new code structure and steering of the plant canopy model. (canopy_model.tex) For details see r1484. | |
12/11/14 | RH | 3.10 | B | bugfix: Correct setting of batch_job allowed for ibm-machines. This fixes a crash of batch jobs due to the output or progress_bar on IBM machines. (mrun) | |
30/10/14 | SR | 3.10 | B | bugfix: sums_ls_l must not be used with large_scale_forcing switched off. (subsidence) | |
25/10/14 | SR | 3.10 | C | bash compatibility adjustments: output formatting with printf instead of typeset -L/-R, print replaced by echo. (mbuild) | |
21/10/14 | FK | 3.10 | N,C,B | Changes due to new code structure of the plant canopy model. All parts of the plant canopy model are now combined within module plant_canopy_model. New:
| |
18/10/14 | SR | 3.10 | N,C,B | New: Adjustments for using CUDA-aware OpenMPI. The local MPI rank is determined from environment variable OMPI_COMM_WORLD_LOCAL_RANK. (palm) Changed: Use 2d-decomposition, if accelerator boards are used. (poisfft) Bugfixes:
cudafft workaround for data declaration of ar_tmp because of PGI 14.1 bug. (fft_xy) | |
17/10/14 | SR | 3.10 | N | Adjustments for 2nd stage of HLRNIII-system: new job-classes mpp1q, mpp1testq, mpp2q, mpp2testq. The Ivy-Bridge- (mpp1) or Haswell-nodes (mpp2) can be selected by including an additional line in the respective block of the .mrun.config-file, e.g.: %feature mpp2 lccrayb parallel (subjob) | |
24/09/14 | BM | 3.10 | B,C,N | New:
| |
04/09/14 | BW | 3.10 | N | Added new configuration file for ForWind jobs on HLRNIII. (.mrun.config.forwind_hlrnIII) | |
04/09/14 | MS | 3.10 | B | Bugfix: set dirichlet boundary condition for passive_scalar at model domain top (boundary_conds) | |
29/08/14 | RH | 3.10 | C | empty time records in volume, cross-section and masked data output prevented in case of non-parallel netcdf-output in restart runs (check_parameters) | |
22/08/14 | RH | 3.10 | C | local hosts for ibmh (blizzard) added (subjob) | |
21/08/14 | RH | 3.10 | B |
ntnudge increased from 100 to 1000 to allow longer simulations (modules) | |
07/08/14 | BM | 3.10 | B,C | HLRN watchdog adapted for HLRN-III. Blanks removed from <> strings in all .mrun.config files (.mrun.config*, hlrn_watchdog) | |
02/08/14 | ML | 3.10 | B | cpulog added to lpm_advec.o (Makefile) | |
24/07/14 | SR | 3.10 | C, N | Some configuration files have been adjusted (mainly for compiler options). (.mrun.config.hlrnIII, .mrun.config.imuk, .mrun.config.imuknb, new: .mrun.config.imuk_hlrnIII) | |
22/07/14 | RH | 3.10 | N | Mask output for nr, qc and qr added. (init_masks, data_output_mask) | |
22/07/14 | SR | 3.10 | C | Contents of example run control file adjusted to current revision. (example_cbl_rc) | |
21/07/14 | MK | 3.10 | B | Bugfix: Added missing parameter coupling_mode_remote to ONLY-attribute. (init_pegrid) | |
18/07/14 | MK | 3.10 | N | Added new configuration file for the IMUK Linux notebooks. (.mrun.config.imuknb) | |
15/07/14 | MS | 3.10 | C | Wavenumber-integrated spectra coincide with respective variance. (calc_spectra, modules, init_3d_model) | |
15/07/14 | HK | 3.10 | N | Ensemble run capability added to the new parallel random number generator. By setting the initialization parameter ensemble_member_nr to an integer between 1 and 2000, palm will produce statistically independent members of a simulation. (check_parameters, header, init_3d_model, modules, parin) | |
07/07/14 | BM | 3.10 | B | Bugfix in surface_coupler.f90. Computation of latent heat of vaporization was set for 100° Celsius. (surface_coupler) | |
05/07/14 | HK | 3.10 | B | Bugfix for the new parallel random number generator. Each processor is now generating random numbers only for the initial random perturbations in his own subdomain. Additionally some continuation line markers are moved to column 80. (check_parameters, disturb_field) | |
02/07/14 | FK | 3.10 | C | Automatic restarts enabled for lccrayb and adjustment of path to at IMUK (see automatic restarts). (mrun) | |
10/06/14 | SR | 3.10 | C | -j1 option added to aprun command for lccrayf (CSC). (mrun) | |
06/06/14 | JF | 3.10 | B | Bugfixes concerning grid stretching for the ocean and calculation of the salinity flux in routine surface_coupler (init_grid, surface_coupler) | |
04/06/14 | MS | 3.10 | B | Bugfixes concerning new particles structure. (lpm, user_lpm_advec, user_lpm_init) | |
31/05/14 | TG | 3.10 | B | Bugfix: First and last grid points as they appear in 3D volume data can now be included to masked data output. (init_masks) | |
26/05/14 | MS | 3.10 | C | Initial horizontal velocity fields were not set to zero at the first vertical grid level in case of non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions. (init_3d_model) | |
23/05/14 | MS | 3.10 | B | Bugfixes: Set inflow boundary conditions also if no humidity or passive_scalar is used. (boundary_conds) Set wall_flags_0 also at inflow and outflow boundary. (init_grid) | |
16/05/14 | SR | 3.10 | B | openACC bugfix for PGI-compiler version 14.4: declare create statement moved behind array declaration. (poisfft, tridia_solver) Setting of initial horizontal velocities to zero at level k=1 only in case of no-slip boundary condition. (init_3d_model) | |
14/05/14 | MK | 3.10 | B | Missing dependencies for progress_bar added. (Makefile) | |
09/05/14 | SR | 3.10 | N | Output of location messages complemented. Output of progress bar to stdout added (does not appear in batch jobs). (Makefile, check_parameters, cpulog, init_pegrid, init_3d_model, message, palm, parin, time_integration, new: progress_bar) Preprocessor switch __intel_compiler added, -r8 compiler options removed. (.mrun.config.default, .mrun.config.imuk, .mrun.config.kiaps) Variable batch_job added to envpar-NAMELIST. (mrun, parin) | |
09/05/14 | HK | 3.10 | N | A parallel random number generator has been added and can be selected by setting the parameter random_generator to 'random-parallel' . (Makefile, check_parameters, disturb_field, init_3d_model, read_3d_binary, write_3d_binary, new: random_generator_parallel) Note: The parallel random number generator is a preliminary feature and still buggy. | |
07/05/14 | RH | 3.10 | C/B |
Adjustments in case of nudging. u_init and v_init are set to the current nudging profiles. In Rayleigh-damping terms, u_init and v_init are used instead of ug and vg to homogenize the treatment in case of nudging. (boundary_conds, nudging, prognostic_equations)
| |
06/05/14 | SR | 3.10 | B | copyin clause replaced by update device statement in openACC-branch. (flow_statistics) | |
06/05/14 | MK | 3.10 | B | KIND-attribute added to all INTEGER and REAL declaration statements. (combine_plot_fields) | |
06/05/14 | SR | 3.10 | B | KIND attribute added to CMPLX functions. (fft_xy) | |
06/05/14 | BM | 3.10 | B | Adjustments for compilation on lcxe6 (.mrun.config.lcxe6, mbuild) | |
05/05/14 | LB | 3.10 | B | Bugfix: The output of large scale forcing tendencies (td_lsa_lpt|q, td_sub_lpt|q) has been corrected. The tendencies were calculated at the wrong (simulated) time. (flow_statistics.f90) | |
02/05/14 | SR | 3.10 | N | Output of location messages to stdout (terminal or job protocol file) in order to allow for a better error detection. Preliminary. Will be further completed / modified in a later version. (check_parameters, init_pegrid, init_3d_model, message, parin, time_integration) | |
30/04/14 | LB | 3.10 | C |
Renamed variables which store large scale forcing tendencies: Neumann boundary conditions were added to the profile data output of large scale advection, large scale subsidence and nudging terms at nzt+1. (flow_statistics.f90, nudging.f90, subsidence.f90) The weighting factor that is used in the summation of nudging and subsidence tendencies for profile data output was changed from weight_pres to weight_substep. (nudging.f90, subsidence.f90) | |
28/04/14 | RH | 3.10 | C | Upper boundary conditions for pt and q in case of nudging adjusted. (boundary_conds, Makefile, nudging, prognostic_equations, subsidence, time_integration) | |
26/04/14 | LB | 3.10 | B | Two typos corrected (header.f90) | |
25/04/14 | SR | 3.10 | B | Several bugfixes for the case running PALM without pointers on NVidia-GPUs (switches -D__nopointer -D__openacc -D__cuda_fft are used): Missing variables added to ONLY lists in USE statements. (advec_s_bc, advec_s_pw, advec_s_up, advec_ws, buoyancy, diffusion_e, diffusion_s, fft_xy, flow_statistics, palm, prognostic_equations) Missing module kinds added. (cuda_fft_interfaces) Kind dpk renamed dp. (fft_xy) Missing dependency for check_open added. (Makefile) Variables removed from acc-present-list. (diffusion_e, diffusion_w, diffusivities, production_e, wall_fluxes) Syntax errors removed from openacc-branch. (flow_statistics) USE-statement for the nopointer-case added. (swap_timelevel) | |
24/04/14 | SR | 3.10 | B | openMP-bugfix for fftw: some arrays defined as threadprivate. (fft_xy) | |
24/04/14 | SR | 3.10 | N/C | New: Routine description added. (cpulog) Changed: Usage of module interfaces removed. (lpm_advec) | |
23/04/14 | BW | 3.10 | B | Bugfix: module kinds must be used (package_parin) | |
22/04/14 | LB | 3.10 | C/N | New: Large scale forcing for temperature and humidity enabled. If large_scale_forcing is set to .T., large scale advection tendencies and subsidence tendencies are read in from the external file LSF_DATA. The horizontal large scale advection tendencies are applied to the prognostic variables in the new subroutine ls_advec in the module ls_forcing. The new control parameter use_subsidence_tendencies determines how the large scale subsidence is computed. If it is set to .F. (default), the large scale subsidence velocity w_subs is used to advect the prognostic variables (subroutine subsidence). If it is set to .T., the subroutine subsidence is not called and the subsidence tendencies from LSF_DATA are applied to the prognostic variables in the new subroutine ls_advec. The usage of use_subsidence_tendencies requires large_scale_forcing = .T. as well as large_scale_subsidence = .T.. Note that because of these changes external files (LSF_DATA) that worked with previous revisions have to be modified. The profile data sets in LSF_DATA now must contain four new columns which provide large scale advection tendencies as well as subsidence tendencies. Standard output of profiles of large scale advection tendencies (td_lsa_lpt, td_lsa_q), large scale subsidence tendencies (td_sub_lpt, td_sub_q) and nudging tendencies (td_nud_lpt, td_nud_q, td_nud_u and td_nud_v) is now possible. A new section called 'Large scale forcing and nudging' has been added to the header. Changes: New module calc_mean_profile added (previously a subroutine in module buoyancy). Removed redundant calls of MPI_ALLREDUCE from nudging.f90. (buoyancy.f90, calc_mean_profile.f90, check_parameters.f90, flow_statistics.f90, header.f90, ls_forcing.f90, Makefile, modules.f90, nudging.f90, parin.f90, prognostic_equations.f90, subsidence.f90, time_integration.f90) | |
17/04/14 | MK | 3.10 | B | cpulog added to lpm_pack_arrays.90 (Makefile) | |
16/04/14 | FH | 3.10 | C/B | Two-moment cloud microphysics improved. As a new default, two-moment cloud microphysics are called just once before the time step (and not before every sub-time step). Not affecting the results substantial, these changes increases the computational feasibility of the two-moment cloud microphysics scheme. Note that the computation of microphysics before every sub-time step is still possible by setting the new parameter call_microphysics_at_all_substeps = .T.. A vector-type CPU optimized version of the two-moment cloud physics was added as well. Moreover, the individual subroutines of microphyiscs were reviewd to increase their computational performance. The computation of turbulent surface fluxes of rain water content (qr) and rain drop concentration (nr) were added (bugfix). The default of drizzle has been set to .T., since analysis showed that its computational needs are marginal. In prognostic_equations, w_subs is allocated only if it is not allocated before (bugfix). (advec_s_bc, advec_ws, boundary_conds, check_parameters, init_3d_model, init_cloud_physics, Makefile, microphysics, modules, parin, prandtl_fluxes, prognostic_equations) | |
11/04/14 | FH | 3.10 | C/N/B | Integration of the new Lagrangian particle structure (4D-array insetad of 1d-array). Particle tails are currently not available. lpm_extend_particle_array.f90 and lpm_sort_arrays.f90 were deleted, since they are not necessary due to the new particle structure. mod_particle_attributes.f90 was added to PALM and contains all particle related variables (a former part of modules.f90). A bugfix in write_3d_binary.f90 was necessary to allow restart runs using particles. Several other files were changed (check_open.f90, check_parameters.f90, data_output_2d.f90, data_output_3d.f90, data_output_mask.f90, data_output_ptseries.f90, header.f90, init_3d_model.f90, lpm.f90, lpm_advec.f90, lpm_boundary_conds.f90, lpm_calc_liquid_water_content.f90, lpm_collision_kernels.f90, lpm_data_output_particles.f90, lpm_droplet_collision.f90, lpm_droplet_condensation.f90, lpm_exchange_horiz.f90, lpm_extend_particle_array.f90, lpm_extend_tail_array.f90, lpm_extend_tails.f90, lpm_init.f90, lpm_init_sgs_tke.f90, lpm_pack_arrays.f90, lpm_read_restart_file.f90, lpm_release_set.f90, lpm_set_attributes.f90, lpm_sort_arrays.f90, lpm_write_exchange_statistics.f90, lpm_write_restart_file.f90, Makefile, Makefile_check, mod_particle_attributes.f90, modules.f90, package_parin.f90, parin.f90, read_3d_binary.f90, sum_up_3d_data.f90, user_lpm_advec.f90, user_lpm_init.f90, user_lpm_set_attributes.f90, write_3d_binary.f90). | |
11/04/14 | BW | 3.10 | C | Adjustments for lccrayh (automatic restarts on lccrayh outside of IMUK are now possible, mrun) | |
10/04/14 | RH | 3.10 | C | Error message specified in case that the NUDGING_DATA has a maximum vertical height that is smaller than the vertical grid used in PALM. (nudging) | |
08/04/14 | PALM team | 3.10 | B |
Attention: About 74 PALM-FORTRAN-files in the SOURCE-directory are affected by these changes. | |
04/04/14 | BM | 3.10 | B | Re-adjustments for lcxe6 after software updates on hexagon (.mrun.config.lcxe6, subjob, mbuild). | |
27/03/14 | SR | 3.10 | B | Some missed variables added to ONLY-list. (exchange_horiz, exchange_horiz_2d) | |
27/03/14 | RH | 3.10 | B/C | Bugfix: REAL constants provided with KIND-attribute especially in call of intrinsic function like MAX, MIN, SIGN. (advec_bc, data_output_dvrp, inflow_turbulence, init_1d_model, init_advec, microphysics, lpm_collision_kernel, lpm_droplet_condensation) Changed:
-qrealsize=8 removed, fftw include and library path added, debug options added (.mrun.config.ibmh) | |
26/03/14 | FK | 3.10 | B | Bugfix: Added missing parameters bc_lr and bc_ns to ONLY-attribute. (exchange_horiz) | |
26/03/14 | FK | 3.10 | B | Bugfix: REAL constants provided with KIND-attribute. (calc_spectra, fft_xy, pres, production_e, random_function, random_gauss, temperton_fft, time_integration, time_to_string, timestep, tridia_solver) | |
25/03/14 | FK | 3.10 | B | Bugfix: REAL constants provided with KIND-attribute. (diffusion_e, diffusion_s, diffusion_u, diffusion_v, diffusion_w, diffusivities, init_3d_model, package_parin, plant_canopy_model, prandtl_fluxes) | |
25/03/14 | RH | 3.10 | B | Bugfix: REAL constants provided with KIND-attribute. (prognostic_equations) | |
25/03/14 | SR | 3.10 | C | Routine write_compressed removed. (Makefile, deleted: write_compressed) | |
25/03/14 | RH | 3.10 | B | Bugfix: REAL constants provided with KIND-attribute. (init_cloud_physics, microphysics) | |
25/03/14 | MS | 3.10 | B | Bugfix: call advec_ws or advec_pw for TKE only if NOT use_upstream_for_tke. (prognostic_equations) | |
24/03/14 | MS | 3.10 | C | In case of SGS-particle velocity, advection of TKE is also allowed with dissipative 5th-order scheme. (check_parameters, prognostic_equations) | |
21/03/14 | SR | 3.10 | C/B | Changed:
-s real64 removed (.mrun.config.hlrnIII)
deleted: .mrun.config.imuk_ice2_netcdf4 .mrun.config.imuk_hlrn REAL constants defined as wp-KIND. (modules) "baroclinicity" renamed "baroclinity", "ocean version" replaced by "ocean mode". (check_parameters) Code parts concerning old output formats "iso2d" and "avs" removed. netCDF is the only remaining output format. (check_open, check_parameters, close_file, data_output_mask, data_output_profiles, data_output_ptseries, data_output_spectra, data_output_tseries, data_output_2d, data_output_3d, header, lpm_data_output_part, lpm_exchange_horiz, lpm_init, lpm_release_set, modules, parin, deleted: write_compressed) Bugfixes: duplicate error message 56 removed. (check_parameters) | |
21/03/14 | BM | 3.10 | N,B | New code: New script document:changes has been added, which allows the automatic move of comments from "Current revisions:" to "Former revisions" (document_changes). Bugfixes: Some old comments in "Current revisions:" have been moved to "Former revisions:" (buoyancy.f90, mrun, nc2vdf, nc2vdf.config, nc2vdf.ncl) | |
21/03/14 | MS | 3.10 | B | Bugfixes in ONLY-attributes. (calc_spectra, data_output_spectra, header, init_masks, package_parin, surface_coupler, transpose, write_var_list) | |
20/03/14 |
PALM- | 3.10 | C/B |
Changes: | |
20/03/14 |
PALM- | 3.10 | C |
Attention: All PALM-FORTRAN-files in the SOURCE-directory are affected by these changes. | |
17/03/14 | SR | 3.10 | C | Former files/routines cpu_log and cpu_statistics combined to one file/module cpulog, which also includes the former data module cpulog from the modules-file. (new: cpulog, removed: cpu_log, cpu_statistics, changed: about 50 routines) | |
17/03/14 | RH | 3.10 | B | Bugfix: Allocation of w_subs. (init_3d_model) | |
14/03/14 | MS | 3.10 | N | Vertical logarithmic interpolation of horizontal particle speed for particles between roughness height and first vertical grid level. (lpm_advec, lpm_init, modules) | |
14/03/14 | JF | 3.10 | C | Text correction (header.f90) | |
14/03/14 | RH | 3.10 | C | Bugfixes: forgotten dependency and #if clause not closed (data_output_2d, Makefile) | |
14/03/14 | SR | 3.10 | C | Update of GPL copyright. (all files under GPL) | |
13/03/14 | JF | 3.10 | C |
Changed: Changes to increase the performance of the parallel netCDF output:
Attention: So far, parallel NetCDF output is only available for 2D- and 3D-data and not for masked data. | |
13/03/14 | SR | 3.10 | N/C |
Changed: Second argument removed from routine poisfft, because it was unused. (poisfft, pres) | |
12/03/14 | SR | 3.10 | B/C |
Bugfix: single core MPI runs missed some settings of transpose indices. (init_pegrid)
Changed: | |
06/03/14 | RH | 3.10 | C/B | Enable usage of large_scale_subsidence in combination with large_scale_forcing where the profile for the subsidence velocity w_subs can be prescribed. w_subs is now part of the standard profile output. (check_parameters, flow_statistics, header, init_3d_model, ls_forcing, parin) | |
04/03/14 | SR | 3.10 | N | Release 3.10 created. | |
04/03/14 | SR | 3.10 | C | Version update to 3.10. (palm) Script comments translated to English. fimm-, scirocco-, ibmy-, nech-, and sgi-specific code removed. (mbuild, mrun, subjob) Routine local_getenv removed. (interpret_config) | |
28/01/14 | SR | 3.9 | N | tasks_per_node must not be an integral divisor of numprocs any more. This change was done in order to remove annoying restrictions concerning the number of processors, which appear on machines with larger nodes (e.g. containing 24 cores). Now, without this restriction, one of the nodes will be filled with less than the given number of tasks per node. A respective warning is given. (mrun, subjob) | |
21/01/14 | JF | 3.9 | N | Temporary workaround for lccrayb/h, increasing the limit of open files per processor which is needed for combine_plot_fields. The system preferences is currently 1024 open files per processor (.mrun.config.hlrnIII). | |
15/01/14 | RH | 3.9 | C | Usage of Dirichlet bottom boundary condition for scalars in conjunction with large scale forcing enabled (check_parameters, ls_forcing, prandtl_fluxes, time_integration) | |
09/01/14 | RH | 3.9 | C | Adjustments for lccrayh (mbuild, mrun, subjob, .mrun.config.hlrnIII) | |
08/01/14 | BW | 3.9 | C | Small adjustment for lcflow (mrun) | |
16/12/13 | JF | 3.9 | C |
Call of combine_plot_fields adjusted for lccrayb/lccrayh. | |
12/12/13 | RH | 3.9 | B | Bugfix: argument of calc_mean_profile corrected (nudging) | |
11/12/13 | RH | 3.9 | C | Adjustment for lccrayb: use msub instead of qsub (subjob) | |
9/12/13 | JF | 3.9 | B | Bugfix: Using number of nodes instead of number of processors for lccrayb (subjob) | |
9/12/13 | JF | 3.9 | C | Further adjustments for lccrayb, change from qsub to msub command (subjob) | |
8/11/13 | SR | 3.9 | N, C, B |
Changed: openACC loop independent clauses added. (boundary_conds, prandtl_fluxes, pres) openACC declare create statements moved after FORTRAN declaration statement. (diffusion_u, diffusion_v, diffusion_w, fft_xy, poisfft, production_e, tridia_solver) openACC end parallel replaced by end parallel loop. (flow_statistics, pres) openACC kernels do replaced by kernels loop. (prandtl_fluxes)
output format for theta* changed to avoid output of * in the run-control file.
Bugfix: | |
7/11/13 | JF | 3.9 | B | Bugfix: add ref_state to read_parts_of_var_list, otherwise ref_state is zero for initializing_actions = 'cyclic_fill' (read_var_list) Bugfix: q is set to qr in case that q is smaller than qr (calc_liquid_water_content) | |
7/11/13 | RH | 3.9 | C | Bugfix: calculate dtm and dtp also in vector version (nudging) | |
6/11/13 | RH | 3.9 | C | Remove call of user module and some reformatting (ls_forcing, nudging) | |
4/11/13 | RH | 3.9 | C | NCL function getfilevarnames changed with NCL version 6.1.1 and higher. This required adaptation in the PALM NCL scripts. (cross_sections.ncl, profiles.ncl, spectra.ncl, timeseries.ncl) | |
1/11/13 | RH | 3.9 | N | Enable usage of nudging also for accelerator version. (prognostic equations) | |
31/10/13 | SR | 3.9 | B | Bugfix for index bounds in case of 3d-parallel output. (data_output_3d) | |
30/10/13 | RH | 3.9 | N, C |
Changed: | |
14/10/13 | FH | 3.9 | C | Configuration file for HLRN III changed (.mrun.config.hlrnIII). | |
27/09/13 | SR | 3.9 | B | The number of spectra levels to be output is checked for 0. (check_parameters) | |
25/09/13 | MK | 3.9 | N | Added new configuration file for the PALM seminar at CUHK (Chinese University of Hong Kong) (.mrun.config.cuhk) | |
25/09/13 | FK | 3.9 | N | Update of some tutorial presentations. (installation.tex, palm_structure.tex, user_defined_code.tex) | |
23/09/13 | FK | 3.9 | N | Update of tutorial presentation "PALM overview". (palm_overview.tex) | |
20/09/13 | FK | 3.9 | C | Made some changes to create a more generic version of tutorial presentation "Debugging". (debugging.tex) | |
20/09/13 | FK | 3.9 | N | Added new block (parallel trace) for debug version. (.mrun.config.default) | |
19/09/13 | FK | 3.9 | B | Some typos have been removed in tutorial. (exercise_neutral.tex) | |
18/09/13 | MF | 3.9 | N | Update of several tutorial presentations (exercise_neutral.tex, installation.tex, non_cyclic_boundary_conditions.tex, numerics_bc.tex,parallelization.tex, program_structure.tex, runs_with_mrun.tex, sgs_models.tex, topography.tex, user_defined_code.tex). | |
16/09/13 | SR | 3.9 | N | First adjustments for HLRN-III system (lccrayb). (mrun, subjob, new: .mrun.config.hlrnIII) Dummy interface added to avoid compiler warnings. (cuda_fft_interfaces) | |
10/09/13 | SR | 3.9 | N, C, B |
Changed: The type of flag array wall_flags_0, used in the Wicker-Skamarock scheme for advection of the vertical wind component, has been changed to 32bit INTEGER. An additional array wall_flags_00 has been introduced to hold flag bits 32-63. This is required because the former used KIND = SELECTED_INT_KIND(11) caused wrong results with openACC. (advec_ws, init_grid, modules, palm)
Bugfix: | |
30/08/13 | RH | 3.9 | B | Usage of own branch for fftw enabled (fft_xy). | |
26/08/13 | SR | 3.9 | N, C, B |
New: Due to fftw (instead of Temperton, r1210), tridia-solver improvements (r1212) and the better cache usage, the fft-solver speeds up for about 20% (on a 1024x1024x512 grid). (fft_xy, header, modules, parin, poisfft, tridia_solver, Makefile_check) fftw implemented for 1D-decomposition. (fft_xy)
Bugfix: | |
21/08/13 | FK | 3.9 | N | Added parameter check for simultaneous use of vertical grid stretching and particle advection (check_parameters). | |
15/08/13 | SR | 3.9 | C | The tridiagonal solver has been moved to a separate module. The tridiagonal matrix coefficients of array tri are calculated only once at the beginning, which speeds up the solver by almost a factor of two. In connection with this change, the old hybrid Poisson-solver (which allowed parallel transposition/calculation in case of a 1d domain decomposition) has been removed. (Makefile, Makefile_check, check_parameters, header, modules, init_pegrid, init_3d_model, palm, poisfft, pres, new: tridia_solver, removed: poisfft_hybrid) Object file list replaced by a simple one line statement. (Makefile_check) | |
14/08/13 | SR | 3.9 | N, C |
Changed: | |
13/08/13 | SR | 3.9 | N | acc-update clauses added for array "ar", so that ffts other than cufft can also be used (although they are not ported and will give a poor performance). (poisfft) | |
18/07/13 | BW | 3.9 | B | Bugfix: typo in preprocessor directive removed (netcdf) | |
15/07/13 | FK | 3.9 | N,B | New: general requirement information has been added to tutorial for PALM installation at hlrn. (installation.tex) Bugfix: some typos have been removed in tutorial. (canopy_model.tex) | |
10/07/13 | BW | 3.9 | C | Script adjustments for Forwind cluster (lcflow). (mrun, subjob, batch_scp, .mrun.config.forwind) | |
05/07/13 | SR | 3.9 | N | Script adjustments for CSC Helsinki (lccrayf), Cray XC30 with SLURM batch system. (mrun, subjob, new: .mrun.config.csc_sisu) Executables for batch jobs can be created in advance (i.e. when mrun is called by the user), in order to avoid calling the compiler within the batch job. This feature is required for hosts which do not allow compiler calls on the batch nodes and which also do not allow ssh calls to the login nodes. The feature can be switched on by adding the line %create_executable_for_batch true in the configuration file. Attention: It only works if local host and remote host is identical, i.e. you have to call mrun on that host where the batch job should run (no remote batch jobs allowed). | |
04/07/13 | FK | 3.9 | B | Bugfix: some typos have been removed in tutorial. (exercise_cbl.tex, exercise_neutral.tex) | |
01/07/13 | RH | 3.9 | B | Bugfix: allocation of ref_state was moved from init_3d_model to parin and read_var_list (init_3d_model, parin, read_var_list) | |
25/06/13 | RH | 3.9 | B | Enable automatic restarts of ibmh (mrun) | |
20/06/13 | RH | 3.9 | B | Bugfix in modes 'min' and 'max': x and z component were interchanged (global_min_max) | |
18/06/13 | SR | 3.9 | B | Bugfix: 0.0 replaced by zu(nzb) as the lowest default height level for masks, because a zero value does not work in case of ocean runs. (init_masks) | |
17/06/13 | RH | 3.9 | C | Explicit use of classes cluster and express enabled for ibmh (mrun, subjob) | |
14/06/13 | SR | 3.9 | N, C, B |
New, Changed: Initial profile for rho added to array hom (id=77). (check_parameters) Attention: Model results from this version slightly differ from those of earlier versions due to the change in the default reference state. The example result file (see example_cbl_rc). This version does not allow to read restart files created with earlier versions! | |
31/05/13 | MG | 3.9 | B | Bugfix: Since r667 there was a bug in the definition of the initial profiles of pt, ug, vg, q and lad (in atmosphere). r667 sets the level zu(0) to 0 (in older revisons it was defined as dz(0)=-0.5 dz) and this change was not considered in the part which calculates the initial profiles from prescribed gradients. The bug had only an effect if a non-zero gradient was set between the first two grid levels and caused a small shift of the complete profile. (check_parameters) | |
30/05/13 | SR | 3.9 | N, C, B |
New: New option -e for simple-run command, which defines the execution command to be used to run PALM. Compiler-option-set for pgi/openacc added. (palm_simple_run, new: Three parameter sets for openACC benchmarks added. (trunk/EXAMPLES/benchmark_acc)
Bugfix: | |
24/05/13 | SR | 3.9 | C, B |
Bugfix: | |
24/05/13 | SR | 3.9 | C | Small changes in tutorial. (runs_with_mrun.tex) | |
21/05/13 | JF | 3.9 | B | Bugfix: If radiation boundary conditions are used, the calculation method of the phase velocity is now set by the logical operator use_cmax. The case use_cmax = .T. was wrongly defined as Neumann boundary condition before. (boundary_conds, check_parameters, header, init_3d_model, init_pegrid, modules, parin, poismg). | |
10/05/13 | SR | 3.9 | C | Code adjustments of accelerator version required by PGI 13.4 / CUDA 5.0. (buoyancy, cuda_fft_interfaces, fft_xy, init_3d_model, wall_fluxes) | |
18/04/13 | SR | 3.9 | B | Bugfix for calculating the id of the PE carrying the recycling plane. (init_pegrid) | |
12/04/13 | SR | 3.9 | N, C |
Changed: | |
11/04/13 | FH | 3.9 | B | Bugfix: Legends (time, file) are plotted at the first plot of every page (profiles.ncl). | |
10/04/13 | FH | 3.9 | B | Bugfix: Palmplot pr can be used with multiple files (file_1, ..., file_6). Palmplot pr changes var='cross_profiles' to var='all' if statistic regions are used. (profiles.ncl) | |
09/04/13 | SR | 3.9 | B | Bugfix: variable memory is exported via typeset option -x, because otherwise an unknown side effect may lead to data loss while getopts is reading the script-option arguments. (mrun) | |
09/04/13 | RH | 3.9 | B | Bugfix: change type of variable last_char from integer to character. (mrun) | |
05/04/13 | SR | 3.9 | B | Calls of fft_x and fft_y replaced by fft_x_1d and fft_y_1d. (calc_spectra) | |
05/04/13 | SR | 3.9 | B | Bugfix for setting -T option for subjob. (mrun) | |
27/03/13 | MS | 3.9 | B | Bugfix in OpenMP parallelization. (pres) | |
26/03/13 | FH | 3.9 | C, B |
Bugfix: | |
10/03/13 | SR | 3.9 | N, C, B |
Bugfix: | |
09/03/13 | SR | 3.9 | N, C, B |
New: Optimization of tridia routines: constant elements and coefficients of array tri are stored in separate arrays ddzuw and tric and only calculated once at beginning. Last dimension of tri has been reduced from 5 to 2. Routine poisfft_init is now called internally from poisfft. (Makefile, Makefile_check, init_pegrid, init_3d_model, modules, palm, poisfft, poisfft_hybrid) CPU-time per grid point and timestep is output to CPU_MEASURES file. (cpu_statistics, modules, time_integration)
Changed: Pressure boundary condition "Neumann+inhomo" has been removed from the code. (check_parameters, header, poisfft, poisfft_hybrid, pres)
Bugfixes: CUDA fft plans adjusted for domain decomposition (before they have always been defined for the total domain). (fft_xy) | |
05/03/13 | SR | 3.9 | B | Bugfix for r1106. (header) Bugfix for coupled runs on lckyut/lckyuh. (mrun) | |
04/03/13 | SR | 3.9 | N, B, C |
New: --stdin argument has been added to mpiexec statement on lckyuh. Argument settings of -y and -Y output to header. (mrun)
Changed: Some format changes for coupled atmosphere-ocean runs. (header) Small changes in code formatting. (microphysics, prognostic_equations)
Bugfixes: Initial time for preruns of coupled runs is output as -coupling_start_time. (data_output_profiles) | |
20/02/13 | SR | 3.9 | B, C |
Changed: subjob has also been made bash-compatible. (subjob) Further adjutments for lckyuh. (mrun, subjob, added: .mrun.config.hayaka)
Bugfixes: tri, ar, and ar1 array arguments in tridia-routines (2d) are removed because they sometimes cause segmentation faults with the INTEL 12.1 compiler. (poisfft) | |
17/02/13 | SR | 3.9 | C | mrun script now running under bash instead of ksh. This required small adjustments in output formatting (alignment is done with printf instead using strings defined with "typeset -L/-R"-command). print commands are replaced by echo. Small changes for reading from stdin. (mrun) Cross compilername on lckyuh compute nodes replaced by real compiler name. (mrun) | |
10/02/13 | SR | 3.9 | N | Adjustments for Forwind cluster (lcflow). First, incomplete, adjustments for Kyushu University computing center (hayaka -lckyuh). Further small adjustments for lckyut (tatara). (batch_scp, mbuild, mrun, subjob, .mrun.config.forwind, .mrun.config.tatara) | |
03/02/13 | SR | 3.9 | B | FORTRAN error in r1092 removed. (modules) | |
03/02/13 | SR | 3.9 | N, C |
Changed: | |
02/02/13 | SR | 3.9 | C | Unused variables removed from several subroutines. (advec_s_bc, check_open, check_parameters, close_file, cpu_statistics, data_output_mask, data_output_profiles, data_output_tseries, diffusion_s, exchange_horiz_2d, fft_xy, header, inflow_turbulence, init_3d_model, init_grid, init_pegrid, local_tremain_ini, lpm_collision_kernels, lpm_droplet_collision, lpm_droplet_condensation, lpm_init, microphysics, modules, netcdf, palm, parin, poisfft, poismg, pres, prognostic_equations, random_function, read_var_list, surface_coupler, time_integration, timestep, transpose, write_compressed) | |
02/02/13 | SR | 3.9 | N | Script adjustments for Kyushu-University computing center (lckyut). (batch_scp, mbuild, mrun, subjob) | |
04/01/13 | BM | 3.9 | B | Bugfixes in the parameter file check (mrun, mbuild). | |