
This page is part of the UV Exposure Model (UVEM) documentation.
It contains a documentation about the output of the exposure model.
For an overview of all UVEM-related pages, see the UV Exposure Model main page.

The output by the uv exposure model is always two dimensional and is provided for the ground cell. Available output of the exposure is instantaneous data and doses (sum of instantaneous data). A list of output quantities can be found below. To enable the output, add the respective quantity to the data_output section of the namelist.

quantity long name unit Remarks


Vitamin D3-weighted exposure



Vitamin D3-weighted exposure


In this case the "_xy" ending does not mean average but results in a summation of all the instantaneous exposure values of the respective grid points instead.

Last modified 5 years ago Last modified on Sep 30, 2019 10:58:11 AM