Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of gallery/movies/lead

Jul 8, 2014 9:09:09 AM (11 years ago)



  • gallery/movies/lead

    v2 v3  
    1 == Flow over an ice lead (2006) ==
     1= Flow over an ice lead =
    3 ||||='''Flow over an ice lead (2006)''' =||
    4 {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top; border: 0px solid"
     4== Flow over an ice lead (2006) #iceflow
    17 }}}
    18 {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top; border: 0px solid""
    1919'''Project:''' [[imuk/projects/2007_01|The Physics of turbulence over Antarctic leads and polynyas and its parameterization: a joint study using observations, LES and a micro-/mesoscale model]]\\
    2121'''Responsible:''' [[imuk/members/witha|Björn Witha]]\\
    23 '''Description:''' \\
    24 Leads in sea ice are responsible for most of the latent and sensible heat transfer from ocean to atmosphere within the marginal ice zones. The animation displays a flow along x (from left to right with a geostrophic wind of about 3 m/s) from sea ice over a lead of 1000m width. The incoming flow is laminar (without turbulence), neutrally stratified, and capped by an inversion above 300m. The surface temperature of ice is assumed to be -23.3C, while the open sea water has a temperature near the freezing point of about -3C. Particles are released near the surface and closely below the inversion. The particle color reflects the buoyancy at the current particle position (red: positive, blue: negative). The particle size is proportional to the magnitude of the vertical velocity component. Cyclic boundary conditions along y are assumed. Convection is generated above the lead but the flow re-stratifies soon after passing the lead. The spatial resolution of the model is still insufficient to resolve the turbulent convection above the first half (upstream part) of the lead.
     23'''Description:''' Leads in sea ice are responsible for most of the latent and sensible heat transfer from ocean to atmosphere within the marginal ice zones. The animation displays a flow along x (from left to right with a geostrophic wind of about 3 m/s) from sea ice over a lead of 1000m width. The incoming flow is laminar (without turbulence), neutrally stratified, and capped by an inversion above 300m. The surface temperature of ice is assumed to be -23.3C, while the open sea water has a temperature near the freezing point of about -3C. Particles are released near the surface and closely below the inversion. The particle color reflects the buoyancy at the current particle position (red: positive, blue: negative). The particle size is proportional to the magnitude of the vertical velocity component. Cyclic boundary conditions along y are assumed. Convection is generated above the lead but the flow re-stratifies soon after passing the lead. The spatial resolution of the model is still insufficient to resolve the turbulent convection above the first half (upstream part) of the lead.\\
    2525||||='''Model Setup'''  =||
    2626||Total domain size (x|y|z):||5760m x 1280m x 1477m||
    3636||Video Format  ||File size  ||
    3737||Flash (.flv)  ||  7.5mb||[[htdocs:gallery/movies/lead.flv|Download]]  ||
    38 \\
    39 }}}