5 | | ||||='''First sequence: 3D view on moist convection (2001)''' =|| |
6 | | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top; border: 0px solid" |
7 | | {{{#!html |
8 | | <embed |
9 | | type="application/x-shockwave-flash" |
10 | | id="player" |
11 | | name="player" |
12 | | src="http://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/chrome/site/gallery/player.swf" |
13 | | width="512" |
14 | | height="408" |
15 | | allowfullscreen="true" |
16 | | flashvars="file=http://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/chrome/site/gallery/movies/cbl5.flv&image=http://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/chrome/site/gallery//movies/cbl5_preview.jpg" |
17 | | /> |
18 | | }}} |
19 | | }}} |
20 | | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top; border: 0px solid"" |
21 | | '''Project:''' none\\ |
22 | | \\ |
23 | | '''Responsible:''' [[imuk/members/raasch|Siegfried Raasch]]\\ |
24 | | \\ |
25 | | '''Description:''' Particles are released near the surface. The particle color reflects the buoyancy at the current particle position (red: positive, blue: negative). The particle size is proportional to the magnitude of the vertical velocity component. The isososurfaces display areas with a liquid water content larger than 0.2 g/kg, i.e. cumulus clouds. The horizontal domain size in this simulation is too small in order to allow the development of the typical near-surface hexagonal flow pattern (see next two sequences).\\ |
26 | | ||||='''Model Setup''' =|| |
27 | | ||Total domain size (x|y|z):||2000m x 2000m x 4638m|| |
28 | | ||Grid spacing (x|y|z):||25m x 25m x 25m|| |
29 | | ||Number of grid points (x|y|z):||80 x 80 x 80|| |
30 | | ||Simulated time:||1h|| |
31 | | ||CPU-time:||176h|| |
32 | | ||Number of CPUs:||32|| |
33 | | ||Machine/ processor type:||SGI Altix ICE at HLRN / Intel Xeon Gainestown|| |
34 | | ||Visualization software:||DSVR|| |
35 | | \\ |
36 | | ||||||='''Download''' =|| |
37 | | ||Video Format ||File size || |
38 | | ||Flash (.flv) || 9.6mb||[[htdocs:gallery/movies/cbl5.flv|Download]] || |
39 | | ||MPEG (.avi) || 9.7mb||[[htdocs:gallery/movies/cbl5.avi|Download]] || |
40 | | \\ |
41 | | }}} |
42 | | |
43 | | |
44 | | \\ |
45 | | |
46 | | |
47 | | ||||='''Second & Third sequence: horizontal cross-sections (2009)''' =|| |
48 | | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top; border: 0px solid; width:512px" |
49 | | {{{#!html |
50 | | <embed |
51 | | type="application/x-shockwave-flash" |
52 | | id="player" |
53 | | name="player" |
54 | | src="http://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/chrome/site/gallery/player.swf" |
55 | | width="356" |
56 | | height="366" |
57 | | allowfullscreen="true" |
58 | | flashvars="file=http://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/chrome/site/gallery/movies/cbl_25fps_flash.flv&image=http://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/chrome/site/gallery/movies/cbl_preview.jpg" |
59 | | /> |
60 | | <br> |
61 | | <embed |
62 | | type="application/x-shockwave-flash" |
63 | | id="player" |
64 | | name="player" |
65 | | src="http://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/chrome/site/gallery/player.swf" |
66 | | width="356" |
67 | | height="366" |
68 | | allowfullscreen="true" |
69 | | flashvars="file=http://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/chrome/site/gallery/movies/cbl2_25fps_flash.flv&image=http://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/chrome/site/gallery/movies/cbl2_preview.jpg" |
70 | | /> |
71 | | }}} |
72 | | }}} |
73 | | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top; border: 0px solid"" |
74 | | '''Project:''' [[imuk/projects/2008_05|Numerical Simulation of the interaction between the atmosphere and the wing circulation]]\\ |
75 | | \\ |
76 | | '''Responsible:''' [[imuk/members/helmke|Carolin Helmke]]\\ |
77 | | \\ |
78 | | '''Description:''' \\ |
79 | | Second sequence:\\ |
80 | | Shown is the horizontal near-surface flow at z = 10m in a dry convective boundary layer. The particle color reflects the vertical velocity at the current particle position (red: upward, blue:downward). The near-surface flow is dominated by hexagonal cells with weak downdrafts in their centers and strong narrow updrafts within the lines of convergence between the cells. This flow pattern is sometimes called spoke-like pattern. Big plumes with cumulus clouds at their top can always be found at those centers where several spokes are merging. Although a very high grid resolution has been used, the pixel resolution used here does not allow to see any detailed small-scale flow structures. This sequence shows the last 15 minutes of a model run with 1.5 hours simulated time in total.\\ |
81 | | \\ |
82 | | Third sequence:\\ |
83 | | The simulation and particle features are the same as for the second sequence, but here only a part of the horizontal domain with a size of 400 m x 400 m is shown. The fine grid spacing allows to resolve vortex-like structures which develop within the convergence lines. Some of them are part of dust-devil-like vortices (see next sequence). |
84 | | ||||='''Model Setup''' =|| |
85 | | ||Total domain size (x|y|z):||4096.0m x 4096.0m x 1859.7m|| |
86 | | ||Grid spacing (x|y|z):||2m x 2m x 2m|| |
87 | | ||Number of grid points (x|y|z):||2048 x 2048 x 450|| |
88 | | ||Simulated time:||900s|| |
89 | | ||CPU-time:||4.8h|| |
90 | | ||Number of CPUs:||2048|| |
91 | | ||Machine/ processor type:||SGI Altix ICE at HLRN / Intel Xeon Gainestown|| |
92 | | ||Visualization software:||DSVR|| |
93 | | \\ |
94 | | ||||||='''Download''' =|| |
95 | | ||Video Format ||File size || |
96 | | ||Flash (.flv) || 13.7mb||[[htdocs:gallery/movies/cbl_25fps_flash.flv|Download]] (2nd Sequence) || |
97 | | ||MPEG (.avi) || 14.3mb||[[htdocs:gallery/movies/cbl_25fps_mpeg.avi|Download]] (2nd Sequence) || |
98 | | ||Flash (.flv) || 3.1mb||[[htdocs:gallery/movies/cbl2_25fps_flash.flv|Download]] (3nd Sequence) || |
99 | | ||MPEG (.avi) || 3.1mb||[[htdocs:gallery/movies/cbl2_25fps_mpeg.avi|Download]] (3rd Sequence) || |
100 | | \\ |
101 | | }}} |
102 | | |
103 | | |
104 | | \\ |
105 | | |
106 | | |
107 | | ||||='''Fourth sequence: dust devils (2006)''' =|| |
108 | | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top; border: 0px solid" |
109 | | {{{#!html |
110 | | <embed |
111 | | type="application/x-shockwave-flash" |
112 | | id="player" |
113 | | name="player" |
114 | | src="http://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/chrome/site/gallery/player.swf" |
115 | | width="512" |
116 | | height="368" |
117 | | allowfullscreen="true" |
118 | | flashvars="file=http://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/chrome/site/gallery/movies/dust_devil.flv&image=http://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/chrome/site/gallery/movies/dust_devil_preview.jpg" |
119 | | /> |
120 | | }}} |
121 | | }}} |
122 | | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top; border: 0px solid"" |
123 | | '''Project:''' [[imuk/projects/2006_02|LES of dust devils]]\\ |
124 | | \\ |
125 | | '''Responsible:''' [[imuk/members/franke|Theres Riechelmann]]\\ |
126 | | \\ |
127 | | '''Description:''' \\ |
128 | | This animation displays 3d-views of the lower 150m of the same convective boundary layer as shown before. Particles are released near the surface in those areas, where the dynamic pressure is below a specified threshold of -2 Pa. This allows to visualize dust-devil like vortices, which always have a pressure minimum in their center. The particle color displays the magnitude of horizontal velocity (red: fast, blue: slow). At the end of the sequence, two dust devils with opposite rotation collide and cancel out each other due to conservation of angular momentum. |
129 | | ||||='''Model Setup''' =|| |
130 | | ||Total domain size (x|y|z):||768m x 768m x 768m|| |
131 | | ||Grid spacing (x|y|z):||2m x 2m x 2m|| |
132 | | ||Number of grid points (x|y|z):||384 x 384 x 384|| |
133 | | ||Simulated time:||1h|| |
134 | | ||CPU-time:|||| |
135 | | ||Number of CPUs:|||| |
136 | | ||Machine/ processor type:||IBM Regatta / Power 4|| |
137 | | ||Visualization software:||DSVR|| |
138 | | \\ |
139 | | ||||||='''Download''' =|| |
140 | | ||Video Format ||File size || |
141 | | ||Flash (.flv) || 9.6mb||[[htdocs:gallery/movies/dust_devil.flv|Download]] || |
142 | | ||MPEG (.avi) || 9.7mb||[[htdocs:gallery/movies/dust_devil.avi|Download]] || |
143 | | \\ |
144 | | }}} |
145 | | |
146 | | |
147 | | \\ |
148 | | |
149 | | |
150 | | ||||='''Fifth sequence: dust devils in the convective boundary layer (2012)''' =|| |
151 | | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top; border: 0px solid" |
152 | | {{{#!html |
153 | | <embed |
154 | | type="application/x-shockwave-flash" |
155 | | id="player" |
156 | | name="player" |
157 | | src="http://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/chrome/site/gallery/player.swf" |
158 | | width="512" |
159 | | height="378" |
160 | | allowfullscreen="true" |
161 | | flashvars="file=http://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/chrome/site/gallery/movies/dd_flash.flv&image=http://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/chrome/site/gallery/movies/dd_preview.png" |
162 | | /> |
| 5 | |
| 6 | |
| 7 | ||||='''Dust devils in the convective boundary layer (2012)''' =|| |
| 8 | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top; border: 0px solid" |
| 9 | {{{#!html |
| 10 | <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/iJIRrk7tKws" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
| 71 | |
| 72 | |
| 73 | \\ |
| 74 | |
| 75 | |
| 76 | ||||='''Horizontal cross-sections (2009)''' =|| |
| 77 | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top; border: 0px solid; width:512px" |
| 78 | {{{#!html |
| 79 | <embed |
| 80 | type="application/x-shockwave-flash" |
| 81 | id="player" |
| 82 | name="player" |
| 83 | src="http://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/chrome/site/gallery/player.swf" |
| 84 | width="356" |
| 85 | height="366" |
| 86 | allowfullscreen="true" |
| 87 | flashvars="file=http://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/chrome/site/gallery/movies/cbl_25fps_flash.flv&image=http://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/chrome/site/gallery/movies/cbl_preview.jpg" |
| 88 | /> |
| 89 | <br> |
| 90 | <embed |
| 91 | type="application/x-shockwave-flash" |
| 92 | id="player" |
| 93 | name="player" |
| 94 | src="http://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/chrome/site/gallery/player.swf" |
| 95 | width="356" |
| 96 | height="366" |
| 97 | allowfullscreen="true" |
| 98 | flashvars="file=http://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/chrome/site/gallery/movies/cbl2_25fps_flash.flv&image=http://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/chrome/site/gallery/movies/cbl2_preview.jpg" |
| 99 | /> |
| 100 | }}} |
| 101 | }}} |
| 102 | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top; border: 0px solid"" |
| 103 | '''Project:''' [[imuk/projects/2008_05|Numerical Simulation of the interaction between the atmosphere and the wing circulation]]\\ |
| 104 | \\ |
| 105 | '''Responsible:''' [[imuk/members/helmke|Carolin Helmke]]\\ |
| 106 | \\ |
| 107 | '''Description:''' \\ |
| 108 | Second sequence:\\ |
| 109 | Shown is the horizontal near-surface flow at z = 10m in a dry convective boundary layer. The particle color reflects the vertical velocity at the current particle position (red: upward, blue:downward). The near-surface flow is dominated by hexagonal cells with weak downdrafts in their centers and strong narrow updrafts within the lines of convergence between the cells. This flow pattern is sometimes called spoke-like pattern. Big plumes with cumulus clouds at their top can always be found at those centers where several spokes are merging. Although a very high grid resolution has been used, the pixel resolution used here does not allow to see any detailed small-scale flow structures. This sequence shows the last 15 minutes of a model run with 1.5 hours simulated time in total.\\ |
| 110 | \\ |
| 111 | Third sequence:\\ |
| 112 | The simulation and particle features are the same as for the second sequence, but here only a part of the horizontal domain with a size of 400 m x 400 m is shown. The fine grid spacing allows to resolve vortex-like structures which develop within the convergence lines. Some of them are part of dust-devil-like vortices (see next sequence). |
| 113 | ||||='''Model Setup''' =|| |
| 114 | ||Total domain size (x|y|z):||4096.0m x 4096.0m x 1859.7m|| |
| 115 | ||Grid spacing (x|y|z):||2m x 2m x 2m|| |
| 116 | ||Number of grid points (x|y|z):||2048 x 2048 x 450|| |
| 117 | ||Simulated time:||900s|| |
| 118 | ||CPU-time:||4.8h|| |
| 119 | ||Number of CPUs:||2048|| |
| 120 | ||Machine/ processor type:||SGI Altix ICE at HLRN / Intel Xeon Gainestown|| |
| 121 | ||Visualization software:||DSVR|| |
| 122 | \\ |
| 123 | ||||||='''Download''' =|| |
| 124 | ||Video Format ||File size || |
| 125 | ||Flash (.flv) || 13.7mb||[[htdocs:gallery/movies/cbl_25fps_flash.flv|Download]] (2nd Sequence) || |
| 126 | ||MPEG (.avi) || 14.3mb||[[htdocs:gallery/movies/cbl_25fps_mpeg.avi|Download]] (2nd Sequence) || |
| 127 | ||Flash (.flv) || 3.1mb||[[htdocs:gallery/movies/cbl2_25fps_flash.flv|Download]] (3nd Sequence) || |
| 128 | ||MPEG (.avi) || 3.1mb||[[htdocs:gallery/movies/cbl2_25fps_mpeg.avi|Download]] (3rd Sequence) || |
| 129 | \\ |
| 130 | }}} |
| 131 | |
| 132 | |
| 133 | \\ |
| 134 | |
| 135 | |
| 136 | ||||='''Dust devils (2006)''' =|| |
| 137 | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top; border: 0px solid" |
| 138 | {{{#!html |
| 139 | <embed |
| 140 | type="application/x-shockwave-flash" |
| 141 | id="player" |
| 142 | name="player" |
| 143 | src="http://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/chrome/site/gallery/player.swf" |
| 144 | width="512" |
| 145 | height="368" |
| 146 | allowfullscreen="true" |
| 147 | flashvars="file=http://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/chrome/site/gallery/movies/dust_devil.flv&image=http://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/chrome/site/gallery/movies/dust_devil_preview.jpg" |
| 148 | /> |
| 149 | }}} |
| 150 | }}} |
| 151 | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top; border: 0px solid"" |
| 152 | '''Project:''' [[imuk/projects/2006_02|LES of dust devils]]\\ |
| 153 | \\ |
| 154 | '''Responsible:''' [[imuk/members/franke|Theres Riechelmann]]\\ |
| 155 | \\ |
| 156 | '''Description:''' \\ |
| 157 | This animation displays 3d-views of the lower 150m of the same convective boundary layer as shown before. Particles are released near the surface in those areas, where the dynamic pressure is below a specified threshold of -2 Pa. This allows to visualize dust-devil like vortices, which always have a pressure minimum in their center. The particle color displays the magnitude of horizontal velocity (red: fast, blue: slow). At the end of the sequence, two dust devils with opposite rotation collide and cancel out each other due to conservation of angular momentum. |
| 158 | ||||='''Model Setup''' =|| |
| 159 | ||Total domain size (x|y|z):||768m x 768m x 768m|| |
| 160 | ||Grid spacing (x|y|z):||2m x 2m x 2m|| |
| 161 | ||Number of grid points (x|y|z):||384 x 384 x 384|| |
| 162 | ||Simulated time:||1h|| |
| 163 | ||CPU-time:|||| |
| 164 | ||Number of CPUs:|||| |
| 165 | ||Machine/ processor type:||IBM Regatta / Power 4|| |
| 166 | ||Visualization software:||DSVR|| |
| 167 | \\ |
| 168 | ||||||='''Download''' =|| |
| 169 | ||Video Format ||File size || |
| 170 | ||Flash (.flv) || 9.6mb||[[htdocs:gallery/movies/dust_devil.flv|Download]] || |
| 171 | ||MPEG (.avi) || 9.7mb||[[htdocs:gallery/movies/dust_devil.avi|Download]] || |
| 172 | \\ |
| 173 | }}} |
| 174 | |
| 175 | |
| 176 | \\ |
| 177 | |
| 178 | ||||='''3D view on moist convection (2001)''' =|| |
| 179 | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top; border: 0px solid" |
| 180 | {{{#!html |
| 181 | <embed |
| 182 | type="application/x-shockwave-flash" |
| 183 | id="player" |
| 184 | name="player" |
| 185 | src="http://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/chrome/site/gallery/player.swf" |
| 186 | width="512" |
| 187 | height="408" |
| 188 | allowfullscreen="true" |
| 189 | flashvars="file=http://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/chrome/site/gallery/movies/cbl5.flv&image=http://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/chrome/site/gallery//movies/cbl5_preview.jpg" |
| 190 | /> |
| 191 | }}} |
| 192 | }}} |
| 193 | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top; border: 0px solid"" |
| 194 | '''Project:''' none\\ |
| 195 | \\ |
| 196 | '''Responsible:''' [[imuk/members/raasch|Siegfried Raasch]]\\ |
| 197 | \\ |
| 198 | '''Description:''' Particles are released near the surface. The particle color reflects the buoyancy at the current particle position (red: positive, blue: negative). The particle size is proportional to the magnitude of the vertical velocity component. The isososurfaces display areas with a liquid water content larger than 0.2 g/kg, i.e. cumulus clouds. The horizontal domain size in this simulation is too small in order to allow the development of the typical near-surface hexagonal flow pattern (see next two sequences).\\ |
| 199 | ||||='''Model Setup''' =|| |
| 200 | ||Total domain size (x|y|z):||2000m x 2000m x 4638m|| |
| 201 | ||Grid spacing (x|y|z):||25m x 25m x 25m|| |
| 202 | ||Number of grid points (x|y|z):||80 x 80 x 80|| |
| 203 | ||Simulated time:||1h|| |
| 204 | ||CPU-time:||176h|| |
| 205 | ||Number of CPUs:||32|| |
| 206 | ||Machine/ processor type:||SGI Altix ICE at HLRN / Intel Xeon Gainestown|| |
| 207 | ||Visualization software:||DSVR|| |
| 208 | \\ |
| 209 | ||||||='''Download''' =|| |
| 210 | ||Video Format ||File size || |
| 211 | ||Flash (.flv) || 9.6mb||[[htdocs:gallery/movies/cbl5.flv|Download]] || |
| 212 | ||MPEG (.avi) || 9.7mb||[[htdocs:gallery/movies/cbl5.avi|Download]] || |
| 213 | \\ |
| 214 | }}} |
| 215 | |