Version 6 (modified by scharf, 7 years ago) (diff)


PALM Tests

PALM features a test suite to ensure its reliability while development goes forward. It can be executed locally with the following options:

palmtest -h "<configuration>" -d "<list of test cases>" -X <max number of cores to execute on> -N "<test id>"

As these are all optional, the defaults are as follows:

  • configuration: default
  • list of test cases: all available
  • max number of cores to execute on: all available but not more that 32
  • test id: the current time

The Testserver

The server responsible for testing can be found here. It is a 32 Core shared memory node running Jenkins on top of Ubuntu Server 16.04. The server runs the following test script based on plain PALM installation.


palmtest -h "default" -N "${BUILD_NUMBER}" -X 32

if [[ ${result_default} -ne 0 ]]; then 
   palmtest -h "debug" -N "${BUILD_NUMBER}_debug" -X 32

if [[ ${result_default} -eq 0 ]] && [[ ${result_debug} -eq 0 ]]; then 
   exit 0
   exit 1

Rules for test case development

Please to comply with the following Rules while developing new test cases:

  1. The test case must be executable on 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 cores.
  2. The execution time of the test case on a single core should not exceed 10 seconds.
  3. The test case is only allowed to be committed after the developer made sure that the test can run successful on the server.

List of proposed test cases

Name Description Status Responsible Developers
example_cbl Simple good old convective boundary layer setup Implemented
ex_lsm_clearsky Basic LSM setup Implemented Katrin
test_oceanml Basic ocean mixed layer setup Implemented Siggi
FFTW / MG setup Missing
humidity setup humidity is used in ex_lsm_clearsky
passive scalar setup Missing
topography setup Missing
particle LCM setup Missing
bulk-microphysics setup Missing
non-cyclic recycling setup Missing
non-cyclic turbulence generator setup Missing
cyclic fill setup Missing
restart setup Missing
all output activated setup Missing
USM + canopy setup Missing
RRTMG setup Missing
nesting setup Missing
chemistry setup Missing

List of proposed build setups

Name Description Status Responsible Developers
default Based on gfortran, MPICH2, FFTW and NetCDF with options: -O3 -ffree-line-length-none Implemented Helge
debug Based on default but with debug options: -O0 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -fcheck=all -fbacktrace Implemented Helge
different compiler: intel/cray/pgi ? Missing
non-MPI Missing
non-NetCDF Missing
nopointer Missing
non-FFTW Missing
RRTMG Missing
KPP_CHEM Missing

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