Version 5 (modified by raasch, 12 years ago) (diff) |
Porting the code to NVidia GPU using the openACC programming model
Currently, PALM-GPU usage has following restrictions / requirements:
- 2d domain decomposition (or 1PE, single-core)
- cyclic lateral boundary conditions
- no humidity / cloud physics
- no topography
- no Lagrangian particle model
Tests can be done on host inferno only, using the PGI-FORTRAN compiler. Required settings:
export export PATH=/localdata/opt/mpich2/1.4.1p1/bin:$PATH export PATH=$PATH:/localdata/opt/pgi/linux86-64/12.5/bin:/usr/local/cuda/bin
Compiler settings are given in
Please note settings of cpp-directives (-D__openacc -D__cuda_fft + CUDA library path).
Test parameter set:
Please note that loop_optimization = 'acc' and fft_method = 'system-specific' have to be set. Results of tests are stored in the respective MONITORING directory.
Report on current activities:
prognostic equations (partly: q and sa is missing), prandtl_fluxes, and diffusivities have been ported
additional versions for tendency subroutines have been created (..._acc)
statistics are not ported at all
speedup seems to be similar to what have been reported by Klaus Ketelsen
measurements with Intel compiler on inferno still have to be carried out
Pressure solver (including the tridiagonal solver) has been almost completely ported. Still missing are calculations in pres.
CUDA fft has been implemented.
GPU can also been used in the single-core (non-MPI-parallel) version.
Results for 512x512x64 grid (time in micro-s per gridpoint and timestep):
.1 | 2*Tesla, quadcore, pgi | 0.32053 |
.2 | 1*Tesla, single-core (no MPI), pgi | 0.54789 |
.3 | quadcore, pgi | 0.78343 |
.4 | quadcore, intel (on bora, cache-v) | 0.82395 |
Next steps:
- testing the newest PGI 13.2 compiler version, porting of reduction operations (especially in flow_statistics), check the capability of parallel regions
- update ghost boundaries only, overlapping of update/MPI and computation
- remove host/device data transfer for the single-core version, still required for the cyclic boundary conditions, in order to run the code completely on one GPU
- overlapping communication in pressure solver (alltoall operations)
- porting of remaining things (averaging, I/O, etc.)
- ...