Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of doc/tec/general

Jul 1, 2016 4:18:31 PM (9 years ago)



  • doc/tec/general

    v1 v2  
    11[[NoteBox(warn,This site is currently under construction!)]]
     3= General code structure =
     5The PALM source code layout follows similar coding standards that have been developed for other community models like NEMO ocean dynamics model ([]). Special emphasis is given on providing extensive comment sections within the code in order to illustrate the functionality of specific model parts.
     7The source code is subdivided into a series of Fortran files. Most of them contain single subroutines only. These are called from the main
     8PALM routine ('''''palm.f90''''') and wherever needed. Each file features a header, containing a description and its history of modifications. The data handling between the subroutines is usually realized via Fortran modules defined in a separate file ('''''modules.f90''''') instead of using parameter lists. The code contains several machine dependent segments, e.g., calls of routines from external libraries such as the Message Passing Interface (MPI, e.g., [#gropp1999 Gropp et al., 1999]), the Network Common Data Form (netCDF, see []) and the Fastest Fourier Transform in the West (FFTW, see []), and which may not be available on some machines. These segments are activated/deactivated using C-preprocessor directives, which allow to compile alternative parts of the code.
     10Three-dimensional arrays of prognostic variables (''u ='' '''''u''''', ''v ='' '''''v''''', ''w ='' '''''w''''', ''θ ='' '''''pt''''', ''q'',,v,,'' ='' '''''q''''', ''s ='' '''''s''''', ''e ='' '''''e''''' and ''Sa ='' '''''sa''''' are stored at the last two time levels of the Runge-Kutta substeps. These arrays are declared as (e.g., the ''u''-wind component) '''''u(k, j, i)''''' on the respective subdomain of each processor, including ghost point layers '''''nbgp''''' ''= 3'' by default) for data exchange between the processors (see also Sect. [wiki:doc/tec/parallel parallelization and optimization]):
     17with '''''nzb''''' and '''''nzt''''' being the domain bounds of the bottom and top of the model. The lateral subdomain bounds (including
     18ghost layers) are given by
     22nysg = nys - nbgp,
     23nyng = nyn + nbgp,
     24nxlg = nxl - nbgp,
     25nxrg = nxr + nbgp,
     28with '''''nys''''', '''''nyn''''', '''''nxl''''', and '''''nxr''''' being the true subdomain bounds in south, north, west and east direction,
     29respectively. For optimization, most of the 3-D variables are declared as pointers, e.g., for ''u'' and ''v'':
     33REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER :: u, v
     36which speeds up the swapping of time levels after each time step, as it is not required to move the data in the memory.
     38A condensed overview of the program flow of PALM is shown in the following Fig. 12.
     40[[Image(10.png, 600px, border=1)]]
     42Figure 12: Simplified flowchart of PALM.
     44At the beginning of the model run (hereafter referred to as "job"), the model setup is read from a Fortran '''''NAMELIST''''' file that is provided by the user, and optionally additional files for large-scale forcing and topography. PALM allows for conducting so-called restart jobs and job chains, where long-lasting model runs can be split into smaller ones. This does not only meet the requirements of most supercomputing systems, it also provides the user the opportunity to modify the setup between runs, or e.g., performing a set of parameter studies based on the same precursor run. For job chains, the current state of the model is saved as binary data at the end of the run and read as input for the subsequent restart run. After model initialization, possibly using a 1-D model precursor run (see Sect.
     45[wiki:/doc/tec/1dmodel 1-D model for precursor runs]), the time integration loop is executed until a termination is initiated. The latter might be caused by either the fact, that the desired simulation time has been reached, or by the need to initiate a restart of the job chain. The latter can be the case when the current job is running out of CPU time, or when the user has manually forced arestart. PALM can be used on cache-optimized as well as on vector processors. Moreover, General Purpose Computing on Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU) can be
     46used. Each machine architecture requires specially optimized code to be executed within computationally expensive loops of the prognostic
     47equations. This is realized by a Fortran '''''INTERFACE''''' so that different code branches are executed in the '''''prognostic_equations.f90''''' subroutine.
     49In most cases, the large computational grid with very large number of grid points does not allow for processing the raw model data in
     50a post-processing step, because then the input/output (I/O) time and the required hard disc space would easily exceed the available resources. Therefore, PALM calculates many standard quantities (e.g., variances, turbulent fluxes, and even higher order moments) online
     51during the run. Also, temporal averages of vertical profiles, cross-sections, and 3-D data can be created this way. The user interface allows the user to easily extent this output (see Sect. [wiki:doc/tec/user user interface]).
     53After each time step it is checked whether data output (see also Sect. [wiki:/doc/tec/data data handling]) is required, depending on the user settings.
     55== References ==
     56* [=#gropp1999] '''Gropp W, Lusk E, Skjellum A.''' 1999. Using {MPI}: Portable Parallel Programming with the Message Passing Interface. MIT Press. Cambridge.