13 | | * The old configuration file {{{.mrun.config}}} has been split into two files {{{.palm.config.<configuration_identifier>}}} and {{{.palm.iofiles}}}, where {{{<configuration_identifier>}}} is an arbitrary string that you can define. "Configuration" means a setting for a specific computer with a specific compiler, compiler options, libraries, etc. If you like to run {{{palm}}} with different configurations, e.g. one with debug options switched on, and one with high optimization, you need to create separate configuration files for each configuration, e.g. {{{.palm.config.optimized}}} and {{{.palm.config.debug}}}. This replaces the old block structure in {{{.mrun.config}}}. The configuration file to be used is defined by {{{palmrun}}}- or {{{palmbuild}}}-option {{{-h}}}., e.g. {{{palmrun ... -h optimized}}} will use {{{.palm.config.optimized}}} \\\\ You will need only one file {{{.palm.iofiles}}} which contains the file connection statements to be used for all configurations. |
| 13 | * The old configuration file {{{.mrun.config}}} has been split into two files {{{.palm.config.<configuration_identifier>}}} and {{{.palm.iofiles}}}, where {{{<configuration_identifier>}}} is an arbitrary string that you can define. "Configuration" means a setting for a specific computer with a specific compiler, compiler options, libraries, etc. If you like to run {{{palm}}} with different configurations, e.g. one with debug options switched on, and one with high optimization, you need to create separate configuration files for each configuration, e.g. {{{.palm.config.optimized}}} and {{{.palm.config.debug}}}. This replaces the old block structure in {{{.mrun.config}}}. The configuration file to be used is defined by {{{palmrun}}}- or {{{palmbuild}}}-option {{{-h}}}., e.g. {{{palmrun ... -h optimized}}} will use {{{.palm.config.optimized}}} \\\\ You will need only one file {{{.palm.iofiles}}} which contains the file connection statements to be used for all configurations. \\\\ The utility program {{{interpret_config}}} has been removed. The configuration files are now directly interpreted by the shellscripts. |
| 49 | |
| 50 | * For running PALM on a remote host in batch, additional settings are required in the configuration file. The following is an example for using the Cray-XC40 of HLRN as a remote host: |
| 51 | {{{ |
| 52 | #column 1 column 2 |
| 53 | #name of variable value of variable (~ must not be used) |
| 54 | #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 55 | %base_data ~/palm/current_version/JOBS |
| 56 | %base_directory $HOME/palm/current_version |
| 57 | %source_path $HOME/palm/current_version/trunk/SOURCE |
| 58 | %user_source_path $base_directory/JOBS/$fname/USER_CODE |
| 59 | %fast_io_catalog /gfs2/work/niksiraa |
| 60 | %local_jobcatalog /home/raasch/job_queue |
| 61 | %remote_jobcatalog /home/h/niksiraa/job_queue |
| 62 | # |
| 63 | %local_ip |
| 64 | %local_username raasch |
| 65 | %remote_ip |
| 66 | %remote_username niksiraa |
| 67 | %remote_loginnode hlogin1 |
| 68 | %ssh_key id_rsa_hlrn |
| 69 | %defaultqueue mpp2testq |
| 70 | %submit_command /opt/moab/default/bin/msub -E |
| 71 | # |
| 72 | %compiler_name ftn |
| 73 | %compiler_name_ser ftn |
| 74 | %cpp_options -e Z -DMPI_REAL=MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION -DMPI_2REAL=MPI_2DOUBLE_PRECISION -D__parallel -D__netcdf -D__netcdf4 -D__netcdf4_parallel -D__fftw |
| 75 | %make_options -j 4 |
| 76 | %compiler_options -em -O3 -hnoomp -hnoacc -hfp3 -hdynamic |
| 77 | %linker_options -em -O3 -hnoomp -hnoacc -hfp3 -hdynamic -dynamic |
| 78 | %execute_command aprun -n {{MPI_TASKS}} -N {{TASKS_PER_NODE}} palm |
| 79 | %memory 2300 |
| 80 | %module_commands module load fftw cray-hdf5-parallel cray-netcdf-hdf5parallel |
| 81 | %login_init_cmd module switch craype-ivybridge craype-haswell |
| 82 | # |
| 83 | # BATCH-directives to be used for batch jobs. If $-characters are required, hide them with \\\ |
| 84 | BD:#!/bin/bash |
| 86 | BD:#PBS -N {{JOB_ID}} |
| 87 | BD:#PBS -l walltime={{CPU_HOURS}}:{{CPU_MINUTES}}:{{CPU_SECONDS}} |
| 88 | BD:#PBS -l nodes={{NODES}}:ppn={{TASKS_PER_NODE}} |
| 89 | BD:#PBS -o {{JOBFILE}} |
| 90 | BD:#PBS -j oe |
| 91 | BD:#PBS -q {{QUEUE}} |
| 92 | # |
| 93 | # BATCH-directives for batch jobs used to send back the jobfile from a remote to a local host |
| 94 | BDT:#!/bin/bash |
| 96 | BDT:#PBS -N job_protocol_transfer |
| 97 | BDT:#PBS -l walltime=00:30:00 |
| 98 | BDT:#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1 |
| 100 | BDT:#PBS -j oe |
| 101 | BDT:#PBS -q dataq |
| 102 | # |
| 103 | #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 104 | # INPUT-commands, executed before running PALM - lines must start with "IC:" |
| 105 | #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 106 | IC:export ATP_ENABLED=1 |
| 107 | IC:export MPICH_GNI_BTE_MULTI_CHANNEL=disabled |
| 108 | IC:ulimit -s unlimited |
| 109 | }}} |
| 110 | * Some additional settings are required here: \\\\ |
| 111 | - {{{fast_io_catalog}}} is the one to be used on the remote host. |
| 112 | - IP-addresses and user names have to be given for the local AND the remote host. Usually, the remote host IP-address is the one for the login-node. |
| 113 | - {{{remote_loginnode}}}: on many of the large computer systems, the compute nodes do not allow for {{{ssh}}}- or {{{scp}}}-commands in order to transfer data to the local host or to start restart jobs. If {{{remote_loginnode}}} is set, {{{palmrun}}} tries to start these commands via the login-node. '''Attention:''' In most cases, the systems to not accept an IP-address. You have to give the mnemonic name of the login-node. |
| 114 | - {{{ssh_key}}}: here you can give the filename of a special ssh-key for using ssh / scp without password. The key must be in folder {{{~/.ssh}}}. This is a special setting for the HLRN-system and should not be required on other systems. |
| 115 | - {{{default_queue}}}: if you do not set the queue via {{{palmrun}}}-option {{{-q}}}, this queue will be taken as the default queue. Other than {{{mrun}}}, {{{palmrun}}} does not check for valid queue names any more. |
| 116 | - To |