Version 14 (modified by scharf, 6 years ago) (diff)


Runs with large scale forcing and nudging

Using large scale forcing and nudging in a PALM simulation requires to provide large scale forcing and nudging data in external files. The file names should have the endings _nudge and _lsf respectively. They have to be placed in the INPUT directory on the host where the simulation will run. The layout of the data in the files is described in LSF_DATA and NUDGING_DATA respectively. In addition, the PALM configuration file .palm.config.<configuration identifier> has to be extended for the following two lines

# List of input-files
NUDGING_DATA             inopt:tr   d3#:d3r  $base_data/$run_identifier/INPUT    _nudge
LSF_DATA                 inopt:tr   d3#:d3r  $base_data/$run_identifier/INPUT    _lsf

With the following parameter file lsf_CBL_p3d a simulation with nudging can be performed. The large scale forcing and nudging data originate from a COSMO simulation of the 24th April, 2013, 9-15UTC. During this time a convective boundary layer develops.

 &inipar nx = 191, ny = 191, nz = 64,
         dx = 50.0, dy = 50.0, dz = 50.0,

         fft_method = 'fftw',

         humidity = .T., cloud_physics= .T.,

         large_scale_forcing = .T.,
         large_scale_subsidence = .T.,
         use_subsidence_tendencies = .F.,

         nudging = .T.,

         momentum_advec = 'ws-scheme',
         scalar_advec   = 'ws-scheme',

         initializing_actions = 'set_constant_profiles',

         bc_uv_b = 'dirichlet',
	 bc_pt_b = 'dirichlet',
	 bc_q_b  = 'dirichlet',

         latitude = 50.92,

         pt_reference = 290.0,
         reference_state = 'single_value', 

         constant_flux_layer = .T.,
         use_surface_fluxes = .T., 
         roughness_length = 0.01,

         rayleigh_damping_factor = 0.05,
         rayleigh_damping_height = 2700.0,
         scalar_rayleigh_damping = .T., /

 &d3par  end_time = 21600.0, 

         termination_time_needed = 300.0,

         npex = 64,
         npey = 1, 

         create_disturbances = .T.,

         netcdf_data_format = 2,

         dt_run_control = 30.0,
         dt_dots        = 30.0,

         dt_dopr = 1800.0,
         averaging_interval_pr = 1800.0, 
         dt_averaging_input_pr = 30.0,

         data_output_pr = '#u','#v','w','#pt','ug','vg',
                          'w"u"','w*u*','wu', 'w"v"','w*v*','wv',
                          'w"pt"', 'w*pt*', 'wpt', 
                          'w"vpt"', 'w*vpt*', 'wvpt', 
                          'w"q"', 'w*q*', 'wq', 
                          'w"qv"', 'w*qv*', 'wqv', 
                          'w*e*', 'u*2', 'v*2', 'w*2', 'pt*2', 'q*2',
                          'w*3', 'Sw', 'w*2pt*', 'w*pt*2',
                          'w*u*u*:dz','w*p*:dz', 'w"e:dz', 'hyp',
                          'td_lsa_lpt', 'td_lsa_q', 'td_sub_lpt', 'td_sub_q', 
                          'td_nud_lpt', 'td_nud_q', 'td_nud_u', 'td_nud_v',

         data_output = 'u', 'v', 'w', 'pt', 'lpt', 'p', 'q', 'ql'
                       'u_xy', 'v_xy', 'w_xy', 'pt_xy', 'lpt_xy',
                       'p_xy', 'q_xy', 'ql_xy', 
                       'u_xz', 'v_xz', 'w_xz', 'pt_xz', 'lpt_xz',
                       'p_xz', 'q_xz', 'ql_xz', 
                       'shf*_xy', 'qsws*_xy', 'lwp*_xy',

         nz_do3d = 32, 

         dt_do3d        = 3600.0,
         dt_do2d_xy     = 3600.0,
         dt_do2d_xz     = 3600.0,
         dt_data_output = 3600.0,

         do2d_at_begin = .T., !->check perturbations

         section_xy = 2, 4, 10, 15, 20, 25,  
         section_xz = 96,

         data_output_2d_on_each_pe = .T.,  /

The external files lsf_CBL_lsf lsf_CBL_nudge are attached. The nudging time scale tau is 6 hours and the nudging is performed in the whole model domain (boundary layer and free atmosphere).

Attachments (5)

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