Version 530 (modified by raasch, 6 years ago) (diff)


PA0= PALM error messages = The following list displays the error messages reported by PALM. Each error message is identified by a unique message identifier which is composed of two letters and a four digit number. The second column contains the error message as reported in the job protocol (see here?). The third column explains the error and possible reasons in more detail, and also gives suggestions how to solve the problem.


Identifier for messages in the PALM standard code


Identifier for messages in ''user_'' routines


Identifier for messages from the netCDF library

To be continued.
Message identifier Error message Explanation
PA0001 manual restart settings requires file activation string "restart" Values for parameters dt_restart or/and restart_time have been given in the &runtime_parameters-NAMELIST. This also requires to give the file activation string "restart" with palmbuild-option -a, because otherwise the restart files wouldn't be generated at the end of the PALM run.

Repeat the run with -a ".... restart" or remove parameters dt_restart or/and restart_time from your NAMELIST-file.
PA0002 illegal coupling mode: ... This message is related to the atmosphere-ocean coupling or pure vertical nesting implemented in PALM. Internally, the variable coupling_mode defines the coupling setup used for the current respective model run. It may have one of the values "atmosphere_to_ocean" (atmospheric part of a coupled run), "ocean_to_atmosphere" (ocean part of a coupled run), "precursor_atmos" (a precursor atmosphere run), "precursor_ocean" (a precursor ocean run), "vnested_crse", (the coarse simulation of a vertical nesting run) "vnested_fine" (the fine simulation of a vertical nesting run) or "uncoupled" (atmosphere or ocean run without any intended coupling). This error message means that the initialization of the coupling did fail because coupling_mode has a value different from the ones mentioned before. Possible reasons might be trying a coupling between two atmosphere runs (or two ocean runs), or problems with the palmrun script.
PA0003 dt_coupling is not set but required for coupling mode "..." This error appears if the temporal interval for the data exchange dt_coupling is not explicitly set in case of runs with coupled models (e.g. atmosphere - ocean).
PA0004 coupling mode "...": dt_coupling = ... is not equal to dt_coupling_remote = ... For coupled runs the temporal interval for the data exchange dt_coupling must be explicitly set and must have the same value in both models (dt_coupling has to be set in PARIN and PARIN_O). See also coupled runs.
PA0005 coupling mode "...": dt_coupling <= 0.0 is not allowed and is reset to MAX(dt_max(A,O)) = ... This error occurs if an invalid value for dt_coupling is used in the parameter file. dt_coupling must be > 0.0 and equal in both models (dt_coupling has to be set in PARIN and PARIN_O). The letter A in the error message on the left refers to Atmosphere and the letter O to ocean. See also coupled runs.
PA0006 coupling mode "...": restart_time = ... is not equal to restart_time_remote = ... restart_time has not been set properly (equal) in the atmosphere and ocean parameter file. See also coupled runs.
PA0007 coupling mode "...": dt_restart = ... is not equal to dt_restart_remote = ... dt_restart has not been set properly (equal) in the atmosphere and ocean parameter file. See also coupled runs.
PA0008 coupling mode "...": time_to_be_simulated_from_reference_point = ... is not equal to time_to_be_simulated_from_reference_point_remote = ... The simulated time from the reference point is stored internally in the variable time_to_be_simulated_from_reference_point. In coupled mode both times must be equal. This error might occur when precursor runs are used with different startup times and the coupling is initiated inappropiately. See coupled runs for a detailed description of the setup for precursor runs.
PA0009 dx in atmosphere is not larger or equal than dx in oceanCoupled runs allow to use different grid resolutions in atmosphere and ocean. It is, however, not allowed to use a finer grid resolution in the atmosphere than in the ocean.
PA0010 Domain size in x-direction is not equal in ocean and atmosphere Coupled runs are only possible, if the horizontal model domain size is equal in both, atmosphere and ocean. Check the settings for dx, dy, nx and ny to avoid this error.
PA0011 dy in atmosphere is not larger or equal than dy in oceanCoupled runs allow to use different grid resolutions in atmosphere and ocean. It is, however, not allowed to use a finer grid resolution in the atmosphere than in the ocean.
PA0012 Domain size in y-direction is not equal in ocean and atmosphere Coupled runs are only possible, if the horizontal model domain size is equal in both, atmosphere and ocean. Have a look at the settings for dx, dy, nx and ny to avoid this error.
PA0013 illegal value given for loop_optimization: "..." See parameter loop_optimization for allowed values, and check your parameter file.
PA0014 a non-flat topography does not allow ... There are several features which do not work together with a non-flat topography. See parameter topography for possible restrictions and appropriately modify your parameter file. For a complete list of not allowed parameter settings due to a non-flat topography see check_parameters.f90.
PA0015 Using synthetic turbulence generator requires initializing_actions = "set_constant_profiles" or "read_restart_data" When switching on the synthetic turbulence generator by setting use_synthetic_turbulence_generator = .TRUE., PALM has to be initialized using either constant profiles (initializing_actions = "set_constant_profiles") or loading data from a previous run (initializing_actions = "read_restart_data"). Other initialization actions do not support the synthetic turbulence generator.
PA0016 unknown solver for perturbation pressure: psolver = "..." See parameter psolver for allowed values, and correct your parameter file.
PA0017 no value specified for initializing_actions Parameter initializing_actions must be set in the initialization_parameters NAMELIST. See the parameter description for allowed values.
PA0018 message number is unused.
PA0019 unknown surface type: surface_type = "..." See parameter surface_type for allowed values, and appropriately correct your parameter file.
PA0020 unknown multigrid cycle: cycle_mg = "..." See parameter cycle_mg for allowed values, and appropriately correct your parameter file.
PA0021 unknown fft-algorithm: fft_method = "..." See parameter fft_method for allowed values, and appropriately correct your parameter file.
PA0022 unknown advection scheme: momentum_advec = "..." See parameter momentum_advec for allowed values, and appropriately correct your parameter file.
PA0023 momentum_advec or scalar_advec = "..." is not allowed with timestep_scheme = "..." The 5th order advection scheme is conditional unstable in conjunction with euler or runge-kutta-2 integration. Instead, use timestep_scheme = runge-kutta-3.
PA0024 unknown advection scheme: scalar_advec = "..." See parameter scalar_advec for allowed values, and appropriately correct your parameter file.
PA0025 use_upstream_for_tke is set to .TRUE. because use_sgs_for_particles = .TRUE. and scalar_advec /= 'ws-scheme' This is just a warning telling you that the simple upstream discretization is used for the advection term of the TKE equation instead of the one that you have set with parameter scalar_advec. This is required in case of using SGS velocity components for particle transport, because non-diffusiv advection schemes may cause large artificial vertical gradients near the surface, which create numerical instabilities in the particle transport. You can avoid output of this warning by explicitly setting parameter use_upstream_for_tke in the parameter file (inipar-NAMELIST).
PA0026 advection_scheme scalar_advec = "bc-scheme" not implemented for loop_optimization = "cache" For the Bott-Chlond scheme loop_optimization = "vector" must to be set.
PA0027 unknown timestep scheme: timestep_scheme = "..." See parameter timestep_scheme for allowed values, and appropriately correct your parameter file.
PA0028 negative weighting factorA negative weighting factor might occur if the timestep is too long. Try to adjust dt.
PA0029 momentum advection scheme "..." does not work with timestep_scheme "..." For timestep_scheme = 'runge-kutta-3' only momentum_advec = 'ws-scheme' or 'pw-scheme' gives a numerically stable solution.
PA0030 initializing_actions = "..." unkown or not allowed See parameter initializing_actions for allowed values in initial runs (of a job chain). For a restart run, please set initializing_actions = 'read_restart_data' .
PA0031 initializing_actions = "set_constant_profiles" and "set_1d-model_profiles" are not allowed simultaneously Set either initializing_actions = 'set_constant_profiles' in your parameter file, if the 3d-model shall be initialized with constant profiles, or set initializing_actions = 'set_1d-model_profiles' if the 3d-model shall be initialized with profiles of the (stationary) solution of the 1d-model.
PA0032 initializing_actions = "set_constant_profiles" and "by_user" are not allowed simultaneously Set either initializing_actions = 'set_constant_profiles' in your parameter file, if the 3d-model shall be initialized with constant profiles, or set initializing_actions = 'by_user' , if the 3d-model shall be initialized with profiles to be provided by the user in routine user_init_3d_model of the user-interface.
PA0033 initializing_actions = "by_user" and "set_1d-model_profiles" are not allowed simultaneously Set either initializing_actions = 'by_user' in your parameter file, if the 3d-model shall be initialized with profiles to be provided by the user in routine user_init_3d_model of the user-interface, or set initializing_actions = 'set_1d-model_profiles' , if the 3d-model shall be initialized with profiles of the (stationary) solution of the 1d-model.
PA0034 cloud_physics = .T. is not allowed with humidity = .F. It is necessary to turn on humidity for the use of cloud physics.
PA0035 Using synthetic turbulence generator requires bc_lr = "dirichlet/radiation" The synthetic turbulence generator requires a non-cyclic boundary condition along x direction with an inflow at the left domain boundary.
PA0036 humidity = .TRUE. and sloping_surface = .TRUE. are not allowed simultaneously If alpha_surface is set to a non-zero value in order to use an inclined surface, the parameter sloping_surface is internally set .TRUE.. I.e., in the case of alpha_surface /= 0.0 the simultaneous use of humidity = .TRUE. is not allowed.
PA0037 Using synthetic turbulence generator requires bc_ns = "cyclic" The synthetic turbulence generator only supports non-cyclic boundary conditions at the left/right boundary. In north/south direction, cyclic boundary conditions must be set.
PA0038 turbulent_outflow = .T. requires bc_lr = "dirichlet/radiation" When using the turbulent outflow method, non-cyclic boundary condition along the x direction must be used. See also turbulent_outflow.
PA0039 Using synthetic turbulence generator in combination with turbulent_inflow = .T. is not allowed A turbulent inflow can only be generated by either the synthetic turbulence generator or the turbulence recycling method. Using both at the same time is impossible.
PA0040 LWC is not conserved during collision! LWC after condensation: ... LWC after collision: ... LWC means liquid water content. This should not happen. Please write a ticket.
PA0041 plant_canopy = .TRUE. requires a non-zero drag coefficient, given value is canopy_drag_coeff = 0.0 When simulating a plant canopy, a non-zero canopy_drag_coeff must be set in the parameter file under NAMELIST &plant_canopy_parameters. The canopy model in PALM adds an additional sink/source terms to the momentum equations, the prognostic equation for temperature, and the subgrid scale turbulent kinetic energy equation. In case of humidity = .TRUE. or passive_scalar = .TRUE., an additional source/sink term is added to the prognostic equation of the respective scalar.
If canopy_drag_coeff = 0.0, the additional terms equal zero and there would be no effect on the flow.
PA0042 use_top_fluxes must be .TRUE. in ocean mode In ocean mode, fluxes at the water surface must be prescribed as driving boundary conditions. In atmosphere-ocean coupled runs, these fluxes are provided by the atmosphere run.
PA0043 ABS( alpha_surface = ... ) must be< 90.0 Upright surfaces are not allowed in case of sloping surfaces.
PA0044 dt = ... <= 0.0 The parameter dt (time step for the 3d-model) must not be set to a value <= 0.0.
PA0045 cfl_factor = ... out of range 0.0 < cfl_factor <= 1.0 is required The Courant-Friedrichs-Levy factor used in the timestep condition must be within the given limits. See also cfl_factor .
PA0046 baroclinity (ug) not allowed simultaneously with galilei transformation The Galilei coordinate transformation (see galilei_transformation) is not allowed under baroclinic conditions (where the geostrophic wind varies with height). Modify either ug_surface or galilei_transformation, or set use_ug_for_galilei_tr = .FALSE. appropriately in the parameter file.
PA0047 baroclinity (vg) not allowed simultaneously with galilei transformation The Galilei coordinate transformation (see galilei_transformation) is not allowed under baroclinic conditions (where the geostrophic wind varies with height). Modify either vg_surface, or galilei_transformation appropriately, or set use_ug_for_galilei_tr = .FALSE. in the parameter file.
PA0048 variable translation speed used for Galilei-transformation, which may cause instabilities in stably stratified regions You have set both galilei_transformation = .TRUE. and use_ug_for_galilei_tr = .FALSE., which means that the translation velocity to be used in the Galilei transformation will be newly calculated after every timestep. From past experiences, this may cause numerical flow instabilities within stably stratified, non-turbulent regions.
PA0049 unknown boundary condition: bc_lr = "..." See parameter bc_lr for allowed values, and appropriately correct your parameter file.
PA0050 unknown boundary condition: bc_ns = "..." See parameter bs_ns for allowed values, and appropriately correct your parameter file.
PA0051 non-cyclic lateral boundaries do not allow psolver = "..." Using non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions requires the multigrid method for solving the Poisson equation for the perturbation pressure. You can choose this method by setting the parameter psolver = 'multigrid' or 'multigrid_noopt' .
PA0052 non-cyclic lateral boundaries do not allow momentum_advec = "..." Using non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions requires to use either the Wicker-Skamarock or the Piacsek-Williams advection scheme for momentum. You can choose one of these methods by setting the parameter momentum_advec.
PA0053 non-cyclic lateral boundaries do not allow scalar_advec = "..." Using non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions requires to use either the Wicker-Skamarock or Piacsek-Williams advection scheme for scalar quantities. You can choose one of these methods by setting the parameter scalar_advec.
PA0054 non-cyclic lateral boundaries do not allow galilei_transformation = .T. The Galilei coordinate transformation can only be used with cyclic horizontal boundary conditions. Either use bc_lr = bc_ns = 'cyclic' , or set galilei_transformation = .FALSE. in the parameter file.
PA0055 turbulent_inflow = .T. requires initializing_actions = 'cyclic_fill' or initializing_actions = 'read_restart_data' Using a turbulent inflow requires that the 3d arrays have to be initialized by cyclically repeated data from a prerun or by restart data. Set parameter initializing_actions appropriately and follow the instructions at turbulent inflow.
PA0056 illegal value for reference_state: "..." See parameter reference_state for allowed values, and appropriately correct your parameter file.
PA0057 boundary condition bc_e_b changed to "..." You have set both bc_e_b = (u*)**+neumann, and constant_flux_layer = .FALSE., which is in conflict, since this type of boundary condition requires a constant flux layer. bc_e_b has been set to 'neumann' instead.
PA0058 unknown boundary condition: bc_e_b = "..." See parameter bc_e_b for allowed values, and appropriately correct your parameter file.
PA0059 unknown boundary condition: bc_p_b = "..." See parameter bc_p_b for allowed values, and appropriately correct your parameter file.
PA0060 Output at every timestep is wanted ("dt_..." = 0.0). The output interval is set to the fixed timestep dt = "..."s. Occurs only when netcdf_data_format > 4 and dt /= -1 as an informative message. When using parallel NetCDF the output time interval must be >0. Using dt_do = 0.0 (output at every time step) is equal to setting the output interval to dt.
PA0061 unknown boundary condition: bc_p_t = "..." See parameter bc_p_t for allowed values, and appropriately correct your parameter file.
PA0062 unknown boundary condition: bc_pt_b = "..." See parameter bc_pt_b for allowed values, and appropriately correct your parameter file.
PA0063 unknown boundary condition: bc_pt_t = "..." See parameter bc_pt_t for allowed values, and appropriately correct your parameter file.
PA0064 both, top_momentumflux_u AND top_momentumflux_v must be set If you want to give a momentum flux as top boundary condition, you have to give both components top_momentumflux_u and top_momentumflux_v at the same time.
PA0065 boundary_condition: bc_pt_b = "..." is not allowed with constant_heatflux = .TRUE. You have tried to set both, a Dirichlet surface boundary condition for temperature (with bc_pt_b = 'dirichlet' ), and a surface sensible heatflux (with surface_heatflux /= 0.0). Please decide, if you like to give either the surface temperature or the surface heatflux as boundary condition, and omit one of the two parameters in the parameter file.
PA0066 constant_heatflux = .TRUE. is not allowed with pt_surface_initial_change (/=0) = ... If you give the sensible heatflux as surface boundary condition (using parameter surface_heatflux), you must not specify anything about the surface temperature at the same time (e.g. with parameter pt_surface_initial_change).
PA0067 boundary_condition: bc_pt_t = "..." is not allowed with constant_top_heatflux = .TRUE. You have tried to set both, a Dirichlet boundary condition for temperature at the top (with bc_pt_t = 'dirichlet' ), and a sensible heatflux at the top (with top_heatflux /= 0.0). Please decide, if you like to give either the temperature or the heatflux as boundary condition at the top, and omit one of the two parameters in the parameter file.
PA0068 unknown boundary condition: bc_sa_t = "..." See parameter bc_sa_t for allowed values, and appropriately correct your parameter file.
PA0069 boundary condition: bc_sa_t = "..." requires to set top_salinityflux You have chosen a Neumann boundary condition for salinity at the top (by setting bc_sa_t = 'neumann' ), but you did not provide a salinity flux at the top. Please provide parameter top_salinityflux in the parameter file.
PA0070 boundary condition: bc_sa_t = "..." is not allowed with top_salinityflux /= 0.0' You have tried to set both, a Dirichlet boundary condition for salinity at the top (with bc_sa_t = 'dirichlet' ), and a salinity flux at the top (with top_salinityflux /= 0.0). Please decide, if you like to give either the salinity or the salinity flux as top boundary condition, and omit one of the two parameters in the parameter file.
PA0071 unknown boundary condition: bc_..._b ="..." See the respective parameter description in the documentation, and appropriately correct your parameter file.
PA0072 unknown boundary condition: bc_..._t ="..." See the respective parameter description in the documentation, and appropriately correct your parameter file.
PA0073 boundary condition: bc_..._b = "..." is not allowed with prescribed surface flux You have tried to set both, a Dirichlet surface boundary condition for humidity / passive scalar (with bc_q_b / bc_s_b = 'dirichlet' ), and a surface latent heatflux / scalar flux (with surface_waterflux / surface_scalarflux /= 0.0). Please decide, if you like to give either the surface humidity / scalar or the surface latent heatflux / scalar flux as boundary condition, and omit one of the two parameters in the parameter file.
PA0074 a prescribed surface flux is not allowed with ..._surface_initial_change (/=0) = ... If you give the latent heatflux / scalar flux as surface boundary condition (using parameter surface_waterflux / surface_scalarflux), you must not specify anything about the surface humidity / scalar at the same time (e.g. with parameter q_surface_initial_change / s_surface_initial_change).
PA0075 boundary condition: bc_uv_b = "..." is not allowed with constant_flux_layer = .TRUE. You have tried to set both, a Neumann surface boundary condition for horizontal velocity (with bc_uv_b = 'neumann' ), and a constant flux layer between the surface and the first vertical grid point (with constant_flux_layer = .TRUE.), which are contradicting conditions. Either set constant_flux_layer = .FALSE. or bc_uv_b = 'dirichlet' in the parameter file.
PA0076 unknown boundary condition: bc_uv_b = "..." See parameter bc_uv_b for allowed values, and appropriately correct your parameter file.
PA0077 unknown boundary condition: bc_uv_t = "..." See parameter bc_uv_t for allowed values, and appropriately correct your parameter file.
PA0078 rayleigh_damping_factor = ... out of range [0.0,1.0] Adjust the value of rayleigh_damping_factor in your parameter file to the allowed range.
PA0079 rayleigh_damping_height = ... out of range [0.0, ...] Adjust the value of rayleigh_damping_height in your parameter file to the allowed range. This error may appear if you have reduced the domain height in your current run (e.g. by reducing the number of vertical grid points) without adjusting the height at which Rayleigh damping shall start.
PA0080 preprocessor switch for fftw is missing You have set fft_method = 'fftw' , but the fftw-code has not been activated by the corresponding cpp-preprocessor switch. Add '-D__fftw' to the %cpp_options line in the configuration file, touch file fft_xy.f90 (e.g. by executing command "touch trunk/SOURCE/fft_xy.f90" and re-compile.
PA0081 "..." = 0.0 while using a variable timestep and parallel netCDF4 is not allowed. When using parallel NetCDF output (netcdf_data_format>4) the number of output time levels must be calculated in the beginning of the simulation (see e.g. #PA0384). With a variable time step it is not possible to determine how many output time levels are needed to do an output at every time step. Therefore you have to set a fixed time step dt.
PA0082 number of statistic_regions = ... is not allowed Adjust parameter statistic_regions in your parameter file to a value >= 0.
PA0083 normalizing_region = ... must be >= 0 and <= ... (value of statistic_regions) The region number given by normalizing_region must be within the range [0, statistic_regions ]. Adjust normalizing_region appropriately in your parameter file.
PA0084 message number is unused.
PA0085 averaging_interval = ... must be <= dt_data_output_av = ... The averaging_interval for averaged output data must be smaller or equal to the output interval given by dt_data_output or dt_data_output_av. Adjust settings of these variables appropriately in the parameter file.
PA0086 averaging_interval_pr = ... must be <= dt_dopr = ... The averaging_interval_pr for profile output data must be smaller or equal to the output interval given by dt_dopr. Adjust settings of these variables appropriately in the parameter file.
PA0087 averaging_interval_sp = ... must be <= dt_dosp = ... The averaging_interval_sp for spectra output data must be smaller or equal to the output interval given by dt_dosp. Adjust settings of these variables appropriately in the parameter file.
PA0088 dt_averaging_input = ... must be <= averaging_interval = ... The sampling interval (set by dt_averaging_input) for averaging data must be less or equal to the averaging interval (set by averaging_interval). Adjust settings of these variables appropriately in the parameter file.
PA0089 dt_averaging_input_pr = ... must be <= averaging_interval_pr = ... The sampling interval (set by dt_averaging_input_pr) for averaging profile data must be less or equal to the averaging interval (set by averaging_interval_pr). Adjust settings of these variables appropriately in the parameter file.
PA0090 precipitation_amount_interval = ... must not be larger than dt_do2d_xy = ... Choose a value for precipitation_amount_interval smaller than or equal to dt_do2d_xy. Adjust the settings of precipitation_amount_interval appropriately in the parameter file.
PA0091 data_output_pr = ... is not implemented for ocean = .FALSE. The listed entries in the parameter file under data_output_pr are only avialable for ocean= .T.. There could also be a typo in data_output_pr (an output variable was used that does not exist in PALM).
PA0092 data_output_pr = ... is not implemented for humidity = .FALSE. The listed entries in the parameter file under data_output_pr are only available for humidity= .T.. There could also be a typo in data_output_pr (an output variable was used that does not exist in PALM).
PA0093 data_output_pr = ... is not implemented for passive_scalar = .FALSE. The listed entries in the parameter file under data_output_pr are only available for passive_scalar= .T.. There could also be a typo in data_output_pr (an output variable was used that does not exist in PALM).
PA0094 data_output_pr = ... is not implemented for cloud_physics = .FALSE. The listed entries in the parameter file under data_output_pr are only available for cloud_physics= .T.. There could also be a typo in data_output_pr (an output variable was used that does not exist in PALM).
PA0095 data_output_pr = ... is not implemented for cloud_physics = .FALSE. and humidity = .FALSE. The listed entries in the parameter file under data_output_pr are only available for cloud_physics= .T. or cloud_physics= .F. and humidity=.T.. There could also be a typo in data_output_pr (an output variable was used that does not exist in PALM).
PA0096 data_output_pr = ... is not implemented for cloud_physics = .FALSE. and cloud_droplets = .FALSE. The listed entries in the parameter file under data_output_pr are only available for cloud_droplets= .T. or cloud_physics=.T.. There could also be a typo in data_output_pr (an output variable was used that does not exist in PALM).
PA0097 illegal value for data_output_pr or data_output_pr_user = "..." No matching variable was found for the given identifier in the parameter file. Possible reasons are: (a) a typo in the parameter file, (b) a user-defined variable has not been defined in user_check_data_output.f90, (c) the string length of the user-defined variable exceeds the current limits (see here).
PA0098 illegal value for data_output_pr = "..." No matching variable was found for the given identifier in the parameter file. This error is most likely related to a typo in the parameter file (a output variable was used that does not exist in PALM).
PA0099 netCDF: netCDF4 parallel output requested but no cpp-directive __netcdf4_parallel given, switch back to netCDF4 non-parallel output netcdf_data_format > 4 has been set. This requires netCDF4 features including parallel file support, which have to be activated by setting the cpp-switches -D__netcdf4 and -D__netcdf4_parallel in the configuration file (%cpp_options). It also requires a netCDF4 library which supports parallel I/O. Set -I, -L and -l options in compile (%compiler_options) and load (%linker_options) options of the configuration file appropriately.

Job will be continued with netcdf_data_format = netcdf_data_format - 2.
PA0100 momentum_advec of the restart run differs from momentum_advec of the initial run The advection scheme for the momentum equations momentum_advec used in the restart run differs from the advection scheme used in the corresponding initial run. The advection scheme that is used in a restart run must be the same as the one that was used in the initial run.
PA0101 scalar_advec of the restart run differs from scalar_advec of the initial run The advection scheme for scalar quantities scalar_advec used in the restart run differs from the advection scheme used in the corresponding initial run. The advection scheme that is used in a restart run must be the same as the one that was used in the initial run.
PA0102 number of output quantities given by data_output and data_output_user exceeds the limit of 500 The total number of output quantities listed in data_output and data_output_user exceeds the maximum of 500. To increase this limit, the standard PALM code has to be modified. In case you have little experience with the PALM code use a trouble ticket for a query to increase the maximum output number.
PA0103 output of "e" requires constant_diffusion = .FALSE. Output of the subgrid TKE e listed in the parameter file under data_output or data_output_masks is only available for constant diffusion= .F..
PA0104 output of "..." requires a "particles_par"-NAMELIST in the parameter file (PARIN) Output of the particle concentration pc and/or particle radius pr listed in the parameter file under data_output or data_output_masks is only available in case the particles_par namelist is set in the parameter file
PA0105 output of "..." requires humidity = .TRUE. Output of humidity (q and/or vpt) listed in the parameter file under data_output or data_output_masks is only available for humidity= .T..
PA0106 output of "ql" requires cloud_physics = .TRUE. or cloud_droplets = .TRUE. Output of liquid water content ql listed in the parameter file under data_output or data_output_masks is only available for cloud_physics= .T. or cloud_droplets= .T..
PA0107 output of "..." requires cloud_droplets = .TRUE. The quantities ql_c, ql_v, ql_vp are only calculated in case of cloud_droplets = .T..
PA0108 output of "..." requires cloud_physics = .TRUE. For the output of some quantities related to clouds and humidity cloud_physics = .T. must be set. For example, the water vapor mixing ratio qv requires cloud_physics = .T.. Also, humidity = .T. must be set. If you want to simulate the humidity without condensation/evaporation processes, use only humidity = .T. and choose output quantity q for output of the water vapor mixing ratio.
PA0109 output of "..." requires ocean = .TRUE. The quantities rho_ocean and sa are only calculated in case of ocean = .T..
PA0110 output of "s" requires passive_scalar = .TRUE. The output of the passive scalar s is only available if the prognostic equation for a passive scalar is solved by setting passive_scalar = .T..
PA0111 illegal value for data_output: "..." only 2d-horizontal cross sections are allowed for this value The listed quantities are pure two-dimensional xy-cross-sections. They are not available as 3d data or xz/yz cross-sections. Note that these quantities are always marked by an asterisk as last character. See also data_output.
PA0112 output of "..." requires cloud_scheme = kessler or seifert_beheng The quantities pra* and prr* are only calculated if cloud_scheme = kessler or cloud_scheme = seifert_beheng.
PA0113 temporal averaging of precipitation amount "pra*" is not possible The quantity precipitation_amount pra* listed in data_output contains already the summed precipitation of the last precipitation_amount_interval. Therefore, remove the substring _av of pra*.
PA0114 illegal value for data_output or data_output_user = "..." No matching variable was found for the given identifier in the parameter file. Possible reasons are: (a) a typo in the parameter file, (b) a user-defined variable has not been defined in user_check_data_output.f90, (c) the string length of the user-defined variable exceeds the current limits (see here).
PA0115 illegal value for data_output = "..." No matching variable was found for the given identifier in the parameter file. This error is most likely related to a typo in the parameter file (a output variable was used that does not exist in PALM). For possible output quantities see data_output.
PA0116 message number is unused.
PA0117 pointer for array ".." can't be associated This is an internal error message from the pmc (PALM model coupler) which is responsible for data exchange in nested runs. Please submit a trouble ticket if you are sure that you did not modify the source code of the model coupler (pmc_interface_mod.f90).
PA0118 using the beta function for the construction of the leaf area density profile requires both alpha_lad and beta_lad to be /= 9999999.9 If the lad (leaf area density) profile of a vegetation canopy is to be constructed using a beta distribution, parameters alpha_lad, beta_lad must be set and lai_beta must be given a non-zero value.
PA0119 using the beta function for the construction of the leaf area density profile requires a non-zero lai_beta, but given value is lai_beta = 0.0 If the lad (leaf area density) profile of a vegetation canopy is to be constructed using a beta distribution, parameters alpha_lad, beta_lad must be set and lai_beta must be given a non-zero value.
PA0120 simultaneous setting of alpha_lad /= 9999999.9 combined with beta_lad /= 9999999.9 and lad_surface /= 0.0 is not possible, use either vertical gradients or the beta function for the construction of the leaf area density profile The lad (leaf area density) profile of a vegetation canopy can be either constructed with a beta function by prescribing parameters alpha_lad, beta_lad and lai_beta; or from piecewise linear segments by prescribing lad_surface, lad_vertical_gradient and lad_vertical_gradient_level.
PA0121 km_constant = ... < 0.0 The eddy-diffusivity km has to be positive definite. Change the value of km_constant accordingly.
PA0122 prandtl_number = ... < 0.0 The Prandtl number Pr has to be positive definite. Change the value of prandtl_number accordingly.
PA0123 constant_flux_layer is not allowed with fixed value of km For laminar flows with a constant eddy diffusivity km_constant= ..., the constant flux layer has to be switched off via constant_flux_layer=.F..


pt_damping_width out of range

In case of non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions, the parameter pt_damping_width should not be lesser than zero or greater than the model domain length in the respective direction.
In case of bc_lr /= 'cyclic', pt_damping_width must satisfy:

0 <= pt\_damping\_width <= (nx+1) * dx \; ,

and in case of bc_ns /= 'cyclic':

0 <= pt\_damping\_width <= (ny+1) * dy \; .

(nx+1), (ny+1) are the total number of grid points and dx, dy the grid lengths in the x-, y-direction, respectively.

PA0125 zeta_min = ... must be less than zeta_max = ... The stability parameter zeta=z_mo/L (z_mo: height of the constant flux layer, L: Obukhov length) that is calculated interactively in PALM can be limited to prevent reaching unrealistic values under certain circumstances. Make sure that zeta_min is smaller than zeta_max.
PA0126 disturbance_level_b = ... must be >= ... (zu(3)) Due to technical reasons the lower disturbance level given by disturbance_level_b has to be larger than or equal zu(3).
PA0127 disturbance_level_b = ... must be <= ... (zu(nzt-2)) Due to technical reasons the lower disturbance level given by disturbance_level_b has to be smaller than or equal zu(nzt-2).
PA0128 disturbance_level_t = ... must be <= ... (zu(nzt-2)) Due to technical reasons the upper disturbance level given by disturbance_level_t has to be smaller than or equal zu(nzt-2).
PA0129 disturbance_level_t = ... must be >= disturbance_level_b = ... Ensure that disturbance_level_t is larger than or equal disturbance_level_b to obtain at least one layer where disturbances are added.
PA0130 disturbance_level_ind_t =... must be >= disturbance_level_ind_b = ... This error may occur when the lower and upper disturbance levels disturbance_level_b and disturbance_level_t are calculated automatically and there are two few grid points in the vertical direction. There have to be at least seven vertical levels.
PA0131 inflow_disturbance_begin out of range The parameter inflow_disturbance_begin gives the number of grid points (counted horizontally from the inflow) from which on perturbations are imposed on the horizontal velocity field. This value must not be smaller than zero or larger than nx (in case of non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions along the x-direction) or ny (in case of non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions along the y-direction).
PA0132 inflow_disturbance_end out of range The parameter inflow_disturbance_end gives the number of grid points (counted horizontally from the inflow) up to which perturbations are imposed on the horizontal velocity field. This value must not be smaller than zero or larger than nx (in case of non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions along the x-direction) or ny (in case of non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions along the y-direction).
PA0133 turbulent_inflow = .T. requires a Dirichlet condition at the inflow boundary In case of turbulent inflow the turbulence signal is added to a time-constant horizontal mean wind profile at the left inflow boundary at each timestep. The use of a time-constant mean wind profile requires a Dirichlet boundary condition at the left inflow boundary. For further information please see: nonclyclic boundary conditions as well as turbulent inflow.
PA0134 illegal value for recycling_width: ... See parameter recycling_width for allowed values, and appropriately correct your parameter file.
PA0135 unknown random generator: random_generator = "..." See parameter random_generator for allowed values, and appropriately correct your parameter file.
PA0136 damp_level_1d = ... must be >= 0.0 and <= ... (zu(nzt+1)) The value of damp_level_1d must be within the range [0, zu(nzt+1)]
PA0137 mixing_length_1d = "..." is unknown See parameter mixing_length_1d for allowed values, and appropriately correct your parameter file.
PA0138 dissipation_1d = "..." is unknown See parameter dissipation_1d for allowed values, and appropriately correct your parameter file.
PA0139 'pavement_type = 0 (user_defined) requires setting of pavement_heat_conduct /= 9999999.9 In case of a user-defined pavement type, the heat conductivity of the pavement must be given
PA0140 invalid soil layer configuration found (dz_soil_center(k) <= 0.0) By setting zs (the center of the soil layers), the depths of the individual layers is calculated by PALM itself. This errors points towards a misconfiguration because a soil level is set within an already established soil layer. Check dz_soil.
PA0141 coupling requires PALM to be compiled with cpp-option "-D_parallel" Coupling is only allowed in parallel and not in serial mode. You have to compile PALM with the preprocessor option "-D_parallel". Add this option to the %cpp_options line in your configuration file .palm.config....
PA0142 absolute temperature < 0.0 at zu(...) = ... Within the PALM code (in init_cloud_physics), the hydrostatic pressure profile is calculated for a neutrally stratified temperature profile t(z) = t_surface-g/c_p*z(k). If the height of the model domain is too large, the absolute temperature will become negative, which is not allowed. This error usually appears when both grid stretching is switched on and too many grid points along z are used. Try to reduce the number of grid points (nz), switch on the grid stretching at larger heights (see dz_stretch_level) or reduce the grid stretching factor (dz_stretch_factor).
PA0143 k=... j=... i=... ql_c=... part(...)%wf=... delta_r=... This error occurs due to a spurious interaction of the production and depletion of supersaturations if the applied time step is too large. Please re-run the simulation with a shorter time step.
PA0144 #1 k=... j=... i=... e_s=... e_a=... t_int=... delta_r=... particle_radius=... This error occurs if the droplet radius becomes negative. This might be related to a too long time step or an (artificial?) accumulation of super-droplets in one grid cell.
PA0145 illegal value for outflow_source_plane:... The position of the source plane for the turbulent outflow method is not given or outside the model domain. Assign a value inside the model domain: dx <= outflow_source_plane <= nx*dx
PA0146 unknown splitting mode = "..." See parameter splitting_mode for allowed values, and appropriately correct your parameter file.
PA0147 unknown splitting function = "..." See parameter splitting_function for allowed values, and appropriately correct your parameter file.
PA0148 particle too fast. n = ... Particle has moved further than the length of one PE subdomain within on timestep. This is not allowed, since particles can only be transferred from one subdomain to the neighboring subdomain. Please check if subdomains are too small or velocities are unrealistically high.
PA0149 message number is unused.
PA0150 Both dp_external and conserve_volume_flow are .TRUE., but one of them must be .FALSE. Simultaneous use of an external pressure gradient forcing (dp_external = .TRUE.) and conserve_volume_flow is not allowed. Please correct your parameter file appropriately.
PA0151 dp_level_b = ... is out of range [zu(nzb), zu(nzt)] dp_level_b is outside of the vertical bounds of the model domain. Please check the prescribed value for dp_level_b in your parameter file.
PA0152 dp_external is .TRUE. but dpdxy is zero, i.e. the external pressure gradient will not be applied If the flow forcing shall be accomplished by an external pressure gradient, i.e. dp_external is .TRUE., dpdxy must be set to a non-zero value in your parameter file.
PA0153 dpdxy is nonzero but dp_external is .FALSE., i.e. the external pressure gradient will not be applied If the flow forcing shall be accomplished by an external pressure gradient, i.e. dpdxy is set to a non-zero value, dp_external = .TRUE. must be set in your parameter file.
PA0154 unknown conserve_volume_flow_mode: ... See parameter conserve_volume_flow_mode for allowed values, and appropriately correct your parameter file.
PA0155 noncyclic boundary conditions require conserve_volume_flow_mode = "initial_profiles" See parameter conserve_volume_flow_mode for allowed values. conserve_volume_flow_mode = 'bulk_velocity' is not allowed when you are using non-cyclic boundary conditions.
PA0156 message number is unused.
PA0157 nonzero bulk velocity requires conserve_volume_flow = .T. and conserve_volume_flow_mode = "bulk_velocity" The bulk velocity is used to prescribe a volume flow which then should be conserved. This, however, requires conserve_volume_flow = .T. and conserve_volume_flow_mode = "bulk_velocity".
PA0158 no vertical boundary condition for variable "..." Routine advec_s_bc which calculates the advection term for scalar quantities using the Bott-Chlond scheme was called for a variable, which does not have a specific boundary condition implemented (Adding top and bottom boundaries according to the relevant boundary conditions is not possible). This should not happen. Please submit a trouble ticket.
PA0159 no term for component "..." Routine buoyancy was called for a different wind component than the u/w-component while an inclined surface was used. In case of an inclined surface (see alpha_surface) the buoyancy term appears in the equation of motion of the w-component and u-component. There is no buoyancy term implemented for the v-component as the surface can only be inclined in x-direction and no buoyancy term is required for the v-component. This should not happen. Please submit a trouble ticket.
PA0160 non-cyclic lateral boundaries along x do not allow calculation of spectra along x In case of non-cyclic conditions spectra would be largely affected by the non-cyclic lateral boundaries since this conflicts with the basic assumption used for the FFT that the spatial extention in the x and y-direction are infinitely large. See also data_output_sp.
PA0161 sorry, calculation of spectra in non parallel mode is still not realized Calculation of spectra in non-parallel mode is not implemented.
PA0162 non-cyclic lateral boundaries along y do not allow calculation of spectra along y In case of non-cyclic conditions spectra would be largely affected by the non-cyclic lateral boundaries since this conflicts with the basic assumption used for the FFT that the spatial extention in the x and y-direction are infinitely large. See also data_output_sp.
PA0163 run will be terminated because it is running out of job cpu limit remaining time: ... s termination time needed: ... s In case that restart_time has not been set manually, PALM determines internally when a new restart run has to be carried out depending on the setting of termination_time_needed. Within the remaining time PALM will, for example, copy binary files for restart runs, archive or transfer result data. Have a look at Initialization and restart runs for further information.
PA0164 run will be terminated due to user settings of restart_time / dt_restart, new restart time is: ... s A restart run is established by PALM due to the setting of restart_time and/or dt_restart and the new restart time is calculated. Have a look at Initialization and restart runs for further information.
PA0165 re-open of unit 14 is not verified. Please check results! The file with unit number 14 contains the binaries BINOUT. It was opened at least a second time by user specific settings. This is not verified, so check the results carefully.
PA0166 re-opening of file-id ... is not allowed It was tried to re-open a file, which had already been opened once during the simulation. Only certain files are allowed to be re-opened to prevent errors. If you are sure that the file can be re-opened without causing any errors, you may add the file-id to the list in routine check_open. See also the list of I/O-files.
PA0167 opening file-id ... not allowed for PE ... Certain files are only allowed to be opened on a certain PE (in most cases only on PE0). Please check if your file can be opened on this PE and choose a different file-id.
PA0168 opening file-id ... is not allowed since it is used otherwise Certain file-ids are reserved for files used temporarily outside of the main program. Please refer to the list of I/O-files and choose an unused file-id.
PA0169 current user-interface revision "..." does not match the required revision r.... You are using a user-interface which does not match the installed PALM revision. One reason might be that the default user-interface of the newest PALM revision has been changed by the PALM developers (e.g. because some parameters have been added to parameter-lists of subroutine calls). Please carefully read the source code change log, where these kind of changes are announced, and where also hints will be given for how to adjust existing user-interfaces.
PA0170 pointer for array ".." can't be associated This is an internal error message from the pmc (PALM model coupler) which is responsible for data exchange in nested runs. Please submit a trouble ticket if you are sure that you did not modify the source code of the model coupler (pmc_interface_mod.f90).
PA0171 netCDF: netCDF4 format requested but no cpp-directive __netcdf4 given switch back to 64-bit offset format netcdf_data_format > 2 has been set. This requires netCDF4 features, which have to be activated by setting the cpp-directive __netcdf4 in the configuration file (%cpp_options). It also requires a netCDF4 library. Set -I, -L and -l options in compile (%compiler_options) and load (%linker_options) options of the configuration file appropriately.
PA0172 no OPEN-statement for file-id ... Routine check_open was called with an unknown file-id. Please check the file-id for a typo or open the file manually using an OPEN(...) statement.
PA0173 wrong component: ... Routine coriolis can only be called for component 1, 2 and 3, which correspond to the wind speed components u, v and w. Other components do not exist.
PA0174 wrong argument expected: ... given: Internal code error in routine cpu_log which can measure the CPU-time of a specific code segment. This error occurs when cpu_log is used again with the same id for a specific code segment (first input parameter) but with a different name describing this segment (second input parameter). When you did not change the source code by yourself please inform the PALM developers.
PA0175 Tunnel width too small tunnel_width_x - 2.0*tunnel_wall_depth must be > 2*dx
PA0176 negative time interval occured PE ... L=PAUSE "..." new=... last=... The time measurement via routine cpu_log gave a negative time interval. This error could be caused when cpu_log was called with option "pause" before the corresponding cpu_log was initialised with option "start".
PA0177 negative time interval occured PE ... L=STOP "..." new=... last=... isum=... The time measurement via cpu_log gave a negative time interval. This error could be caused when cpu_log was called with option "stop" before the corresponding cpu_log was initialised with option "start" or before it was continued with option "continue".
PA0178 negative time interval occured PE ... L=STOP "..." sum=... mtime=... The time measurement via cpu_log gave a negative time interval. This error could be caused when cpu_log was called with option "stop" before the corresponding cpu_log was initialised with option "start" or before it was continued with option "continue".
PA0179 unknown modus of time measurement: ... Possible options for cpu_log are "start", "pause", "continue" and "stop". Please refer to the description in the header of cpulog_mod.f90.
PA0180 unknown cross-section: ... Cross sections are only possible for xy-, xz- or yz-sections. Please check your variable list in your data_output and data_output_user parameter for correct spelling.
PA0181 no output provided for: ... There is no 2D data output available for the selected variable. Please check your variable list in your data_output and data_output_user parameter for correct spelling.
PA0182 no output provided for: ... There is no 3D data output available for the selected variable. Please check your variable list in your data_output and data_output_user parameter for correct spelling.
PA0183 if humidity/passive_scalar = .FALSE. output of ... is not provided Output of the water vapor/total water mixing ratio q requires humidity = .T.. Output of the scalar concentration s requires passive_scalar = .T..
PA0184 if cloud_physics = .FALSE. and cloud_droplets = .FALSE. output of ... is not provided Output of the liquid water content ql requires cloud_physics = .T. or cloud_droplets = .T..
PA0185 data_output_pr = s*2 is not implemented for passive_scalar = .FALSE. The listed entry s*2 in the parameter file under data_output_pr is only available for passive_scalar= .T..
PA0186 no spectra data available This message occurs if the data_output_spectra routine is called but no spectra data was calculated through the routine calc_spectra. Check your spectra settings in the parameter file.
PA0187 fft method "system-specific" currently does not work on NEC Usage of system-specific fft has been switched on with parameter fft_method, but the relevant part of the PALM code where the NEC-fft-library calls (e.g. DZFFT or DZFFTM) are used contains bugs which still require to be solved. You may submit a trouble ticket and ask for help.
PA0188 no system-specific fft-call available You have set fft_method = system-specific. In this case you additionally have to set the cpp-preprocessor switches -D__ibm or -D__nec to specify the fft-library that you like to use. Calls to IBM/NEC-libraries are the only one implemented so far in the PALM code. Probably you forgot to set such a switch. Set the switch and do not forget to recompile the code.
PA0189 fft method "..." not available See fft_method for the availabe methods that are implemented in PALM and modify the inipar-parameter fft_method in your NAMELIST file appropriately.
PA0190 flow_statistics is called two times within one timestep Routine flow_statistics computes average profiles and further average flow quantities. It is only allowed to call this routine once during a time step (one timestep consists of several intermediate steps due to the selected time integration scheme). Please submit a trouble ticket if you have run into this error.
PA0191 unknown action(s): ... The initializing action given by initializing_actions in your parameter file is unknown. Please check for correct spelling.
PA0192 timestep has exceeded the lower limit dt_1d = ... s simulation stopped! The time step of the 1D model is determined according to the diffusion criterion to assure a stable numerical solution. This error message means that the required minimum time step is several orders of magnitude smaller than dt_max_1d. The error message may indicate for unrealistic settings of e.g. boundary conditions or other NAMELIST parameters. Please also check if this error appears if you run without USERCODE. To compile and run the PALM and USERCODE with DEBUG-options might also give sometimes valuable hints.
PA0193 unknown initializing problem This should not happen during the initialization of the model variables in the routine init_3d_model. Please submit a trouble ticket if you have run into this error.
PA0194 number of time series quantities exceeds its maximum of dots_max = ... Please increase dots_max in modules.f90. In case that the output of user defined timeseries is done and the number of the user defined timeseries exceeds the maximum number, the maximum number dots_max, which is currently set to 100, has to be increased. Please increase dots_max in modules.f90 according to your needs.
PA0195 dvrp_username is undefined This error occurs due to a non-defined dvrp_username when you want to use the dvr software (DVR graphics) which is still implemented in PALM. dvr software currently not used by PALM group. Future deactivation of this function probable.
PA0196 dvrp_output="..." not allowed This error occurs due to an illegal value of dvrp_output when you want to use the dvr software (DVR graphics) which is still implemented in PALM. dvr software currently not used by PALM group. Future deactivation of this function probable.
PA0197 dvrp_file="..." not allowed This error occurs due to an illegal value of dvrp_file when you want to use the dvr software (DVR graphics) which is still implemented in PALM. dvr software currently not used by PALM group. Future deactivation of this function probable.
PA0198 mode_dvrp="..." not allowed This error occurs due to an illegal value of mode_dvrp when you want to use the dvr software (DVR graphics) which is still implemented in PALM. dvr software currently not used by PALM group. Future deactivation of this function probable.
PA0199 split of communicator not realized with MPI1 coupling atmosphere-ocean This error occurs when you want to use the dvr software (DVR graphics) in combination with an atmosphere-ocean coupling. Internally, the variable coupling_mode defines the coupling setup used for the current respective model run. When coupling_mode/=uncoupled this message can occur. dvr software currently not used by PALM group. Future deactivation of this function probable.
PA0200 missing dz No value for dz was given in the parameter file.
PA0201 dz=... <= 0.0 The value given for dz must be greater than 0.0.
PA0202 grid anisotropy exceeds threshold given by only local horizontal reduction of near_wall mixing length l_wall starting from height level k = ... . The grid-dependent mixing length l_grid ( = Δ = (Δx Δy Δz)1/3 ) becomes larger than 2.7 * dx or 2.7 * dy starting from the reported height level k. Although PALM will not abort due to this warning, the chosen grid setup might lead to untrustworthy results. The reason for this is an unfavourable choise of grid anisotropy. To avoid this, make sure that the values of dx, dy, and dz do not differ too much from each other. In case of grid stretching, the settings of dz_stretch_level and/or dz_stretch_factor should be changed to ensure a smaller difference between dz(k) and dx and dy at the reported height level.
PA0203 inconsistent building parameters: bxl=... bxr=... bys=... byn=... nx=... ny=... The setup of the single building (topography = 'single_building' ) yields a too narrow building or the building walls are positioned outside of the model domain. Please check the building parameters in your parameter file.
PA0204 no street canyon width given If topography = 'single_street_canyon' is given, also a canyon width must be given by either specifying canyon_width_x or canyon_width_y in the parameter file.
PA0205 inconsistent canyon parameters: cxl=... cxr=... cwx=... ch=... nx=... ny=... Due to canyon_width_x the setup of the single street canyon (topography = 'single_street_canyon' ) yields a too narrow canyon or the canyon walls are outside of the model domain. Please check the canyon parameters in your parameter file.
PA0206 inconsistent canyon parameters:... cys=... cyn=... cwy=... ch=... nx=... ny=... Due to canyon_width_y the setup of the single street canyon (topography = 'single_street_canyon' ) yields a too narrow canyon or the canyon walls are outside of the model domain. Please check the canyon parameters in your parameter file.
PA0207 inconsistent canyon parameters: street canyon can only be oriented either in x- or in y-direction Please do not specify canyon_width_x and canyon_width_y in the parameter file at the same time.
PA0208 file TOPOGRAPHY_DATA does not exist Make sure that the topography data is available in the job directory (JOBS/<job-name>/INPUT/) and named correctly (<job-name>_topo). For remote jobs it might be possible that the automatic transfer of the topography file to the host computer did not work. In this case the topography file must be transfered manually to the host.
PA0209 errors in file TOPOGRAPHY_DATA Possible reasons for this error include:
1. File contains a header. Solution: The header of the ESRI Ascii Grid format (usually 6 lines) must be removed.
2. File does not contain enough data.
a) The number of columns (ncols) is less than nx+1.
b) The number of rows (nrows) is less than ny+1.
Solution: Make sure that ncols matches nx+1 and that nrows matches ny+1.
PA0210 nzb_local values are outside the model domain MINVAL( nzb_local ) = ... MAXVAL( nzb_local ) = ... This error occurs during grid consistency checks of the index arrays when using non-flat topography with regard to the vertical dimension. Please submit a trouble ticket if you have run into this error because this should not happen.
PA0211 message number is unused
PA0212 Overhanging topography do not work with particles When you have defined an overhanging structure in your topography data the simultaneous use of the Lagrangian particle model could be dangerous because reflection boundary conditions (as well as subgrid-scale velocities) are not realized for downward-facing walls so far.
PA0213 max_number_of_particle_groups = ... number_of_particle_groups reset to reset to ... If the number_of_particle_groups > 10 then is reset to the maximum number of particle groups (at maximum 10 are allowed)
PA0214 version mismatch concerning data from prior run version on file = ... version in program = ... This error occurs when particle data from the restart file is read and the precursor run was carried out with a different particle binary version than the main run. Repeat the precurser with the current version or carry out the main run with the same version as the precursor. You can check the particle binary version number which is required for the main run in lpm_read_restart_file.f90.
PA0215 particle group # ... has a density ratio /= 0 but radius = 0 Particles with mass but without radius are not allowed. Please appropriately correct radius or density_ratio
PA0216 message number is unused.
PA0217 unknown boundary condition bc_par_b = "..." See parameter bc_par_b for allowed values, and appropriately correct your parameter file.
PA0218 unknown boundary condition bc_par_t = "..." See parameter bc_par_t for allowed values, and appropriately correct your parameter file.
PA0219 unknown boundary condition bc_par_lr = "..." See parameter bc_par_lr for allowed values, and appropriately correct your parameter file.
PA0220 unknown boundary condition bc_par_ns = "..." See parameter bc_par_ns for allowed values, and appropriately correct your parameter file.
PA0221 number of PEs of the prescribed topology (...) does not match the number of PEs available to the job (...) In case that the number of PEs along the x- and y-direction of the virtual processor grid is set via npex and npey, the product npey*npex has to match exactly the total number of processors which is assigned by the palmrun-option -X.
PA0222 if the processor topology is prescribed by the user, both values of "npex" and "npey" must be given in the NAMELIST-parameter file In case that only one number of processors along x- or y- direction npex or npey is set in the &runtime_parameters-Namelist, the remaining, so far not assigned, number of processors has to be set, too.
PA0223 errors in \$nesting_parameters An unvalid variable name or value has been given in the nestpar-NAMELIST. Carefully check your nestpar-NAMELIST and compare with the parameters given and explained in the Nesting-section of the model steering parameters.
PA0224 message number is unused.
PA0225 x-direction: gridpoint number (...) is not an integral divisor of the number of processors (...) The division of the number of grid points along the x-direction given by nx+1 by the number of processors along the x-direction has a rest and is therefore not an integral divisor of the number of processors. To solve this problem you must ensure that the aforementioned division is without rest for example by setting the number of PEs in x-direction manually (see npex) or by changing nx. It might also be the case that you did not think about that nx+1 is the total number of gridpoints along the x-direction instead of nx.
PA0226 message number is unused
PA0227 y-direction: gridpoint number (...) is not an integral divisor of the number of processors (...) The division of the number of grid points along the y-direction given by ny+1 by the number of processors along the y-direction has a rest and is therefore not an integral divisor of the number of processors. To solve this problem you must ensure that the aforementioned division is without rest for example by setting the number of PEs in y-direction manually (see npey) or by changing ny. It might also be the case that you did not think about that ny+1 is the total number of gridpoints along the y-direction instead of ny.
PA0228 message number is unused
PA0229 nesting-setup requires different number of MPI procs (...) than provided (...) This message appears for nested runs, if the total number of MPI processes for all nested domains given in the nestpar-NAMELIST is larger than the number of MPI processes which has been allowed for the run, e.g. with palmrun-option -X. (Attention: For hybrid OpenMP/MPI-runs the number of MPI processes allowed for the run is the number given by -X divided by the number of threads per MPI-task, as given with palmrun-option -O.) You either have to provide the run more resources (i.e. more cores) or you have to decrease the number of MPI processes in $nestpar.
PA0230 transposition z --> x: nz=... is not an integral divisor of pdims(1)= ... Due to restrictions in data transposition, the division of nz by the number of processors in x-direction has to be without rest. Please ensure this by changing nz or setting the number of gridpoints in x-direction (pdims(1)) manually by npex.
PA0231 transposition x --> y: nx+1=... is not an integral divisor of pdims(2)= ... Due to restrictions in data transposition, the division of nx+1 by the number of processors in y-direction has to be without rest. Please ensure this by changing nx or setting the number of gridpoints in y-direction (pdims(2)) manually by npex.
PA0232 transposition y --> z: ny+1=... is not an integral divisor of pdims(1)=... Due to restrictions in data transposition, the division of ny+1 by the number of processors in x-direction has to be without rest. Please ensure this by changing ny or setting the number of gridpoints in x-direction (pdims(1)) manually by npex.
PA0233 transposition x --> y: ny+1=... is not an integral divisor of pdims(1)=... Due to restrictions in data transposition, the division of ny+1 by the number of processors in x-direction has to be without rest. Please ensure this by changing ny or setting the number of gridpoints in x-direction (pdims(1)) manually by npex.
PA0234 direct transposition z --> y (needed for spectra): nz=... is not an integral divisor of pdims(2)=... Due to restrictions in data transposition, the division of nz by the number of processors in y-direction has to be without rest. Please ensure this by changing nz or setting the number of gridpoints in y-direction (pdims(2)) manually by npey.
PA0235 mg_switch_to_pe0_level out of range and reset to 0 mg_switch_to_pe0_level was manually set out of range. It was reset to 0, so that the gathering level is determined automatically and displayed in file RUN_CONTROL. See mg_switch_to_pe0_level for details.
PA0236 grid coarsening on subdomain level cannot be performed The multigrid pressure solver halfs the number of grid points in each direction to get coarser grid levels. This is done for the subdomains on each PE until one of the directions cannot be divided by 2 without rest. If this is the case, the coarsest grid level of each subdomain are gathered on each PE for further coarsening. Before gathering, the coarsening must be done for the subdomain at least one time. You get this error messages for example with the following combination:
nx = 60, ny = 60, nz = 60,
npex = 4, npey = 2.
With this combination, the subdomain on each PE has the size:
nx = 15, ny = 30, nz = 60.
The number of grid points in the x-direction of the subdomain cannot be divided by 2 and no coarsening is possible for the subdomains in this example.

To avoid this error ensure that the number of grid points in each direction can be divided by 2 without rest on the subdomain of an PE at least one time. Therefor vary the number of grid points for the direction which does not fit by changing nx , ny or nz or adjust the number of processors by modifying the parameters npex or npey in order to get other subdomain sizes.
In the example given above, you can avoid the error by changing nx or npex. For example setting nx = 64 leads to a subdomain of
nx = 16, ny = 30, nz = 60.
All numbers are now divisible by 2 without rest and the first coarser grid on the subdomain is then:
nx = 8, ny = 15, nz = 30.
PA0237 multigrid gather/scatter impossible in non parallel mode You are using the multigrid-solver and are running PALM in non-parallel mode (i.e. on a single processor core), but you have set a multigrid level (using parameter mg_switch_to_pe0_level) from where on data shall be collected on core 0 in order to allow for a further coarsening of the grid. Obviously, this does not make sense if only one core is used. Remove this parameter from your NAMELIST-file or set it to value -1 to switch of collection.
PA0238 more than 10 multigrid levels You have selected the multigrid Poisson-solver (psolver = "multigrid") and a numerical grid which allows for more than 10 coarsening levels. This may happen for very large grids where the grid point numbers along x,y,z are given by 2n with n>10. The smallest grid which may cause this error would have 20483 points. However, depending on the chosen domain decomposition, much larger grids might be possible. Choose a different number of grid points to circumvent this problem.
PA0239 The value for "topography_grid_convention" is not set. Its default value is only valid for "topography" = "single_building", "tunnel" "single_street_canyon" or "read_from_file" Choose "cell_edge" or "cell_center". See topography_grid_convention for details.
PA0240 The value for "topography_grid_convention" is not recognized. Choose "cell_edge" or "cell_center". See topography_grid_convention for details.
PA0241 netcdf_precision must contain a "_" netcdf_precision(...)="..." Output types can be assigned a NETCDF precision. For that, the output type has to be connected with the precision via "_". See netcdf_precision for details.
PA0242 illegal netcdf precision: netcdf_precision( ...)="..." See PA0241. Allowed NETCDF precisions are 'NF90_REAL4' (single precision) or 'NF90_REAL8' (double precision) .
PA0243 unknown variable in initialization_parameters assignment: netcdf_precision(...)="..." See PA0241. Allowed outputs are 'xy', 'xz', 'yz', '2d', '3d', 'pr', 'ts', 'sp', 'prt' or 'all'.
PA0244 no grid defined for variable ... All output quantities need a grid on which they are then output. See user-defined output documentation for a detailed description on how to output your own quantities. If you did not define your own output quantities and if you did not change the code please submit a trouble ticket.
PA0245 netCDF file for volume data ... from previous run found, but this file cannot be extended due to variable mismatch. New file is created instead. This is a warning. A netCDF file from a previous run exist which is tried to be opened for extension. However, its 3d variables do not match the ones of the current run. Therefore a new file is created instead.
PA0246 netCDF file for volume data ... from previous run found, but this file cannot be extended due to mismatch in number of vertical grid points (nz_do3d). New file is created instead. This is a warning. A netCDF file from a previous run exist which is tried to be opened for extension. However, the number of vertical grid points of the 3d variables do not match the one of the current run. Therefore a new file is created instead.
PA0247 netCDF file for volume data ... from previous run found, but this file cannot be extended because the current output time is less or equal than the last output time on this file. New file is created instead. This is a warning. A netCDF file from a previous run exist which is tried to be opened for extension. However, its last output time is greater than the first output time of the current run. Therefore a new file is created instead.
PA0248 netCDF file for volume data ... from previous run found. This file will be extended. This is just an informative message and self explanatory.
PA0249 netCDF file for cross-sections ... from previous run found, but this file cannot be extended due to variable mismatch. New file is created instead. This is a warning. A netCDF file from a previous run exist which is tried to be opened for extension. However, its 2D variables do not match the ones of the current run. Therefore a new file is created instead.
PA0250 netCDF file for cross-sections ... from previous run found, but this file cannot be extended due to mismatch in number of cross sections. New file is created instead. This is a warning. A netCDF file from a previous run exist which is tried to be opened for extension. However, the number of cross sections do not match the one of the current run. Therefore a new file is created instead.
PA0251 netCDF file for cross-sections ... from previous run found but this file cannot be extended due to mismatch in cross section levels. New file is created instead. This is a warning. A netCDF file from a previous run exist which is tried to be opened for extension. However, the specified cross section levels which shall be outputted do not match the ones of the current run. Therefore a new file is created instead.
PA0252 netCDF file for cross sections ... from previous run found, but this file cannot be extended because the current output time is less or equal than the last output time on this file. New file is created instead. This is a warning. A netCDF file from a previous run exist which is tried to be opened for extension. However, its last output time is greater than the first output time of the current run. Therefore a new file is created instead.
PA0253 netCDF file for cross-sections ... from previous run found. This file will be extended. This is just an informative message and self explanatory.
PA0254 netCDF file for vertical profiles from previous run found, but this file cannot be extended due to variable mismatch. New file is created instead. This is a warning. A netCDF file from a previous run exist which is tried to be opened for extension. However, its 1D variables do not match the ones of the current run. Therefore a new file is created instead.
PA0255 netCDF file for vertical profiles from previous run found, but this file cannot be extended because the current output time is less or equal than the last output time on this file. New file is created instead. This is a warning. A netCDF file from a previous run exist which is tried to be opened for extension. However, its last output time is greater than the first output time of the current run. Therefore a new file is created instead.
PA0256 netCDF file for vertical profiles from previous run found. This file will be extended. This is just an informative message and self explanatory.
PA0257 netCDF file for (flight) time series from previous run found but this file cannot be extended due to variable mismatch. New file is created instead. This is a warning. A netCDF file from a previous run exist which is tried to be opened for extension. However, its time dependent variables do not match the ones of the current run. Therefore a new file is created instead.
PA0258 netCDF file for (flight) time series from previous run found, but this file cannot be extended because the current output time is less or equal than the last output time on this file. New file is created instead. This is a warning. A netCDF file from a previous run exist which is tried to be opened for extension. However, its last output time is greater than the first output time of the current run. Therefore a new file is created instead.
PA0259 netCDF file for (flight) time series from previous run found. This file will be extended. This is just an informative message and self explanatory.
PA0260 netCDF file for spectra from previous run found, but this file cannot be extended due to variable mismatch. New file is created instead. This is a warning. A netCDF file from a previous run exist which is tried to be opened for extension. However, its variables do not match the ones of the current run. Therefore a new file is created instead.
PA0261 netCDF file for spectra from previous run found, but this file cannot be extended due to mismatch in number of vertical levels. New file is created instead. This is a warning. A netCDF file from a previous run exist which is tried to be opened for extension. However, the number of vertical levels which shall be outputted do not match the ones of the current run. Therefore a new file is created instead.
PA0262 netCDF file for spectra from previous run found, but this file cannot be extended due to mismatch in heights of vertical levels. New file is created instead. This is a warning. A netCDF file from a previous run exist which is tried to be opened for extension. However, the specified vertical levels (heights) which shall be outputted do not match the ones of the current run. Therefore a new file is created instead.
PA0263 netCDF file for spectra from previous run found, but this file cannot be extended because the current output time is less or equal than the last output time on this file. New file is created instead. This is a warning. A netCDF file from a previous run exist which is tried to be opened for extension. However, its last output time is greater than the first output time of the current run. Therefore a new file is created instead.
PA0264 netCDF file for spectra from previous run found. This file will be extended. This is just an informative message and self explanatory.
PA0265 netCDF file for particles from previous run found, but this file cannot be extended because the current output time is less or equal than the last output time on this file. New file is created instead. This is a warning. A netCDF file from a previous run exist which is tried to be opened for extension. However, its last output time is greater than the first output time of the current run. Therefore a new file is created instead.
PA0266 netCDF file for particles from previous run found. This file will be extended. This is just an informative message and self explanatory.
PA0267 netCDF file for particle time series from previuos run found, but this file cannot be extended due to variable mismatch. New file is created instead. This is a warning. A netCDF file from a previous run exist which is tried to be opened for extension. However, its time dependent particle data do not match the data of the current run. Therefore a new file is created instead.
PA0268 netCDF file for particle time series from previous run found, but this file cannot be extended because the current output time is less or equal than the last output time on this file. New file is created instead. This is a warning. A netCDF file from a previous run exist which is tried to be opened for extension. However, its last output time is greater than the first output time of the current run. Therefore a new file is created instead.
PA0269 netCDF file for particle time series from previous run found. This file will be extended. This is just an informative message and self explanatory.
PA0270 mode "..." not supported The mode which steers the netcdf output can not be processed in netcdf_interface_mod.f90). Possible modes are 3d, ma (mask), xy, xz, yz, pr (profiles), ps (particle timeseries), fl (flight data), ts (timeseries), sp (spectra). In addition, the extension (_ext) and the creation of netcdf files is possible. If you run into this error please submit a trouble ticket.
PA0271 errors in &initialization_parameters or no &initialization_parameters-namelist found (CRAY-machines only) One possible explanation: An old, meanwhile modified variable has been used in &initialization_parameters (e.g. ws_vertical_gradient (old) instead of subs_vertical_gradient (new)). Please carefully check your inipar-NAMELIST and compare parameters and their values with those given and explained in the initialization-section of the model steering parameters.
PA0272 no &initialization_parameters-namelist found Your parameter file must contain an &initialization_parameters-namelist. Parameters given in this namelist are required for model steering. Please take a look at this example parameter file and appropriately correct your parameter file. One possible error might be a typo in the NAMELIST name, e.g. inpar instead of inipar.
PA0273 no value or wrong value given for nx: nx=... See parameter nx for allowed values, and check the &initialization_parameters-namelist in your parameter file.
PA0274 no value or wrong value given for ny: ny=... See parameter ny for allowed values, and check the &initialization_parameters-namelist in your parameter file.
PA0275 no value or wrong value given for nz: nz=... See parameter nz for allowed values, and check the &initialization_parameters-namelist in your parameter file.
PA0276 local file ENVPAR not found, some variables for steering may not be properly set Some model steering parameters are passed to PALM through a namelist &envpar which is stored in local file ENVPAR. This file is created by the script palmrun which can be used to start model runs. This message appears, if ENVPAR could not be found because it was not created by palmrun. Check if you changed anything in the script.
PA0277 errors in local file ENVPAR some variables for steering may not be properly set The namelist &envpar expects certain model steering parameters (see parin.f90). Some of these parameters have not been properly set or are missing entirely. This should only happen if (1) you didn't use palmrun to start your run, (2) you used an old version of palmrun that is not compatible with your model version anymore (then please update) or (3) you changed palmrun manually and set some parameters of the &envpar namelist incorrectly. (Also see PA0276)
PA0278 no envpar-NAMELIST found in local file ENVPAR some variables for steering may not be properly set Some model steering parameters are passed to PALM through a namelist &envpar which is stored in local file ENVPAR. This file is created by the script palmrun which can be used to start model runs. The &envpar namelist was not found. This is possible if you (1) did not use palmrun to start your run or (2) changed palmrun manually so that the namelist is not properly created.
PA0279 wrong component: ... This message is produced by the procedure pcm_tendency of the plant canopy model. It calculates drag for velocity components and scalar quantities. The calculated components are: u, v, w, pt, q, e, s (1-7). The subroutine is only called for these 7 quantities. If this error occured, you called the routine from your own code for a component that is out of range. If you wish to do this, you must adjust procedures pcm_tendency and pcm_tendency_ij in file plant_canopy_model_mod.f90 accordingly.
PA0280 No tunnel width is given. This error occurs if you have set topography= 'tunnel' in you parameter file but you did not specify tunnel_width_x or tunnel_width_y
PA0281 Inconsistent tunnel parameters: tunnel can only be oriented either in x- or in y-direction. Please do not specify tunnel_width_x and tunnel_width_y in the parameter file at the same time.
PA0282 Tunnel width too large tunnel_width_x must be <= (nx+1)*dx
PA0283 no sufficient convergence within 1000 cycles Still after 1000 cycles of the multigrid-solver the divergence residual is larger than the residual limit given by residual_limit. Try to increase the residual limit, or fix the number of multigrid cycles (see mg_cycles). In any case, carefully check if the divergence of the velocity field is sufficiently reduced by the multigrid solver. This can be done by comparing the divergence before and after the call of the multigrid solver which is printed in the RUN_CONTROL file.

If this error appears during the initial phase of a run (before the first timestep), the number of subdomain gridpoints along x/y/z probably do not allow sufficient coarsening of the grid. The number of gridpoints should allow for a division by two (without rest) at least 2-3 times.
PA0284 data from subdomain of previous run mapped more than 1000 times The model domain of the precursor run was much smaller than that of the main run. It was reused more than 1000 times in one direction. Try a smaller main run domain or a larger precursor.
PA0285 number of PEs or virtual PE-grid changed in restart run PE ... will read from files ... The model domain of the precursor run is smaller than that of the main run and has been copied one or multiple times.
PA0286 version mismatch concerning data from prior run version on file = "..." version in program = "..." The precursor run was carried out with a different version than the main run. Repeat the precurser with the current version or carry out the main run with the same version as the precursor.
PA0287 problem with index bound nxl on restart file "..." nxl = ... but it should be = ... from the index bound information array The processor grid was changed between this and the previous run. See documentation of tubulent inflow for detailed information on the use of restart data for precursor runs.
PA0288 problem with index bound nxr on restart file "..." nxr = ... but it should be = ... from the index bound information array The processor grid was changed between this and the previous run. See documentation of tubulent inflow for detailed information on the use of restart data for precursor runs.
PA0289 problem with index bound nys on restart file "..." nys = ... but it should be = ... from the index bound information array The processor grid was changed between this and the previous run. See documentation of tubulent inflow for detailed information on the use of restart data for precursor runs.
PA0290 problem with index bound nyn on restart file "..." nyn = ... but it should be = ... from the index bound information array The processor grid was changed between this and the previous run. See documentation of tubulent inflow for detailed information on the use of restart data for precursor runs.
PA0201 mismatch between actual data and data from prior run on PE ...
nzb on file = ...
nzb = ...
The vertical extent of the model domain must be the same in precursor and main run. In this case, there is a mismatch in the respective topography. See documentation of tubulent inflow for detailed information on the use of restart data for precursor runs.
PA0292 mismatch between actual data and data from prior run on PE ...
nzt on file = ...
nzt = ...
The vertical extent of the model domain must be the same in precursor and main run. See documentation of tubulent inflow for detailed information on the use of restart data for precursor runs.
PA0293 read_3d_binary: spectrum_x on restart file ignored because total numbers of grid points (nx) do not match To avoid this message, make sure that nx is the same in both the precursor and the main run.
PA0294 read_3d_binary: spectrum_y on restart file ignored because total numbers of grid points (ny) do not match To avoid this message, make sure that ny is the same in both the precursor and the main run.
PA0295 unknown field named "..." found in ... data from prior run on PE ... See PA0302
PA0296 version mismatch concerning control variables version on file = "..." version on program = "..."
PA0297 numprocs not found in data from prior run on PE ...
PA0298 hor_index_bounds not found in data from prior run on PE ...
PA0299 nz not found in data from prior run on PE ...
PA0300 max_pr_user not found in data from prior run on PE ...
PA0301 statistic_regions not found in data from prior run on PE ...
PA0302 unknown variable named "..." found in ... data from prior run on PE ... During the initial run, a variable was written to BINOUT, that is not recognized during read-in of the restart run. Note that user variables have to be written during user_last_actions (not to the part of BINOUT where standard output is written). It has to be read accordingly in user_read_restart_data. Also see: user output.
PA0303 nz not found in restart data file nz is necessary for the main run to continue. This will happen if the inipar list was altered between precursor and main run. See documentation of tubulent inflow for detailed information on the use of restart data for precursor runs. Also check if you altered nz between precursor and main run.
PA0304 mismatch concerning number of gridpoints along z
nz on file = "..."
nz from run = "..."
The main run must have the same number of grid points in z-direction as the precursor run. x- and y-directions may differ. See documentation of tubulent inflow for detailed information on the use of restart data for precursor runs.
PA0305 max_pr_user not found in restart data file max_pr_user is necessary for the main run to continue. This will happen if the inipar list was altered between precursor and main run. See documentation of tubulent inflow for detailed information on the use of restart data for precursor runs. Also check if you altered data_output_pr_user between precursor and main run.
PA0306 number of user profiles on restart data file differs from the current run
max_pr_user on file = "..."
max_pr_user from run = "..."
This message is informative, the run will continue nontheless. This will only happen in case the number of user profiles was changed from precursor to main run. See documentation of tubulent inflow for detailed information on the use of restart data for precursor runs.
PA0307 statistic_regions not found in restart data file statistic_regions are necessary for the main run to continue. This will happen if the inipar list was altered between precursor and main run. See documentation of tubulent inflow for detailed information on the use of restart data for precursor runs.
PA0308 statistic regions on restart data file differ from the current run
statistic regions on file = "..."
statistic regions from run = "..."
statistic data may be lost!
This message is informative, the run will continue nontheless. This will only happen in case the statistic regions were changed from precursor to main run. See documentation of tubulent inflow for detailed information on the use of restart data for precursor runs.
PA0309 inflow profiles not temporally averaged. Averaging will be done now using ... samples.
PA0310 remote model "..." terminated with terminate_coupled_remote = ... local model "..." has terminate_coupled = ... The remote model in a coupled run has been terminated. The reason for the termination is provided by terminate_coupled.

Termination reasons:
1 model was terminated (unknown reason)
2 time step has reached minimum limit (see PA0312)
3 run will be terminated because it is running out of job cpu limit remaining time (see PA0163)
4 run will be terminated due to user settings of dt_restart (see PA0164)
5 run will be terminated due to user settings of restart_time (see PA0164)
6 unscheduled termination was forced by the user (see PA0398)
PA0311 number of gridpoints along x or/and y contain illegal factors only factors 8,6,5,4,3,2 are allowed In case that fft_method='temperton-algorithm', the number of horizontal grid points (nx+1, ny+1) must be composed of prime factors 2,3 and 5. Higher prime factors such as 7 are not allowed. Please ensure that these restrictions are fulfilled or use 'singleton-algorithm' as fft_method.
PA0312 Time step has reached minimum limit.
dt = ... s Simulation is terminated.
old_dt = ... s
dt_u = ... s
dt_v = ... s
dt_w = ... s
dt_diff = ... s
u_max = ... m/s k=... j=... i=...
v_max = ... m/s k=... j=... i=...\w_max = ... m/s k=... j=... i=...
The time step is determined according to the CFL criterion to assure a stable numerical solution. This error message means that the required minimum time step, determined from the three velocity components, is several orders of magnitude smaller than dt_max. Due to the large number of complex reasons it should be noted that this list is not complete, but it is intended to give general hints how to proceed in case of this error message. First, check for a unrealistic value of dt_max in the NAMELIST file. Moreover, this error message may indicate for unrealistic settings of e.g. boundary conditions or other NAMELIST parameters. For very small vertical grid spacing dz this error might also occur if roughness_length >= dz. Please also check if this error appears if you run without USERCODE. To compile and run the PALM and USERCODE with DEBUG-options might also give sometimes valuable hints.
PA0313 illegal value for parameter particle_color: ... The parameter particle_color allows to bind the displayed particle color to certain flow quantities. Possible values for this parameter are 'absuv' , 'pt*' or 'z' . The default value is 'none' . Other values for particle_color are not enabled. For detailed information see particle_color.
PA0314 illegal value for parameter particle_dvrpsize: ... The parameter particle_dvrpsize allows to bind the displayed particle size to certain flow quantities. Possible value for this parameter is 'absw' . The default value is 'none' . Other values for particle_dvrpsize are not enabled. For detailed information see particle_dvrpsize.
PA0315 color_interval(2) <= color_interval(1) Two values can be given for parameter color_interval, but the first value must be smaller than the second value, e.g. color_interval = 0.0, 1.0. For details see parameters color_interval and particle_color.
PA0316 dvrpsize_interval(2) <= dvrpsize_interval(1) Two values can be given for parameter dvrpsize_interval, but the first value must be smaller than the second value, e.g. dvrpsize_interval = 0.0, 1.0. For details see parameters dvrpsize_interval and particle_dvrpsize.
PA0317 ocean = .F. does not allow coupling_char = ... set by palmrun-option "-y" The palmrun option "-y" must not be used for atmosphere runs. The option is only required for ocean precursor runs, which are followed by atmosphere-ocean coupled restart runs.
PA0318 inflow_damping_height must be explicitly specified because the inversion height calculated by the prerun is zero See inflow_damping_height.
PA0319 section_xy must be <= nz + 1 = ...
PA0320 section_xz must be <= ny + 1 = ...
PA0321 section_yz must be <= nx + 1 = ...
PA0322 output of w*q*(0) requires humidity=.TRUE. Variables connected with humidity, e.g. like the resolved-scale turbulent water flux w*q*, can only be output if the moist version of PALM is used, i.e. if humidity = .TRUE.
PA0323 output of averaged quantity "..." requires to set a non-zero averaging interval If 2d or 3d data shall be output as a time average over a certain time interval, the parameter averaging_interval must be set to a non-zero value. The default is averaging_interval = 0.0, i.e. by default no averaging is applied to the output variables.
PA0324 Applying large scale vertical motion is not allowed for ocean runs Large scale subsidence is only reasonable and implemented for atmospheric runs. The setting of subs_vertical_gradient and subs_vertical_gradient_level is not possible in ocean-runs.
PA0325 illegal value: masks must be >= 0 and <= "..."(=max_masks) If more than max_masks are needed, the value for max_maskes can be changed in modules.f90. See documentation of the user interface and data_output_masks.
PA0326 illegal value: mask_scale_x, mask_scale_y and mask_scale_z must be > 0.0 mask_scale_x (or y or z)
PA0327 no output available for: "..."
PA0328 netCDF file formats 3 (netCDF 4) and 4 (netCDF 4 Classic model) are currently not supported (not yet tested).
PA0329 number of output quantitities given by data_output_mask and data_output_mask_user exceeds the limit of 100 Check data_output_masks and data_output_masks_user.
PA0330 illegal value for data_output: "..."
PA0331 "..." in mask "..." along dimension "..." exceeds "..." = "..." Your masked output exeeds the model domain in x-, y- or z- direction. Check the documentation of masked output and mask_x (or y or z)
PA0332 mask_loop("...","...",1)="..." and/or mask_loop("...","...",2)="..." exceed "..."*"..."/="..." Your looped output mask exeeds the model domain in x- or y-direction. Check mask_x_loop (or y) and mask_scale_x (or y).
PA0333 mask_loop("...","...",1)="..." and/or mask_loop("...","...",2)="..." exceed zw(nz)/mask_scale("...")="..." Your looped output mask exeeds the model domain in z-direction. Check mask_z_loop and mask_scale_z.
PA0334 mask_loop("...","...",2)="..." exceeds dz_stretch_level="...". Vertical mask locations will not match the desired heights within the stretching region. Recommendation: use mask instead of mask_loop.
PA0335 netCDF file for "..." data for mask "..." from previous run found but this file cannot be extended due to variable mismatch. New file is created instead.
PA0336 netCDF file for "..." data for mask "..." from previous run found but this file cannot be extended due to mismatch in number of vertical grid points. New file is created instead.
PA0337 netCDF file for "..." data for mask "..." from previous run found but this file cannot be extended because the current output time is less or equal than the last output time on this file. New file is created instead.
PA0338 netCDF file for "..." data for mask "..." from previous run found. This file will be extended.


coupling mode "...: in ocean is not divisible by ny+1 in atmosphere without remainder

For coupling of atmosphere and ocean, a smaller grid length in the y-direction can be chosen for the ocean, so that the ocean has more grid points in the y-direction than the atmosphere. In this case, the information must be interpolated for the data exchange between atmosphere and ocean. It must therefore be ensured that each interpolation interval has the same number of gridpoints. This is ensured if the following holds:

\[ (nx_o + 1) - INT \left( \frac{nx_o + 1}{nx_a + 1} \right) * (nx_a + 1) = 0 \; , \]


\[ nx_o,  nx_a \]

the number of grid points in the y-direction for the ocean and atmosphere model, respectively.
To avoid this error ensure that the above equation is fulfilled.


coupling mode "...": ny+1 in ocean is not divisible by ny+1 in atmosphere without remainder

For coupling of atmosphere and ocean, a smaller grid length in the y-direction can be chosen for the ocean, so that the ocean has more grid points in the y-direction than the atmosphere. In this case, the information must be interpolated for the data exchange between atmosphere and ocean. It must therefore be ensured that each interpolation interval has the same number of gridpoints. This is ensured if the following holds:

\[ (ny_o + 1) - INT \left( \frac{ny_o + 1}{ny_a + 1} \right) * (ny_a + 1) = 0 \; , \]


\[ ny_o,  ny_a \]

the number of grid points in the y-direction for the ocean and atmosphere model, respectively.
To avoid this error ensure that the above equation is fulfilled.

PA0341 non-default setting of dz_soil does not allow to use pavement_type /= 0)Currently it is not possible to asign a user-defined number of soil layers when using pavement_type /= 0 as the individual depths of the pavements are fixed values.
PA0342 'pavement_type = 0 (user_defined) requires setting of pavement_heat_conduct /= 9999999.9 In case of a user-defined pavement type, the heat conductivity of the pavement must be given
PA0343 initializing_actions = 'initialize_vortex' is not allowed with conserve_volume_flow = .T.
PA0344 psolver must be called at each RK3 substep when 'ws-scheme' is used for momentum_advec. The use of 5th-order advection scheme for the momentum equations requires a sufficiently large reduction of flow divergence to minimize numerical errors. See here.
PA0345 uv_heights(1) must be 0.0
PA0346 u_profile(1) and v_profile(1) must be 0.0
PA0347 Coriolis force must be switched off... Construction of the initial wind profile by means of u_profile and v_profile can only be used when the flow is NOT forced by a geostrophic wind (equilibrium between pressure gradient and Coriolis force), hence, when omega = 0.0 is set. Otherwise, inconsistencies in the flow forcing would occur. The u/v_profile mechanism is typically used for wind-tunnel applications, where Coriolis force is neglected.
PA0348 Not used anymore.
PA0349 Not used anymore.
PA0350 unknown collision kernel: collision_kernel = "..." see package parameter collision_kernel for allowed values
PA0351 heatflux must not be set for pure neutral flow Inipar parameter neutral = .TRUE. has been set, but non-zero values for parameters surface_heatflux and / or top_heatflux are given at the same time. This is not allowed for simulating a flow with pure neutral stratification where the temperature equation is switched off. Check your parameter file.
PA0352 pavement_type = 0 (user_defined) requires setting of z0_pavement /= 9999999.9 In case of a user-defined pavement type, the roughness length must be given by the user
PA0353 pavement_type = 0 (user_defined) requires setting of z0h_pavement /= 9999999.9 In case of a user-defined pavement type, the roughness length must be given by the user
PA0354 It is not allowed to arrange more than 100 profiles with cross_profiles. Apart from that, all profiles are saved to the netCDF file. All profiles are written to the netCDF file. Only the first 100 profiles will be plotted by palmplot pr with var=cross_profiles (default). To see all profiles, add the parameter var=all to palmplot pr.
PA0355 netcdf_deflate out of range
given value: ..., allowed range: 0-9
Set d3par-parameter netcdf_deflate to a value within the allowed range
PA0356 netcdf_deflate reset to 0 You have set netcdf_data_format /= 3 and netcdf_deflate > 0 in the d3par-NAMELIST. However, data compression only works for the NetCDF4/HDF5 non-parallel format (netcdf_data_format = 3).
PA0357 unknown cloud microphysics scheme cloud_scheme = "..." Unknown cloud microphysics scheme. Allowed cloud microphysics schemes are "saturation_adjust", "kessler" or "seifert_beheng".
PA0358 data_output_pr = '...' is not implemented for cloud_scheme /= seifert_beheng Output of profiles of rain drop number concentration (nr) or rain water content (qr) is only allowed for cloud_scheme = "seifert_beheng".
PA0359 output of "..." requires cloud_scheme = seifert_beheng Output of 3d-data or cross-sections of rain drop number concentration (nr) or rain water content (qr) is only allowed for cloud_scheme = "seifert_beheng".
PA0360 plant_canopy = .TRUE. requires cloud_scheme /= seifert_beheng It is not allowed to use plant_canopy with the cloud_scheme = "seifert_beheng".
PA0361 output of ssws requires passive_scalar=.TRUE. Variables connected with passive_scalar, e.g. like the resolved-scale turbulent scalar flux w*s*, can only be output if passive_scalar = .TRUE.
PA0362 cloud_scheme = seifert_beheng requires loop_optimization = "cache" or "vector" Currently, the cloud microphysics scheme according to Seifert and Beheng (2006) is only available for loop_optimization = "cache" or "vector"
PA0363 No time dependent surface variables in LSF_DATA for end of run found PALM detected an end-of-file condition for the surface values in LSF_DATA and aborts. Possible reasons could be that no time dependent surface variables are provided in the large scale forcing file.
PA0364 zu(k) = ... m is higher than the maximum height in NUDING_DATA which is ...m. Interpolation on PALM grid is not possible. NUDGING_DATA has a maximum vertical height that is smaller than the vertical extent of the grid used in PALM. Hence, interpolation of the NUDING_DATA onto the PALM grid is not possible. Reduce either the vertical extent of the PALM modeling domain or enlarge the NUDING_DATA file correspondingly. Note: it is also possible that your file NUDGING_DATA is not formatted correctly and that there has been an error while reading it.
PA0365 file NUDGING_DATA does not exist Make sure that the file basename_nudge containing the nudging profiles as described in NUDGING_DATA is provided in the INPUT folder of the respective run on the host where the job is running.
PA0366 errors in file NUDGING_DATA PALM has problems reading the file basename_nudge. Possible reasons could be that the format described in NUDGING_DATA is not followed closely.
PA0367 unknown prognostic variable ... The tendency due to nudging can only be applied to the prognostic variable u, v, pt and q. Make sure that one of the variables is used.
PA0368 file LSF_DATA does not exist Make sure that the file basename_lsf containing surface fluxes, surface temperature, humidity and pressure as well as profiles of the geostrophic wind components and large scale subsidence described in LSF_DATA is provided in the INPUT folder of the respective run on the host where the job is running.
PA0369 errors in file LSF_DATA PALM has problems reading the file basename_lsf. Possible reasons could be that the format described in LSF_DATA is not followed closely.
PA0370 Initial profiles of u, v and scalars from NUDGING_DATA are used. Informative message that initial profiles from the nudging file are used.
PA0371 'Time dependent surface variables in LSF_DATA set in after end of simulation - lsf_surf is set to FALSE' This messages appears in the case that the first time step of the surface values read in from LSF_DATA is larger than the end time of the simulation. In this case the surface heat and water fluxes prescribed in LSF_DATA cannot be used.
PA0372 No time dependent vertical profiles in LSF_DATA for end of run found PALM detected an end-of-file condition for the profile data in LSF_DATA and aborts. Possible reasons could be that no time dependent profile data is provided in the large scale forcing file.
PA0373 Time dependent large scale profile forcing from LSF_DATA sets in after end of simulation - lsf_vert is set to FALSE This messages appears in the case that the first time step of the profile data read in from LSF_DATA is larger than the end time of the simulation. In this case the geostrophic wind profiles and large scale subsidence profile prescribed in LSF_DATA cannot be used.
PA0374 Nudging requires large_scale_forcing = .T.. Surface fluxes and geostrophic wind should be prescribed in file LSF_DATA In order to use nudging it is required to use large_scale_forcing = .T., too. The surface values and profiles needed in LSF_DATA should correspond to the data provided in NUDGING_DATA.
PA0375 Non-cyclic lateral boundaries do not allow for the usage of large scale forcing from external file. Large scale forcing (and also nudging) are not implemented/tested for non-cyclic boundary conditions so far.
PA0376 The usage of large scale forcing from external file LSF_DATA requires humidity = .T.. If you want to use large_scale_forcing (and also nudging) from an external file, you need to run PALM with humidity.
PA0377 The usage of large scale forcing from external file LSF_DATA is not implemented for non-flat topography Please use topography = 'flat' or refrain from using large scale forcing.
PA0378 The usage of large scale forcing from external file LSF_DATA is not implemented for ocean runs Please use ocean = .F. or refrain from using large scale forcing.
PA0379 water_type = 0 (user_defined) requires setting of water_temperature /= 9999999.9 When the water type is set to be user-defined, a water temperature must be prescribed.
PA0380 There is no default large scale vertical velocity profile set. Specify the subsidence velocity profile via subs_vertical_gradient and subs_vertical_gradient_level. With large_scale_subsidence = .T. but without large_scale_forcing a profile for the subsidence velocity w_subs has to be prescribed. See subs_vertical_gradient_level.
PA0381 Enable usage of large scale subsidence by setting large_scale_subsidence = .T.. subs_vertical_gradient_level requires large_scale_subsidence = .T..
PA0382 data_output_pr = w_subs is not implemented for large_scale_subsidence = .FALSE. w_subs can only be part of the profile output if large_scale_subsidence = .T..
PA0383 netCDF file formats 5 (parallel netCDF 4) and 6 (parallel netCDF 4 Classic model) are currently not supported (not yet tested) for masked data. Using respective non-parallel output for masked data. So far, parallel NetCDF output is not available for masked data. If the user is setting the parameter netcdf_data_format to five or six for getting parallel output, netcdf_data_format is set internally to three or four for masked data.


Output of xy cross-sections is not given at t='...' because the maximum number of output time levels is exceeded.

In case of parallel NetCDF output, the time dimension is limited for increasing the performance. The number of time levels is calculated at the beginning of the simulation by the formula:

\[ \frac{end\_time - skip\_time\_do2d\_xy}{dt\_do2d\_xy} \; . \]

The parameters end_time, skip_time_do2d_xy and dt_do2d_xy can be set by the user. If this limit is exceeded, this warning is given and an output of xy-sections is not done anymore.
This could be the case if the simulated time exceeds the given end time by the length of the given output interval. In this case, the user can start a restart run and give an output at the beginning.


Output of xz cross-sections is not given at t='...' because the maximum number of output time levels is exceeded.

In case of parallel NetCDF output, the time dimension is limited for increasing the performance. The number of time levels is calculated at the beginning of the simulation by the formula:

\[ \frac{end\_time - skip\_time\_do2d\_xz}{dt\_do2d\_xz} \; . \]

The parameters end_time, skip_time_do2d_xz and dt_do2d_xz can be set by the user. If this limit is exceeded, this warning is given and an output of xz-sections is not done anymore.
This could be the case if the simulated time exceeds the given end time by the length of the given output interval. In this case, the user can start a restart run and give an output at the beginning.


Output of yz cross-sections is not given at t='...' because the maximum number of output time levels is exceeded.

In case of parallel NetCDF output, the time dimension is limited for increasing the performance. The number of time levels is calculated at the beginning of the simulation by the formula:

\[ \frac{end\_time - skip\_time\_do2d\_yz}{dt\_do2d\_yz} \; . \]

The parameters end_time, skip_time_do2d_yz and dt_do2d_yz can be set by the user. If this limit is exceeded, this warning is given and an output of yz-sections is not done anymore.
This could be the case if the simulated time exceeds the given end time by the length of the given output interval. In this case, the user can start a restart run and give an output at the beginning.


Output of 3d data is not given at t='...' because the maximum number of output time levels is exceeded.

In case of parallel NetCDF output, the time dimension is limited for increasing the performance. The number of time levels is calculated at the beginning of the simulation by the formula:

\[ \frac{end\_time - skip\_time\_do3d}{dt\_do3d} \; . \]

The parameters end_time, skip_time_do3d and dt_do3d can be set by the user. If this limit is exceeded, this warning is given and an output of 3d data is not done anymore.
This could be the case if the simulated time exceeds the given end time by the length of the given output interval. In this case, the user can start a restart run and give an output at the beginning.


netCDF file for volume data "..." from previous run found, but this file cannot be extended because the number of output time levels has been increased compared to the previous simulation. New file is created instead.'

In case of parallel NetCDF output, the time dimension is limited for increasing the performance. The number of time levels is calculated at the beginning of the simulation by the formula:

\[ \frac{end\_time - skip\_time\_do3d}{dt\_do3d} \; . \]

The parameters end_time, skip_time_do3d and dt_do3d can be set by the user. If the calculated number of maximum time levels between the initial run and a restart run changed by modifing on of the parameters above, a new output file is created.


netCDF file for cross sections "..." from previous run found, but this file cannot be extended because the number of output time levels has been increased compared to the previous simulation. New file is created instead.'

In case of parallel NetCDF output, the time dimension is limited for increasing the performance. The number of time levels is calculated at the beginning of the simulation by the formula:

\[ \frac{end\_time - skip\_time\_do2d\_xy}{dt\_do2d\_xy} \; . \]

The parameters end_time, skip_time_do2d_xy and dt_do2d_xy can be set by the user. If the calculated number of maximum time levels between the initial run and a restart run changed by modifing on of the parameters above, a new output file is created.


netCDF file for cross sections "..." from previous run found, but this file cannot be extended because the number of output time levels has been increased compared to the previous simulation. New file is created instead.'

In case of parallel NetCDF output, the time dimension is limited for increasing the performance. The number of time levels is calculated at the beginning of the simulation by the formula:

\[ \frac{end\_time - skip\_time\_do2d\_xz}{dt\_do2d\_xz} \; . \]

The parameters end_time, skip_time_do2d_xz and dt_do2d_xz can be set by the user. If the calculated number of maximum time levels between the initial run and a restart run changed by modifing on of the parameters above, a new output file is created.


netCDF file for cross sections "..." from previous run found, but this file cannot be extended because the number of output time levels has been increased compared to the previous simulation. New file is created instead.'

In case of parallel NetCDF output, the time dimension is limited for increasing the performance. The number of time levels is calculated at the beginning of the simulation by the formula:

\[ \frac{end\_time - skip\_time\_do2d\_yz}{dt\_do2d\_yz} \; . \]

The parameters end_time, skip_time_do2d_yz and dt_do2d_yz can be set by the user. If the calculated number of maximum time levels between the initial run and a restart run changed by modifing on of the parameters above, a new output file is created.

PA0392 water_type = 0 (user_defined) requires setting of z0h_water /= 9999999.9' If the water_type is set to be user-specific, it is essential to prescribe a roughness length


data_output_pr = ... is not implemented for large_scale_forcing = .FALSE.

The listed entries in the parameter file under data_output_pr are only avialable for large_scale_forcing = .T..


data_output_pr = ... is not implemented for nudging = .FALSE.

The listed entries in the parameter file under data_output_pr are only avialable for nudging = .T..

PA0395 zu(k) = ... m is higher than the maximum height in LSF_DATA which is ...m. Interpolation on PALM grid is not possible. LSF_DATA has a maximum vertical height that is smaller than the vertical extent of the grid used in PALM. Hence, interpolation of the LSF_DATA onto the PALM grid is not possible. Reduce either the vertical extent of the PALM modeling domain or enlarge the LSF_DATA file correspondingly. Note: it is also possible that your file LSF_DATA is not formatted correctly and that there has been an error while reading it.
PA0396 The usage of use_subsidence_tendencies requires large_scale_subsidence = .T.. If use_subsidence_tendencies is used, subsidence tendencies for temperature and humidity are read in from the external file LSF_DATA. However, these tendencies can only be applied to the prognostic variables if large_scale_subsidence = .T..
PA0397 The usage of use_subsidence_tendencies requires large_scale_forcing = .T.. If use_subsidence_tendencies is used, subsidence tendencies for temperature and humidity are read in from the external file LSF_DATA. This requires large_scale_forcing = .T..
PA0398 run will be terminated because user forced a job finialization using a flag file: DO_STOP_NOW: "..." DO_RESTART_NOW: "..." The user can force an unscheduled termination/restart of the running job by creating one of the flag files DO_STOP_NOW or DO_RESTART_NOW in the temporary directory of the job.
PA0399 lsm requires setting of bc_pt_b = "dirichlet" and bc_q_b = "dirichlet" In case the land surface model (LSM) is used, the surface fluxes have to be calculated by means of surface values of potential temperature and humidity (that are provided by the LSM), which reflects setting dirichlet boundary conditions.
PA0400 lsm requires ...When using the LSM it is required to use a constant_flux_layer and a radiation_scheme.
PA0401 veg_type = 0 (user defined) requires setting of ...In case a user-defined vegetation is used, all LSM parameters must be explicitly set by the user. See veg_type
PA0402 data_output_pr = ... is not implemented for land_surface = .FALSE. The chosen quantity is related to the LSM, but the LSM was not activated.
PA0403 soil_type = 0 (user_defined) requires setting of ...In case a user-defined soil type is used, all soil parameters must be explicitly set by the user. See soil_type
PA0404 output of ... requires land_surface = .TRUE. The requested output quantity is only available when using the LSM.
PA0405 unknown radiation_scheme = ... For a list of available radiation schemes, see radiation_scheme.
PA0406 output of ... requires radiation = .TRUE. and radiation_scheme = "rrtmg"The requested output quantity is only available when using the RRTMG radiation_scheme.
PA0407 radiation_scheme = "rrtmg" requires compilation of PALM with pre-processor directive -DrrtmgIn order to use RRTMG, the radiation code must be installed as external (shared or static) library and PALM must be compiled with -D__rrtmg listed in the %cpp_options. For further details, see here
PA0408 data_output_pr = ... is not available for radiation = .FALSE. or radiation_scheme = "constant"The desired output (here radiation fluxes) is only available for radiation_scheme = "clear-sky" or "rrtmg".
PA0409 output of ... requires radiation = .TRUE. and radiation_scheme = "rrtmg" The desired output (here: surface albedos) is only available when using radiation_scheme = "rrtmg"
PA0410 radiation_scheme = "clear-sky" in combination with albedo_type = 0 requires setting of albedo /= 9999999.9' The choice of a user-defined albedo requires manual setting of the albedo as there is no default value set. See radiation_scheme
PA0411 radiation_scheme = "rrtmg" in combination with albedo_type = 0 requires setting of albedo_lw_dif /= 9999999.9, albedo_lw_dir /= 9999999.9, albedo_sw_dif /= 9999999.9 and albedo_sw_dir /= 9999999.9 The choice of a user-defined albedo requires manual setting of all four albedos for direct/diffuse longwave/shortwave radiation as there is no default value set. See radiation_scheme
PA0412 radiation_scheme = "rrtmg" requires the use of NetCDF (preprocessor directive -Dnetcdf' The RRTMG library reads atmospheric profiles unsing NetCDF by default. Therefore NetCDf must be activated when using RRTMG.
PA0413 data_output_pr = "..." is not avalable for radiation = .FALSE. or radiation_scheme /= "rrtmg" Radiative heating rates are only available when using the full RRTMG radiation scheme.
PA0414 radiation scheme cannot be used in combination with topography /= "flat" At the moment, the radiation schemes are not adapted for use with non-flat topography
PA0415 water_type = 0 (user_defined) requires setting of z0_water /= 9999999.9' If the water_type is set to be user-specific, it is essential to prescribe a roughness length
PA0416 most_method = "..." is unknown Allowed values for most_method are "circular", "newton", or "lookup".
PA0417 illegal nesting mode: ... Allowed values for nesting_mode are 'one-way', 'two-way' or 'vertical'.
PA0418 illegal nesting datatransfer mode: ... Allowed values for nesting_datatransfer_mode are 'cascade', 'mixed' or 'overlap'.
PA0419 mismatch between root model and client settings
<parameter name>(root) = ...
<parameter name>(client) = ...
client value is set to root value
The displayed parameter has been assigned different values for the root domain and a client domain (the id of the client domain is listed in the first line of the message) but it must have the same value for all domains. PALM automatically adjusts the client domain value to the one given for the root domain. In order to get rid of this warning message, adjust the parameter in the respective NAMELIST-parameter file of the client (or root) domain.
PA0420 Not used anymore.
PA0421 recycling_yshift = .T. requires more than one processor in y direction The distance of the y-shift is calculated by INT( npey / 2 ). With only one processor in y direction, no y-shift is possible.
PA0422 data_output_pr = ... is not available for cloud_scheme = saturation_adjust If the output is not necessary, delete the variable from the namelist. If it is necessary, use cloud_scheme = kessler or seifert_beheng.
PA0423 output of "..." is not available for cloud_scheme = saturation_adjust If the output is not necessary, delete the variable from the namelist. If it is necessary, use cloud_scheme = kessler or seifert_beheng.
PA0424 roughness_length must be smaller than dz/2 The roughness length has to be smaller than the constant flux layer, which is dz/2.
PA0425 nested child domain does not fit into its parent domain A nest domain does not completely fit in its parent domain, or in case of vertical nesting mode, the horizontal boundaries of a nest domain do not exactly match the horizontal boundaries of its parent domain.
PA0426 nested parallel child domains overlap Two or more parallel nest domains overlap each other in space. Parallel nest domains must never overlap.
PA0427 at least one dimension of lower left corner of one domain is not 0. All lower left corners were set to (0, 0) In case of vertical nesting mode all domains must have lower left corner at x=0, y=0. If defined otherwise in PARIN, palm will reset it.
PA0428 bc_lr and bc_ns were set to cyclic for vertical nesting In case of vertical nesting mode bc_lr and bc_ns must be cyclic for all domains. If defined otherwise in PARIN_*, palm will reset them.
PA0429 parent buffer too small Pmc: parent buffer too small
PA0430 hole(s) resolved by only one grid point were filled Topography was filtered, i.e. holes resolved by only one grid point are filled. These holes are suspected to possibly lead to a velocity blow-up. Moreover, continuity equation cannot be fulfilled in such holes on a discrete grid.
PA0431 Start x position is outside the model domain Start position for virtual flight must be within the model domain.
PA0432 Start y position is outside the model domain Start position for virtual flight must be within the model domain.
PA0433 Cyclic flight leg does not match lateral boundary condition Virtual flights can only be in cyclic-mode if lateral model boundary are cyclic.
PA0434 Flight leg or parts of it are outside the model domain End position must be within the model domain in case of return-legs.
PA0435 Unknown flight mode leg_mode can either be 'cyclic' or 'return'.
PA0436 x_start position must be <= x_end position for return legs For return legs x start position must be <= x end position.
PA0437 y_start position must be <= y_end position for return legs For return legs y start position must be <= y end position.
PA0438 Flight level is outside the model domain Flight level is above domain top or below 0.
PA0439 netcdf_data_format must be > 2 Data output for virtual flights has 4 unlimited dimensions - time, x-, y-, and z-position. Unfortunately, assignment of more than one unlimited dimension per NC file is only possible with NetCDF4 / HDF5.
PA0440 The usage of large scale forcing from external file LSF_DATA is not implemented for passive scalars So far, large-scale forcing for passive scalars is not implemented.
PA0441 boundary condition: bc_s_t = "..." is not allowed with top_scalarflux /= 0.0' You have tried to set both, a Dirichlet boundary condition for scalar at the top (with bc_s_t = 'dirichlet' ), or an initial-gradient boundary condition, and a scalar flux at the top (with top_scalarflux /= 0.0).
PA0442 cloud_physics = .TRUE. is not allowed with cloud_droplets = .TRUE. Either second-order moment adjustment scheme or Lagrangian cloud physics can be applied, not both at the same time
PA0443 wall_heatflux additionally requires setting of surface_heatflux As wall_heatflux only describes the kinematic flux at topography walls at non-zero height levels, additional setting of surface_heatflux is required for the kinematic flux at the surface.
PA0444 wall_humidityflux additionally requires setting of surface_waterflux As wall_humidityflux only describes the kinematic flux at topography walls at non-zero height levels, additional setting of surface_waterflux is required for the kinematic flux at the surface.
PA0445 wall_scalarflux additionally requires setting of surface_scalarflux As wall_scalarflux only describes the kinematic flux at topography walls at non-zero height levels, additional setting of surface_scalarflux is required for the kinematic flux at the surface.
PA0446 unknown approximation This error message appears if the parameter approximation is not set to one of the allowed values 'boussinesq' or 'anelastic'.
PA0447 invalid advection scheme The anelastic approximation requires: momentum_advec = 'ws-scheme'. Currently no other advection scheme is allowed with approximation = 'anelastic'.
PA0448 invalid pressure solver The anelastic approximation requires: psolver to be set to one of 'poisfft', 'sor' or 'multigrid_noopt'. Currently no other pressure solver is allowed with approximation = 'anelastic'.
PA0449 volume flow conservation not allowed The anelastic approximation is not allowed with: conserve_volume_flow = .TRUE.
PA0450 unknown flux input mode This error message appears if the parameter flux_input_mode is not set to one of the allowed values 'dynamic', 'kinematic' or 'approximation-specific'.
PA0451 unknown flux output mode This error message appears if the parameter flux_output_mode is not set to one of the allowed values 'dynamic', 'kinematic' or 'approximation-specific'.
PA0452 no nopointer version for USM The urban surface module (USM) so far only runs with POINTER version. Pre-processor directive -D__nopointer must not be used.
PA0453 incompatible integer arithmetic This error message appears if the compiler integer arithmetic is not compatible with the assumptions made for the parallel random number generator.
PA0454 problem in attempt to allocate memory This error message appears if the parallel random number generator is not able to allocate sufficient memory.
PA0455 Tunnel width too small tunnel_width_y - 2.0*tunnel_wall_depth must be > 2*dy
PA0456 Tunnel width too large tunnel_width_y must be <= (ny+1)*dy
PA0457 NetCDF attribute lod (level of detail) is not set properly. This error can occur when you try to input topography data via NetCDF. Topography input via NetCDF enables one of two different modes. Therefore the variable lod which determines the mode internally can only have the value 1 or 2. For more information see topography implementation.
PA0458 soil_moisture must not exceed its saturation value This error can occur when the soil moisture is higher than the saturation moisture for the given vegetation type. Check and may adjust parameters saturation_moisture or soil_moisture.
PA0459 unknown aerosol type 'aero_type = ...' Chose an appropriate value for aero_type.
PA0460 no wind_turbine_par-NAMELIST found: End of file has reached Maybe you forgot to end the wind_turbine_par-NAMELIST with a backslash at the end of the _p3d-file.
PA0461 pitch_control = .TRUE. requires speed_control = .TRUE.
PA0462 omega_rot < 0.0, Please set omega_rot to a value larger than or equal to zero
PA0463 rcx, rcy, rcz have to be given for each turbine.
PA0464 file WTM_DATA does not exist
PA0465 surface_type = 'netcdf' is not supported at the moment' It is planned to allow for setting up the land surface model entirely via a single NetCDF file. This approach will be available by the end of 2017. Until then, the land surface scheme must be steered via NAMELIST and user interface.
PA0466 errors in wind_turbine_par-NAMELIST: some variables for steering may not be properly set See wind turbine parameter for allowed values.
PA0467 y_shift /= 0 is only allowed for cyclic boundary conditions in both directions y_shift defines a shift in the cyclic boundary conditions. It can therefore only be used with cyclic boundary conditions. See inipar.
PA0468 y_shift /= 0 is only allowed for multigrid pressure solvers y_shift defines a shift in the cyclic boundary conditions. The data then becomes not truly cyclic anymore. Therefore, the fft pressure solver is no longer viable. See inipar.
PA0469 unknown aerosol species for bulk microphysics aerosol species must be set to a known type. See aerosol_bulk.
PA0470 unknown aerosol species for lagrangian cloud microphysics aerosol species must be set to a known type. See aero_species.
PA0471 number of soil layers (...) does not match to the number of layers specified in soil_temperature (...) For each soil layer an initial soil temperature must be prescribed (see soil_temperature).
PA0472 deep_soil_temperature is not set but must be /= 9999999.9 Since r2729 the deep soil temperature is no longer part of the soil_temperature array and must be specific separately. The deep soil temperature serves as bottom boundary condition for heat diffusion in the soil model. Note that there is no analogous value for soil moisture as the bottom of the soil can either be set to bedrock (water accumulates) or free drainage (water is lost).
PA0473 Vertical grid stretching is not allowed for complex_terrain = .T.
PA0474 pavement_type = 0 (user_defined) requires setting of pavement_depth_level /= 0 When a user-defined pavement is prescribed, a depth must be asigned that determines how deep the pavement extends into the ground. The pavement heat capacity and pavement heat conductivty are then asigned to all those levels.
PA0475 particle violated cfl criterion this is that some of your particles moves too fast.
PA0476 Humidity has to be set to .T. in the _p3d file for coupled runs between ocean and atmosphere. Set humidity = .T. in the _p3d.
PA0477 In Child model: bc_par_t is automatically set to nested Set bc_par_t = 3 in the child _p3d_NXX.
PA0478 In Child model: bc_par_lr is automatically set to nested Set bc_par_lr = 3 in the child _p3d_NXX.
PA0479 In Child model: bc_par_ns is automatically set to nested Set bc_par_ns = 3 in the child _p3d_NXX.
PA0480 RMA window too small on child
PA0481 RMA window too small on parent
PA0482 Version of binary SVF file "..." does not match the version of model "..."
PA0483 Wrong number of SVF or CSF
PA0484 Wrong structure of binary svf file
PA0485 dissipation_1d = "as_in_3d_model" requires mixing_length_1d = "as_in_3d_model" The dissipation rate within the 1D model can be calculated the same way as in the 3D model only if the mixing length is also calculated as in the 3D model.
PA0486 Usage of radiation module is only allowed if land-surface and/or urban-surface model is applied.
PA0487 namelist ... is deprecated and will be removed in near future. Please &use namelist ... instead' An outdated namelist name was found in the parameter file. This will still work until the next PALM release, but it is recommended to switch to the new namelist name.
PA0489 In case of nesting, spinup_time and dt_spinup must be identical in all parent and child domains.
PA0490 nsurfl from SVF file does not match calculated nsurfl from radiation_interaction_init. Number of surface elements in sky-view factor file does not match the calculated number of surface elements.
PA0491 A different number of processors between the run that has written the svf data and the one that will read it is not allowed.
PA0492 initializing_actions = "..." has been changed to 'set_constant_profiles' in child domain. In a nested run, only 'read_restart_data' (in case of a restart) or 'set_constant_profiles' are allowed in child domain.
UI0001 unknown location "..." The location has to be one of 'before_timestep', 'after_integration', 'after_timestep', 'u_tendency' 'v_tendency', 'w_tendency', 'pt_tendency', 'sa_tendency', 'e_tendency', 'q_tendency', 's_tendency'.
UI0002 location "..." is not allowed to be called with parameters "i" and "j"
UI0003 no output possible for: ... No CASE statement defined for '...'
UI0004 unknown mode "..." The mode has to be either 'particles' or 'slicer'
UI0005 topography "..." not available yet There was no usable user-defined topography found.
UI0006 unknown topography "..." This error message appears if the parameter topography is not set to one of the allowed values 'flat', 'single_building', 'single_street_canyon' or 'tunnel'.
UI0007 canopy_mode "..." not available yet There was no usable user-defined plant canopy found.
UI0008 unknown canopy_mode "..." The requested identifier for the canopy mode was not found in the user interface palm/trunk/SOURCE/user_init_plant_canopy.f90. Check if the spelling in your input file matches the defined canopy mode.
UI0009 the number of user-defined profiles given in data_output_pr (...) does not match the one found in the restart file (...) This will only happen in case the number of user profiles was changed from precursor to main run. See documentation of tubulent inflow for detailed information on the use of restart data for precursor runs.
UI0010 Spectra of ... can not be calculated No CASE statement defined for '...'
UI0011 Spectra of ... are not defined No CASE statement defined for '...'
NC**** **** contains numbers in the range from 1-521 Internally, PALM calls the netCDF function NF90_STRERROR which returns an error message string provided by netCDF. Hence, no exact assignment between PALM error number and netCDF error string can be given. Most of the netCDF errors should never appear if the default code is used. The following list gives errors which may be caused by wrong steering or errors due to problems in the user interface.
NC0079 String match to name in use A netCDF variable name has been used twice. Possible reasons: a variable in the parameter file has been listed twice (e.g. in data_output) or a variable name that has been defined in the user interface is already used by PALM.
NC0253 Name contains illegal characters netCDF variable names consist of arbitrary sequences of alphanumeric characters. These names are e.g. assigned by the user in the user-interface to variables dots_label or dopr_label. Due to the netCDF convention, they must not start with a digit. Also, usage of / as special character is not allowed. Older netCDF versions (before 3.6.3) have further restrictions on special characters.

Please check if your string settings in the user-interface follow the above rules.