Changes between Version 579 and Version 580 of doc/app/errmsg

Oct 5, 2018 12:30:31 PM (6 years ago)



  • doc/app/errmsg

    v579 v580  
    267267||[=#PA0224 PA0224]   || Eeach dz_stretch_level_end has to be ... than its corresponding value for dz_stretch_level_start ... 4*MAX(dz(n),dz(n+1)) to allow for smooth grid stretching  || To allow for a smooth stretching, the distance between [../inipar#dz_stretch_level_start dz_stretch_level_start] and [../inipar#dz_stretch_level_end dz_stretch_level_end] has to be large enough. Please increase the stretching region appropriately. ||
    268268||[=#PA0225 PA0225]   ||x-direction: gridpoint number (...) is not an integral divisor of the number of processors (...)   || The division of the number of grid points along the x-direction given by [../inipar#nx nx]+1 by the number of processors along the x-direction has a rest and is therefore not an integral divisor of the number of processors. To solve this problem you must ensure that the aforementioned division is without rest for example by setting the number of PEs in x-direction manually (see [../d3par#npex npex]) or by changing [../inipar#nx nx]. It might also be the case that you did not think about that [../inipar#nx nx]+1 is the total number of gridpoints along the x-direction instead of [../inipar#nx nx]. ||
    269 ||[=#PA0226 PA0226]   || Eeach dz_stretch_level_start has to be ... than ... || The stretching region has to be defined above the first two grid points (Prandtl-layer). In case of ocean = .T. the stretching region muss below the two highest grid points (surface). Please adjust [../inipar#dz_stretch_level_start dz_stretch_level_start] accordingly. ||
     269||[=#PA0226 PA0226]   || Eeach dz_stretch_level_start has to be ... than ... || The stretching region has to be defined above the first two grid points (Prandtl-layer). In case of ocean mode the stretching region muss below the two highest grid points (surface). Please adjust [../inipar#dz_stretch_level_start dz_stretch_level_start] accordingly. ||
    270270||[=#PA0227 PA0227]   ||y-direction: gridpoint number (...) is not an integral divisor of the number of processors (...)   || The division of the number of grid points along the y-direction given by [../inipar#ny ny]+1 by the number of processors along the y-direction has a rest and is therefore not an integral divisor of the number of processors. To solve this problem you must ensure that the aforementioned division is without rest for example by setting the number of PEs in y-direction manually (see [../d3par#npey npey]) or by changing [../inipar#ny ny]. It might also be the case that you did not think about that [../inipar#ny ny]+1 is the total number of gridpoints along the y-direction instead of [../inipar#ny ny]. ||
    271271||[=#PA0228 PA0228]   || Two adjacent values of dz must be different || It is necessary to specify different values for [../inipar#dz dz] if they are adjacent. ||
    359359||[=#PA0315 PA0315]   ||color_interval(2) <= color_interval(1)   || Two values can be given for parameter [../dvrpar#color_interval color_interval], but the first value must be smaller than the second value, e.g. [../dvrpar#color_interval color_interval] = 0.0, 1.0. For details see parameters [../dvrpar#color_interval color_interval] and [../dvrpar#particle_color particle_color]. ||
    360360||[=#PA0316 PA0316]   ||dvrpsize_interval(2) <= dvrpsize_interval(1)   || Two values can be given for parameter [../dvrpar#dvrpsize_interval dvrpsize_interval], but the first value must be smaller than the second value, e.g. [../dvrpar#dvrpsize_interval dvrpsize_interval] = 0.0, 1.0. For details see parameters [../dvrpar#dvrpsize_interval dvrpsize_interval] and [../dvrpar#particle_dvrpsize particle_dvrpsize]. ||
    361 ||[=#PA0317 PA0317]   ||ocean = .F. does not allow coupling_char = ... set by palmrun-option "-y"   || The palmrun option "-y" must not be used for atmosphere runs. The option is only required for ocean precursor runs, which are followed by [../examples/coupled atmosphere-ocean coupled] restart runs. ||
     361||[=#PA0317 PA0317]   ||ocean mode does not allow coupling_char = ... set by palmrun-option "-y"   || The palmrun option "-y" must not be used for atmosphere runs. The option is only required for ocean precursor runs, which are followed by [../examples/coupled atmosphere-ocean coupled] restart runs. ||
    362362||[=#PA0318 PA0318]   ||inflow_damping_height must be explicitly specified because the inversion height calculated by the prerun is zero   ||See [../inipar#inflow_damping_height inflow_damping_height].  ||
    363363||[=#PA0319 PA0319]   ||section_xy must be <= nz + 1 = ...   || You specified a height through the grid index that is larger than the vertical model domain. Adjust [../d3par#section_xy section_xy]. ||
    726726||[=#PA0508 PA0508]   || z0 exceeds surface-layer height at sea surface and is decreased appropriately at grid point (i,j) = ... || Roughness length must not exceed the surface-layer height. ||
    727727||[=#PA0509 PA0509]   || salinityflux must not be set for ocean run without salinity || You have set parameters {{{top_salinityflux}}} or/and {{{bottom_salinityflux}}} to a non-zero value, and simulataneously switched off the salinity equation. Remove either the flux settings from your parameter file, or set {{{salinity = .TRUE.}}} ||
     728||[=#PA0510 PA0510]   || ocean mode not allowed for nesting || Nesting is not available for the ocean mode. ||
     729||[=#PA0511 PA0511]   || ocean mode does not allow cyclic-fill initialization || Main runs with [wiki:doc/app/inipar#initializing_actions initializing_actions] = 'cyclic_fill' cannot use ocean mode so far. ||
    728730||[=#PA0540 PA0540]   || NetCDF attribute lod is not set properly for buildings_2d. || only LoD = 1 possible ||
    729731||[=#PA0541 PA0541]   || NetCDF attribute lod is not set properly for buildings_2d. || only LoD = 2 possible ||