Changeset 4680 for palm

Sep 16, 2020 10:20:34 AM (4 years ago)

Add option to fix date and time of the simulation; renamed set_reference_date_time to init_date_time (palm_date_time_mod, init_3d_model, modules, parin)

4 edited


  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/init_3d_model.f90

    r4671 r4680  
    2424! -----------------
    2525! $Id$
     26! Add option to fix date or time of the simulation
     28! 4671 2020-09-09 20:27:58Z pavelkrc
    2629! Implementation of downward facing USM and LSM surfaces
    199202    USE palm_date_time_mod,                                                                        &
    200         ONLY:  set_reference_date_time
     203        ONLY:  init_date_time
    202205    USE pegrid
    293296!-- Set reference date-time
    294     CALL set_reference_date_time( date_time_str=origin_date_time )
     297    CALL init_date_time( date_time_str=origin_date_time,                                           &
     298                         use_fixed_date=use_fixed_date,                                            &
     299                         use_fixed_time=use_fixed_time )
    296301    IF ( debug_output )  CALL debug_message( 'allocating arrays', 'start' )
  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/modules.f90

    r4658 r4680  
    2525! -----------------
    2626! $Id$
     27! Add option to fix date or time of the simulation
     29! 4658 2020-08-28 18:15:50Z suehring
    2730! Change default value of dt_spinup
    2932! 4629 2020-07-29 09:37:56Z raasch
    3033! support for MPI Fortran77 interface (mpif.h) removed
    31 ! 
    3235! 4581 2020-06-29 08:49:58Z suehring
    3336! +sums_wschs_ws_l
    848851    LOGICAL ::  urban_surface = .FALSE.                          !< use urban surface model?
    849852    LOGICAL ::  use_cmax = .TRUE.                                !< namelist parameter
     853    LOGICAL ::  use_fixed_date = .FALSE.                         !< date of simulation does not change (namelist parameter)
     854    LOGICAL ::  use_fixed_time = .FALSE.                         !< time of simulation does not change (namelist parameter)
    850855    LOGICAL ::  use_free_convection_scaling = .FALSE.            !< namelist parameter to switch on free convection velocity scale in calculation of horizontal wind speed (surface_layer_fluxes)
    851856    LOGICAL ::  use_initial_profile_as_reference = .FALSE.       !< use of initial profiles as reference state?
  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/palm_date_time_mod.f90

    r4360 r4680  
    11!> @file palm_date_time_mod.f90
    2 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
    33! This file is part of the PALM model system.
    5 ! PALM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
    6 ! terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
    7 ! Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
    8 ! version.
    9 !
    10 ! PALM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
    11 ! WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
    12 ! A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
    13 !
    14 ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
    15 ! PALM. If not, see <>.
     5! PALM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
     6! Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     7! (at your option) any later version.
     9! PALM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
     10! implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
     11! Public License for more details.
     13! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PALM. If not, see
     14! <>.
    1716! Copyright 1997-2020 Leibniz Universitaet Hannover
    18 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
    2019! Current revisions:
    2120! ------------------
    22 ! 
    23 ! 
    2423! Former revisions:
    2524! -----------------
    2625! $Id$
     26! Add option to fix date and time; renamed set_reference_date_time to init_date_time
     28! 4360 2020-01-07 11:25:50Z suehring
    2729! Add days of northward- and southward equinox
    28 ! 
    2931! 4227 2019-09-10 18:04:34Z gronemeier
    3032! Complete rework of module date_and_time_mod:
    4951!> @todo Consider leap seconds
    50 !> @note Time_zone only supports full-hour time zones, i.e., time zones like
    51 !>       Australian Central Standard Time (UTC+9.5) are not possible
    52 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
     52!> @note Time_zone only supports full-hour time zones, i.e., time zones like Australian Central
     53!>       Standard Time (UTC+9.5) are not possible
    5355 MODULE palm_date_time_mod
    55     USE control_parameters,                                                    &
     57    USE control_parameters,                                                                        &
    5658         ONLY:  message_string
    6870    INTEGER(iwp), PARAMETER ::  months_per_year    = 12_iwp                                 !< months in a year
    70 !-- Definition of mean northward and southward equinox (summer and winter half year)
    71 !-- in days of year. For simplicity, March 21 and September 21 is assumed.
    72     INTEGER(iwp), PARAMETER ::  northward_equinox  = 80_iwp
    73     INTEGER(iwp), PARAMETER ::  southward_equinox  = 264_iwp
     72!-- Day of year of the mean northward and southward equinox (summer and winter half year)
     73    INTEGER(iwp), PARAMETER ::  northward_equinox  = 80_iwp                                 !< Mar 21 (leap year: Mar 20)
     74    INTEGER(iwp), PARAMETER ::  southward_equinox  = 264_iwp                                !< Sep 21 (leap year: Sep 20)
    7576    REAL(wp),     PARAMETER ::  seconds_per_minute = 60.0_wp                                !< seconds in a minute
    125126!-- Variable Declaration
     127    LOGICAL              ::  date_is_fixed              = .FALSE.  !< if true, date is fixed (time can still change)
    126128    LOGICAL              ::  reference_date_time_is_set = .FALSE.  !< true if reference_date_time is set
     129    LOGICAL              ::  time_is_fixed              = .FALSE.  !< if true, time does not change at all
    128131    TYPE(date_time_type) ::  reference_date_time                   !< reference date-time
    134137!-- Set reference date and time
    135     INTERFACE set_reference_date_time
    136         MODULE PROCEDURE set_reference_date_time
    137     END INTERFACE set_reference_date_time
     138    INTERFACE init_date_time
     139        MODULE PROCEDURE init_date_time
     140    END INTERFACE init_date_time
    139142!-- Return date and time information
    145148    PUBLIC &
    146149       get_date_time, &
    147        set_reference_date_time
     150       init_date_time
    149152!-- Public variables
    167170! Description:
    168171! ------------
    169 !> Set reference date-time.
     172!> Initialize date-time setting by defining a global reference date-time and choosing a variable or
     173!> fixed date.
    170174!> Only a single call is allowed to this routine during execution.
    172  SUBROUTINE set_reference_date_time( date_time_str )
     176 SUBROUTINE init_date_time( date_time_str, use_fixed_date, use_fixed_time )
    174178    CHARACTER(LEN=date_time_str_len), INTENT(IN) ::  date_time_str  !< string containing date-time information
     180    LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL ::  use_fixed_date  !< flag to fix date
     181    LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL ::  use_fixed_time  !< flag to fix time
    177183!-- Check if date and time are already set
    179185       !> @note This error should never be observed by a user.
    180186       !>       It can only appear if the code was modified.
    181        WRITE( message_string, * ) 'Multiple calls to set_reference_date_time detected.&' //  &
    182                                   'The reference date-time must be set only once.'
    183        CALL message( 'set_reference_date_time', 'PA0680', 2, 2, 0, 6, 0 )
     187       WRITE( message_string, * ) 'Multiple calls to init_date_time detected.&' //  &
     188                                  'This routine must not be called more than once.'
     189       CALL message( 'init_date_time', 'PA0680', 2, 2, 0, 6, 0 )
    184190       RETURN
    190196       reference_date_time_is_set = .TRUE.
    192     ENDIF
    194  END SUBROUTINE set_reference_date_time
     198       IF ( PRESENT( use_fixed_date ) )  date_is_fixed = use_fixed_date
     199       IF ( PRESENT( use_fixed_time ) )  time_is_fixed = use_fixed_time
     201    ENDIF
     203 END SUBROUTINE init_date_time
    201210!> An alternative reference date-time string can be specified via 'reference_date_time_str'.
    202211!> Call to this routine is only possible if a reference time is either specified in the call itself
    203 !> via 'reference_date_time_str' or previously set by calling routine 'set_reference_date_time'.
     212!> via 'reference_date_time_str' or previously set by calling routine 'init_date_time'.
    205214 SUBROUTINE get_date_time( time_since_reference, reference_date_time_str,    &
    241250                                  'Returning date-time information is not possible. ' // &
    242251                                  'Either specify reference_date_time_str ' //           &
    243                                   'or set a reference via set_reference_date_time.'
     252                                  'or set a reference via init_date_time.'
    244253       CALL message( 'get_date_time', 'PA0677', 2, 2, 0, 6, 0 )
    245254       RETURN
    252261       internal_reference_date_time = reference_date_time
    253262    ENDIF
    254 !
    255 !-- Add time to reference time
    256     date_time = add_date_time( time_since_reference, internal_reference_date_time )
     264    IF ( time_is_fixed )  THEN
     266!--    If time shall not change, set new time to reference time
     267       date_time = internal_reference_date_time
     268    ELSE
     270!--    Add time to reference time
     271       date_time = add_date_time( time_since_reference, internal_reference_date_time )
     273!--    If date shall be fixed, revert it to the reference date if changed
     274       IF ( date_is_fixed )  THEN
     275          IF ( date_time%year /= internal_reference_date_time%year  .OR.                          &
     276               get_day_of_year( date_time ) /= get_day_of_year( internal_reference_date_time ) )  &
     277          THEN
     279             date_time%year           = internal_reference_date_time%year
     280             date_time%month          = internal_reference_date_time%month
     281             date_time%day            = internal_reference_date_time%day
     283             date_time = update_leapyear_setting( date_time )
     285             date_time%second_of_year = get_second_of_year( date_time )
     287          ENDIF
     288       ENDIF
     289    ENDIF
    258291!-- Set requested return values
  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/parin.f90

    r4565 r4680  
    2020! Current revisions:
    2121! -----------------
    22 ! 
    23 ! 
    2424! Former revisions:
    2525! -----------------
    2626! $Id$
     27! Add option to fix date or time of the simulation
     29! 4565 2020-06-15 08:30:38Z oliver.maas
    2730! added pt_surface_heating_rate
    28 ! 
    2932! 4564 2020-06-12 14:03:36Z raasch
    3033! Vertical nesting method of Huq et al. (2019) removed
    31 ! 
    3235! 4536 2020-05-17 17:24:13Z raasch
    3336! bugfix for restart data format query
    34 ! 
    3538! 4505 2020-04-20 15:37:15Z schwenkel
    3639! Add flag for saturation check
    37 ! 
    3841! 4495 2020-04-13 20:11:20Z raasch
    3942! restart data handling with MPI-IO added
    40 ! 
    4144! 4360 2020-01-07 11:25:50Z suehring
    4245! removed recycling_yshift
    43 ! 
    4447! 4227 2019-09-10 18:04:34Z gronemeier
    4548! implement new palm_date_time_mod
    46 ! 
    4750! 4146 2019-08-07 07:47:36Z gronemeier
    4851! added rotation_angle to initialization_parameters
    49 ! 
    5053! 4191 2019-08-27 15:45:07Z gronemeier
    5154! bugfix: add recycling_method_for_thermodynamic_quantities to inipar namelist
    52 ! 
    5356! 4183 2019-08-23 07:33:16Z oliver.maas
    5457! replaced recycle_absolute_quantities by recycling_method_for_thermodynamic_quantities
    55 ! 
    5659! 4182 2019-08-22 15:20:23Z scharf
    5760! Corrected "Former revisions" section
    58 ! 
    5962! 4176 2019-08-20 14:10:41Z oliver.maas
    6063! added recycle_absolute_quantities to initialization_parameters namelist
    61 ! 
    6265! 4173 2019-08-20 12:04:06Z gronemeier
    6366! add vdi_internal_controls
    64 ! 
    6568! 4131 2019-08-02 11:06:18Z monakurppa
    6669! Allocate hom and hom_sum to allow profile output for salsa variables.
    67 ! 
    6871! 4079 2019-07-09 18:04:41Z suehring
    6972! +monotonic_limiter_z
    70 ! 
    7174! 4022 2019-06-12 11:52:39Z suehring
    7275! Change default top boundary condition for pressure to Neumann in offline
    7376! nesting case
    74 ! 
    7578! 4017 2019-06-06 12:16:46Z schwenkel
    7679! Introduce alternative switch for debug output during timestepping
    77 ! 
    7881! 3885 2019-04-11 11:29:34Z kanani
    79 ! Changes related to global restructuring of location messages and introduction 
     82! Changes related to global restructuring of location messages and introduction
    8083! of additional debug messages
    81 ! 
    8285! 3806 2019-03-21 12:45:50Z raasch
    8386! additional check for lateral boundary conditions added
    84 ! 
    8588! 3747 2019-02-16 15:15:23Z gronemeier
    8689! removed setting of parameter region
    87 ! 
    8891! 3746 2019-02-16 12:41:27Z gronemeier
    8992! Removed most_method
    90 ! 
    9194! 3649 2019-01-02 16:52:21Z suehring
    9295! Delete debug-print statements
    104107 SUBROUTINE parin
    107110    USE arrays_3d,                                                             &
    156159    IMPLICIT NONE
    158     CHARACTER (LEN=80) ::  line  !< dummy string that contains the current line of the parameter file 
     161    CHARACTER (LEN=80) ::  line  !< dummy string that contains the current line of the parameter file
    160163    INTEGER(iwp) ::  global_id      !< process id with respect to MPI_COMM_WORLD
    224227             turbulent_inflow, turbulent_outflow,                              &
    225228             use_subsidence_tendencies, ug_surface, ug_vertical_gradient,      &
     229             use_fixed_date, use_fixed_time,                                   &
    226230             use_free_convection_scaling,                                      &
    227231             ug_vertical_gradient_level, use_surface_fluxes, use_cmax,         &
    298302             ug_vertical_gradient_level, use_surface_fluxes, use_cmax,         &
    299303             use_top_fluxes, use_ug_for_galilei_tr, use_upstream_for_tke,      &
     304             use_fixed_date, use_fixed_time,                                   &
    300305             use_free_convection_scaling,                                      &
    301306             uv_heights, u_bulk, u_profile, vdi_checks,                        &
    304309             wall_adjustment, wall_heatflux, wall_humidityflux,                &
    305310             wall_scalarflux, y_shift, zeta_max, zeta_min, z0h_factor
    307312    NAMELIST /d3par/  averaging_interval, averaging_interval_pr,               &
    308313             cpu_log_barrierwait, create_disturbances,                         &
    418423    io_blocks = global_procs / maximum_parallel_io_streams
    419424    io_group  = MOD( global_id+1, io_blocks )
    421426    CALL location_message( 'reading NAMELIST parameters from PARIN', 'start' )
    434439          READ ( 11, initialization_parameters, ERR=10, END=11 )
    435440          GOTO 14
    437442 10       BACKSPACE( 11 )
    438443          READ( 11 , '(A)') line
    441446 11       REWIND ( 11 )
    442447          READ ( 11, inipar, ERR=12, END=13 )
    444449          message_string = 'namelist inipar is deprecated and will be ' //    &
    445450                          'removed in near future. & Please use namelist ' // &
    446451                          'initialization_parameters instead'
    447452          CALL message( 'parin', 'PA0017', 0, 1, 0, 6, 0 )
    449454          GOTO 14
    451456 12       BACKSPACE( 11 )
    452457          READ( 11 , '(A)') line
    459464!--       Try to read runtime parameters given by the user for this run
    460 !--       (namelist "runtime_parameters"). The namelist "runtime_parmeters"   
    461 !--       can be omitted. In that case default values are used for the         
     465!--       (namelist "runtime_parameters"). The namelist "runtime_parmeters"
     466!--       can be omitted. In that case default values are used for the
    462467!--       parameters.
    463468 14       line = ' '
    533538!--          In case of a restart run, the number of user-defined profiles on
    534539!--          the restart file (already stored in max_pr_user) has to match the
    535 !--          one given for the current run. max_pr_user_tmp is calculated in 
     540!--          one given for the current run. max_pr_user_tmp is calculated in
    536541!--          user_parin and max_pr_user is read in via rrd_global.
    537542             IF ( max_pr_user /= max_pr_user_tmp )  THEN
    568 !--       In case of nested runs, explicitly set nesting boundary conditions. 
     573!--       In case of nested runs, explicitly set nesting boundary conditions.
    569574!--       This will overwrite the user settings and basic defaults.
    570575!--       bc_lr and bc_ns always need to be cyclic for vertical nesting.
    584589                   bc_s_t   = 'nested'
    585590                   bc_cs_t  = 'nested'
    586                    bc_p_t   = 'neumann' 
     591                   bc_p_t   = 'neumann'
    587592                ENDIF
    589 !--          For other nesting modes only set boundary conditions for 
     594!--          For other nesting modes only set boundary conditions for
    590595!--          nested domains.
    591              ELSE 
     596             ELSE
    592597                IF ( child_domain )  THEN
    593598                   bc_lr    = 'nested'
    616621          ENDIF
    618 !         
    619624!--       In case of nested runs, make sure that initializing_actions =
    620 !--       'set_constant_profiles' even though the constant-profiles 
    621 !--       initializations for the prognostic variables will be overwritten 
    622 !--       by pmci_child_initialize and pmci_parent_initialize. This is, 
    623 !--       however, important e.g. to make sure that diagnostic variables 
     625!--       'set_constant_profiles' even though the constant-profiles
     626!--       initializations for the prognostic variables will be overwritten
     627!--       by pmci_child_initialize and pmci_parent_initialize. This is,
     628!--       however, important e.g. to make sure that diagnostic variables
    624629!--       are set properly. An exception is made in case of restart runs and
    625630!--       if user decides to do everything by its own.
    631636                              TRIM( initializing_actions ) // ' has been ' //  &
    632637                              'changed to set_constant_profiles in child ' //  &
    633                               'domain.' 
     638                              'domain.'
    634639             CALL message( 'parin', 'PA0492', 0, 0, 0, 6, 0 )
    636641             initializing_actions = 'set_constant_profiles'
    637           ENDIF           
     642          ENDIF
    639644!--       Check validity of lateral boundary conditions. This has to be done
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