= PALM group international scientific exchange = ||='''Date ''' =||='''Persons''' =||='''Purpose''' =||= '''From / To''' =||='''Place''' =|| ||2010, 22/08-27/08 ||Siegfried Raasch, Björn Maronga, Theres Riechelmann ||PALM Seminar ||To ||Norwegian Centre For Offshore Wind Energy (NORCOWE), Norheimsund, Norway || ||2012, 19/06-21/06 ||Björn Maronga ||Analysis of Monin-Obukhov similarity functions for structure parameters ||To ||Meteorology and Air Quality Group, Wageningen, Netherlands || ||2012, 05/11-12/11 ||Björn Maronga ||PALM Tutorial / Discussion on future cooperation ||To ||Nansen Enviromental and Remove Sensing Center (NERSC) and Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen, Norway || ||2014, 04-2015,03 ||Tobias Gronemeier ||Implementing and testing a synthetic turbulence generator (DAAD grant) ||To ||Tokyo Institute of Technology, Dept. of Int. Development Eng. || ||2014, 15/04-17/04 ||Zbigniew Sorbjan ||Discussion on Monin-Obukhov similarity and future cooperation||From ||Marquette University, Milwaukee, USA || ||2015, 19/01-31/03 ||Antti Hellsten ||Development of nesting method for PALM ||From ||Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki || ||2015, 31/01-06/02 ||Siegfried Raasch, Farah Kanani, Rieke Heinze, Fabian Hoffmann, Helge Knoop ||PALM seminar ||To ||CPTEC, Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil || ||2015, 09/02-13/02 ||Siegfried Raasch, Farah Kanani, Rieke Heinze, Fabian Hoffmann ||DFG workshop on scientific collaboration with Brazil about boundary layer research in the Amazon basin ||To ||INPE, Sao Jose dos Campos || ||2015, 17/03-19/03 ||Timo Vesala, Leena Järvi, Mikko Auvinen ||Discussion of footprint modelling and collaboration ||From ||Univ. Helsinki, Dept. of Physics || ||2015, 01/06-06/07 ||Shuang Li ||Learning PALM installation and testing setups for atmosphere-ocean modelling ||From ||Zhejiang Univ., Ocean College, China || ||2015, 20/07-24/07 ||Mohammed Bakkali ||Discussion of urban modelling ||From ||UCL Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering, Bartlett School of Environment, Energy and Resources, London || ||2015, ??/09-17/09 ||Fabian Hoffmann ||Discussion of joint paper on droplet simulations ||To ||Yonsei Univ., Seoul, Department of Atmospheric Sciences || ||2015, 18/09-29/09 ||Siegfried Raasch, Micha Gryschka, Fabian Hoffmann, Helge Knoop ||PALM seminar ||To ||Chinese University of Hong Kong, School of Architecture || ||2015, 12/10-16/10 ||Antti Hellsten ||Further development of PALM nesting ||From ||Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki || ||2015, 07/12-11/12 ||Katrin Scharf, Lennart Böske, Siegfried Raasch ||Attending the Fourth International Education Forum on Environment and Energy Science, organized by Tokyo Institute of Technology ||To ||Maui, Hawaii || ||2016, 20/01 ||Ryo Onishi ||Exchange about urban modelling ||From ||Earth Simulation Research Group, Center for Earth Information Science and Technology, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) || ||2016, 15/02-19/02 ||Christoph Knigge ||Discussion of gust research results ||To ||Earth Simulation Research Group, Center for Earth Information Science and Technology, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) || ||2016, 22/02-11/03 ||Siegfried Raasch ||Nesting code development ||To ||Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki || ||2016, 14/04-15/04 ||Johan Schmidt ||Discussion of collaboration concerning implementation of chemistry ||From ||Univ. Copenhagen || ||2016, 18/04-22/04 ||Antti Hellsten ||Nesting code development ||From ||Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki || ||2016, 21/04 ||Jaroslav Resler ||Discussion of building energy balance and radiation modelling ||From ||Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Transportation Sciences || ||2016, 22/04 ||Fotios Barmpas, Nicolas Moussiopoulos ||Discussion about future collaboration on urban modelling ||From ||Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Laboratory of Heat Transfer and Environmental Engineering, Greece || ||2016, 28/04-31/05 ||Björn Maronga ||Research on Monin-Obukhov similarity functions ||To ||Univ. Bergen, Norway, Geophysical Institute || ||2016, 23/05-27/05 ||Edward Ng, Weiwen Wang ||Discussion of joint project Hong Kong simulation results ||From ||Chinese University of Hong Kong, School of Architecture || ||2016, 01/06-07/06 ||Yign Noh ||Working on joint draft paper on cloud droplets ||From ||Yonsei Univ., Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences, Seoul || ||2016, 05/06-10/06 ||Jan-Niklas Welß ||Discussing pure vertical nesting feature ||To ||Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki || ||2016, 13/06-17/06 ||Siegfried Raasch ||PALM installation on KISTI computer ||To ||Yonsei Univ., Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences, Seoul ||