'''High-resolution LES studies of the turbulent structure of the lower atmospheric boundary layer over heterogeneous terrain and implications for the interpretation of scintillometer data'''\\ Responsible: Björn Maronga\\ Project type: [[http://www.dfg.de|DFG]] research project\\ Duration: 01/07/2010-31/05/2012\\ \\ A detailed description will follow soon...\\ \\ == Movies == ||||='''Structure parameters in the counvective boundary layer (2010)''' =|| {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top; border: 0px solid" {{{#!html }}} }}} {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top; border: 0px solid"" '''Description:''' soon.\\ ||||='''Model Setup''' =|| ||Total domain size (x|y|z):||1280m x 1280m x 1080m|| ||Grid spacing (x|y|z):||5m x 5m x 5m|| ||Number of grid points (x|y|z):||256 x 256 x 256|| ||Simulated time:||1.5h|| ||CPU-time:||1.5h|| ||Number of CPUs:||64|| ||Machine/ processor type:||SGI Altix ICE at HLRN / Intel Xeon Gainestown|| ||Visualization software:||VAPOR|| \\ }}}