'''Investigations of self organized and forced roll convection during a cold air outbreak with LES''' \\ Responsible: Jens Kampmeyer \\ Project type: Diplomarbeit (equivalent to master thesis) \\ Duration: 01/04/2009-30/03/2010 \\\\ This Thesis deals with two types of roll convection. \\\\ At first, the laminar scenario conditions from [../../publications#y2005 Gryschka M. et.al (2005)] are used to generate self organized roll convection via turbulent inflow according to Lund T. et al. (1998). \\\\ In the second part, results of [../../publications#y2008 Gryschka M. et.al (2008)] are used for investigate the influence of ice inhomogeneities to so called forced rolls. Therefore the subjection of explicit ice gabs-variation to roll-reaching in flow direction will be studied.