'''Large-Eddy Simulations of Boundary Layer Flows (HOST programme)''' \\ Responsible: Siegfried Raasch \\ Project type: Student exchange programme funded by the [http://www.daad.de/de/index.html DAAD] within the programme "Hochschulpartnerschaften mit Ostasien" (HOST) \\ Partners: [http://gfdl.yonsei.ac.kr/ Department of Atmospheric Sciences], Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea; [http://www.ide.titech.ac.jp/~kandalab/ Department of International Development Engineering], Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan \\ Duration: 01/01/2003 - 31/12/2005 \\\\ The principal aim of this project is to allow students just before or at graduate level (students writing their Diploma thesis, Master and PhD students) to acquire the theoretical and practical basics of the large-eddy simulation technique and to particiate in cutting-edge research with interesting and challenging LES applications. This principal aim implies the following individual aims: \\ 1. Provide basic knowledge of theory and practice of LES by means of lectures and practical training. \\ 2. Further qualification of Diploma and PhD students through practical LES applications within current research projects of the foreign partners. \\\\ Within this programme, three PALM seminars were held at Zingst, Germany from [wiki:zingst03 8-14 July, 2003], from [wiki:zingst04 5-11 July, 2004] and from [wiki:zingst05 4-10 July, 2005].