= PALM Program control = How to set up and run the model, how to process and interpret model output.... {{{#!table align=left style="border: none; text-align:left" {{{#!tr {{{#!td align=left style="border: none; vertical-align:top; width: 25%" [[Image(palmpage_icons_doc.png, 100%, left, border=1, color=black)]] }}} {{{#!td style="border: none; width:25%" The main goal of WP-M3 will be the internal validation of PALM-4U during its entire development process, involving several steps of a well-defined testing procedure, in close discussion with the coordinator (WP-C). These include code revision as well as testing of functionality of the different PALM-4U components and their interactions. Further, continuous performance checks (benchmarking) of the new components will be performed on supercomputer systems, optimizations PALM-4U with respect to computing time and scalability of the code on large numbers of processor cores. }}} {{{#!td style="border: none; width:25%" Feedback of the testing process will be returned to the PALM-4U developers, who will incorporate the revisions during the further code development. The workflow of this entire process is visualized in Fig. 1.\\ An essential goal of MOSAIK is to demonstrate that PALM-4U is able to run with limited computer resources – as it is the case e.g. in city-planning applications. These tests will be done on a demonstration PC with a reasonable number of processor cores. Besides these more technical tests, a verification of PALM-4U against the VDI requirements and a comparison with results from existing urban climate models will be part of WP-M3. }}} {{{#!td style="border: none; width:25%" The testing procedure requires a pre-definition of specific simulation set-ups, covering the main application scenarios. A documentation of the set-ups will be provided on the Trac server, and selected PALM-4U results will be added there at the end of the project. }}} }}} }}} == Model setup == * '''[wiki:doc/app/par Control parameters]''' * [wiki:doc/app/inipar Initialization] * [wiki:doc/app/d3par Runtime] \\ * Optional parameter packages * [wiki:doc/app/dvrpar dvr graphics output] * [wiki:doc/app/parpar Lagrangian particle model] * [wiki:doc/app/lsmpar Land surface model] * [wiki:doc/app/nestpar Nesting] * [wiki:doc/app/canpar Plant canopy model] * [wiki:doc/app/radpar Radiation model] * [wiki:doc/app/sppar Spectra output] * [wiki:doc/app/flpar Virtual flight model] * [wiki:doc/app/wind_turbine_par Wind turbine model] * [wiki:doc/app/parlist '''Alphabetical list of all parameters'''] == Model operation == * Launching a simulation (mrun, mrungui, example of minimum configuration file, Interactive mode and debugging) * Monitoring a simulation (Monitoring batch jobs: PALM watchdog) * Simulation chains (Initialization and restart runs) \\ * Debugging == User code == * [wiki:doc/app/userint/int Available interfaces to PALM core] * [wiki:doc/app/userint/comp Compiling and linking of user code] * [wiki:doc/app/userpar User-defined control parameters (Definition of user-defined parameters)] * [wiki:doc/app/userint/subd User-defined domains (should be specified, no one can imagine what this means)] * [wiki:doc/app/userint/output User-defined data output] = PALM Data I/O and visualization = (to be resorted!!) * '''[wiki:doc/app/iofiles Input/Output files]''' * '''[wiki:doc/app/netcdf netCDF data output]''' * [wiki:doc/app/ncgen Generation of a PALM netCDF file] * [wiki:doc/app/ncexample Example of a PALM netCDF data set] * [wiki:doc/app/maskedoutput Masked data output] * '''[wiki:doc/app/ncl Postprocessing with NCL]''' * [wiki:doc/app/nclparlist List of parameters for PALM NCL scripts] * [wiki:doc/app/idl Postprocessing with IDL] * [wiki:doc/app/dvr Visualization with dvr] * [wiki:doc/app/vapor Visualization with VAPOR] * [wiki:doc/app/img2video Creating animations with img2video] * [wiki:doc/app/img2stereo Creating stereo images with img2stereo] = [wiki:doc/app/examples Simulation examples] = !!!needs special care!!! * [wiki:doc/app/examples/cbl Minimum set for simulating the CBL] * [wiki:doc/app/examples/topo Topography] * [wiki:doc/app/examples/turbinf Turbulent inflow] * [wiki:doc/app/examples/ocean Ocean runs] * [wiki:doc/app/examples/coupled Coupled atmosphere-ocean runs] * [wiki:doc/app/examples/lsf Runs with large scale forcing and nudging] * [wiki:doc/app/examples/rrtmg Run with land surface model and coupled to the RRTMG radiation model] {{{#!comment [[TracNav(doc/toc|nocollapse)]] }}} = PALM Model Documentation = ---- == Model description == === Model formulation * [wiki:doc/tec/gov Governing equations] * [wiki:doc/tec/sgs Turbulence closure] * [wiki:doc/tec/discret Discretization] * [wiki:doc/tec/pres Pressure solver] * [wiki:doc/tec/bc Boundary conditions] * [wiki:doc/tec/lsf Large-scale forcing] * [wiki:doc/tec/nudging Nudging] * [wiki:doc/tec/ocean Ocean option] * [wiki:doc/tec/coupled Coupled atmosphere-ocean simulations] * [wiki:doc/tec/nesting Nesting] === Embedded models * [wiki:doc/tec/microphysics Cloud microphysics] * [wiki:doc/tec/lpm Lagrangian particle model (LPM)] * [wiki:doc/tec/lcm Lagrangian cloud model (LCM)] * [wiki:doc/tec/canopy Canopy model] * [wiki:doc/tec/1dmodel 1D model for precursor runs] * [wiki:doc/tec/lsm Land surface model] * [wiki:doc/tec/radiation Radiation models] * [wiki:doc/tec/wtm Wind turbine model] === Technical realization * [wiki:doc/tec/general General code structure] * [wiki:doc/tec/particle Particle code structure] * [wiki:doc/tec/topography Topography implementation] * [wiki:doc/tec/parallel Parallelization and optimization] * [wiki:doc/tec/user User interface] * [wiki:doc/tec/modeloperation Model operation] * [wiki:doc/tec/data Data handling] * [wiki:doc/tec/doxygen Code documentation with Doxygen] * [wiki:doc/tec/naming_convention Rules of documentation and naming conventions] * [wiki:doc/tec/contributions Code contributions] ---- == User manual === [wiki:doc/app/jobsteering Steering of interactive / batch runs] * [wiki:doc/app/jobcontrol Job control with mrun] * [wiki:doc/app/mrungui Using the GUI: mrungui] * [wiki:doc/app/palm_wd Monitoring batch jobs: PALM watchdog] * [wiki:doc/app/configexample Example of a minimum configuration file] * [wiki:doc/app/runs Initialization and restart runs / Handling of large binary restart files] * [wiki:doc/app/intdbg Interactive mode and debugging] * [wiki:doc/app/packages Optional software packages] === Model steering * '''[wiki:doc/app/par Parameters]''' * [wiki:doc/app/inipar Initialization] * [wiki:doc/app/d3par Runtime] * [wiki:doc/app/nestpar Nesting] * [wiki:doc/app/lsmpar Land surface] * [wiki:doc/app/canpar Plant canopy] * [wiki:doc/app/parpar Particles] * [wiki:doc/app/radpar Radiation] * [wiki:doc/app/sppar Spectra] * [wiki:doc/app/stg_par Synthetic Turbulence] * [wiki:doc/app/flpar Virtual flights] * [wiki:doc/app/wind_turbine_par Wind turbine model] * [wiki:doc/app/dvrpar dvr graphics] * [wiki:doc/app/parlist Alphabetical list of all parameters] * '''[wiki:doc/app/userint User Interface]''' * [wiki:doc/app/userint/int Interfaces] * [wiki:doc/app/userpar Parameters for user interface] * [wiki:doc/app/userint/userpar Definition of user-defined parameters] * [wiki:doc/app/userint/subd User-defined domains] * [wiki:doc/app/userint/output User-defined output quantities] * [wiki:doc/app/userint/comp Compiling and linking] * '''[wiki:doc/app/iofiles Input/Output files]''' * [wiki:doc/app/iofiles/pids Palm input data standard] === [wiki:doc/app/examples Steering examples for special setups] * [wiki:doc/app/examples/cbl Minimum set for simulating the CBL] * [wiki:doc/app/examples/topo Topography] * [wiki:doc/app/examples/turbinf Turbulent inflow] * [wiki:doc/app/examples/ocean Ocean runs] * [wiki:doc/app/examples/coupled Coupled atmosphere-ocean runs] * [wiki:doc/app/examples/lsf Runs with large scale forcing and nudging] * [wiki:doc/app/examples/rrtmg Run with land surface model and coupled to the RRTMG radiation model] === Data handling/visualization * '''[wiki:doc/app/netcdf netCDF data output]''' * [wiki:doc/app/ncgen Generation of a PALM netCDF file] * [wiki:doc/app/ncexample Example of a PALM netCDF data set] * [wiki:doc/app/maskedoutput Masked data output] * '''[wiki:doc/app/ncl Postprocessing with NCL]''' * [wiki:doc/app/nclparlist List of parameters for PALM NCL scripts] * [wiki:doc/app/idl Postprocessing with IDL] * [wiki:doc/app/dvr Visualization with dvr] * [wiki:doc/app/vapor Visualization with VAPOR] * [wiki:doc/app/img2video Creating animations with img2video] * [wiki:doc/app/img2stereo Creating stereo images with img2stereo] === [wiki:doc/app/errmsg Error messages] * [wiki:doc/app/errmsg#PA0001 PALM standard code (PA****)] * [wiki:doc/app/errmsg#UI0001 User interface (UI****)] * [wiki:doc/app/errmsg#NC NetCDF (NC****)] ---- == PALM code development * [wiki:doc/tec/releasenotes Release notes] * [wiki:doc/tec/changelog History of changes (2018-current)] * [wiki:doc/tec/changelog_2017 History of changes (2017)] * [wiki:doc/tec/changelog_2013-2016 History of changes (2013-2016)] * [wiki:doc/tec/changelog_2009-2012 History of changes (2009-2012)] * [wiki:doc/tec/developerrules Rules for developers] * [wiki:doc/tec/palm4udev PALM-4U development] * [wiki:doc/tec/eclipse Code development with eclipse] * [wiki:doc/tec/bugs Known bugs] * [wiki:doc/tec/testsuite Testsuite and Testserver] * [wiki:doc/tec/gpu OpenACC tests] ---- == Machine related informations * [wiki:doc/app/machine/kisti IBM-Regatta (KISTI)] * [wiki:doc/app/machine/hlrnIII Cray-XC40 (HLRN)] * [wiki:doc/app/machine/kyushu_univ Kyushu University Computing Center]