= PALM Tutorial = {{{#!table align=left style="border: none; text-align:left" {{{#!tr {{{#!td style="border: none; width:50%" This tutorial teaches you about the design of PALM, and how to ... - carry out runs with PALM for different meteorological scenarios. - use specific parts of the model, such as the embedded particle model or topography. - understand and analyze the PALM output data. - add user-defined code to the model. - debug errors. At least once a year, we are hosting the 5-day seminar ''An Introduction to the Large-Eddy Simulation Model PALM'', which covers all the above-mentioned topics (Class of 2018 in Fig. 1).\\\\ }}} {{{#!td align=left style="border: none; vertical-align:top; width: 50%" [[Image(groupphoto_2018_small.jpg, width=600px, border=2, link=attachment)]]\\ Fig 1: PALM seminar group 2018 at IMUK-LUH. Photographer: Micha Gryschka (Real-size image [attachment:groupphoto_2018.JPG download])\\\\ }}} }}} }}} {{{#!comment [[NoteBox(tip,The next PALM seminar will be held '''Aug 20-24 2018''' at the Institute of Meteorology and Climatology\, Leibniz Universität Hannover\, Germany. The official announcement will follow in April via the PALM mailing list\, which users are automatically added to after registration.)]] }}} If you cannot make it to the seminar, you could self-study the contents by following the time schedule of this years' PALM seminar (Fig. 1). The respective PDF presentations are available as attachments below ([#normal normal] and [#handout handout] version). At the '''PALM seminar 2018''', we are working with PALM revision number r3115. The PALM code is currently under heavy development (see lecture "Current developments"). To view the code changes since then, feel free to [//trac/browser browse] the repository, or have a look at the [wiki:doc/tec/changelog changelog].\\\\ [[Image(seminar_schedule_2018.png, 710px, left, margin-right=2, margin-top=0, margin-bottom=5, border=2, nolink)]]\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Fig 2: Time schedule of the upcoming PALM seminar 2018, held Aug 20-24 at the Institute of Meteorology and\\ Climatology (IMUK), Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH), Germany.\\\\ == Lecture presentations == ||'''Lecture''' ||[=#normal '''Normal version'''] ||[=#handout '''Handout version'''] || ||[=#parallelization Code parallelization] ||[attachment:Parallelization.pdf​] ||[attachment:handout_Parallelization.pdf​] || ||[=#structure Code structure & features] ||[attachment:Code_structure_and_features.pdf​] ||[attachment:handout_Code_structure_and_features.pdf​] || ||[=#developments Current developments] ||[attachment:Current_developments.pdf​] ||[attachment:handout_Current_developments.pdf​] || ||[=#visualization Data visualization] ||[attachment:Data_visualization.pdf​] ||[attachment:handout_Data_visualization.pdf​] || ||[=#debugging Debugging] ||[attachment:Debugging.pdf​] ||[attachment:handout_Debugging.pdf​] || ||[=#remarks Final remarks] ||[attachment:Final_remarks.pdf​] ||[attachment:handout_Final_remarks.pdf​] || ||[=#fundamentals Fundamentals of LES] ||[attachment:Fundamentals_of_LES.pdf​] ||[attachment:handout_Fundamentals_of_LES.pdf​] || ||[=#nesting Grid nesting] ||[attachment:Grid_nesting.pdf​] ||[attachment:handout_Grid_nesting.pdf​] || ||[=#lpm Lagrangian particle model] ||[attachment:Lagrangian_particle_model.pdf​] ||[attachment:handout_Lagrangian_particle_model.pdf​]|| ||[=#lsm Land surface model] ||[attachment:Land_surface_model.pdf​] ||[attachment:handout_Land_surface_model.pdf​] || ||[=#lsf Large-scale forcing & nudging] ||[attachment:LSF_lecture.pdf​] ||[attachment:handout_LSF_lecture.pdf​]|| ||[=#beginners LES for beginners] ||[attachment:LES_for_beginners.pdf​] ||[attachment:handout_les_for_beginners.pdf​] || ||[=#non_cyclic Non-cyclic boundary conditions] ||[attachment:Noncyclic_boundaries.pdf​] ||[attachment:handout_Noncyclic_boundaries.pdf​] || ||[=#numerics Numerics & boundary conditions] ||[attachment:Numerics_and_bc.pdf​] ||[attachment:handout_numerics_and_bc.pdf​]|| ||[=#overview PALM overview] ||[attachment:PALM_overview.pdf​] ||[attachment:handout_PALM_overview.pdf​] || ||[=#steering PALM steering] ||[attachment:PALM_steering.pdf​] ||[attachment:handout_PALM_steering.pdf​] || ||[=#radiation Radiation model] ||[attachment:Radiation_model.pdf​] ||[attachment:handout_Radiation_model.pdf​] || ||[=#restart Restart runs] ||[attachment:Restart_runs.pdf​] ||[attachment:handout_Restart_runs.pdf​] || ||[=#into Seminar introduction] ||[attachment:Seminar_Introduction.pdf] ||[attachment:handout_Seminar_Introduction.pdf] || ||[=#drivers Static and dynamic input files] ||[attachment:static_dynamic.pdf​] ||[attachment:handout_static_dynamic.pdf​] || ||[=#topo Topography] ||[attachment:Topography.pdf​] ||[attachment:handout_Topography.pdf​] || ||[=#user User-defined code] ||[attachment:User-defined_code.pdf​] ||[attachment:handout_user-defined_code.pdf​] || Further [wiki:doc#Modeldescription documentation] about other model components is available. \\ == Exercise presentations == ||'''Exercise''' ||[=#normal '''Normal version'''] ||[=#handout '''Handout version'''] ||Input files || ||[=#e0 E0: Installation] ||[attachment:E0_Installation.pdf​] ||[attachment:handout_E0_Installation.pdf​] ||--- || ||[=#e1 E1: Convective boundary layer] ||[attachment:E1_cbl.pdf​] || ||[attachment:e1_parameterfiles.zip E1 setup] || ||[=#e2 E2: Neutral boundary layer] ||[attachment:E2_neutral.pdf​] || ||[attachment:e2_parameterfiles.zip E2 setup] || ||[=#e3 E3: Flow around building] ||[attachment:E3_cube.pdf​] || ||[attachment:e3_parameterfiles.zip E3 setup] || ||[=#e4 E4: Land surface model] ||[attachment:E4_lsm.pdf​] ||[attachment:handout_E4_lsm.pdf​] ||[attachment:e4_parameterfiles.zip E4 setup] || ||[=#e5 E5: Lagrangian & Eulerian dispersion modeling] ||[attachment:E5_dispersion.pdf​] || ||[attachment:e5_files.zip E5 setup] || ----- '''In case of any question or problem, please check our [wiki:help Getting Help] page.''' [[NoteBox(tip,'''Feedback wanted'''! Click on the '''New Ticket''' button at the top of the page (logged-in users) to share your thoughts with us.)]]