== DYCOMS == === Purpose === With this example stratocumulus-topped boundary layers can be studied. === Description === The setup is based on the [http://www.knmi.nl/~siebesma/BLCWG/ GCSS] LES intercomparison case [http://www.atmos.ucla.edu/~bstevens/dycoms/rf01/rf01.html DYCOMS-II-RF01] ([http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/MWR2930.1 Stevens et al. (2005)]). It describes stratocumulus convection in the sub-tropics over the ocean. With PALM, a well-mixed, coupled boundary layer with a continuous cloud deck can be simulated. Results from DYCOMS simulations with PALM were published in Heinze et al., (2012). === References === * '''Heinze, R., S. Raasch and D. Mironov, 2012: Budgets of scalar fluxes for cloudy boundary layers'''\\ 20th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, Boston, MA, USA (talk) [https://ams.confex.com/ams/20BLT18AirSea/webprogram/Manuscript/Paper209161/heinze_ams20blt.pdf extended abstract]\\\\ === PALM version === [[CRev(0,995)]] === Required user code === Please find the user code [[attachment:user_code.tar|attached]]. The DYCOMS case requires a special radiative forcing which is contained in calc_radiation_dycoms.f90. Due to this radiation scheme, small adjustments in the Makefile and in prognostic_equations.f90 are necessary. Additionally, prandtl_fluxes.f90 has to be slightly modified. The files mentioned before can be found in the attachment [[attachment:user_code.tar|user_code]] in addition to the user routines. All the files in the [[attachment:user_code.tar|attachment]] have to be placed in the same directory as the user routines. === Parameter files === Please find the parameter file [[attachment:dycoms_p3d|attached]]. === Model run === The basic command is\\\\ {{{mrun -d dycoms -r "d3# ts# pr# xy# 3d#" -X 128 -T 8 -t 14400}}}\\\\ Please set other options, such as {{{-h}}}, {{{-K}}}, and {{{-q}}} according to your needs. Note that this example will require 128 processors for at least 3 hours. If you want to carry out this job with less processors, please adjust the parameter file accordingly. === Monitoring === Please find the run control file [[attachment:dycoms_rc|attached]]. === Postprocessing === The results of the simulation are in accordance with the results of most of the other LES models which took originally part in the LES intercomparison. For a quantitative comparison, the LES data of the models is available [http://gcss-dime.giss.nasa.gov/dycoms-ii/modsim_dycoms-ii_gcss7-rf01.html here].