= PALM Technical Documentation = {{{#!table style="border: none" {{{#!tr {{{#!td style="border: none;vertical-align:top; width:20%" [[Image(wiki:doc:palmpage_icons_wotitle_doc.png, 100%, left)]] }}} {{{#!td style="border: none; width:4%" \\ }}} {{{#!td style="border: none;vertical-align:top; width:80%" \\ PALM core:: Theory behind the PALM core components, such as governing model equations and numerical approaches\\\\ Additional modules:: Description of additional PALM modules, such as the bulk cloud model and the multi agent system\\\\ Technical aspects:: Information about technical realizations of e.g. data handling, code parallelization and optimization }}} }}} }}} {{{#!table style="border: none" {{{#!tr {{{#!td style="border: none;vertical-align:top; width:30%" '''PALM core'''\\\\ [wiki:doc/tec/gov Governing equations atmosphere]\\\\ [wiki:doc/tec/ocean Governing equations ocean]\\\\ [wiki:doc/tec/pres Pressure solver]\\\\ [wiki:doc/tec/turbulence_closure Turbulence closure]\\\\ [wiki:doc/tec/discret Discretization]\\\\ [wiki:doc/tec/bc Boundary conditions]\\\\ [wiki:doc/tec/initialization Initialization]\\\\ }}} {{{#!td style="border: none; width:4%" \\ }}} {{{#!td style="border: none;vertical-align:top; width:30%" '''Additional modules'''\\\\ [wiki:doc/tec/1dmodel 1D model for precursor runs]\\\\ [wiki:doc/tec/coupled Atmosphere-ocean coupling]\\\\ [wiki:doc/tec/microphysics Bulk cloud model (BCM)]\\\\ [wiki:doc/tec/lcm Lagrangian cloud model (LCM)]\\\\ [wiki:doc/tec/lpm Lagrangian particle model (LPM)]\\\\ [wiki:doc/tec/lsm Land surface model (LSM)]\\\\ [wiki:doc/tec/lsf Large-scale forcing] & [wiki:doc/tec/nudging Nudging]\\\\ [wiki:doc/tec/mas Multi agent system (MAS)]\\\\ [wiki:doc/tec/nesting Nesting]\\\\ [wiki:doc/tec/offl_nesting Nesting in larger-scale models / offline nesting]\\\\ [wiki:doc/tec/canopy Plant canopy model (PCM)]\\\\ [wiki:doc/tec/radiation Radiation models]\\\\ [wiki:doc/tec/wtm Wind turbine model (WTM)]\\\\ }}} {{{#!td style="border: none; width:4%" \\ }}} {{{#!td style="border: none;vertical-align:top; width:30%" '''Technical aspects'''\\\\ [wiki:doc/tec/doxygen Code documentation with Doxygen]\\\\ [wiki:doc/tec/data Data handling]\\\\ [wiki:doc/tec/general General code structure]\\\\ [wiki:doc/app/machine Machine-related information]\\\\ [wiki:doc/tec/parallel Parallelization and optimization]\\\\ [wiki:doc/tec/particle Particle code structure]\\\\ [wiki:doc/tec/topography Topography implementation]\\\\ [wiki:doc/tec/user User-code implementation]\\\\ }}} }}} }}}