= Chemistry model (CHEM) = Main page of the chemistry model under construction. Click [wiki:doc/app/chemistry_parameters here] for first information about capabilities and model steering. [[TracNav(doc/app/partoc|nocollapse)]] Since Version 5.0 a chemistry model is available in PALM which computes chemical conversion and tranport of reactive trace gases. In addition, this module permits also the simulation of passive compounds in the gas phase and particulate matter. The chemistry model is automatically activated when a {{{chemistry_parameters}}} namelist is included in the parameter file ({{{_p3d}}}). [https://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/trac/wiki/doc/app/chemdesc OVERVIEW]:: Description of CHEM including the aerosol compounds, deposition and emission\\\\ [https://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/trac/wiki/doc/app/chemistry_parameters INPUT PARAMETERS]:: List of all namelist parameters that can be used to steer the CHEM. Including output steering and initial & lateral boundary conditions. \\\\ [https://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/trac/wiki/doc/app/chemeg EXAMPLE SETUPS]:: Files to carry out example runs using the CHEM \\\\ [https://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/trac/wiki/doc/app/chememi EMISSIONS INPUT]:: Summary of the emissions options and Link to detailed description \\\\ [https://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/trac/wiki/doc/app/chemmech CHEMISTRY MECHANISMS]:: List of all chemistry mechanisms currently available in PALM-4U and link to documentation how to create a new gas Phase mechanism for PALM-4U\\\\ [https://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/trac/wiki/doc/app/chemref REFERENCES]:: Literature about the KPP preprocessor and the deposition module\\\\ \\\\ Click on any icon below to get to the respective part of the documentation.\\\\ [[Image(Button_Overview.png,120px,link=wiki:doc/app/chemdesc)]] [[Image(Button_InputPara.png,120px,link=wiki:doc/app/chemistry_parameters)]] [[Image(Button_ExampleSetup.png,120px,link=wiki:doc/app/chemeg)]] [[Image(Button_Emissions.png,120px,link=wiki:doc/app/chememi)]] [[Image(Button_Chemistrymech.png,120px,link=wiki:doc/app/chemmech)]] [[Image(Button_References.png,120px,link=wiki:doc/app/chemref)]] \\\\\\\\